# OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org # # Copyright (c) 2012-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors # # Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file # "COPYING" for details. # # "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. # See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. # # To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts # for the above references. function(git_get_changeset_id VAR) find_package(Git QUIET) if (GIT_FOUND) execute_process(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" "rev-parse" "HEAD" RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE C4REVISION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET) if(GIT_RESULT EQUAL 0) string(SUBSTRING "${C4REVISION}" 0 12 C4REVISION) execute_process(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" "status" "--porcelain" OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_STATUS ) string(REGEX MATCH "^[MADRC ][MD ]" WORKDIR_DIRTY "${GIT_STATUS}") endif() endif() if (NOT C4REVISION) # Git not found or not a git workdir file(STRINGS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git_archival" C4REVISION LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "node: [0-9a-f]+" ) string(LENGTH "${C4REVISION}" revlength) if(revlength LESS 18) set(C4REVISION "unknown") message(WARNING "Could not retrieve git revision. Please set GIT_EXECUTABLE!") else() string(SUBSTRING "${C4REVISION}" 6 12 C4REVISION) endif() unset(revlength) endif() if(WORKDIR_DIRTY) set(C4REVISION "${C4REVISION}+") endif() set(${VAR} "${C4REVISION}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()