xdg-app install-app xdg-app Developer Alexander Larsson alexl@redhat.com xdg-app install-app 1 xdg-app-install-app Install an application xdg-app install-app OPTION REPOSITORY APP BRANCH Description Installs an application. REPOSITORY must name an existing remote and APP is the name of the application to install. Optionally, BRANCH can be specified to install a branch other than the default "master" branch. Note that xdg-app allows to have multiple branches of an application installed and used at the same time. However, only one can be current, meaning its exported files (for instance desktop files and icons) are visible to the host. The last installed version is made current by default, but you can manually change with make-app-current. Unless overridden with the --user option, this command creates a system-wide installation. Options The following options are understood: Show help options and exit. Create a per-user installation. Create a system-wide installation. The architecture to install for. Print debug information during command processing. Print version information and exit. Examples $ xdg-app --user install-app test-repo org.gnome.GEdit See also xdg-app1, xdg-app-update-app1, xdg-app-list-apps1