/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* A handy wrapper class to gzio files */ #ifndef INC_CSTDFILE #define INC_CSTDFILE #include "platform/StdSync.h" // for StdThreadCheck #include // for gzFile const int CStdFileBufSize = 4096; class CStdStream { public: virtual bool Read(void *pBuffer, size_t iSize) = 0; virtual bool Advance(int iOffset) = 0; // Get size. compatible with c4group! virtual size_t AccessedEntrySize() const = 0; virtual ~CStdStream() = default; }; class CStdFile: public CStdStream { public: CStdFile(); ~CStdFile() override; bool Status; char Name[_MAX_PATH+1]; protected: FILE *hFile; gzFile hgzFile; StdBuf *pMemory; int MemoryPtr; BYTE Buffer[CStdFileBufSize]; int BufferLoad,BufferPtr; bool ModeWrite; StdThreadCheck thread_check; // thread check helper to make sure only the thread that opened the file is using it public: bool Create(const char *szFileName, bool fCompressed=false, bool fExecutable=false, bool fMemory=false); bool Open(const char *szFileName, bool fCompressed=false); bool Append(const char *szFilename, bool text=false); // append (uncompressed only) bool Close(StdBuf **ppMemory = nullptr); bool Default(); bool Read(void *pBuffer, size_t iSize) override { return Read(pBuffer, iSize, nullptr); } bool Read(void *pBuffer, size_t iSize, size_t *ipFSize); bool Write(const void *pBuffer, int iSize); bool WriteString(const char *szStr); bool Rewind(); bool Advance(int iOffset) override; int Seek(long int offset, int whence); // seek in file by offset and stdio-style SEEK_* constants. Only implemented for uncompressed files. long int Tell(); // get current file pos. Only implemented for uncompressed files. bool IsOpen() const { return hFile || hgzFile; } // flush contents to disk inline bool Flush() { if (ModeWrite && BufferLoad) return SaveBuffer(); else return true; } size_t AccessedEntrySize() const override; protected: void ClearBuffer(); int LoadBuffer(); bool SaveBuffer(); }; int UncompressedFileSize(const char *szFileName); bool GetFileCRC(const char *szFilename, uint32_t *pCRC32); bool GetFileSHA1(const char *szFilename, BYTE *pSHA1); #endif // INC_CSTDFILE