diff --git a/docs/sdk/definition/index.xml b/docs/sdk/definition/index.xml index a6189becb..b653ccd24 100644 --- a/docs/sdk/definition/index.xml +++ b/docs/sdk/definition/index.xml @@ -9,63 +9,63 @@ Object definitions are used for all game objects in clonk: fire monsters, the wooden hut, and the clonk himself. An object definition is a group file composed from the following components: Object Definition Components (ocd)
Object properties.
Graphics of the object. Base graphics, animation phases and a picture for display in menus are stored in a 32 bit picture with transparency channel (PNG format, 32 bit RGBA color, non interlaced).
The part of the object's graphics which is to be colored in the player color (see ColorByOwner in DefCore.txt) can also be defined using a separate graphics file. In this way you can also use the color blue in the object's graphics for effects other than player color and antialiasing of the player color sections becomes possible. In Overlay.png gray scales should be used instead of blue color.
Since OC a 3D model can be used as an object's graphics instead of a bitmap in BMP or PNG format. It needs to be provided in OGRE format. There are exporters for most 3D modeling tools. All files that are required by the mesh (especially material scripts, textures and skeletons) need also to be present in the object.
Skeleton files contain bones and animations for a 3D model. They are usually created by the exporter if bones and/or animations are used for the mesh.
Objects can also contain alternative sets of graphics which can be selected ingame using the script command SetGraphics(). The name corresponds to the file name portion following "Graphics". The matching overlay is automatically selected. For more information see SetGraphics().
OGRE material scripts are simple text files which contain information about the material of a 3D model. Each model is assigned a material which specifies how it is rendered. Normally these scripts are being generated by the exporter, but they can also be hand-edited afterwards (using a text editor) to apply additional effects.
The object script. See script documentation and localization.
ActMap in the Script.c
ActMap in the Script.c
Table for activities.
For object definitions defining a clonk type you can specify custom rank names for this clonk type here. The rank names will then also replace rank names of existing crew members of this type. The file should contain a simple text list of names of maximum 30 characters each. For an example see the knight in the Knights pack. By using the approriate language codes you can create language dependent sets of rank names.
You can also define custom rank symbols for clonk types which are then displayed in the game instead of the standard symbols from Graphics.ocg. A rank symbol should always be square and there should be enough many symbols for all ranks. For ranks exceeding the last symbol, the list is repeated from the front and a star is added to the symbol.
Object local sounds. As these are always loaded and not dynamically unloaded as are scenario sounds you should use these sparingly and with small sound files only.
The engine will also search all valid ocd subdirectories for additional object definitions. Object definitions should be grouped by category.
This component is not processed by the engine. Here the author can store additional information he wants to share with other developers.
Should contain the name of the author in format "Firstname Lastname (Nick)" and is used to maintain the name of the original author, if the group file is edited by another developer at a later point in time.
diff --git a/docs/sdk/files.xml b/docs/sdk/files.xml index f80dd242b..843a6ae73 100644 --- a/docs/sdk/files.xml +++ b/docs/sdk/files.xml @@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ Game Data The game data of clonk is stored in compressed group files which each contain one component or further group files.
Player Files (ocp)
Player Files (ocp)
Player files contain personal settings, gained score and information about the crew. It may also contain a portrait file.
Scenarios (ocs)
Scenarios (ocs)
Scenario files consist of an information core and additional components, such as a landscape, title image, description texts, sky graphics, a script, local object definitions, etc.
Object Definitions (ocd)
Object Definitions (ocd)
Object definitions contain an information core, graphic elements, action tables, script, and descriptive text. Also, particles are stored in object definition folders.
Scenario Folders (ocf)
Scenario Folders (ocf)
Scenarios are grouped in scenario folders.
System Data (ocg)
System Data (ocg)
Graphics, sound, and music of the original game are grouped in these folders and should not be modified. Using the menu system, group files can be edited and/or converted to normal directories. Group file components can then be edited using common applications for text or graphics editing. Menu system and game engine can both load packed group files or unpacked directories directly. diff --git a/docs/sdk/folder/index.xml b/docs/sdk/folder/index.xml index 26e6f2135..24ab02263 100644 --- a/docs/sdk/folder/index.xml +++ b/docs/sdk/folder/index.xml @@ -9,43 +9,43 @@ Scenario folders are used to group a number of scenarios. Scenario folders are displayed with a book icon in the startup screen which can then be opened to list contained scenarios. Scenario Components (ocs)
Scenario folders can contain any number of scenarios.
Scenario folders can also contain other scenario folders.
The title picture of the scenario folder in png format. Size: 200x150 pixel. The older bmp format with 256 colors is still supported as well.
The icon of a scenario folder which is to be displayed instead of the book icon. BMP format (obsolete): 16x16 pixels, color RGB 255 0 255 (purple) is transparent. PNG format: 24x24 pixels, alpha channel is used for transparency.
The description text of the scenario in rich text format (rtf). '__' is to be replaced by the two digit language code, e.g. DE for German and US for American English. Multiple descriptions for several languages can be contained in a scenario file of which the game will automatically load the one appropriate for the configured language. The font of the description text is set internally on display. The character size in the file should be 10pt for headings and 8pt for text. Images or other rtf tags are ignored. It is recommended to edit this file using a small scale rtf editor such as WordPad.exe in Windows and not a full-blown word processor such as Word as these will stuff kilobytes of unneeded extra information into the rtf file.
By default, the title of a scenario is set when renaming the scenario in the menu system and stored in section [Head] of Scenario.txt. The file name of the scenario group file may differ. For language dependent titles you should create a Title.txt component with the appropriate contents: DE:Meine Rundensammlung US:My scenario collection Important: No quotation marks and special characters should be used.
From CR, scenario folders can also contain graphical folder maps for the selection of scenarios.
Scenario folders can contain local loader screens. Also see scenarios. The overloading rules apply.
Scenario folders can contain local material definitions. Also see scenarios. The overloading rules apply.
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ US:My scenario collection Important: No quotation marks and
Scenario folders can contain local music files. Also see scenarios. The overloading rules apply.
Scenario folders can contain object definitions, which will then be available in all scenarios contained in the folder.Also see scenarios. The overloading rules apply.
Here an author can store additional information about the development of his scenario, his email address, or other information he wants to share with other developers.
Should contain the name of the author in format "Firstname Lastname (Nick)" and is used to maintain the name of the original author, if the scenario group file is edited by another developer at a later point in time. The name stored here is only displayed, however, if the scenario was edited by RedWolf Design. This feature is mainly used for contest scenarios.
diff --git a/docs/sdk/material/index.xml b/docs/sdk/material/index.xml index 4f1d1c277..bcb8fb12d 100644 --- a/docs/sdk/material/index.xml +++ b/docs/sdk/material/index.xml @@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ Using material definitions you can specify looks and behaviour of the landscape materials. Material Definition Components (Material.ocg)
Lookup table for color indices in static and dynamic landscapes. Colors 0-127 are matched to a material-texture-reference. Colors 128-255 are matched to the same list of references only these are marked 'underground'. The engine will draw materials with a higher index above those with a lower index so that, e.g. using the standard table, rough chunks of earth will overlap water which has a smooth border. Mineral resources have an even higher index so that their rough border overlaps the earth and not the other way around. This is also the reason why there might be differing numbers of total pixels of a given material drawn than you might expect just from calculating the square sizes of the unzoomed map materials. If a custom map fails with the message 'texture n undefined' you should define the specified texture in the TexMap. You should always use a paint program capable of editing indexed color palettes without modifying the palette (MS Paint is not suited for this).
The engine will accept up to 125 material definitions at a time. OCM files a simple text files. The materials Vehicle, Tunnel, Water, Snow, Granite, Sand, and Earth must always be available.
There can be any number of textures in PNG or uncompressed Windows BMP format (with 256 colors) in any material group. Width and height of each bitmap must be powers of 2 (that is 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, etc.) With the old BMP format only the first three colors of the texture bitmap may be used as to these the three material colors are applied.
diff --git a/docs/sdk/particle/index.xml b/docs/sdk/particle/index.xml index ba14766cd..0de85cb15 100644 --- a/docs/sdk/particle/index.xml +++ b/docs/sdk/particle/index.xml @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Particles are not stored in savegames and are designed for temporary visual effects only. Particle Components (ocd)
Particle properties.
Particle graphics. The particle definition can also contain the known components of object definitions for describing the particle (e.g. Title.png, DescDE/US.txt, etc.) diff --git a/docs/sdk/scenario/index.xml b/docs/sdk/scenario/index.xml index 64977bfbb..e9e591f21 100644 --- a/docs/sdk/scenario/index.xml +++ b/docs/sdk/scenario/index.xml @@ -9,101 +9,101 @@ Scenarios are the playing worlds which the player can select and start from the menu. With their components the scenario designer can adjust freely everything from the landscape, the goals and rules, the available objects and materials to the look in the menu. Scenario Components (ocs)
Contains most scenario settings.
Contains the Teamsettings for multiplayer scenarios. Since CR.
The title picture of the scenario in png format. Size: 200x150 pixel.
The icon of the scenario in png format. Size: 24x24 pixel.
Loader screen to be displayed while the scenario is loading. If multiple files are present (Loader1.png, Loader2.png, Loader3.png...), one is selected randomly. You can optionally specify which loader to use in Scenario.txt. Loader image files located in parent scenario folders are also used.
The sky background image. Sky graphics should either be tileable or big enough that it won't even tile if the player zooms out very far.
The description text of the scenario in rich text format (rtf). '__' is to be replaced by the two digit language code, e.g. DE for German and US for American English. Multiple descriptions for several languages can be contained in a scenario file of which the game will automatically load the one appropriate for the configured language. The font of the description text is set internally on display. The character size in the file should be 10pt for headings and 8pt for text. Images or other rtf tags are ignored. It is recommended to edit this file using a small scale rtf editor such as WordPad.exe in Windows and not a full-blown word processor such as Word as these will stuff kilobytes of unneeded extra information into the rtf file.
By default, the title of a scenario is set when renaming the scenario in the menu system and stored in section [Head] of Scenario.txt. The file name of the scenario group file may differ. For language dependent titles you should create a Title.txt component with the appropriate contents: DE:Angriff der Killerwipfe US:Attack of the Killer Wipfs Important: No quotation marks and special characters should be used.
The scenario script.
Static landscapes are stretched by factor MapZoom defined in Scenario.txt to the size of the actual landscape in the game. The colors used in Map.bmp correspond to materials and textures as defined in TexMap.txt. Exact landscapes represent the actual in-game landscape saved to a bitmap file. The bitmap color indices (128-191 and 192-255, 3 colors per material) correspond directly to the material pixels used in the scenario. The current material list is stored in MatMap.txt.
Full size map for exact landscapes. This is mainly used in savegames to store the exact terrain including transparent materials and their texture. Exact landscapes consume an extreme amount of memory and should not be used for regularly distributed scenarios.
Advanced scenario designers can use this component to define highly complex, fully random generated dynamic landscapes. This does require certain mathematical skill and some patience, however.
Stores the material table used in this scenario. The materials listed here are used by the exact landscape and have to be available in the loaded Material.ocg group.
This component is generated by the engine and stores runtime object data of a savegame.
Scenarios can contain local material definition groups. See overloading rules.
Scenarios can overload individual entries of the global Graphics.ocg group. See overloading rules.
Scenarios can contain any number of sound files. These can be played back by script during the game. Scenario local sounds are loaded dynamically on demand which might cause delays with large scenario files.
If the scenario contains music files, these can be played back during the game in random order. Also see script command Music().
Local music files can also be combines in a local music group.
Scenarios can contain local object definitions which are then available in that scenario only. The engine will also search all parent folders (ocf) of the scenario for additional local object definitions. In this way, a scenario folder can contain object definitions which are then available in all its contents scenarios.
These names are used for clonks created in this scenario.
Here an author can store additional information about the development of his scenario, his email address, or other information he wants to share with other developers.
Should contain the name of the author in format "Firstname Lastname (Nick)" and is used to maintain the name of the original author, if the scenario group file is edited by another developer at a later point in time.