/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "script/C4AulScriptFunc.h" #include "script/C4AulExec.h" #include "script/C4ScriptHost.h" C4AulScriptFunc::C4AulScriptFunc(C4PropListStatic * Parent, C4ScriptHost *pOrgScript, const char *pName, const char *Script): C4AulFunc(Parent, pName), OwnerOverloaded(nullptr), ParCount(0), Script(Script), pOrgScript(pOrgScript), tProfileTime(0) { for (auto & i : ParType) i = C4V_Any; AddBCC(AB_EOFN); } C4AulScriptFunc::C4AulScriptFunc(C4PropListStatic * Parent, const C4AulScriptFunc &FromFunc): C4AulFunc(Parent, FromFunc.GetName()), OwnerOverloaded(nullptr), ParCount(FromFunc.ParCount), Script(FromFunc.Script), VarNamed(FromFunc.VarNamed), ParNamed(FromFunc.ParNamed), pOrgScript(FromFunc.pOrgScript), tProfileTime(0) { for (int i = 0; i < C4AUL_MAX_Par; i++) ParType[i] = FromFunc.ParType[i]; AddBCC(AB_EOFN); } C4AulScriptFunc::~C4AulScriptFunc() { if (OwnerOverloaded) OwnerOverloaded->DecRef(); ClearCode(); } void C4AulScriptFunc::SetOverloaded(C4AulFunc * f) { if (OwnerOverloaded) OwnerOverloaded->DecRef(); OwnerOverloaded = f; if (f) f->IncRef(); } void C4AulScriptFunc::AddBCC(C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t X, const char * SPos) { // store chunk Code.emplace_back(eType, X); PosForCode.push_back(SPos); } void C4AulScriptFunc::RemoveLastBCC() { Code.pop_back(); PosForCode.pop_back(); } void C4AulScriptFunc::ClearCode() { Code.clear(); PosForCode.clear(); // This function is now broken until an AddBCC call } int C4AulScriptFunc::GetLineOfCode(C4AulBCC * bcc) { return SGetLine(pOrgScript ? pOrgScript->GetScript() : Script, PosForCode[bcc - &Code[0]]); } C4AulBCC * C4AulScriptFunc::GetCode() { assert(!Code.empty()); return &Code[0]; } C4Value C4AulScriptFunc::Exec(C4PropList * p, C4Value pPars[], bool fPassErrors) { return AulExec.Exec(this, p, pPars, fPassErrors); }