Functions to be found in System.ocg: U ##### Action.c: Global constants only. ##### Array.c: Concatenate() - Concatenates two arrays and returns a new array. Subtract() - Returns a new array that contains the values of the first array minus the values of the second array. RemoveHoles() - Removes nil values from an array; returns the amount of values removed. RemoveDuplicates() - Removes duplicate entries - returns the number of entries removed. IsValueInArray() - Tests whether a value is in an array. RemoveArrayValue() - Removes a value from an array. ShuffleArray() - Randomly shuffles an array. RemoveArrayIndex() - Deletes an index from an array; does not change the order of items in the array. RemoveArrayIndexUnstable() - Deletes an array item - might change the order of elements, but is faster. PushBack() - Inserts an element at the end of an array. PushFront() - Inserts an element at the beginning of an array. PopBack() - Removes the last element from an array and returns it. PopFront() - Removes the first element from an array and returns it. ##### ClonkControl.c: Library dependent. ##### Colors.c: HSL() - Create a color DWORD from HSL parameters. HSLa() - Create a color DWORD from HSL parameters with transparency. RGB() - Create a color DWORD from RGB parameters. RGBa() - Create a color DWORD from RGB parameters with transparency. GetRGBaValue() - Retrieves one value from a color DWORD. DoRGBaValue() - Changes one value relatively in a color DWORD. SetRGBaValue() - Changes one value absolutely in a color DWORD. SplitRGBaValue() - Splits a color DWORD into an array containing RGBa values. HSL2RGB() - HSL to RGB conversion. Hue_2_RGB() - Apply hue to an RGB value. RGB2HSL() - RGB to HSL conversion. ##### Creation.c: PlaceObjects() - Creates amount objects of type id inside the indicated rectangle(optional) in the indicated material. CastObjects() - Creates one or more objects at a point and scatters them randomly apart. CastPSX() - Creates one or more material pixels at a point and scatters them randomly apart. DrawParticleLine() - Draws a line of particles between two points. ##### Explode.c: Explode() - Object explodes. DoExplosion() - Explosion without the need for an object. ExplosionEffect() - Explosion effects without damaging. BlastObjects() - Apply explosion effects to objects. ShakeViewPort() - Shake view ports of nearby players. CreateSmokeTrail() - Creates explosion smoke trails. Fireworks() - Special firework explosion effect. ##### FindObject.c: Find_* and Sort_* function for FindObject(). ##### Fire.c: OnFire() - Checks whether the object is on fire. Extinguish() - Extinguishes the object. Incinerate() - Set the object on fire. OnInIncendiaryMaterial() - Callback if an inflammable object falls into incendiary material. MakeNonFlammable() - Makes the object immune to fire. ##### Flag.c: Library dependent. ##### GetXVal.c: Various function to query values from ActMaps, DefCore.txt, objects, players, Scenario.txt, crew member infos and player infos. -> Wrappers for GetDefCoreVal, GetObjectVal, GetPlayerVal, GetScenarioVal, GetObjectInfoCoreVal, GetPlayerInfoCoreVal -> GetActMapVal() ##### Goal.c: Library dependent. ##### HitChecks.c: Effect for projectiles to detect object hits. ProjectileHit() - Object callback when hit by a projectile. ##### Material.c: MaterialDepthCheck() - Checks whether a material has a given depth. FindPosInMat() - Search for random position in given material. ExtractLiquid() - Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is a liquid. FlameConsumeMaterial() - Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is flammable. ##### Math.c: AbsX() - Returns the offset to x. AbsY() - Returns the offset to y. RandomX() - Supports negative values, and can deliver random values between two bounds. Tan() - Tangens. Normalize() - Recalculates an angle between given bounds. ComDirLike() - Checks whether two comdirs are alike. GetTurnDirection() - The shortest direction (left/right) to turn from one angle to another. SetBit() - Set a certain bit's value. GetBit() - Get a certain bit's value. ToggleBit() - Toggle a certain bit's value. ##### MeshAnimation.c: Various wrappers to use in PlayAnimation(). ##### MeshTransformation.c: Transformation matrices for mesh transformations. ##### Object.c: SetSpeed() - Does not set the speed of an object. But you can set two components of the velocity vector with this function. SetVelocity() - Can set either speed or angle of velocity, or both. SetCon() - Sets the completion of this. SetObjAlpha() - Sets the object's transparency. MakeInvincible() - Makes the calling object invincible to damage and fire. MovePosition() - Move an object by the given parameters relative to its position. LaunchProjectile() - Speed the calling object into the given direction (angle). SetMaxEnergy() - Sets the MaxEnergy value of an object and does the necessary callbacks. GetMaxEnergy() - Returns the MaxEnergy value of an object. SetMaxBreath() - Sets the MaxBreath value of an object and does the necessary callbacks. GetMaxBreath() - Returns the MaxBreath value of an object. StartGrowth() - Makes an object gain Con until it is FullCon. StopGrowth() - Stops the growth of an object. GetGrowthValue() - Get the growing speed. StonyObjectHit() - Plays hit sounds for an average object made of stone or stone-like material. RemoveAll() - Removes all objects of the given type. Split2Components() - Splits the calling object into its components. RootSurface() - Pulls an object above ground if it was buried (e.g. by PlaceVegetation). Buy() - Buys an object. Sell() - Sells an object. ##### Player.c: GetPlayerByName() - Returns the player number of the player given by name or none if there is no such player. GetTeamByName() - Returns the team number of the team given by name or none if there is no such team. GetTaggedPlayerName() - Returns the name of a player, including color markup using the player color. GetTaggesTeamName() - Returns the name of a team, including color markup using the team color. MakeColorReadable() - Brightens dark colors, to be readable on dark backgrounds. DoWealth() - Adds value to the account of iPlayer. IsAllied() - Checks if two players are allied (opposite of Hostile()). MessageWindow() - Shows a message window to the player. FindBase() - Find a base of the given player. ##### Schedule.c: Schedule() - Executes a script repetitively with delay. ScheduleCall() - Executes a function repetitively with delay. ClearScheduleCall() - Delete a schedule call. ##### Vertices.c: SetVertexXY() - Sets both the X and Y-coordinate of one vertex. VerticesStuck() - Returns the number of stuck vertices. HasCNAT() - Returns whether the object has a vertex with the given CNAT value.