/*-- Maze Author: Sven2 Dynamic maze --*/ static g_caves, g_end_cave_x, g_end_cave_y; local goal_cave; func InitializePlayer(int plr) { // Harsher zoom range for (var flag in [PLRZOOM_LimitMax, PLRZOOM_Direct]) SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr,240,160,flag); //SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr,LandscapeWidth(),LandscapeHeight(),flag); SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true); // Position and materials LaunchPlayer(plr); return true; } func LaunchPlayer(int plr) { // Position and materials var starting_cave = g_caves[0]; var i, crew, obj; for (i=0; crew=GetCrew(plr,i); ++i) { crew->SetPosition(starting_cave.X/2, starting_cave.Y-18); for (var tool in [Pickaxe, GrappleBow, SprayCan]) { if (obj = FindObject(Find_ID(tool), Find_Owner(plr), Find_NoContainer())) obj->RemoveObject(); crew->CreateContents(tool); } crew->CreateContents(Loam,2); crew->CreateContents(Dynamite,2); } return true; } func RelaunchPlayer(int plr) { var clonk = CreateObjectAbove(Clonk,0,0,plr); if (!clonk) return false; clonk->MakeCrewMember(plr); SetCursor(plr, clonk); return LaunchPlayer(plr); } func CreateBonus(int x, int y, int value, bool is_cooperative) { var obj; if (Random(value) > 50) { obj = CreateObjectAbove(Signpost, x,y); if (obj) { if (Random(value) > 5) { var dx = goal_cave.X - x, dy = goal_cave.Y - y; if (Abs(dx) > Abs(dy)) if (dx>0) obj->SetText("$MsgGoalRight$"); else obj->SetText("$MsgGoalLeft$"); else if (dy>0) obj->SetText("$MsgGoalBelow$"); else obj->SetText("$MsgGoalAbove$"); } } } else { obj = CreateObjectAbove(Chest, x,y); if (obj) { if (Random(value) > 90) obj->CreateContents(Shovel); if (Random(value) > 90) obj->CreateContents(WindBag); if (Random(value) > 90) obj->CreateContents(TeleGlove); if (Random(value) > 90) obj->CreateContents(Club); if (Random(value) > 5) obj->CreateContents(Loam, 1+Random(2)); if (Random(value) > 5) obj->CreateContents(Dynamite, 1+Random(2)); if (Random(value) > 25) obj->CreateContents(DynamiteBox, 1+Random(2)); if (Random(value) > 10) obj->CreateContents(Bread, 1+Random(2)); } } return obj; } protected func Initialize() { var zoom = 10, cave, n_caves = GetLength(g_caves); for (cave in g_caves) { cave.X *= zoom; cave.Y *= zoom; } // Light at end cave var light = CreateLight(g_end_cave_x * zoom, g_end_cave_y * zoom, 100, Fx_Light.LGT_Constant, NO_OWNER, 100); if (light) light->SetLightColor(0xff8080); // Goal var is_cooperative = (SCENPAR_Goal == 1); var starting_cave = g_caves[0]; var goal = FindObject(Find_ID(Goal_RubyHunt)); if (!goal) goal = CreateObject(Goal_RubyHunt); goal->SetPosition(); goal->SetGoalRect(Rectangle(0, starting_cave.Y-40, starting_cave.X-20, 40)); goal->SetCooperative(is_cooperative); goal_cave = g_caves[n_caves-1]; // Place extra elements in caves (except at start/end) for (cave in g_caves) { if (cave == g_caves[0] || cave == g_caves[n_caves-1]) continue; var x=cave.X, y=cave.Y; while (!GBackSolid(x,y)) ++y; if (cave.n_links <= 1) { // This is a dead end. if (cave.dirs == 8) { // Facing downwards. Hard to reach, but cannot place a chest here :( CreateObjectAbove(Trunk, cave.X, cave.Y)->SetR(160+Random(41)); } else { CreateBonus(x, y, 100); } } else if (!(cave.dirs & 8)) { // Connecting cave without bottom CreateBonus(x, y, 25 + 25 * !cave.is_main_path, is_cooperative); } } return true; }