# Goal Description MsgGoalName=Free your Wipf MsgGoalDescription=Locate your little friend, free him and take him to the next settlement. # Dialogue options MsgNextTutorial=&Next tutorial MsgNextTutorialDesc=Start the next tutorial scenario. MsgRepeatRound=&Repeat this round MsgRepeatRoundDesc=Restart this scenario. # Tutorial messages MsgTutorialIntro=It seems your Roger is lost again, he's quite a character! Wipfs tend to spend quite some time underground because of their craving for digging, so you might find him there. For now just proceed to the right. MsgTutorialShovel=There is a shovel over there! Clonks need equipment to perform certain tasks, the shovel is used for digging. Pick up the shovel by standing in front of it and by pressing [%s]. MsgTutorialInventory=Now the shovel is in your inventory, the slots at the top of the screen. The item you have selected is highlighted and can be used. To change the item selection press the corresponding number key (%s) or use %s to cycle through the inventory. MsgTutorialDigging=Now that you are holding shovel, you better use it. Hold [%s] to use the item currently selected. Select the shovel and you can start digging in the direction you are pointing towards. MsgTutorialFirestones=Watch out! The reddish material ahead is dangerous, if you dig through this material firestones will appear. These are fragile and highly explosive, luckily the clonk picks them up automatically when they are in range. Be sure to pick up a couple, they might come in handy. MsgTutorialFoundWipf=Almost found your little Roger, but a patch of rock is in the way. Rock can not be dug away and must be blown. Throw some firestones on the rock, but keep your distance! Click [%s] in the direction you want to throw. MsgTutorialBlastedRock=Well done, you blasted the rock and found your friend! He seems exhausted, bring him some food, for example the mushrooms in the caves around. To drop an item press [%s] or the equivalent key combination for a different inventory slot. Drop the food while standing close to Roger. MsgTutorialFedWipf=That has done him good! And he is off again... Also try to find a way out of here. MsgTutorialDigOutLoam=This way! These orange objects ahead are pieces of loam, dig them out and collect a few. Loam can be used to build bridges out of earth, hold [%s] to construct a bridge in the direction of the mouse cursor. MsgTutorialFragileBridge=Wait a second... That bridge looks highly fragile, and below there is acid, which is very dangerous. You should let your wipf go ahead to probe the bridge since he is much lighter. MsgTutorialMakeLoamBridge=I told you so, it was fragile after all, luckily your friend made it. Use the pieces of loam to construct a bridge to safely pass the acid below and get to your furry friend. Select a piece of loam and hold [%s] to construct a loam bridge in the direction of the mouse cursor. MsgTutorialCompleted=Well done! Let's proceed to the next tutorial. # Wipf name WipfName=Roger WipfDescription=Your furry little friend.