flatpak remote flatpak Developer Alexander Larsson alexl@redhat.com flatpak remote 5 flatpak-remote Configuration for a remote Description Flatpak stores information about configured remotes for an installation location in $installation/repo/config. For example, the remotes for the default system-wide installation are in $prefix/var/lib/flatpak/repo/config, and the remotes for the per-user installation are in $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/repo/config. Normally, it is not necessary to edit remote config files directly, the flatpak remote-modify command should be used to change properties of remotes. System-wide remotes can be statically preconfigured by dropping config fragments into /etc/flatpak/remotes.d/. File format The remote config file format is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files. [remote …] All the configuration for the the remote with name NAME is contained in the [remote "NAME"] group. The following keys are recognized by OSTree, among others: (string) The url for the remote. (boolean) Whether to use GPG verification for content from this remote. (boolean) Whether to use GPG verification for the summary of this remote. All flatpak-specific keys have a xa. prefix: (boolean) Whether the remote is disabled. Defaults to false. (integer) The priority for the remote. This is used when listing remotes. Defaults to 1. (boolean) Whether this remote should be used when presenting available contents. Defaults to true. (boolean) Whether this remote should be used when searching for dependencies. Defaults to true. (string) An optional title to use when presenting this remote in a UI. (string) The default branch to use when installing from this remote. (string) The default branch to use when installing from this remote. (string) The main reference served by this remote. This is used for origin remotes of applications installed via a flatpakref file. (boolean) Whether this is an OCI remote. Defaults to false. Examples [remote "gnome-nightly-apps"] gpg-verify=true gpg-verify-summary=true url=https://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/repo-apps/ xa.title=GNOME Applications See also flatpak-remote-modify1