# Source library for shell script tests # # Copyright (C) 2016 Alexander Larsson # Copyright (C) 2011 Colin Walters # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. if [ -n "${G_TEST_SRCDIR:-}" ]; then test_srcdir="${G_TEST_SRCDIR}" else test_srcdir=$(dirname $0) fi if [ -n "${G_TEST_BUILDDIR:-}" ]; then test_builddir="${G_TEST_BUILDDIR}" else test_builddir=$(dirname $0) fi assert_not_reached () { echo $@ 1>&2; exit 1 } test_tmpdir=$(pwd) # Sanity check that we're in a tmpdir that has # just .testtmp (created by tap-driver for `make check`, # or nothing at all (as ginstest-runner does) if ! test -f .testtmp; then files=$(ls) if test -n "${files}"; then ls -l assert_not_reached "test tmpdir=${test_tmpdir} is not empty; run this test via \`make check TESTS=\`, not directly" fi # Remember that this is an acceptable test $(pwd), for the benefit of # C and JS tests which may source this file again touch .testtmp fi export G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings # Also, unbreak `tar` inside `make check`...Automake will inject # TAR_OPTIONS: --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner presumably so that # tarballs are predictable, except we don't want this in our tests. unset TAR_OPTIONS if test -n "${FLATPAK_TESTS_DEBUG:-}"; then set -x fi if test -n "${FLATPAK_TESTS_VALGRIND:-}"; then CMD_PREFIX="env G_SLICE=always-malloc valgrind -q --leak-check=no --error-exitcode=1 --num-callers=30 --suppressions=${test_srcdir}/flatpak.supp --suppressions=${test_srcdir}/glib.supp" elif test -n "${FLATPAK_TESTS_VALGRIND_LEAKS:-}"; then CMD_PREFIX="env G_SLICE=always-malloc valgrind -q --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1 --num-callers=30 --suppressions=${test_srcdir}/flatpak.supp --suppressions=${test_srcdir}/glib.supp" else CMD_PREFIX="" fi export MALLOC_CHECK_=3 export MALLOC_PERTURB_=$(($RANDOM % 255 + 1)) # We need this to be in /var/tmp because /tmp has no xattr support TEST_DATA_DIR=`mktemp -d /var/tmp/test-flatpak-XXXXXX` mkdir -p ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/home mkdir -p ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/runtime mkdir -p ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/system export FLATPAK_SYSTEM_DIR=${TEST_DATA_DIR}/system export FLATPAK_SYSTEM_HELPER_ON_SESSION=1 export XDG_DATA_HOME=${TEST_DATA_DIR}/home/share export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=${TEST_DATA_DIR}/runtime export USERDIR=${TEST_DATA_DIR}/home/share/flatpak export SYSTEMDIR=${TEST_DATA_DIR}/system export ARCH=`flatpak --default-arch` if [ x${USE_SYSTEMDIR-} == xyes ] ; then export FL_DIR=${SYSTEMDIR} export U= else export FL_DIR=${USERDIR} export U="--user" fi if [ x${USE_DELTAS-} == xyes ] ; then export UPDATE_REPO_ARGS="--generate-static-deltas" fi export FLATPAK="${CMD_PREFIX} flatpak" export FLATPAK_BUILDER="${CMD_PREFIX} flatpak-builder" assert_streq () { test "$1" = "$2" || (echo 1>&2 "$1 != $2"; exit 1) } assert_not_streq () { (! test "$1" = "$2") || (echo 1>&2 "$1 == $2"; exit 1) } assert_has_file () { test -f "$1" || (echo 1>&2 "Couldn't find '$1'"; exit 1) } assert_has_symlink () { test -L "$1" || (echo 1>&2 "Couldn't find '$1'"; exit 1) } assert_has_dir () { test -d "$1" || (echo 1>&2 "Couldn't find '$1'"; exit 1) } assert_not_has_file () { if test -f "$1"; then sed -e 's/^/# /' < "$1" >&2 echo 1>&2 "File '$1' exists" exit 1 fi } assert_not_file_has_content () { if grep -q -e "$2" "$1"; then sed -e 's/^/# /' < "$1" >&2 echo 1>&2 "File '$1' incorrectly matches regexp '$2'" exit 1 fi } assert_not_has_dir () { if test -d "$1"; then echo 1>&2 "Directory '$1' exists"; exit 1 fi } assert_file_has_content () { if ! grep -q -e "$2" "$1"; then sed -e 's/^/# /' < "$1" >&2 echo 1>&2 "File '$1' doesn't match regexp '$2'" exit 1 fi } assert_symlink_has_content () { if ! readlink "$1" | grep -q -e "$2"; then readlink "$1" |sed -e 's/^/# /' >&2 echo 1>&2 "Symlink '$1' doesn't match regexp '$2'" exit 1 fi } assert_file_empty() { if test -s "$1"; then sed -e 's/^/# /' < "$1" >&2 echo 1>&2 "File '$1' is not empty" exit 1 fi } export FL_GPG_HOMEDIR=${TEST_DATA_DIR}/gpghome mkdir -p ${FL_GPG_HOMEDIR} # This need to be writable, so copy the keys cp $(dirname $0)/test-keyring/*.gpg ${FL_GPG_HOMEDIR}/ export FL_GPG_ID=7B0961FD export FL_GPGARGS="--gpg-homedir=${FL_GPG_HOMEDIR} --gpg-sign=${FL_GPG_ID}" setup_repo () { GPGARGS="$FL_GPGARGS" . $(dirname $0)/make-test-runtime.sh org.test.Platform bash ls cat echo readlink > /dev/null GPGARGS="$FL_GPGARGS" . $(dirname $0)/make-test-app.sh > /dev/null update_repo ostree trivial-httpd --autoexit --daemonize -p httpd-port . port=$(cat httpd-port) flatpak remote-add ${U} --gpg-import=${FL_GPG_HOMEDIR}/pubring.gpg test-repo "${port}/repo" } update_repo () { ${FLATPAK} build-update-repo $FL_GPGARGS ${UPDATE_REPO_ARGS-} repo } make_updated_app () { GPGARGS="$FL_GPGARGS" . $(dirname $0)/make-test-app.sh UPDATED > /dev/null update_repo } setup_sdk_repo () { GPGARGS="$FL_GPGARGS" . $(dirname $0)/make-test-runtime.sh org.test.Sdk bash ls cat echo readlink make mkdir cp touch > /dev/null update_repo } setup_python2_repo () { GPGARGS="$FL_GPGARGS" . $(dirname $0)/make-test-runtime.sh org.test.PythonPlatform bash python2 ls cat echo readlink > /dev/null GPGARGS="$FL_GPGARGS" . $(dirname $0)/make-test-runtime.sh org.test.PythonSdk python2 bash ls cat echo readlink make mkdir cp touch > /dev/null update_repo } install_repo () { ${FLATPAK} ${U} install test-repo org.test.Platform master ${FLATPAK} ${U} install test-repo org.test.Hello master } install_sdk_repo () { ${FLATPAK} ${U} install test-repo org.test.Sdk master } install_python2_repo () { ${FLATPAK} ${U} install test-repo org.test.PythonPlatform master ${FLATPAK} ${U} install test-repo org.test.PythonSdk master } run () { ${CMD_PREFIX} flatpak run "$@" } run_sh () { ${CMD_PREFIX} flatpak run --command=bash ${ARGS-} org.test.Hello -c "$*" } skip_without_user_xattrs () { touch ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/test-xattrs if ! setfattr -n user.testvalue -v somevalue ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/test-xattrs; then echo "1..0 # SKIP this test requires xattr support" exit 0 fi } skip_without_bwrap () { if [ -z "${FLATPAK_BWRAP:-}" ]; then # running installed-tests: assume we know what we're doing : elif ! "$FLATPAK_BWRAP" --ro-bind / / /bin/true > bwrap-result 2>&1; then sed -e 's/^/# /' < bwrap-result echo "1..0 # SKIP Cannot run bwrap" exit 0 fi } skip_without_python2 () { if ! test -f /usr/bin/python2 || ! /usr/bin/python2 -c "import sys; sys.exit(0 if sys.version_info >= (2, 7) else 1)" ; then echo "1..0 # SKIP this test requires /usr/bin/python2 (2.7) support" exit 0 fi } sed s#@testdir@#${test_builddir}# ${test_srcdir}/session.conf.in > session.conf dbus-daemon --fork --config-file=session.conf --print-address=3 --print-pid=4 \ 3> dbus-session-bus-address 4> dbus-session-bus-pid export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="$(cat dbus-session-bus-address)" DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID="$(cat dbus-session-bus-pid)" if ! /bin/kill -0 "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID"; then assert_not_reached "Failed to start dbus-daemon" fi cleanup () { /bin/kill $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID gpg-connect-agent --homedir "${FL_GPG_HOMEDIR}" killagent /bye || true fusermount -u $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/doc || : rm -rf $TEST_DATA_DIR } trap cleanup EXIT