/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, 2007-2008 Sven Eberhardt * Copyright (c) 2006 Florian Groß * Copyright (c) 2006 Günther Brammer * Copyright (c) 2007 Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Wortmann * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de * * Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed * to OpenClonk. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender. * See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license. */ // game saving functionality #include #include #include #ifndef BIG_C4INCLUDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif // *** C4GameSave main class bool C4GameSave::SaveCreateGroup(const char *szFilename, C4Group &hUseGroup) { // erase any previous item (2do: work in C4Groups?) EraseItem(szFilename); // copy from previous group? if (GetCopyScenario()) if (!ItemIdentical(Game.ScenarioFilename, szFilename)) if (!C4Group_CopyItem(Game.ScenarioFilename, szFilename)) { LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SAVEASERROR"), szFilename); return false; } // open it if (!hUseGroup.Open(szFilename, !GetCopyScenario())) { EraseItem(szFilename); LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SAVEASERROR"), szFilename); return false; } // done, success return true; } bool C4GameSave::SaveCore() { // base on original, current core rC4S = Game.C4S; // Always mark current engine version rC4S.Head.C4XVer[0]=C4XVER1; rC4S.Head.C4XVer[1]=C4XVER2; rC4S.Head.C4XVer[2]=C4XVER3; rC4S.Head.C4XVer[3]=C4XVER4; // Some flags are not to be set for initial settings: // They depend on whether specific runtime data is present, which may simply not be stored into initial // saves, because they rely on any data present and up-to-date within the scenario! if (!fInitial) { // NoInitialize: Marks whether object data is contained and not to be created from core rC4S.Head.NoInitialize = TRUE; // the SaveGame-value, despite it's name, marks whether exact runtime data is contained // the flag must not be altered for pure rC4S.Head.SaveGame = GetSaveRuntimeData() && IsExact(); } // some values relevant for synced saves only if (IsExact()) { rC4S.Head.StartupPlayerCount = Game.StartupPlayerCount; rC4S.Head.RandomSeed=Game.RandomSeed; } // reset some network flags rC4S.Head.NetworkGame=0; // Title in language game was started in (not: save scenarios and net references) if (!GetKeepTitle()) SCopy(Game.ScenarioTitle.getData(), rC4S.Head.Title, C4MaxTitle); // some adjustments for everything but saved scenarios if (IsExact()) { // Store used definitions rC4S.Definitions.SetModules(Game.DefinitionFilenames,Config.General.SystemDataPath, Config.General.UserDataPath); // Save game parameters if(!Game.Parameters.Save(*pSaveGroup, &Game.C4S)) return false; } // clear MissionAccess in save games and records (sulai) *rC4S.Head.MissionAccess = 0; // clear shareware release for non-initial saves in fullscreen mode // do not clear in developer mode, because it's annoying when working on shareware scenarios if (!fInitial && Application.isFullScreen) rC4S.Head.EnableUnregisteredAccess = FALSE; // OldGfx is no longer supported // checks for IsExact() || ExactLandscape wouldn't catch scenarios using more than 23 materials, so let's make it easy rC4S.Head.ForcedGfxMode = C4SGFXMODE_NEWGFX; // store origin if (GetSaveOrigin()) { // keep if assigned already (e.g., when doing a record of a savegame) if (!rC4S.Head.Origin.getLength()) { rC4S.Head.Origin.Copy(Game.ScenarioFilename); Config.ForceRelativePath(&rC4S.Head.Origin); } } else if (GetClearOrigin()) rC4S.Head.Origin.Clear(); // adjust specific values (virtual call) AdjustCore(rC4S); // Save scenario core return !!rC4S.Save(*pSaveGroup); } bool C4GameSave::SaveScenarioSections() { // any scenario sections? if (!Game.pScenarioSections) return true; // prepare section filename int iWildcardPos = SCharPos('*', C4CFN_ScenarioSections); char fn[_MAX_FNAME+1]; // save all modified sections for(C4ScenarioSection *pSect = Game.pScenarioSections; pSect; pSect = pSect->pNext) { // compose section filename SCopy(C4CFN_ScenarioSections, fn); SDelete(fn, 1, iWildcardPos); SInsert(fn, pSect->szName, iWildcardPos); // do not save self, because that is implied in CurrentScenarioSection and the main landscape/object data if (pSect == Game.pCurrentScenarioSection) pSaveGroup->DeleteEntry(fn); else if (pSect->fModified) { // modified section: delete current pSaveGroup->DeleteEntry(fn); // replace by new pSaveGroup->Add(pSect->szTempFilename, fn); } } // done, success return true; } bool C4GameSave::SaveLandscape() { // exact? if (::Landscape.Mode == C4LSC_Exact || GetForceExactLandscape()) { C4DebugRecOff DBGRECOFF; // Landscape ::Objects.RemoveSolidMasks(); bool fSuccess; if(::Landscape.Mode == C4LSC_Exact) fSuccess = !!::Landscape.Save(*pSaveGroup); else fSuccess = !!::Landscape.SaveDiff(*pSaveGroup, !IsSynced()); ::Objects.PutSolidMasks(); if (!fSuccess) return false; DBGRECOFF.Clear(); // PXS if (!::PXS.Save(*pSaveGroup)) return false; // MassMover (create copy, may not modify running data) C4MassMoverSet MassMoverSet; MassMoverSet.Copy(::MassMover); if (!MassMoverSet.Save(*pSaveGroup)) return false; // Material enumeration if (!::MaterialMap.SaveEnumeration(*pSaveGroup)) return false; } // static / dynamic if (::Landscape.Mode == C4LSC_Static) { // static map // remove old-style landscape.bmp pSaveGroup->DeleteEntry(C4CFN_Landscape); // save materials if not already done if(!GetForceExactLandscape()) { // save map if (!::Landscape.SaveMap(*pSaveGroup)) return FALSE; // save textures (if changed) if (!::Landscape.SaveTextures(*pSaveGroup)) return FALSE; } } else if (::Landscape.Mode != C4LSC_Exact) { // dynamic map by landscape.txt or scenario core: nothing to save // in fact, it doesn't even make much sense to save the Objects.txt // but the user pressed save after all... } return true; } bool C4GameSave::SaveRuntimeData() { // scenario sections (exact only) if (IsExact()) if (!SaveScenarioSections()) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_SCENSECTIONS")); return false; } // landscape if (!SaveLandscape()) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_LANDSCAPE")); return false; } // Objects if (!::Objects.Save((*pSaveGroup),IsExact(),true)) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_OBJECTS")); return false; } // Round results if (GetSaveUserPlayers()) if (!Game.RoundResults.Save(*pSaveGroup)) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_ERRORSAVINGROUNDRESULTS")); return false; } // Teams if (!Game.Teams.Save(*pSaveGroup)) { Log(LoadResStr(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_ERRORSAVINGTEAMS"))); return false; } // some scenario components possiby modified in console mode // such modifications cannot possibly be done before game start // so it's runtime data // Script if (!Game.Script.Save((*pSaveGroup))) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_SCRIPT")); /* nofail */ // Title - unexact only, because in savegames, the title will be set in core if (!IsExact()) if (!Game.Title.Save((*pSaveGroup))) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_TITLE")); /* nofail */ // Info if (!Game.Info.Save((*pSaveGroup))) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_INFO")); /* nofail */ if (GetSaveUserPlayers() || GetSaveScriptPlayers()) { // player infos // the stored player info filenames will point into the scenario file, and no ressource information // will be saved. PlayerInfo must be saved first, because those will generate the storage filenames to be used by // C4PlayerList C4PlayerInfoList RestoreInfos; RestoreInfos.SetAsRestoreInfos(Game.PlayerInfos, GetSaveUserPlayers(), GetSaveScriptPlayers(), GetSaveUserPlayerFiles(), GetSaveScriptPlayerFiles()); if (!RestoreInfos.Save(*pSaveGroup, C4CFN_SavePlayerInfos)) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_RESTOREPLAYERINFOS")); return false; } // Players // this will save the player files to the savegame scenario group only // synchronization to the original player files will be done in global game // synchronization (via control queue) if (GetSaveUserPlayerFiles() || GetSaveScriptPlayerFiles()) { if (!::Players.Save((*pSaveGroup), GetCreateSmallFile(), RestoreInfos)) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_PLAYERS")); return false; } } } else { // non-exact runtime data: remove any exact files // No Game.txt pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_Game); // No player files pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_PlayerInfos); pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_SavePlayerInfos); } // done, success return true; } bool C4GameSave::SaveDesc(C4Group &hToGroup) { // Unfortunately, there's no way to prealloc the buffer in an appropriate size StdStrBuf sBuffer; // Header sBuffer.AppendFormat("{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1031{\\fonttbl {\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset%d Times New Roman;}}", 0 /*FIXME: a number for UTF-8 here*/); sBuffer.Append(LineFeed); // Scenario title sBuffer.AppendFormat("\\uc1\\pard\\ulnone\\b\\f0\\fs20 %s\\par",Game.ScenarioTitle.getData()); sBuffer.Append(LineFeed "\\b0\\fs16\\par" LineFeed); // OK; each specializations has its own desc format WriteDesc(sBuffer); // End of file sBuffer.Append(LineFeed "}" LineFeed EndOfFile); // Generate Filename StdStrBuf sFilename; char szLang[3]; SCopyUntil(Config.General.Language, szLang, ',', 2); sFilename.Format(C4CFN_ScenarioDesc,szLang); // Save to file return !!hToGroup.Add(sFilename.getData(),sBuffer,false,true); } void C4GameSave::WriteDescLineFeed(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // paragraph end + cosmetics sBuf.Append("\\par" LineFeed); } void C4GameSave::WriteDescDate(StdStrBuf &sBuf, bool fRecord) { // write local time/date time_t tTime; time(&tTime); struct tm *pLocalTime; pLocalTime=localtime(&tTime); sBuf.AppendFormat(LoadResStr(fRecord ? "IDS_DESC_DATEREC" : (::Network.isEnabled() ? "IDS_DESC_DATENET" : "IDS_DESC_DATE")), pLocalTime->tm_mday, pLocalTime->tm_mon+1, pLocalTime->tm_year+1900, pLocalTime->tm_hour, pLocalTime->tm_min); WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } void C4GameSave::WriteDescGameTime(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // Write game duration if (Game.Time) { sBuf.AppendFormat(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_DURATION"), Game.Time/3600,(Game.Time%3600)/60,Game.Time%60); WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } } void C4GameSave::WriteDescEngine(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { char ver[5]; sprintf(ver, "%03d", (int) C4XVERBUILD); sBuf.AppendFormat(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_VERSION"), ver); WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } void C4GameSave::WriteDescLeague(StdStrBuf &sBuf, bool fLeague, const char *strLeagueName) { if (fLeague) { sBuf.AppendFormat(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_LEAGUE"), strLeagueName); WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } } void C4GameSave::WriteDescDefinitions(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // Definition specs if (Game.DefinitionFilenames[0]) { char szDef[_MAX_PATH+1]; // Desc sBuf.Append(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_DEFSPECS")); // Get definition modules for (int cnt=0; SGetModule(Game.DefinitionFilenames,cnt,szDef); cnt++) { // Get exe relative path StdStrBuf sDefFilename; sDefFilename.Copy(Config.AtRelativePath(szDef)); // Convert rtf backslashes sDefFilename.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); // Append comma if (cnt>0) sBuf.Append(", "); // Apend to desc sBuf.Append(sDefFilename); } // End of line WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } } void C4GameSave::WriteDescNetworkClients(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // Desc sBuf.Append(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_CLIENTS")); // Client names for (C4Network2Client *pClient=::Network.Clients.GetNextClient(NULL); pClient; pClient=::Network.Clients.GetNextClient(pClient)) { sBuf.Append(", "); sBuf.Append(pClient->getName()); } // End of line WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } void C4GameSave::WriteDescPlayers(StdStrBuf &sBuf, bool fByTeam, int32_t idTeam) { // write out all players; only if they match the given team if specified C4PlayerInfo *pPlr; bool fAnyPlrWritten = false; for (int i = 0; pPlr = Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerInfoByIndex(i); i++) if (pPlr->HasJoined() && !pPlr->IsRemoved() && !pPlr->IsInvisible()) { if (fByTeam) if (idTeam) { // match team if (pPlr->GetTeam() != idTeam) continue; } else { // must be in no known team if (Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(pPlr->GetTeam())) continue; } if (fAnyPlrWritten) sBuf.Append(", "); else if (fByTeam && idTeam) { C4Team *pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByID(idTeam); if (pTeam) sBuf.AppendFormat("%s: ", pTeam->GetName()); } sBuf.Append(pPlr->GetName()); fAnyPlrWritten = true; } if (fAnyPlrWritten) WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); } void C4GameSave::WriteDescPlayers(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // New style using Game.PlayerInfos if (Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerCount()) { sBuf.Append(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_PLRS")); if (Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams() && !Game.Teams.IsAutoGenerateTeams()) { // Teams defined: Print players sorted by teams WriteDescLineFeed(sBuf); C4Team *pTeam; int32_t i=0; while (pTeam = Game.Teams.GetTeamByIndex(i++)) { WriteDescPlayers(sBuf, true, pTeam->GetID()); } // Finally, print out players outside known teams (those can only be achieved by script using SetPlayerTeam) WriteDescPlayers(sBuf, true, 0); } else { // No teams defined: Print all players that have ever joined WriteDescPlayers(sBuf, false, 0); } } } bool C4GameSave::Save(const char *szFilename) { // close any previous Close(); // create group C4Group *pLSaveGroup = new C4Group(); if (!SaveCreateGroup(szFilename, *pLSaveGroup)) { LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_TARGETGRP"), szFilename ? szFilename : "NULL!"); delete pLSaveGroup; return false; } // save to it return Save(*pLSaveGroup, true); } bool C4GameSave::Save(C4Group &hToGroup, bool fKeepGroup) { // close any previous Close(); // set group pSaveGroup = &hToGroup; fOwnGroup = fKeepGroup; // PreSave-actions (virtual call) if (!OnSaving()) return false; // always save core if (!SaveCore()) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_CORE")); return false; } // cleanup group pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_PlayerFiles); // remove: Title text, image and icon if specified if (!GetKeepTitle()) { pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_ScenarioTitle); pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_ScenarioIcon); pSaveGroup->Delete(FormatString(C4CFN_ScenarioDesc,"*").getData()); pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_Titles); pSaveGroup->Delete(C4CFN_Info); } // Always save Game.txt; even for saved scenarios, because global effects need to be saved if(!Game.SaveData(*pSaveGroup, false, fInitial, IsExact())) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_RUNTIMEDATA")); return false; } // save additional runtime data if (GetSaveRuntimeData()) if (!SaveRuntimeData()) return false; // Desc if (GetSaveDesc()) if (!SaveDesc(*pSaveGroup)) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_DESC")); /* nofail */ // save specialized components (virtual call) if (!SaveComponents()) return false; // done, success return true; } bool C4GameSave::Close() { bool fSuccess = true; // any group open? if (pSaveGroup) { // sort group const char *szSortOrder = GetSortOrder(); if (szSortOrder) pSaveGroup->Sort(szSortOrder); // close if owned group if (fOwnGroup) { fSuccess = !!pSaveGroup->Close(); delete pSaveGroup; fOwnGroup = false; } pSaveGroup = NULL; } return fSuccess; } // *** C4GameSaveSavegame bool C4GameSaveSavegame::OnSaving() { if (!Game.IsRunning) return true; // synchronization to sync player files on all clients // this resets playing times and stores them in the players? // but doing so would be too late when the queue is executed! // TODO: remove it? (-> PeterW ;)) if (::Network.isEnabled()) Game.Input.Add(CID_Synchronize, new C4ControlSynchronize(TRUE)); else ::Players.SynchronizeLocalFiles(); // OK; save now return true; } void C4GameSaveSavegame::AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S) { // Determine save game index from trailing number in group file name int iSaveGameIndex = GetTrailingNumber(GetFilenameOnly(pSaveGroup->GetFullName().getData())); // Looks like a decent index: set numbered icon if (Inside(iSaveGameIndex, 1, 10)) rC4S.Head.Icon = 2 + (iSaveGameIndex - 1); // Else: set normal script icon else rC4S.Head.Icon = 29; } bool C4GameSaveSavegame::SaveComponents() { // special for savegames: save a screenshot if (!Game.SaveGameTitle((*pSaveGroup))) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_SAVE_GAMETITLE")); /* nofail */ // done, success return true; } bool C4GameSaveSavegame::WriteDesc(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // compose savegame desc WriteDescDate(sBuf); WriteDescGameTime(sBuf); WriteDescDefinitions(sBuf); if (::Network.isEnabled()) WriteDescNetworkClients(sBuf); WriteDescPlayers(sBuf); // done, success return true; } // *** C4GameSaveRecord void C4GameSaveRecord::AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S) { // specific recording flags rC4S.Head.Replay=TRUE; if (!rC4S.Head.Film) rC4S.Head.Film=C4SFilm_Normal; /* default to film */ rC4S.Head.Icon=29; // unregistered replay OK rC4S.Head.EnableUnregisteredAccess = TRUE; // default record title char buf[1024 + 1]; sprintf(buf, "%03i %s [%d]", iNum, Game.ScenarioTitle.getData(), (int) C4XVERBUILD); SCopy(buf, rC4S.Head.Title, C4MaxTitle); } bool C4GameSaveRecord::SaveComponents() { // special: records need player infos even if done initially if (fInitial) Game.PlayerInfos.Save((*pSaveGroup), C4CFN_PlayerInfos); // for !fInitial, player infos will be saved as regular runtime data // done, success return true; } bool C4GameSaveRecord::WriteDesc(StdStrBuf &sBuf) { // compose record desc WriteDescDate(sBuf, true); WriteDescGameTime(sBuf); WriteDescEngine(sBuf); WriteDescDefinitions(sBuf); WriteDescLeague(sBuf, fLeague, Game.Parameters.League.getData()); if (::Network.isEnabled()) WriteDescNetworkClients(sBuf); WriteDescPlayers(sBuf); // done, success return true; } // *** C4GameSaveNetwork void C4GameSaveNetwork::AdjustCore(C4Scenario &rC4S) { // specific dynamic flags rC4S.Head.NetworkGame=TRUE; rC4S.Head.NetworkRuntimeJoin = !fInitial; }