update: Don't update related refs from different remote

In case you happen to have a reference A with a related reference
B (say a runtime and a GL extension), and they come from different
remotes, then updating A should not cause B to update from the same
remote as A, but rather the current remote.
Alexander Larsson 2017-02-23 14:42:43 +01:00
parent 51e14fe33b
commit 6793d90b82
1 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -687,6 +687,11 @@ flatpak_transaction_run (FlatpakTransaction *self,
current_subpaths = flatpak_deploy_data_get_subpaths (deploy_data);
op->subpaths = g_strdupv ((char **)current_subpaths);
/* Don't use the remote from related ref on update, always use
the current remote. */
g_free (op->remote);
op->remote = g_strdup (flatpak_deploy_data_get_origin (deploy_data));