/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ #include #include // headers for particle loading #include #include #include #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // headers for particle excution #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif void C4ParticleDefCore::CompileFunc(StdCompiler * pComp) { pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(toC4CStrBuf(Name), "Name", "")); pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(GfxFace, "Face")); } C4ParticleDefCore::C4ParticleDefCore() { GfxFace.Default(); } bool C4ParticleDefCore::Compile(char *particle_source, const char *name) { return CompileFromBuf_LogWarn(mkNamingAdapt(*this, "Particle"), StdStrBuf(particle_source), name); } C4ParticleDef::C4ParticleDef() : C4ParticleDefCore() { // zero fields Gfx.Default(); // link into list if (!Particles.definitions.first) { previous = NULL; Particles.definitions.first = this; } else { previous = Particles.definitions.last; previous->next = this; } Particles.definitions.last = this; next = 0; } C4ParticleDef::~C4ParticleDef() { // clear Clear(); // unlink from list if (previous) previous->next = next; else Particles.definitions.first = next; if (next) next->previous = previous; else Particles.definitions.last = previous; } void C4ParticleDef::Clear() { Name.Clear(); } bool C4ParticleDef::Load(C4Group &group) { // store file Filename.Copy(group.GetFullName()); // load char *particle_source; if (group.LoadEntry(C4CFN_ParticleCore,&particle_source,NULL,1)) { if (!Compile(particle_source, Filename.getData())) { DebugLogF("invalid particle def at '%s'", group.GetFullName().getData()); delete [] particle_source; return false; } delete [] particle_source; // load graphics if (!Gfx.Load(group, C4CFN_DefGraphics, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, C4SF_MipMap)) { DebugLogF("particle %s has no valid graphics defined", Name.getData()); return false; } // set facet, if assigned - otherwise, assume full surface if (GfxFace.Wdt) Gfx.Set(Gfx.Surface, GfxFace.x, GfxFace.y, GfxFace.Wdt, GfxFace.Hgt); // set phase num int32_t Q; Gfx.GetPhaseNum(PhasesX, Q); Length = PhasesX * Q; if (!Length) { DebugLogF("invalid facet for particle '%s'", Name.getData()); return false; } // calc aspect Aspect=(float) Gfx.Hgt/Gfx.Wdt; // particle overloading C4ParticleDef *def_overload; if ((def_overload = Particles.definitions.GetDef(Name.getData(), this))) { if (Config.Graphics.VerboseObjectLoading >= 1) { char ostr[250]; sprintf(ostr,LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_DEFOVERLOAD"),def_overload->Name.getData(),""); Log(ostr); } delete def_overload; } // success return true; } return false; } bool C4ParticleDef::Reload() { // no file? if (!Filename[0]) return false; // open group C4Group group; if (!group.Open(Filename.getData())) return false; // reset class Clear(); // load return Load(group); } #ifndef USE_CONSOLE const int C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle(4); void C4Particle::DrawingData::SetPosition(float x, float y, float size, float rotation, float stretch) { if (size != originalSize || stretch != currentStretch) { currentStretch = stretch; originalSize = std::max(size, 0.0001f); // a size of zero results in undefined behavior sizeX = originalSize / aspect; sizeY = originalSize * currentStretch; } if (rotation == 0.f) { vertices[0].x = x - sizeX + offsetX; vertices[0].y = y + sizeY + offsetY; vertices[1].x = x - sizeX + offsetX; vertices[1].y = y - sizeY + offsetY; vertices[2].x = x + sizeX + offsetX; vertices[2].y = y + sizeY + offsetY; vertices[3].x = x + sizeX + offsetX; vertices[3].y = y - sizeY + offsetY; } else { float sine = sinf(rotation); float cosine = cosf(rotation); vertices[0].x = x + ((-sizeX) * cosine - (+sizeY) * sine) + offsetX; vertices[0].y = y + ((-sizeX) * sine + (+sizeY) * cosine) + offsetY; vertices[1].x = x + ((-sizeX) * cosine - (-sizeY) * sine) + offsetX; vertices[1].y = y + ((-sizeX) * sine + (-sizeY) * cosine) + offsetY; vertices[2].x = x + ((+sizeX) * cosine - (+sizeY) * sine) + offsetX; vertices[2].y = y + ((+sizeX) * sine + (+sizeY) * cosine) + offsetY; vertices[3].x = x + ((+sizeX) * cosine - (-sizeY) * sine) + offsetX; vertices[3].y = y + ((+sizeX) * sine + (-sizeY) * cosine) + offsetY; } } void C4Particle::DrawingData::SetPhase(int phase, C4ParticleDef *sourceDef) { this->phase = phase; phase = phase % sourceDef->Length; int offsetY = phase / sourceDef->PhasesX; int offsetX = phase % sourceDef->PhasesX; float wdt = 1.0f / (float)sourceDef->PhasesX; int numOfLines = sourceDef->Length / sourceDef->PhasesX; float hgt = 1.0f / (float)numOfLines; float x = wdt * (float)offsetX; float y = hgt * (float)offsetY; float xr = x + wdt; float yr = y + hgt; vertices[0].u = x; vertices[0].v = yr; vertices[1].u = x; vertices[1].v = y; vertices[2].u = xr; vertices[2].v = yr; vertices[3].u = xr; vertices[3].v = y; } C4ParticleValueProvider & C4ParticleValueProvider::operator= (const C4ParticleValueProvider &other) { startValue = other.startValue; endValue = other.endValue; currentValue = other.currentValue; rerollInterval = other.rerollInterval; smoothing = other.smoothing; valueFunction = other.valueFunction; isConstant = other.isConstant; keyFrameCount = other.keyFrameCount; if (keyFrameCount > 0) { keyFrames.reserve(2 * keyFrameCount); keyFrames.assign(other.keyFrames.begin(), other.keyFrames.end()); } typeOfValueToChange = other.typeOfValueToChange; switch (typeOfValueToChange) { case VAL_TYPE_FLOAT: floatValueToChange = other.floatValueToChange; break; case VAL_TYPE_INT: intValueToChange = other.intValueToChange; break; case VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES: keyFrameIndex = other.keyFrameIndex; break; default: assert (false && "Trying to copy C4ParticleValueProvider with invalid value type"); break; } // copy the other's children, too for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = other.childrenValueProviders.begin(); iter != other.childrenValueProviders.end(); ++iter) { childrenValueProviders.push_back(new C4ParticleValueProvider(**iter)); // custom copy constructor usage } return (*this); } void C4ParticleValueProvider::SetParameterValue(int type, const C4Value &value, float C4ParticleValueProvider::*floatVal, int C4ParticleValueProvider::*intVal, size_t keyFrameIndex) { // just an atomic data type if (value.GetType() == C4V_Int) { if (type == VAL_TYPE_FLOAT) this->*floatVal = (float)value.getInt(); else if (type == VAL_TYPE_INT) this->*intVal = value.getInt(); else if (type == VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES) this->keyFrames[keyFrameIndex] = (float)value.getInt(); } else if (value.GetType() == C4V_Array) { // might be another value provider! C4ParticleValueProvider *child = new C4ParticleValueProvider(); childrenValueProviders.push_back(child); child->Set(*value.getArray()); child->typeOfValueToChange = type; if (type == VAL_TYPE_FLOAT) { child->floatValueToChange = floatVal; } else if (type == VAL_TYPE_INT) { child->intValueToChange = intVal; } else if (type == VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES) { child->keyFrameIndex = keyFrameIndex; } } else // invalid { if (type == VAL_TYPE_FLOAT) this->*floatVal = 0.f; else if (type == VAL_TYPE_INT) this->*intVal = 0; else if (type == VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES) this->keyFrames[keyFrameIndex] = 0.f; } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::UpdatePointerValue(C4Particle *particle, C4ParticleValueProvider *parent) { switch (typeOfValueToChange) { case VAL_TYPE_FLOAT: parent->*floatValueToChange = GetValue(particle); break; case VAL_TYPE_INT: parent->*intValueToChange = (int) GetValue(particle); break; case VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES: parent->keyFrames[keyFrameIndex] = GetValue(particle); break; default: assert (false); } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::UpdateChildren(C4Particle *particle) { for (std::vector::iterator iter = childrenValueProviders.begin(); iter != childrenValueProviders.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->UpdatePointerValue(particle, this); } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::FloatifyParameterValue(float C4ParticleValueProvider::*value, float denominator, size_t keyFrameIndex) { if (value == 0) this->keyFrames[keyFrameIndex] /= denominator; else this->*value /= denominator; for (std::vector::iterator iter = childrenValueProviders.begin(); iter != childrenValueProviders.end(); ++iter) { C4ParticleValueProvider *child = *iter; if (value == 0) { if (child->typeOfValueToChange == VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES && child->keyFrameIndex == keyFrameIndex) child->Floatify(denominator); } else { if (child->floatValueToChange == value) child->Floatify(denominator); } } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::Floatify(float denominator) { assert (denominator != 0.f && "Trying to floatify C4ParticleValueProvider with denominator of 0"); if (valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Direction) { FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue, 1000.f); return; } FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue, denominator); FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::endValue, denominator); FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::currentValue, denominator); // special treatment for keyframes if (valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::KeyFrames) { for (size_t i = 0; i < keyFrameCount; ++i) { FloatifyParameterValue(0, 1000.f, 2 * i); // even numbers are the time values FloatifyParameterValue(0, denominator, 2 * i + 1); // odd numbers are the actual values } } else if (valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Speed || valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Wind || valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Gravity) { FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::speedFactor, 1000.0f); } else if (valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Step) { FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::maxValue, denominator); } else if (valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Sin) { FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::parameterValue, 1.0f); FloatifyParameterValue(&C4ParticleValueProvider::maxValue, denominator); } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::RollRandom() { float range = endValue - startValue; float rnd = (float)(rand()) / (float)(RAND_MAX); currentValue = startValue + rnd * range; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::GetValue(C4Particle *forParticle) { UpdateChildren(forParticle); return (this->*valueFunction)(forParticle); } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Linear(C4Particle *forParticle) { return startValue + (endValue - startValue) * forParticle->GetRelativeAge(); } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Const(C4Particle *forParticle) { return startValue; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Random(C4Particle *forParticle) { if ((rerollInterval != 0 && ((int)forParticle->GetAge() % rerollInterval == 0)) || alreadyRolled == 0) { alreadyRolled = 1; RollRandom(); } return currentValue; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Direction(C4Particle *forParticle) { float distX = forParticle->currentSpeedX; float distY = forParticle->currentSpeedY; if (distX == 0.f) return distY > 0.f ? M_PI : 0.f; if (distY == 0.f) return distX < 0.f ? 3.0f * M_PI_2 : M_PI_2; return startValue * (atan2(distY, distX) + (float)M_PI_2); } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Step(C4Particle *forParticle) { float value = currentValue + startValue * forParticle->GetAge() / delay; if (maxValue != 0.0f && value > maxValue) value = maxValue; return value; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::KeyFrames(C4Particle *forParticle) { float age = forParticle->GetRelativeAge(); // todo, implement smoothing //if (smoothing == 0) // linear { for (size_t i = 0; i < keyFrameCount; ++i) { if (age > keyFrames[i * 2]) continue; assert(i >= 1); float x1 = keyFrames[(i - 1) * 2]; float x2 = keyFrames[i * 2]; float y1 = keyFrames[(i - 1) * 2 + 1]; float y2 = keyFrames[i * 2 + 1]; float position = (age - x1) / (x2 - x1); float totalRange = (y2 - y1); float value = position * totalRange + y1; return value; } } return startValue; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Sin(C4Particle *forParticle) { return sin(parameterValue * M_PI / 180.0f) * maxValue + startValue; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Speed(C4Particle *forParticle) { float distX = forParticle->currentSpeedX; float distY = forParticle->currentSpeedY; float speed = sqrtf((distX * distX) + (distY * distY)); return startValue + speedFactor * speed; } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Wind(C4Particle *forParticle) { return startValue + (0.01f * speedFactor * ::Weather.GetWind((int)forParticle->positionX, (int)forParticle->positionY)); } float C4ParticleValueProvider::Gravity(C4Particle *forParticle) { return startValue + (speedFactor * ::Landscape.Gravity); } void C4ParticleValueProvider::SetType(C4ParticleValueProviderID what) { switch (what) { case C4PV_Const: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Const; break; case C4PV_Linear: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Linear; break; case C4PV_Random: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Random; break; case C4PV_Direction: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Direction; break; case C4PV_Step: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Step; break; case C4PV_KeyFrames: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::KeyFrames; break; case C4PV_Sin: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Sin; break; case C4PV_Speed: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Speed; break; case C4PV_Wind: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Wind; break; case C4PV_Gravity: valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Gravity; break; default: assert(false && "Invalid C4ParticleValueProvider ID passed"); }; if (what != C4PV_Const) { isConstant = false; } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::Set(const C4ValueArray &fromArray) { startValue = endValue = 1.0f; valueFunction = &C4ParticleValueProvider::Const; size_t arraySize = (size_t) fromArray.GetSize(); if (arraySize < 2) return; int type = fromArray[0].getInt(); switch (type) { case C4PV_Const: if (arraySize >= 2) { SetType(C4PV_Const); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); } break; case C4PV_Linear: if (arraySize >= 3) { SetType(C4PV_Linear); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::endValue); } break; case C4PV_Random: if (arraySize >= 3) { SetType(C4PV_Random); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::endValue); if (arraySize >= 4) SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_INT, fromArray[3], 0, &C4ParticleValueProvider::rerollInterval); alreadyRolled = 0; } break; case C4PV_Direction: if (arraySize >= 2) { SetType(C4PV_Direction); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); } break; case C4PV_Step: if (arraySize >= 4) { SetType(C4PV_Step); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::currentValue); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[3], &C4ParticleValueProvider::delay); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[4], &C4ParticleValueProvider::maxValue); if (delay == 0.f) delay = 1.f; } break; case C4PV_KeyFrames: if (arraySize >= 5) { SetType(C4PV_KeyFrames); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_INT, fromArray[1], 0, &C4ParticleValueProvider::smoothing); keyFrames.resize(arraySize + 4 - 1); // 2*2 additional information floats at the beginning and ending, offset the first array item, though keyFrameCount = 0; const size_t startingOffset = 2; size_t i = startingOffset; for (; i < arraySize; ++i) { SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_KEYFRAMES, fromArray[(int32_t)i], 0, 0, 2 + i - startingOffset); } keyFrameCount = (i - startingOffset) / 2 + 2; startValue = keyFrames[2 + 1]; endValue = keyFrames[2 * keyFrameCount - 1]; // add two points for easier interpolation at beginning and ending keyFrames[0] = -500.f; keyFrames[1] = keyFrames[2 + 1]; keyFrames[2 * keyFrameCount - 2] = 1500.f; keyFrames[2 * keyFrameCount - 1] = keyFrames[keyFrameCount - 1 - 2]; } break; case C4PV_Sin: if (arraySize >= 3) { SetType(C4PV_Sin); // Sin(parameterValue) * maxValue + startValue SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::parameterValue); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::maxValue); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[3], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); } break; case C4PV_Speed: if (arraySize >= 3) { SetType(C4PV_Speed); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::speedFactor); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); } break; case C4PV_Wind: if (arraySize >= 3) { SetType(C4PV_Wind); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::speedFactor); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); } break; case C4PV_Gravity: if (arraySize >= 3) { SetType(C4PV_Gravity); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[1], &C4ParticleValueProvider::speedFactor); SetParameterValue(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT, fromArray[2], &C4ParticleValueProvider::startValue); } break; default: throw C4AulExecError("invalid particle value provider supplied"); break; } } void C4ParticleValueProvider::Set(const C4Value &value) { C4ValueArray *valueArray= value.getArray(); if (valueArray != 0) Set(*valueArray); else Set((float)value.getInt()); } void C4ParticleValueProvider::Set(float to) { SetType(C4PV_Const); startValue = endValue = to; } C4ParticleProperties::C4ParticleProperties() { blitMode = 0; attachment = C4ATTACH_None; hasConstantColor = false; hasCollisionVertex = false; collisionCallback = 0; bouncyness = 0.f; // all values in pre-floatified range (f.e. 0..255 instead of 0..1) collisionDensity.Set(static_cast(C4M_Solid)); collisionVertex.Set(0.f); size.Set(8.f); stretch.Set(1000.f); forceX.Set(0.f); forceY.Set(0.f); speedDampingX.Set(1000.f); speedDampingY.Set(1000.f); colorR.Set(255.f); colorG.Set(255.f); colorB.Set(255.f); colorAlpha.Set(255.f); rotation.Set(0.f); phase.Set(0.f); } void C4ParticleProperties::Floatify() { bouncyness /= 1000.f; collisionDensity.Floatify(1.f); collisionVertex.Floatify(1000.f); size.Floatify(2.f); stretch.Floatify(1000.f); forceX.Floatify(100.f); forceY.Floatify(100.f); speedDampingX.Floatify(1000.f); speedDampingY.Floatify(1000.f); colorR.Floatify(255.f); colorG.Floatify(255.f); colorB.Floatify(255.f); colorAlpha.Floatify(255.f); rotation.Floatify(180.0f / (float)M_PI); phase.Floatify(1.f); hasConstantColor = colorR.IsConstant() && colorG.IsConstant() && colorB.IsConstant() && colorAlpha.IsConstant(); } void C4ParticleProperties::Set(C4PropList *dataSource) { if (!dataSource) return; C4PropList::Iterator iter = dataSource->begin(), end = dataSource->end(); for (;iter != end; ++iter) { const C4Property * p = *iter; C4String *key = p->Key; assert(key && "PropList returns non-string as key"); const C4Value &property = p->Value; if(&Strings.P[P_R] == key) { colorR.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_G] == key) { colorG.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_B] == key) { colorB.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_Alpha] == key) { colorAlpha.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_ForceX] == key) { forceX.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_ForceY] == key) { forceY.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_DampingX] == key) { speedDampingX.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_DampingY] == key) { speedDampingY.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_Size] == key) { size.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_Stretch] == key) { stretch.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_Rotation] == key) { rotation.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_BlitMode] == key) { // needs to be constant blitMode = (uint32_t) property.getInt(); } else if(&Strings.P[P_Attach] == key) { // needs to be constant attachment = (uint32_t) property.getInt(); } else if(&Strings.P[P_Phase] == key) { phase.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_CollisionVertex] == key) { collisionVertex.Set(property); if (property.GetType() != C4V_Nil) hasCollisionVertex = true; } else if (&Strings.P[P_CollisionDensity] == key) { collisionDensity.Set(property); } else if(&Strings.P[P_OnCollision] == key) { SetCollisionFunc(property); } } } void C4ParticleProperties::SetCollisionFunc(const C4Value &source) { C4ValueArray *valueArray; if (!(valueArray = source.getArray())) return; int arraySize = valueArray->GetSize(); if (arraySize < 1) return; int type = (*valueArray)[0].getInt(); switch (type) { case C4PC_Die: collisionCallback = &C4ParticleProperties::CollisionDie; break; case C4PC_Bounce: collisionCallback = &C4ParticleProperties::CollisionBounce; bouncyness = 1.f; if (arraySize >= 2) bouncyness = ((float)(*valueArray)[1].getInt()); break; case C4PC_Stop: collisionCallback = &C4ParticleProperties::CollisionStop; break; default: assert(false); break; } } bool C4ParticleProperties::CollisionBounce(C4Particle *forParticle) { forParticle->currentSpeedX = -forParticle->currentSpeedX * bouncyness; forParticle->currentSpeedY = -forParticle->currentSpeedY * bouncyness; return true; } bool C4ParticleProperties::CollisionStop(C4Particle *forParticle) { forParticle->currentSpeedX = 0.f; forParticle->currentSpeedY = 0.f; return true; } void C4Particle::Init() { currentSpeedX = currentSpeedY = 0.f; positionX = positionY = 0.f; lifetime = startingLifetime = 5.f * 38.f; } bool C4Particle::Exec(C4Object *obj, float timeDelta, C4ParticleDef *sourceDef) { // die of old age? :< lifetime -= timeDelta; // check only if we had a maximum lifetime to begin with (for permanent particles) if (startingLifetime > 0.f) { if (lifetime <= 0.f) return false; } // movement float currentForceX = properties.forceX.GetValue(this); float currentForceY = properties.forceY.GetValue(this); currentSpeedX += currentForceX; currentSpeedY += currentForceY; if (currentSpeedX != 0.f || currentSpeedY != 0.f) { float currentDampingX = properties.speedDampingX.GetValue(this); float currentDampingY = properties.speedDampingY.GetValue(this); float size = properties.size.GetValue(this); currentSpeedX *= currentDampingX; currentSpeedY *= currentDampingY; // move & collision check // note: accessing Landscape.GetDensity here is not protected by locks // it is assumed that the particle system is cleaned up before, f.e., the landscape memory is freed bool collided = false; if (properties.hasCollisionVertex) { float collisionPoint = properties.collisionVertex.GetValue(this); float size_x = (currentSpeedX > 0.f ? size : -size) * 0.5f * collisionPoint; float size_y = (currentSpeedY > 0.f ? size : -size) * 0.5f * collisionPoint; float density = static_cast(GBackDensity(positionX + size_x + timeDelta * currentSpeedX, positionY + size_y + timeDelta * currentSpeedY)); if (density + 0.5f >= properties.collisionDensity.GetValue(this)) // Small offset against floating point insanities. { // exec collision func if (properties.collisionCallback != 0 && !(properties.*properties.collisionCallback)(this)) return false; collided = true; } } if (!collided) { positionX += timeDelta * currentSpeedX; positionY += timeDelta * currentSpeedY; } drawingData.SetPosition(positionX, positionY, size, properties.rotation.GetValue(this), properties.stretch.GetValue(this)); } else if(!properties.size.IsConstant() || !properties.rotation.IsConstant() || !properties.stretch.IsConstant()) { drawingData.SetPosition(positionX, positionY, properties.size.GetValue(this), properties.rotation.GetValue(this), properties.stretch.GetValue(this)); } // adjust color if (!properties.hasConstantColor) { drawingData.SetColor(properties.colorR.GetValue(this), properties.colorG.GetValue(this), properties.colorB.GetValue(this), properties.colorAlpha.GetValue(this)); } int currentPhase = (int)(properties.phase.GetValue(this) + 0.5f); if (currentPhase != drawingData.phase) drawingData.SetPhase(currentPhase, sourceDef); return true; } void C4ParticleChunk::Clear() { for (size_t i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i) { delete particles[i]; } particleCount = 0; particles.clear(); vertexCoordinates.clear(); ClearBufferObjects(); } void C4ParticleChunk::DeleteAndReplaceParticle(size_t indexToReplace, size_t indexFrom) { C4Particle *oldParticle = particles[indexToReplace]; // try to replace the soon-to-be empty slot in the array if (indexFrom != indexToReplace) // false when "replacing" the last one { std::copy(&vertexCoordinates[indexFrom * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle], &vertexCoordinates[indexFrom * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle] + C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle, &vertexCoordinates[indexToReplace * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle]); particles[indexToReplace] = particles[indexFrom]; particles[indexToReplace]->drawingData.SetPointer(&vertexCoordinates[indexToReplace * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle]); } delete oldParticle; } bool C4ParticleChunk::Exec(C4Object *obj, float timeDelta) { for (size_t i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i) { if (!particles[i]->Exec(obj, timeDelta, sourceDefinition)) { DeleteAndReplaceParticle(i, particleCount - 1); --particleCount; } } return particleCount > 0; } void C4ParticleChunk::Draw(C4TargetFacet cgo, C4Object *obj, C4ShaderCall& call, int texUnit, const StdProjectionMatrix& modelview) { if (particleCount == 0) return; const int stride = sizeof(C4Particle::DrawingData::Vertex); assert(sourceDefinition && "No source definition assigned to particle chunk."); C4TexRef *textureRef = &sourceDefinition->Gfx.GetFace().textures[0]; assert(textureRef != 0 && "Particle definition had no texture assigned."); // use a relative offset? // (note the normal matrix is unaffected by this) if ((attachment & C4ATTACH_MoveRelative) && (obj != 0)) { StdProjectionMatrix new_modelview(modelview); Translate(new_modelview, fixtof(obj->GetFixedX()), fixtof(obj->GetFixedY()), 0.0f); call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix, new_modelview); } else { call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix, modelview); } // enable additive blending for particles with that blit mode glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, (blitMode & C4GFXBLIT_ADDITIVE) ? GL_ONE : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glActiveTexture(texUnit); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureRef->texName); // generate the buffer as necessary if (drawingDataVertexBufferObject == 0) { // clear up old data ClearBufferObjects(); // generate new buffer objects glGenBuffers(1, &drawingDataVertexBufferObject); assert (drawingDataVertexBufferObject != 0 && "Could not generate OpenGL buffer object."); // Immediately bind the buffer. // glVertexAttribPointer requires a valid GL_ARRAY_BUFFER to be bound and we need the buffer to be created for glObjectLabel. glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, drawingDataVertexBufferObject); #ifdef GL_KHR_debug if (glObjectLabel) glObjectLabel(GL_BUFFER, drawingDataVertexBufferObject, -1, "/VBO"); #endif // generate new VAO ID drawingDataVertexArraysObject = pGL->GenVAOID(); assert (drawingDataVertexArraysObject != 0 && "Could not generate a VAO ID."); } // Push the new vertex data glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, drawingDataVertexBufferObject); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * sizeof(C4Particle::DrawingData::Vertex) * particleCount, &vertexCoordinates[0], GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // set up the vertex array structure GLuint vao; const bool has_vao = pGL->GetVAO(drawingDataVertexArraysObject, vao); glBindVertexArray(vao); assert ((drawingDataVertexBufferObject != 0) && "No buffer object has been created yet."); assert ((drawingDataVertexArraysObject != 0) && "No vertex arrays object has been created yet."); if (!has_vao) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, drawingDataVertexBufferObject); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ::Particles.GetIBO()); #ifdef GL_KHR_debug if (glObjectLabel) glObjectLabel(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, vao, -1, "/VAO"); #endif glEnableVertexAttribArray(call.GetAttribute(C4SSA_Position)); glEnableVertexAttribArray(call.GetAttribute(C4SSA_Color)); glEnableVertexAttribArray(call.GetAttribute(C4SSA_TexCoord)); glVertexAttribPointer(call.GetAttribute(C4SSA_Position), 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, reinterpret_cast(offsetof(C4Particle::DrawingData::Vertex, x))); glVertexAttribPointer(call.GetAttribute(C4SSA_TexCoord), 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, reinterpret_cast(offsetof(C4Particle::DrawingData::Vertex, u))); glVertexAttribPointer(call.GetAttribute(C4SSA_Color), 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, reinterpret_cast(offsetof(C4Particle::DrawingData::Vertex, r))); } glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, static_cast (5 * particleCount), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0); // reset buffer data glBindVertexArray(0); } bool C4ParticleChunk::IsOfType(C4ParticleDef *def, uint32_t _blitMode, uint32_t _attachment) const { return def == sourceDefinition && blitMode == _blitMode && attachment == _attachment; } void C4ParticleChunk::ClearBufferObjects() { if (drawingDataVertexBufferObject != 0) // the value 0 as a buffer index is reserved and will never be returned by glGenBuffers glDeleteBuffers(1, &drawingDataVertexBufferObject); if (drawingDataVertexArraysObject != 0) pGL->FreeVAOID(drawingDataVertexArraysObject); drawingDataVertexArraysObject = 0; drawingDataVertexBufferObject = 0; } void C4ParticleChunk::ReserveSpace(uint32_t forAmount) { uint32_t newSize = static_cast(particleCount) + forAmount + 1; ::Particles.PreparePrimitiveRestartIndices(newSize); if (particles.capacity() < newSize) particles.reserve(std::max(newSize, particles.capacity() * 2)); // resizing the points vector is relatively costly, hopefully we only do it rarely while (vertexCoordinates.capacity() <= newSize * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle) { vertexCoordinates.reserve(std::max(C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle * newSize, vertexCoordinates.capacity() * 2)); // update all existing particles' pointers.. for (size_t i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i) particles[i]->drawingData.SetPointer(&vertexCoordinates[i * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle]); } } C4Particle *C4ParticleChunk::AddNewParticle() { size_t currentIndex = particleCount++; if (currentIndex < particles.size()) { particles[currentIndex] = new C4Particle(); } else { particles.push_back(new C4Particle()); vertexCoordinates.resize(vertexCoordinates.size() + C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle); } C4Particle *newParticle = particles[currentIndex]; newParticle->drawingData.SetPointer(&vertexCoordinates[currentIndex * C4Particle::DrawingData::vertexCountPerParticle], true); return newParticle; } void C4ParticleList::Exec(float timeDelta) { if (particleChunks.empty()) return; accessMutex.Enter(); for (std::list::iterator iter = particleChunks.begin(); iter != particleChunks.end();++iter) { C4ParticleChunk *chunk = *iter; chunk->Exec(targetObject, timeDelta); } accessMutex.Leave(); } void C4ParticleList::Draw(C4TargetFacet cgo, C4Object *obj) { if (particleChunks.empty()) return; pDraw->DeactivateBlitModulation(); pDraw->ResetBlitMode(); glPrimitiveRestartIndex(0xffffffff); glEnable(GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART); // enable shader C4ShaderCall call(pGL->GetSpriteShader(true, false, false)); // apply zoom and upload shader uniforms StdProjectionMatrix modelview = StdProjectionMatrix::Identity(); pGL->SetupMultiBlt(call, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, &modelview); // go to correct output position (note the normal matrix is unaffected // by this) Translate(modelview, cgo.X-cgo.TargetX, cgo.Y-cgo.TargetY, 0.0f); // allocate texture unit for particle texture, and remember allocated // texture unit. Will be used for each particle chunk to bind // their texture to this unit. const GLint texUnit = call.AllocTexUnit(C4SSU_BaseTex); accessMutex.Enter(); for (std::list::iterator iter = particleChunks.begin(); iter != particleChunks.end(); ) { if ((*iter)->IsEmpty()) { delete *iter; iter = particleChunks.erase(iter); lastAccessedChunk = 0; } else { (*iter)->Draw(cgo, obj, call, texUnit, modelview); ++iter; } } accessMutex.Leave(); glDisable(GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART); } void C4ParticleList::Clear() { accessMutex.Enter(); for (std::list::iterator iter = particleChunks.begin(); iter != particleChunks.end(); ++iter) delete *iter; particleChunks.clear(); if (targetObject) { if (this == targetObject->FrontParticles) targetObject->FrontParticles = NULL; else if (this == targetObject->BackParticles) targetObject->BackParticles = NULL; } else if(this == ::Particles.globalParticles) ::Particles.globalParticles = NULL; accessMutex.Leave(); } C4ParticleChunk *C4ParticleList::GetFittingParticleChunk(C4ParticleDef *def, uint32_t blitMode, uint32_t attachment, bool alreadyLocked) { if (!alreadyLocked) accessMutex.Enter(); // if not cached, find correct chunk in list C4ParticleChunk *chunk = 0; if (lastAccessedChunk && lastAccessedChunk->IsOfType(def, blitMode, attachment)) chunk = lastAccessedChunk; else { for (std::list::iterator iter = particleChunks.begin(); iter != particleChunks.end(); ++iter) { C4ParticleChunk *current = *iter; if (!current->IsOfType(def, blitMode, attachment)) continue; chunk = current; break; } } // add new chunk? if (!chunk) { particleChunks.push_back(new C4ParticleChunk()); chunk = particleChunks.back(); chunk->sourceDefinition = def; chunk->blitMode = blitMode; chunk->attachment = attachment; } assert(chunk && "No suitable particle chunk could be found or created."); lastAccessedChunk = chunk; if (!alreadyLocked) accessMutex.Leave(); return chunk; } void C4ParticleSystem::CalculationThread::Execute() { Particles.ExecuteCalculation(); } C4ParticleSystem::C4ParticleSystem() : frameCounterAdvancedEvent(false) { currentSimulationTime = 0; globalParticles = 0; ibo = 0; ibo_size = 0; } C4ParticleSystem::~C4ParticleSystem() { Clear(); calculationThread.SignalStop(); CalculateNextStep(); } void C4ParticleSystem::ExecuteCalculation() { frameCounterAdvancedEvent.WaitFor(INFINITE); frameCounterAdvancedEvent.Reset(); int gameTime = Game.FrameCounter; if (currentSimulationTime < gameTime) { float timeDelta = 1.f; if (currentSimulationTime != 0) timeDelta = (float)(gameTime - currentSimulationTime); currentSimulationTime = gameTime; particleListAccessMutex.Enter(); for (std::list::iterator iter = particleLists.begin(); iter != particleLists.end(); ++iter) { iter->Exec(timeDelta); } particleListAccessMutex.Leave(); } } #endif C4ParticleList *C4ParticleSystem::GetNewParticleList(C4Object *forObject) { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE return 0; #else C4ParticleList *newList = 0; particleListAccessMutex.Enter(); particleLists.emplace_back(forObject); newList = &particleLists.back(); particleListAccessMutex.Leave(); return newList; #endif } void C4ParticleSystem::ReleaseParticleList(C4ParticleList *first, C4ParticleList *second) { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE particleListAccessMutex.Enter(); for(std::list::iterator iter = particleLists.begin(); iter != particleLists.end();) { C4ParticleList *list = &(*iter); if (list == first || list == second) { iter = particleLists.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } particleListAccessMutex.Leave(); #endif } #ifndef USE_CONSOLE void C4ParticleSystem::Create(C4ParticleDef *of_def, C4ParticleValueProvider &x, C4ParticleValueProvider &y, C4ParticleValueProvider &speedX, C4ParticleValueProvider &speedY, C4ParticleValueProvider &lifetime, C4PropList *properties, int amount, C4Object *object) { // todo: check amount etc C4ParticleList * pxList(0); // initialize the particle properties // this is done here, because it would also be the right place to implement caching C4ParticleProperties particleProperties; particleProperties.Set(properties); speedX.Floatify(10.f); speedY.Floatify(10.f); // position offset that will be added to the particle float xoff(0.f), yoff(0.f); // offset only for the drawing position - this is needed so that particles relative to an object work correctly float drawingOffsetX(0.f), drawingOffsetY(0.f); if (object != 0) { // for all types of particles add object's offset (mainly for collision etc.) xoff = object->GetX(); yoff = object->GetY(); if (particleProperties.attachment & C4ATTACH_MoveRelative) { drawingOffsetX = -xoff; drawingOffsetY = -yoff; // move relative implies that the particle needs to be in the object's particle list (back OR front) // just select the front particles here - will be overwritten below if necessary if (!(particleProperties.attachment & C4ATTACH_Front) && !(particleProperties.attachment & C4ATTACH_Back)) particleProperties.attachment |= C4ATTACH_Front; } // figure out particle list to use if (particleProperties.attachment & C4ATTACH_Front) { if (!object->FrontParticles) object->FrontParticles = GetNewParticleList(object); pxList = object->FrontParticles; } else if (particleProperties.attachment & C4ATTACH_Back) { if (!object->BackParticles) object->BackParticles = GetNewParticleList(object); pxList = object->BackParticles; } } // no assigned list implies that we are going to use the global particles if (!pxList) { if (!globalParticles) globalParticles = GetNewParticleList(); pxList = globalParticles; } // It is necessary to lock the particle list, because we will have it create a particle first that we are going to modify. // Inbetween creation of the particle and modification, the particle list's calculations should not be executed // (this could f.e. lead to the particle being removed before it was fully instantiated). pxList->Lock(); // retrieve the fitting chunk for the particle (note that we tell the particle list, we already locked it) C4ParticleChunk *chunk = pxList->GetFittingParticleChunk(of_def, particleProperties.blitMode, particleProperties.attachment, true); // set up chunk to be able to contain enough particles chunk->ReserveSpace(static_cast(amount)); while (amount--) { if (x.IsRandom()) x.RollRandom(); if (y.IsRandom()) y.RollRandom(); if (speedX.IsRandom()) speedX.RollRandom(); if (speedY.IsRandom()) speedY.RollRandom(); if (lifetime.IsRandom()) lifetime.RollRandom(); // create a particle in the fitting chunk (note that we tell the particle list, we already locked it) C4Particle *particle = chunk->AddNewParticle(); // initialize some more properties particle->properties = particleProperties; // this will adjust the initial values of the (possibly cached) particle properties particle->properties.Floatify(); // setup some more non-property attributes of the particle float lifetime_value = lifetime.GetValue(particle); if (lifetime_value < 0.0f) lifetime_value = 0.0f; // negative values not allowed (would crash later); using a value of 0 is most likely visible to the scripter particle->lifetime = particle->startingLifetime = lifetime_value; particle->currentSpeedX = speedX.GetValue(particle); particle->currentSpeedY = speedY.GetValue(particle); particle->drawingData.aspect = of_def->Aspect; particle->drawingData.SetOffset(drawingOffsetX, drawingOffsetY); particle->SetPosition(x.GetValue(particle) + xoff, y.GetValue(particle) + yoff); particle->drawingData.SetColor(particle->properties.colorR.GetValue(particle), particle->properties.colorG.GetValue(particle), particle->properties.colorB.GetValue(particle), particle->properties.colorAlpha.GetValue(particle)); particle->drawingData.SetPhase((int)(particle->properties.phase.GetValue(particle) + 0.5f), of_def); } pxList->Unlock(); } void C4ParticleSystem::PreparePrimitiveRestartIndices(uint32_t forAmount) { // prepare array with indices, separated by special primitive restart index const uint32_t PRI = 0xffffffff; size_t neededAmount = 5 * forAmount; if (ibo == 0) glGenBuffers(1, &ibo); if (ibo_size < neededAmount * sizeof(GLuint)) { glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ibo); std::vector ibo_data; ibo_data.reserve(neededAmount); unsigned int index = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neededAmount; ++i) { if ((i+1) % 5 == 0) ibo_data.push_back(PRI); else ibo_data.push_back(index++); } ibo_size = neededAmount * sizeof(GLuint); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ibo_size, &ibo_data[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } } #endif void C4ParticleSystem::Clear() { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE if (ibo != 0) glDeleteBuffers(1, &ibo); ibo = 0; ibo_size = 0; currentSimulationTime = 0; ClearAllParticles(); #endif // clear definitions even in console mode definitions.Clear(); } void C4ParticleSystem::ClearAllParticles() { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE particleListAccessMutex.Enter(); particleLists.clear(); particleListAccessMutex.Leave(); #endif } C4ParticleDef *C4ParticleSystemDefinitionList::GetDef(const char *name, C4ParticleDef *exclude) { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // seek list for (C4ParticleDef *def = first; def != 0; def=def->next) if (def != exclude && def->Name == name) return def; #endif // nothing found return 0; } void C4ParticleSystemDefinitionList::Clear() { // the particle definitions update the list in their destructor while (first) delete first; } C4ParticleSystem Particles;