# OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org # # Copyright (c) 2009-2015, The OpenClonk Team and contributors # # Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file # "COPYING" for details. # # "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. # See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. # # To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts # for the above references. # This module chooses an audio provider for use in OpenClonk. macro(__FINDAUDIO_FINDOPENAL) set(HAVE_ALEXT FALSE) find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND AND NOT(APPLE)) pkg_check_modules(OpenAL "openal>=1.13") # OpenAL pkg-config data before 1.15 doesn't have .../AL in the include # path. But we don't want to have to specify because some # systems use . So let's see if we find al.h in the list # of directories that pkg_check_modules returned, and if not, add it to # the include path. if (OpenAL_FOUND) # OpenAL pkg-config data always includes alext.h set(HAVE_ALEXT TRUE) find_path(__findaudio_al_h NAMES al.h PATHS ${OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if (NOT __findaudio_al_h) find_path(__findaudio_al_h NAMES al.h PATHS ${OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES OpenAL AL) if (__findaudio_al_h) list(APPEND __findaudio_al_h ${OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${__findaudio_al_h}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() endif() endif() pkg_check_modules(Alut "freealut>=1.1.0") pkg_check_modules(OggVorbis "vorbisfile>=1.3.2" "vorbis>=1.3.2" "ogg>=1.2.2") else() if(MSVC OR APPLE) # We need OpenAL preferably with alext.h. find_path(OpenALExt_INCLUDE_DIRS alext.h PATH_SUFFIXES include/AL include/OpenAL include OpenAL) if(OpenALExt_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(HAVE_ALEXT TRUE) set(OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OpenALExt_INCLUDE_DIRS}) else() set(HAVE_ALEXT FALSE) # Maybe only al.h can be found without alext.h? find_path(OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS al.h PATH_SUFFIXES include/AL include/OpenAL include OpenAL) endif() find_path(Vorbis_INCLUDE_DIRS vorbis/codec.h vorbis/vorbisfile.h PATH_SUFFIXES include) find_library(Ogg_LIBRARY NAMES libogg_static libogg ogg) find_library(Vorbis_LIBRARY NAMES libvorbis_static libvorbis vorbis) find_library(Vorbisfile_LIBRARY NAMES libvorbisfile_static libvorbisfile vorbisfile) if(OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(OpenAL_FOUND TRUE) endif() if(Vorbis_INCLUDE_DIRS AND Ogg_LIBRARY AND Vorbis_LIBRARY AND Vorbisfile_LIBRARY) set(OggVorbis_FOUND TRUE) set(OggVorbis_LIBRARIES ${Vorbisfile_LIBRARY} ${Vorbis_LIBRARY} ${Ogg_LIBRARY}) set(OggVorbis_INCLUDE_DIRS(${Vorbis_INCLUDE_DIRS})) endif() find_path(Alut_INCLUDE_DIRS alut.h PATH_SUFFIXES include/AL include/OpenAL include) find_library(Alut_LIBRARY NAMES alut_static alut) if (MSVC) if(${FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS}) find_library(OpenAL_LIBRARIES NAMES OpenAL64) else() find_library(OpenAL_LIBRARIES NAMES OpenAL32) endif() if(NOT OpenAL_LIBRARIES) set(OpenAL_FOUND FALSE) endif() endif() if(Alut_INCLUDE_DIRS AND Alut_LIBRARY) set(Alut_FOUND TRUE) set(Alut_LIBRARIES ${Alut_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() endif() endmacro() macro(__FINDAUDIO_FINDSDLMIXER) find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(SDLMixer "SDL_mixer>=1.2.11") endif() endmacro() if(Audio_TK) # Already chosen, don't do anything elseif(USE_CONSOLE) # Dedicated servers don't need audio output set(Audio_TK "none") set(Audio_FOUND TRUE) else() # Test for OpenAL __FINDAUDIO_FINDOPENAL() __FINDAUDIO_FINDSDLMIXER() find_package("FMod") if(OpenAL_FOUND AND Alut_FOUND AND OggVorbis_FOUND) # Prefer OpenAL set(Audio_TK "OpenAL") if (NOT HAVE_ALEXT) message(STATUS "Warning: Found OpenAL but no extensions (alext.h). Sound modifiers will be disabled.") endif() elseif(SDLMixer_FOUND) set(Audio_TK "SDL_Mixer") elseif(FMOD_FOUND) set(Audio_TK "FMod") endif() endif() # Search for the libraries again. If the provider was selected automatically, this will be # answered from cache; otherwise (because the user manually selected a provider) it will # make sure the provider is available. if(Audio_TK STREQUAL "OpenAL") __FINDAUDIO_FINDOPENAL() if(OpenAL_FOUND AND (APPLE OR Alut_FOUND) AND OggVorbis_FOUND) set(Audio_FOUND TRUE) set(Audio_LIBRARIES ${OpenAL_LIBRARIES} ${OggVorbis_LIBRARIES}) set(Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OpenAL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OggVorbis_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(Audio_LIBRARIES ${Audio_LIBRARIES} ${Alut_LIBRARIES}) set(Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Alut_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() elseif(Audio_TK STREQUAL "SDL_Mixer") __FINDAUDIO_FINDSDLMIXER() if(SDLMixer_FOUND) set(Audio_FOUND TRUE) set(Audio_LIBRARIES ${SDLMixer_LIBRARIES}) set(Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS ${SDLMixer_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() elseif(Audio_TK STREQUAL "FMod") find_package("FMod") if(FMOD_FOUND) set(Audio_FOUND TRUE) set(Audio_LIBRARIES ${FMOD_LIBRARIES}) set(Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS ${FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() elseif(Audio_TK STREQUAL "none") set(Audio_FOUND TRUE) set(Audio_LIBRARIES "") set(Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS "") endif() if(Audio_FOUND) string(TOUPPER "${Audio_TK}" Audio_TK_UPPER) if(NOT Audio_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Using Audio toolkit: ${Audio_TK}") endif() elseif(Audio_TK) message(FATAL_ERROR "User-requested audio provider not available.") else() set(Audio_FOUND FALSE) set(Audio_TK "none") string(TOUPPER "${Audio_TK}" Audio_TK_UPPER) set(Audio_LIBRARIES "") set(Audio_INCLUDE_DIRS "") if(Audio_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "No audio provider was found") else() message(STATUS "Not enabling audio output.") endif() endif()