Requirements ============ You can build on Windows using either: * vc9 (Microsoft Visual C++ 2008) you need CMake ( to create the "solution" you might have to set the correct DXSDK include and library directories * MinGW and MSYS plus DXSDK 9 (if you want DirectX support) * Some other compilers and IDEs which are supported by CMake might also work Building OpenClonk requires the Boost C++ Libraries (from It uses the header-only parts of the library, so you don't have to build any of the binary libraries. Notes for MinGW =============== You need gcc, g++, mingw-runtime, w32api, msys, msyscore, autoconf, automake, and any packages needed by these. The versions listed below are known to work, though newer versions are probably also good. (from (see also - The default options work. Use an installation path without spaces to be on the save side. (from - extract these into the same directory as installed above, merging the directory contents - create a shortcut to msys.bat (from - you need to extract these from the msys shell with tar (other methods won't work). This assumes that the archives are in C:\Path\To\Downloads\, adjust the command as necessary: cd / for f in /c/Path/To/Downloads/*.bz2; do tar -xjf $f; done && echo done Get the library package from and unpack it into the same directory as the other archives. If you want DirectX support, get a DirectX 9 SDK from Microsoft. Copy the contents of its include dir to the include dir of your MinGW installation, and pass --with-directx to configure below. Start msys (your MinGW directory, e.g. C:\MinGW -> msys.bat), cd to this directory, and execute: ./ && ./configure && make To compile a debugbuild, pass --enable-debug to configure. Other options are listed by ./configure --help. On subsequent build runs, you only have to execute make. If you want to separate the source directory and the output files, you can call configure from another directory. You can call configure by it's relative path, but using the full path helps gdb find the source files. Example: mkdir build cd build /path/to/clonksource/configure --with-directx CXXFLAGS='-Os' make