uninstall: Default to whatever branch is installed

Alexander Larsson 2016-05-26 19:04:52 +02:00
parent 0b4241b0e5
commit c48272c6db
2 changed files with 44 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -3993,42 +3993,62 @@ flatpak_dir_find_installed_ref (FlatpakDir *self,
gboolean *is_app,
GError **error)
const char *arch = NULL;
g_autofree char *local_ref = NULL;
g_autoptr(GHashTable) local_refs = NULL;
g_autoptr(GError) my_error = NULL;
int i;
arch = opt_arch;
if (arch == NULL)
arch = flatpak_get_arch ();
if (!flatpak_dir_ensure_repo (self, NULL, error))
return NULL;
local_refs = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
if (app)
g_autofree char *app_ref = NULL;
g_autoptr(GFile) deploy_base = NULL;
g_auto(GStrv) app_refs = NULL;
app_ref = flatpak_compose_ref (TRUE, name, opt_branch, opt_arch, error);
if (app_ref == NULL)
if (!flatpak_dir_list_refs (self, "app", &app_refs, NULL, error))
return NULL;
deploy_base = flatpak_dir_get_deploy_dir (self, app_ref);
if (g_file_query_exists (deploy_base, NULL))
if (is_app)
*is_app = TRUE;
return g_steal_pointer (&app_ref);
for (i = 0; app_refs[i] != NULL; i++)
g_hash_table_insert (local_refs, g_strdup (app_refs[i]),
if (runtime)
g_autofree char *runtime_ref = NULL;
g_autoptr(GFile) deploy_base = NULL;
g_auto(GStrv) runtime_refs = NULL;
runtime_ref = flatpak_compose_ref (FALSE, name, opt_branch, opt_arch, error);
if (runtime_ref == NULL)
if (!flatpak_dir_list_refs (self, "runtime", &runtime_refs, NULL, error))
return NULL;
deploy_base = flatpak_dir_get_deploy_dir (self, runtime_ref);
if (g_file_query_exists (deploy_base, NULL))
for (i = 0; runtime_refs[i] != NULL; i++)
g_hash_table_insert (local_refs, g_strdup (runtime_refs[i]),
local_ref = find_matching_ref (local_refs, name, opt_branch,
opt_arch, app, runtime, &my_error);
if (local_ref == NULL)
if (g_error_matches (my_error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND))
g_clear_error (&my_error);
if (is_app)
*is_app = FALSE;
return g_steal_pointer (&runtime_ref);
g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&my_error));
return NULL;
if (is_app)
*is_app = g_str_has_prefix (local_ref, "app/");
return g_steal_pointer (&local_ref);
"%s %s not installed", name, opt_branch ? opt_branch : "master");

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@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
<arg choice="plain">ARCH</arg> and <arg choice="plain">BRANCH</arg>
arguments must identify an installed application.
If <arg choice="plain">BRANCH</arg> is not specified, it defaults
to "master".
to whatever is installed, unless there are multiple versions, then you
have to specify a branch.
By default this looks for both installed apps and runtime