/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Lots of constants */ #ifndef INC_C4Constants #define INC_C4Constants //============================= Main ===================================================== const size_t C4MaxTitle = 512; const int C4MaxDefString = 100, C4MaxMessage = 256, C4RetireDelay = 60, C4MaxKey = 12, C4MaxKeyboardSet = 4, C4MaxControlSet = C4MaxKeyboardSet+4, // keyboard sets+gamepads C4MaxControlRate = 20, C4MaxGammaUserRamps = 8, C4MaxGammaRamps = C4MaxGammaUserRamps+1; // gamma ramp indices #define C4GRI_SCENARIO 0 #define C4GRI_SEASON 1 #define C4GRI_RESERVED1 2 #define C4GRI_DAYTIME 3 #define C4GRI_RESERVED2 4 #define C4GRI_LIGHTNING 5 #define C4GRI_MAGIC 6 #define C4GRI_RESERVED3 7 #define C4GRI_USER 8 const int C4M_MaxName = 15, C4M_MaxDefName = 2*C4M_MaxName+1, C4M_MaxTexIndex = 255; // last texture map index is reserved for diff const int C4S_MaxPlayer = 4; const int C4D_MaxVertex = 30; const int C4SymbolSize = 35, C4UpperBoardHeight = 50, C4PictureSize = 64, C4MaxBigIconSize = 64; const int C4P_MaxPosition = 4; const int C4ViewportScrollBorder = 40; // scrolling past landscape allowed at range of this border //============================= Engine Return Values ====================================== const int C4XRV_Completed = 0, C4XRV_Failure = 1, C4XRV_Aborted = 2; //============================= Object Character Flags ==================================== const uint32_t OCF_None = 0, OCF_All = ~OCF_None, OCF_Normal = 1, OCF_Construct = 1<<1, OCF_Grab = 1<<2, OCF_Carryable = 1<<3, OCF_OnFire = 1<<4, OCF_HitSpeed1 = 1<<5, OCF_FullCon = 1<<6, OCF_Inflammable = 1<<7, OCF_Rotate = 1<<9, OCF_Exclusive = 1<<10, OCF_Entrance = 1<<11, OCF_HitSpeed2 = 1<<12, OCF_HitSpeed3 = 1<<13, OCF_Collection = 1<<14, OCF_HitSpeed4 = 1<<16, OCF_NotContained = 1<<18, OCF_CrewMember = 1<<19, OCF_InLiquid = 1<<20, OCF_InSolid = 1<<21, OCF_InFree = 1<<22, OCF_Available = 1<<23, OCF_Container = 1<<24, OCF_Alive = 1<<25; //================================== Contact / Attachment ============================================== const BYTE // Directional CNAT_None = 0, CNAT_Left = 1, CNAT_Right = 2, CNAT_Top = 4, CNAT_Bottom = 8, CNAT_Center = 16, // Additional flags CNAT_MultiAttach = 32, // new attachment behaviour; see C4Shape::Attach CNAT_NoCollision = 64, // turn off collision for this vertex CNAT_PhaseHalfVehicle = 128; const BYTE CNAT_Flags = CNAT_MultiAttach | CNAT_NoCollision | CNAT_PhaseHalfVehicle; // all attchment flags that can be combined with regular attachment //=================================== Control Commands ====================================================== const BYTE COM_MenuEnter = 38, COM_MenuEnterAll = 39, COM_MenuClose = 40, COM_MenuShowText = 42, COM_MenuLeft = 52, COM_MenuRight = 53, COM_MenuUp = 54, COM_MenuDown = 55, COM_MenuSelect = 60; //=================================== Owners ============================================== const int NO_OWNER = -1, ANY_OWNER = -2; //=================================== League (escape those damn circular includes ========= enum C4LeagueDisconnectReason { C4LDR_Unknown, C4LDR_ConnectionFailed, C4LDR_Desync }; //=================================== Player (included by C4PlayerInfo and C4Player) enum C4PlayerType { C4PT_None = 0, C4PT_User = 1, // Normal player C4PT_Script = 2 // AI players, etc. }; //=================================== AllowPictureStack (DefCore value) enum C4AllowPictureStack { APS_Color = 1<<0, APS_Graphics = 1<<1, APS_Name = 1<<2, APS_Overlay = 1<<3 }; // Material constants // Material Density Levels const int32_t C4M_Vehicle = 100, C4M_Solid = 50, C4M_SemiSolid = 25, C4M_Liquid = 25, C4M_Background = 0; const int32_t MNone = -1; // Object size const int32_t FullCon = 100000; #endif // INC_C4Constants