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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A set of functions useful for customizing bibtex fields.
You can find inspiration from these functions to design yours.
Each of them takes a record and return the modified record.
import itertools
import re
import logging
from .latexenc import unicode_to_latex, unicode_to_crappy_latex1, unicode_to_crappy_latex2, string_to_latex, protect_uppercase
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['getnames', 'author', 'editor', 'journal', 'keyword', 'link',
'page_double_hyphen', 'doi', 'type', 'convert_to_unicode',
def getnames(names):
"""Make people names as surname, firstnames
or surname, initials. Should eventually combine up the two.
:param names: a list of names
:type names: list
:returns: list -- Correctly formated names
tidynames = []
for namestring in names:
namestring = namestring.strip()
if len(namestring) < 1:
if ',' in namestring:
namesplit = namestring.split(',', 1)
last = namesplit[0].strip()
firsts = [i.strip() for i in namesplit[1].split()]
namesplit = namestring.split()
last = namesplit.pop()
firsts = [i.replace('.', '. ').strip() for i in namesplit]
if last in ['jnr', 'jr', 'junior']:
last = firsts.pop()
for item in firsts:
if item in ['ben', 'van', 'der', 'de', 'la', 'le']:
last = firsts.pop() + ' ' + last
tidynames.append(last + ", " + ' '.join(firsts))
return tidynames
def author(record):
Split author field into a list of "Name, Surname".
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "author" in record:
if record["author"]:
record["author"] = getnames([i.strip() for i in record["author"].replace('\n', ' ').split(" and ")])
del record["author"]
return record
def editor(record):
Turn the editor field into a dict composed of the original editor name
and a editor id (without coma or blank).
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "editor" in record:
if record["editor"]:
record["editor"] = getnames([i.strip() for i in record["editor"].replace('\n', ' ').split(" and ")])
# convert editor to object
record["editor"] = [{"name": i, "ID": i.replace(',', '').replace(' ', '').replace('.', '')} for i in record["editor"]]
del record["editor"]
return record
def page_double_hyphen(record):
Separate pages by a double hyphen (--).
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "pages" in record:
# hyphen, non-breaking hyphen, en dash, em dash, hyphen-minus, minus sign
separators = [u'', u'', u'', u'', u'-', u'']
for separator in separators:
if separator in record["pages"]:
p = [i.strip().strip(separator) for i in record["pages"].split(separator)]
record["pages"] = p[0] + '--' + p[-1]
return record
def type(record):
Put the type into lower case.
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "type" in record:
record["type"] = record["type"].lower()
return record
def journal(record):
Turn the journal field into a dict composed of the original journal name
and a journal id (without coma or blank).
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "journal" in record:
# switch journal to object
if record["journal"]:
record["journal"] = {"name": record["journal"], "ID": record["journal"].replace(',', '').replace(' ', '').replace('.', '')}
return record
def keyword(record, sep=',|;'):
Split keyword field into a list.
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:param sep: pattern used for the splitting regexp.
:type record: string, optional
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "keyword" in record:
record["keyword"] = [i.strip() for i in re.split(sep, record["keyword"].replace('\n', ''))]
return record
def link(record):
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if "link" in record:
links = [i.strip().replace(" ", " ") for i in record["link"].split('\n')]
record['link'] = []
for link in links:
parts = link.split(" ")
linkobj = {"url": parts[0]}
if len(parts) > 1:
linkobj["anchor"] = parts[1]
if len(parts) > 2:
linkobj["format"] = parts[2]
if len(linkobj["url"]) > 0:
return record
def doi(record):
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
if 'doi' in record:
if 'link' not in record:
record['link'] = []
nodoi = True
for item in record['link']:
if 'doi' in item:
nodoi = False
if nodoi:
link = record['doi']
if link.startswith('10'):
link = 'http://dx.doi.org/' + link
record['link'].append({"url": link, "anchor": "doi"})
return record
def convert_to_unicode(record):
Convert accent from latex to unicode style.
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
for val in record:
if '\\' in record[val] or '{' in record[val]:
for k, v in itertools.chain(unicode_to_crappy_latex1, unicode_to_latex):
if v in record[val]:
record[val] = record[val].replace(v, k)
# If there is still very crappy items
if '\\' in record[val]:
for k, v in unicode_to_crappy_latex2:
if v in record[val]:
parts = record[val].split(str(v))
for key, record[val] in enumerate(parts):
if key+1 < len(parts) and len(parts[key+1]) > 0:
# Change order to display accents
parts[key] = parts[key] + parts[key+1][0]
parts[key+1] = parts[key+1][1:]
record[val] = k.join(parts)
return record
def homogeneize_latex_encoding(record):
Homogeneize the latex enconding style for bibtex
This function is experimental.
:param record: the record.
:type record: dict
:returns: dict -- the modified record.
# First, we convert everything to unicode
record = convert_to_unicode(record)
# And then, we fall back
for val in record:
if val not in ('ID',):
logger.debug('Apply string_to_latex to: %s', val)
record[val] = string_to_latex(record[val])
if val == 'title':
logger.debug('Protect uppercase in title')
logger.debug('Before: %s', record[val])
record[val] = protect_uppercase(record[val])
logger.debug('After: %s', record[val])
return record