
3723 lines
110 KiB

import * as dom from './dom.js';
import * as helper from './helpers.js';
import numeral from 'numeral';
import {DataMap} from './dataMap.js';
import {EditorManager} from './editorManager.js';
import {eventManager as eventManagerObject} from './eventManager.js';
import {getPlugin} from './plugins.js';
import {getRenderer} from './renderers.js';
import {TableView} from './tableView.js';
import {WalkontableCellCoords} from './3rdparty/walkontable/src/cell/coords.js';
import {WalkontableCellRange} from './3rdparty/walkontable/src/cell/range.js';
import {WalkontableSelection} from './3rdparty/walkontable/src/selection.js';
Handsontable.activeGuid = null;
* Handsontable constructor
* @core
* @dependencies numeral
* @constructor Core
* @description
* After Handsontable is constructed, you can modify the grid behavior using the available public methods.
* ---
* ## How to call methods
* These are 2 equal ways to call a Handsontable method:
* ```js
* // all following examples assume that you constructed Handsontable like this
* var ht = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example1'), options);
* // now, to use setDataAtCell method, you can either:
* ht.setDataAtCell(0, 0, 'new value');
* ```
* Alternatively, you can call the method using jQuery wrapper (__obsolete__, requires initialization using our jQuery guide
* ```js
* $('#example1').handsontable('setDataAtCell', 0, 0, 'new value');
* ```
* ---
Handsontable.Core = function Core(rootElement, userSettings) {
var priv
, datamap
, grid
, selection
, editorManager
, instance = this
, GridSettings = function() {}
, eventManager = eventManagerObject(instance);
helper.extend(GridSettings.prototype, DefaultSettings.prototype); //create grid settings as a copy of default settings
helper.extend(GridSettings.prototype, userSettings); //overwrite defaults with user settings
helper.extend(GridSettings.prototype, expandType(userSettings));
this.rootElement = rootElement;
this.isHotTableEnv = dom.isChildOfWebComponentTable(this.rootElement);
Handsontable.eventManager.isHotTableEnv = this.isHotTableEnv;
this.container = document.createElement('DIV');
rootElement.insertBefore(this.container, rootElement.firstChild);
this.guid = 'ht_' + helper.randomString(); //this is the namespace for global events
if (!this.rootElement.id || this.rootElement.id.substring(0, 3) === "ht_") {
this.rootElement.id = this.guid; //if root element does not have an id, assign a random id
priv = {
cellSettings: [],
columnSettings: [],
columnsSettingConflicts: ['data', 'width'],
settings: new GridSettings(), // current settings instance
selRange: null, //exposed by public method `getSelectedRange`
isPopulated: null,
scrollable: null,
firstRun: true
grid = {
* Inserts or removes rows and columns
* @memberof Core#
* @function alter
* @param {String} action Possible values: "insert_row", "insert_col", "remove_row", "remove_col"
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Number} amount
* @param {String} [source] Optional. Source of hook runner.
* @param {Boolean} [keepEmptyRows] Optional. Flag for preventing deletion of empty rows.
alter: function(action, index, amount, source, keepEmptyRows) {
var delta;
amount = amount || 1;
switch (action) {
case "insert_row":
if (instance.getSettings().maxRows === instance.countRows()) {
delta = datamap.createRow(index, amount);
if (delta) {
if (selection.isSelected() && priv.selRange.from.row >= index) {
priv.selRange.from.row = priv.selRange.from.row + delta;
selection.transformEnd(delta, 0); //will call render() internally
else {
selection.refreshBorders(); //it will call render and prepare methods
case "insert_col":
// //column order may have changes, so we need to translate the selection column index -> source array index
// index = instance.runHooksAndReturn('modifyCol', index);
delta = datamap.createCol(index, amount);
if (delta) {
if (Array.isArray(instance.getSettings().colHeaders)) {
var spliceArray = [index, 0];
spliceArray.length += delta; //inserts empty (undefined) elements at the end of an array
Array.prototype.splice.apply(instance.getSettings().colHeaders, spliceArray); //inserts empty (undefined) elements into the colHeader array
if (selection.isSelected() && priv.selRange.from.col >= index) {
priv.selRange.from.col = priv.selRange.from.col + delta;
selection.transformEnd(0, delta); //will call render() internally
else {
selection.refreshBorders(); //it will call render and prepare methods
case "remove_row":
//column order may have changes, so we need to translate the selection column index -> source array index
index = instance.runHooks('modifyCol', index);
datamap.removeRow(index, amount);
priv.cellSettings.splice(index, amount);
var fixedRowsTop = instance.getSettings().fixedRowsTop;
if (fixedRowsTop >= index + 1) {
instance.getSettings().fixedRowsTop -= Math.min(amount, fixedRowsTop - index);
selection.refreshBorders(); //it will call render and prepare methods
case "remove_col":
datamap.removeCol(index, amount);
for (var row = 0, len = datamap.getAll().length; row < len; row++) {
if (row in priv.cellSettings) { //if row hasn't been rendered it wouldn't have cellSettings
priv.cellSettings[row].splice(index, amount);
var fixedColumnsLeft = instance.getSettings().fixedColumnsLeft;
if (fixedColumnsLeft >= index + 1) {
instance.getSettings().fixedColumnsLeft -= Math.min(amount, fixedColumnsLeft - index);
if (Array.isArray(instance.getSettings().colHeaders)) {
if (typeof index == 'undefined') {
index = -1;
instance.getSettings().colHeaders.splice(index, amount);
//priv.columnSettings.splice(index, amount);
selection.refreshBorders(); //it will call render and prepare methods
/* jshint ignore:start */
throw new Error('There is no such action "' + action + '"');
/* jshint ignore:end */
if (!keepEmptyRows) {
grid.adjustRowsAndCols(); //makes sure that we did not add rows that will be removed in next refresh
* Makes sure there are empty rows at the bottom of the table
adjustRowsAndCols: function() {
var r, rlen, emptyRows, emptyCols;
//should I add empty rows to data source to meet minRows?
rlen = instance.countRows();
if (rlen < priv.settings.minRows) {
for (r = 0; r < priv.settings.minRows - rlen; r++) {
datamap.createRow(instance.countRows(), 1, true);
emptyRows = instance.countEmptyRows(true);
//should I add empty rows to meet minSpareRows?
if (emptyRows < priv.settings.minSpareRows) {
for (; emptyRows < priv.settings.minSpareRows && instance.countRows() < priv.settings.maxRows; emptyRows++) {
datamap.createRow(instance.countRows(), 1, true);
//count currently empty cols
emptyCols = instance.countEmptyCols(true);
//should I add empty cols to meet minCols?
if (!priv.settings.columns && instance.countCols() < priv.settings.minCols) {
for (; instance.countCols() < priv.settings.minCols; emptyCols++) {
datamap.createCol(instance.countCols(), 1, true);
//should I add empty cols to meet minSpareCols?
if (!priv.settings.columns && instance.dataType === 'array' && emptyCols < priv.settings.minSpareCols) {
for (; emptyCols < priv.settings.minSpareCols && instance.countCols() < priv.settings.maxCols; emptyCols++) {
datamap.createCol(instance.countCols(), 1, true);
// if (priv.settings.enterBeginsEditing) {
// for (; (((priv.settings.minRows || priv.settings.minSpareRows) &&
// instance.countRows() > priv.settings.minRows) && (priv.settings.minSpareRows && emptyRows > priv.settings.minSpareRows)); emptyRows--) {
// datamap.removeRow();
// }
// }
// if (priv.settings.enterBeginsEditing && !priv.settings.columns) {
// for (; (((priv.settings.minCols || priv.settings.minSpareCols) &&
// instance.countCols() > priv.settings.minCols) && (priv.settings.minSpareCols && emptyCols > priv.settings.minSpareCols)); emptyCols--) {
// datamap.removeCol();
// }
// }
var rowCount = instance.countRows();
var colCount = instance.countCols();
if (rowCount === 0 || colCount === 0) {
if (selection.isSelected()) {
var selectionChanged;
var fromRow = priv.selRange.from.row;
var fromCol = priv.selRange.from.col;
var toRow = priv.selRange.to.row;
var toCol = priv.selRange.to.col;
//if selection is outside, move selection to last row
if (fromRow > rowCount - 1) {
fromRow = rowCount - 1;
selectionChanged = true;
if (toRow > fromRow) {
toRow = fromRow;
} else if (toRow > rowCount - 1) {
toRow = rowCount - 1;
selectionChanged = true;
if (fromRow > toRow) {
fromRow = toRow;
//if selection is outside, move selection to last row
if (fromCol > colCount - 1) {
fromCol = colCount - 1;
selectionChanged = true;
if (toCol > fromCol) {
toCol = fromCol;
} else if (toCol > colCount - 1) {
toCol = colCount - 1;
selectionChanged = true;
if (fromCol > toCol) {
fromCol = toCol;
if (selectionChanged) {
instance.selectCell(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol);
if (instance.view) {
* Populate cells at position with 2d array
* @memberof Core#
* @function populateFromArray
* @param {Object} start Start selection position
* @param {Array} input 2d array
* @param {Object} [end] End selection position (only for drag-down mode)
* @param {String} [source="populateFromArray"]
* @param {String} [method="overwrite"]
* @param {String} direction (left|right|up|down)
* @param {Array} deltas array
* @returns {Object|undefined} ending td in pasted area (only if any cell was changed)
populateFromArray: function(start, input, end, source, method, direction, deltas) {
var r, rlen, c, clen, setData = [], current = {};
rlen = input.length;
if (rlen === 0) {
return false;
var repeatCol
, repeatRow
, cmax
, rmax;
// insert data with specified pasteMode method
switch (method) {
case 'shift_down' :
repeatCol = end ? end.col - start.col + 1 : 0;
repeatRow = end ? end.row - start.row + 1 : 0;
input = helper.translateRowsToColumns(input);
for (c = 0, clen = input.length, cmax = Math.max(clen, repeatCol); c < cmax; c++) {
if (c < clen) {
for (r = 0, rlen = input[c].length; r < repeatRow - rlen; r++) {
input[c].push(input[c][r % rlen]);
input[c].unshift(start.col + c, start.row, 0);
instance.spliceCol.apply(instance, input[c]);
else {
input[c % clen][0] = start.col + c;
instance.spliceCol.apply(instance, input[c % clen]);
case 'shift_right' :
repeatCol = end ? end.col - start.col + 1 : 0;
repeatRow = end ? end.row - start.row + 1 : 0;
for (r = 0, rlen = input.length, rmax = Math.max(rlen, repeatRow); r < rmax; r++) {
if (r < rlen) {
for (c = 0, clen = input[r].length; c < repeatCol - clen; c++) {
input[r].push(input[r][c % clen]);
input[r].unshift(start.row + r, start.col, 0);
instance.spliceRow.apply(instance, input[r]);
else {
input[r % rlen][0] = start.row + r;
instance.spliceRow.apply(instance, input[r % rlen]);
/* jshint ignore:start */
case 'overwrite':
/* jshint ignore:end */
// overwrite and other not specified options
current.row = start.row;
current.col = start.col;
var iterators = {row: 0, col: 0}, // number of packages
selected = { // selected range
row: (end && start) ? (end.row - start.row + 1) : 1,
col: (end && start) ? (end.col - start.col + 1) : 1
pushData = true;
if (['up', 'left'].indexOf(direction) !== -1) {
iterators = {
row: Math.ceil(selected.row / rlen) || 1,
col: Math.ceil(selected.col / input[0].length) || 1
} else if (['down', 'right'].indexOf(direction) !== -1) {
iterators = {
row: 1,
col: 1
for (r = 0; r < rlen; r++) {
if ((end && current.row > end.row) || (!priv.settings.allowInsertRow && current.row > instance.countRows() - 1) || (current.row >= priv.settings.maxRows)) {
current.col = start.col;
clen = input[r] ? input[r].length : 0;
for (c = 0; c < clen; c++) {
if ((end && current.col > end.col) || (!priv.settings.allowInsertColumn && current.col > instance.countCols() - 1) || (current.col >= priv.settings.maxCols)) {
if (!instance.getCellMeta(current.row, current.col).readOnly) {
var result,
value = input[r][c],
orgValue = instance.getDataAtCell(current.row, current.col),
index = {
row: r,
col: c
if (source === 'autofill') {
result = instance.runHooks('beforeAutofillInsidePopulate', index, direction, input, deltas, iterators, selected);
if (result) {
iterators = typeof(result.iterators) !== 'undefined' ? result.iterators : iterators;
value = typeof(result.value) !== 'undefined' ? result.value : value;
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
if (orgValue === null || typeof orgValue !== 'object') {
pushData = false;
} else {
orgValueSchema = Handsontable.helper.duckSchema(orgValue[0] || orgValue);
valueSchema = Handsontable.helper.duckSchema(value[0] || value);
/* jshint -W073 */
if (Handsontable.helper.isObjectEquals(orgValueSchema, valueSchema)) {
value = Handsontable.helper.deepClone(value);
} else {
pushData = false;
} else if (orgValue !== null && typeof orgValue === 'object') {
pushData = false;
if (pushData) {
setData.push([current.row, current.col, value]);
pushData = true;
if (end && c === clen - 1) {
c = -1;
if (['down', 'right'].indexOf(direction) !== -1) {
} else if (['up', 'left'].indexOf(direction) !== -1) {
if (iterators.col > 1) {
iterators.col = 1;
if (end && r === rlen - 1) {
r = -1;
if (['down', 'right'].indexOf(direction) !== -1) {
} else if (['up', 'left'].indexOf(direction) !== -1) {
if (iterators.row > 1) {
instance.setDataAtCell(setData, null, null, source || 'populateFromArray');
this.selection = selection = { //this public assignment is only temporary
inProgress: false,
selectedHeader: {
cols: false,
rows: false
* @param {Number} rows
* @param {Number} cols
setSelectedHeaders: function(rows, cols) {
instance.selection.selectedHeader.rows = rows;
instance.selection.selectedHeader.cols = cols;
* Sets inProgress to `true`. This enables onSelectionEnd and onSelectionEndByProp to function as desired.
begin: function() {
instance.selection.inProgress = true;
* Sets inProgress to `false`. Triggers onSelectionEnd and onSelectionEndByProp.
finish: function() {
var sel = instance.getSelected();
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "afterSelectionEnd", sel[0], sel[1], sel[2], sel[3]);
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "afterSelectionEndByProp", sel[0], instance.colToProp(sel[1]), sel[2], instance.colToProp(sel[3]));
instance.selection.inProgress = false;
* @returns {Boolean}
isInProgress: function() {
return instance.selection.inProgress;
* Starts selection range on given td object.
* @param {WalkontableCellCoords} coords
* @param keepEditorOpened
setRangeStart: function(coords, keepEditorOpened) {
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "beforeSetRangeStart", coords);
priv.selRange = new WalkontableCellRange(coords, coords, coords);
selection.setRangeEnd(coords, null, keepEditorOpened);
* Ends selection range on given td object.
* @param {WalkontableCellCoords} coords
* @param {Boolean} [scrollToCell=true] If `true`, viewport will be scrolled to range end
* @param {Boolean} [keepEditorOpened] If `true`, cell editor will be still opened after changing selection range
setRangeEnd: function(coords, scrollToCell, keepEditorOpened) {
if (priv.selRange === null) {
var disableVisualSelection;
//trigger handlers
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "beforeSetRangeEnd", coords);
priv.selRange.to = new WalkontableCellCoords(coords.row, coords.col);
if (!priv.settings.multiSelect) {
priv.selRange.from = coords;
// set up current selection
disableVisualSelection = instance.getCellMeta(priv.selRange.highlight.row, priv.selRange.highlight.col).disableVisualSelection;
if (typeof disableVisualSelection === 'string') {
disableVisualSelection = [disableVisualSelection];
if (disableVisualSelection === false ||
Array.isArray(disableVisualSelection) && disableVisualSelection.indexOf('current') === -1) {
// set up area selection
if ((disableVisualSelection === false ||
Array.isArray(disableVisualSelection) && disableVisualSelection.indexOf('area') === -1) &&
selection.isMultiple()) {
// set up highlight
if (priv.settings.currentRowClassName || priv.settings.currentColClassName) {
// trigger handlers
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "afterSelection",
priv.selRange.from.row, priv.selRange.from.col, priv.selRange.to.row, priv.selRange.to.col);
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "afterSelectionByProp",
priv.selRange.from.row, datamap.colToProp(priv.selRange.from.col), priv.selRange.to.row, datamap.colToProp(priv.selRange.to.col));
if (scrollToCell !== false && instance.view.mainViewIsActive()) {
if (priv.selRange.from && !selection.isMultiple()) {
} else {
selection.refreshBorders(null, keepEditorOpened);
* Destroys editor, redraws borders around cells, prepares editor.
* @param {Boolean} [revertOriginal]
* @param {Boolean} [keepEditor]
refreshBorders: function(revertOriginal, keepEditor) {
if (!keepEditor) {
if (selection.isSelected() && !keepEditor) {
* Returns information if we have a multiselection.
* @returns {Boolean}
isMultiple: function() {
var isMultiple = !(priv.selRange.to.col === priv.selRange.from.col && priv.selRange.to.row === priv.selRange.from.row)
, modifier = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterIsMultipleSelection', isMultiple);
if (isMultiple) {
return modifier;
* Selects cell relative to current cell (if possible).
transformStart: function(rowDelta, colDelta, force, keepEditorOpened) {
var delta = new WalkontableCellCoords(rowDelta, colDelta),
rowTransformDir = 0,
colTransformDir = 0,
instance.runHooks('modifyTransformStart', delta);
totalRows = instance.countRows();
totalCols = instance.countCols();
/* jshint ignore:start */
if (priv.selRange.highlight.row + rowDelta > totalRows - 1) {
if (force && priv.settings.minSpareRows > 0) {
instance.alter("insert_row", totalRows);
totalRows = instance.countRows();
} else if (priv.settings.autoWrapCol) {
delta.row = 1 - totalRows;
delta.col = priv.selRange.highlight.col + delta.col == totalCols - 1 ? 1 - totalCols : 1;
} else if (priv.settings.autoWrapCol && priv.selRange.highlight.row + delta.row < 0 && priv.selRange.highlight.col + delta.col >= 0) {
delta.row = totalRows - 1;
delta.col = priv.selRange.highlight.col + delta.col == 0 ? totalCols - 1 : -1;
if (priv.selRange.highlight.col + delta.col > totalCols - 1) {
if (force && priv.settings.minSpareCols > 0) {
instance.alter("insert_col", totalCols);
totalCols = instance.countCols();
} else if (priv.settings.autoWrapRow) {
delta.row = priv.selRange.highlight.row + delta.row == totalRows - 1 ? 1 - totalRows : 1;
delta.col = 1 - totalCols;
} else if (priv.settings.autoWrapRow && priv.selRange.highlight.col + delta.col < 0 && priv.selRange.highlight.row + delta.row >= 0) {
delta.row = priv.selRange.highlight.row + delta.row == 0 ? totalRows - 1 : -1;
delta.col = totalCols - 1;
/* jshint ignore:end */
coords = new WalkontableCellCoords(priv.selRange.highlight.row + delta.row, priv.selRange.highlight.col + delta.col);
if (coords.row < 0) {
rowTransformDir = -1;
coords.row = 0;
} else if (coords.row > 0 && coords.row >= totalRows) {
rowTransformDir = 1;
coords.row = totalRows - 1;
if (coords.col < 0) {
colTransformDir = -1;
coords.col = 0;
} else if (coords.col > 0 && coords.col >= totalCols) {
colTransformDir = 1;
coords.col = totalCols - 1;
instance.runHooks('afterModifyTransformStart', coords, rowTransformDir, colTransformDir);
selection.setRangeStart(coords, keepEditorOpened);
* Sets selection end cell relative to current selection end cell (if possible).
transformEnd: function(rowDelta, colDelta) {
var delta = new WalkontableCellCoords(rowDelta, colDelta),
rowTransformDir = 0,
colTransformDir = 0,
instance.runHooks('modifyTransformEnd', delta);
totalRows = instance.countRows();
totalCols = instance.countCols();
coords = new WalkontableCellCoords(priv.selRange.to.row + delta.row, priv.selRange.to.col + delta.col);
if (coords.row < 0) {
rowTransformDir = -1;
coords.row = 0;
} else if (coords.row > 0 && coords.row >= totalRows) {
rowTransformDir = 1;
coords.row = totalRows - 1;
if (coords.col < 0) {
colTransformDir = -1;
coords.col = 0;
} else if (coords.col > 0 && coords.col >= totalCols) {
colTransformDir = 1;
coords.col = totalCols - 1;
instance.runHooks('afterModifyTransformEnd', coords, rowTransformDir, colTransformDir);
selection.setRangeEnd(coords, true);
* Returns `true` if currently there is a selection on screen, `false` otherwise.
* @returns {Boolean}
isSelected: function() {
return (priv.selRange !== null);
* Returns `true` if coords is within current selection coords.
* @param {WalkontableCellCoords} coords
* @returns {Boolean}
inInSelection: function(coords) {
if (!selection.isSelected()) {
return false;
return priv.selRange.includes(coords);
* Deselects all selected cells
deselect: function() {
if (!selection.isSelected()) {
instance.selection.inProgress = false; //needed by HT inception
priv.selRange = null;
if (priv.settings.currentRowClassName || priv.settings.currentColClassName) {
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterDeselect');
* Select all cells
selectAll: function() {
if (!priv.settings.multiSelect) {
selection.setRangeStart(new WalkontableCellCoords(0, 0));
selection.setRangeEnd(new WalkontableCellCoords(instance.countRows() - 1, instance.countCols() - 1), false);
* Deletes data from selected cells
empty: function() {
if (!selection.isSelected()) {
var topLeft = priv.selRange.getTopLeftCorner();
var bottomRight = priv.selRange.getBottomRightCorner();
var r, c, changes = [];
for (r = topLeft.row; r <= bottomRight.row; r++) {
for (c = topLeft.col; c <= bottomRight.col; c++) {
if (!instance.getCellMeta(r, c).readOnly) {
changes.push([r, c, '']);
this.init = function() {
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'beforeInit');
if (Handsontable.mobileBrowser) {
dom.addClass(instance.rootElement, 'mobile');
this.updateSettings(priv.settings, true);
this.view = new TableView(this);
editorManager = new EditorManager(instance, priv, selection, datamap);
this.forceFullRender = true; //used when data was changed
if (typeof priv.firstRun === 'object') {
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterChange', priv.firstRun[0], priv.firstRun[1]);
priv.firstRun = false;
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterInit');
function ValidatorsQueue() { //moved this one level up so it can be used in any function here. Probably this should be moved to a separate file
var resolved = false;
return {
validatorsInQueue: 0,
addValidatorToQueue: function() {
resolved = false;
removeValidatorFormQueue: function() {
this.validatorsInQueue = this.validatorsInQueue - 1 < 0 ? 0 : this.validatorsInQueue - 1;
onQueueEmpty: function() {
checkIfQueueIsEmpty: function() {
/* jshint ignore:start */
if (this.validatorsInQueue == 0 && resolved == false) {
resolved = true;
/* jshint ignore:end */
function validateChanges(changes, source, callback) {
var waitingForValidator = new ValidatorsQueue();
waitingForValidator.onQueueEmpty = resolve;
for (var i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (changes[i] === null) {
changes.splice(i, 1);
else {
var row = changes[i][0];
var col = datamap.propToCol(changes[i][1]);
//column order may have changes, so we need to translate physical col index (stored in datasource) to logical (displayed to user)
var logicalCol = instance.runHooks('modifyCol', col);
var cellProperties = instance.getCellMeta(row, logicalCol);
if (cellProperties.type === 'numeric' && typeof changes[i][3] === 'string') {
if (changes[i][3].length > 0 && (/^-?[\d\s]*(\.|\,)?\d*$/.test(changes[i][3]) || cellProperties.format )) {
var len = changes[i][3].length;
if (typeof cellProperties.language == 'undefined') {
//this input in format XXXX.XX is likely to come from paste. Let's parse it using international rules
else if (changes[i][3].indexOf(".") === len - 3 && changes[i][3].indexOf(",") === -1) {
else {
if (numeral.validate(changes[i][3])) {
changes[i][3] = numeral().unformat(changes[i][3]);
/* jshint ignore:start */
if (instance.getCellValidator(cellProperties)) {
instance.validateCell(changes[i][3], cellProperties, (function(i, cellProperties) {
return function(result) {
if (typeof result !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error("Validation error: result is not boolean");
if (result === false && cellProperties.allowInvalid === false) {
changes.splice(i, 1); // cancel the change
cellProperties.valid = true; // we cancelled the change, so cell value is still valid
})(i, cellProperties)
, source);
/* jshint ignore:end */
function resolve() {
var beforeChangeResult;
if (changes.length) {
beforeChangeResult = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "beforeChange", changes, source);
if (typeof beforeChangeResult === 'function') {
console.warn("Your beforeChange callback returns a function. It's not supported since Handsontable 0.12.1 (and the returned function will not be executed).");
} else if (beforeChangeResult === false) {
changes.splice(0, changes.length); //invalidate all changes (remove everything from array)
callback(); //called when async validators are resolved and beforeChange was not async
* Internal function to apply changes. Called after validateChanges
* @private
* @param {Array} changes Array in form of [row, prop, oldValue, newValue]
* @param {String} source String that identifies how this change will be described in changes array (useful in onChange callback)
* @fires Hooks#beforeChangeRender
* @fires Hooks#afterChange
function applyChanges(changes, source) {
var i = changes.length - 1;
if (i < 0) {
for (; 0 <= i; i--) {
if (changes[i] === null) {
changes.splice(i, 1);
if (changes[i][2] == null && changes[i][3] == null) {
if (priv.settings.allowInsertRow) {
while (changes[i][0] > instance.countRows() - 1) {
if (instance.dataType === 'array' && priv.settings.allowInsertColumn) {
while (datamap.propToCol(changes[i][1]) > instance.countCols() - 1) {
datamap.set(changes[i][0], changes[i][1], changes[i][3]);
instance.forceFullRender = true; //used when data was changed
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'beforeChangeRender', changes, source);
selection.refreshBorders(null, true);
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterChange', changes, source || 'edit');
this.validateCell = function(value, cellProperties, callback, source) {
var validator = instance.getCellValidator(cellProperties);
function done(valid) {
var col = cellProperties.col,
row = cellProperties.row,
td = instance.getCell(row, col, true);
if (td) {
instance.view.wt.wtSettings.settings.cellRenderer(row, col, td);
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(validator) === '[object RegExp]') {
validator = (function(validator) {
return function(value, callback) {
if (typeof validator == 'function') {
value = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "beforeValidate", value, cellProperties.row, cellProperties.prop, source);
// To provide consistent behaviour, validation should be always asynchronous
instance._registerTimeout(setTimeout(function() {
validator.call(cellProperties, value, function(valid) {
valid = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "afterValidate", valid, value, cellProperties.row, cellProperties.prop, source);
cellProperties.valid = valid;
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, "postAfterValidate", valid, value, cellProperties.row, cellProperties.prop, source);
}, 0));
} else {
//resolve callback even if validator function was not found
cellProperties.valid = true;
function setDataInputToArray(row, propOrCol, value) {
if (typeof row === "object") { //is it an array of changes
return row;
else {
return [
[row, propOrCol, value]
* @description
* Set new value to a cell. To change many cells at once, pass an array of `changes` in format `[[row, col, value], ...]` as
* the only parameter. `col` is the index of __visible__ column (note that if columns were reordered,
* the current order will be used). `source` is a flag for before/afterChange events. If you pass only array of
* changes then `source` could be set as second parameter.
* @memberof Core#
* @function setDataAtCell
* @param {Number|Array} row or array of changes in format `[[row, col, value], ...]`
* @param {Number|String} col or source String
* @param {String} value
* @param {String} [source] String that identifies how this change will be described in changes array (useful in onChange callback)
this.setDataAtCell = function(row, col, value, source) {
var input = setDataInputToArray(row, col, value)
, i
, ilen
, changes = []
, prop;
for (i = 0, ilen = input.length; i < ilen; i++) {
if (typeof input[i] !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Method `setDataAtCell` accepts row number or changes array of arrays as its first parameter');
if (typeof input[i][1] !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Method `setDataAtCell` accepts row and column number as its parameters. If you want to use object property name, use method `setDataAtRowProp`');
prop = datamap.colToProp(input[i][1]);
datamap.get(input[i][0], prop),
if (!source && typeof row === "object") {
source = col;
validateChanges(changes, source, function() {
applyChanges(changes, source);
* Same as above, except instead of `col`, you provide name of the object property (e.g. `[0, 'first.name', 'Jennifer']`).
* @memberof Core#
* @function setDataAtRowProp
* @param {Number|Array} row or array of changes in format `[[row, prop, value], ...]`
* @param {String} prop or source String
* @param {String} value
* @param {String} [source] String that identifies how this change will be described in changes array (useful in onChange callback)
this.setDataAtRowProp = function(row, prop, value, source) {
var input = setDataInputToArray(row, prop, value)
, i
, ilen
, changes = [];
for (i = 0, ilen = input.length; i < ilen; i++) {
datamap.get(input[i][0], input[i][1]),
if (!source && typeof row === "object") {
source = prop;
validateChanges(changes, source, function() {
applyChanges(changes, source);
* Listen to keyboard input on document body.
* @memberof Core#
* @function listen
* @since 0.11
this.listen = function() {
Handsontable.activeGuid = instance.guid;
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement !== document.body) {
else if (!document.activeElement) { //IE
* Stop listening to keyboard input on document body.
* @memberof Core#
* @function unlisten
* @since 0.11
this.unlisten = function() {
Handsontable.activeGuid = null;
* Returns `true` if current Handsontable instance is listening to keyboard input on document body.
* @memberof Core#
* @function isListening
* @since 0.11
* @returns {Boolean}
this.isListening = function() {
return Handsontable.activeGuid === instance.guid;
* Destroys current editor, renders and selects current cell.
* @memberof Core#
* @function destroyEditor
* @param {Boolean} [revertOriginal] If != `true`, edited data is saved. Otherwise previous value is restored
this.destroyEditor = function(revertOriginal) {
* Populate cells at position with 2D input array (e.g. `[[1, 2], [3, 4]]`).
* Use `endRow`, `endCol` when you want to cut input when certain row is reached.
* Optional `source` parameter (default value "populateFromArray") is used to identify this call in the resulting events (beforeChange, afterChange).
* Optional `populateMethod` parameter (default value "overwrite", possible values "shift_down" and "shift_right")
* has the same effect as pasteMethod option (see Options page)
* @memberof Core#
* @function populateFromArray
* @since 0.9.0
* @param {Number} row Start row
* @param {Number} col Start column
* @param {Array} input 2d array
* @param {Number} [endRow] End row (use when you want to cut input when certain row is reached)
* @param {Number} [endCol] End column (use when you want to cut input when certain column is reached)
* @param {String} [source="populateFromArray"]
* @param {String} [method="overwrite"]
* @param {String} direction edit (left|right|up|down)
* @param {Array} deltas array
* @returns {Object|undefined} ending td in pasted area (only if any cell was changed)
this.populateFromArray = function(row, col, input, endRow, endCol, source, method, direction, deltas) {
var c;
if (!(typeof input === 'object' && typeof input[0] === 'object')) {
throw new Error("populateFromArray parameter `input` must be an array of arrays"); //API changed in 0.9-beta2, let's check if you use it correctly
c = typeof endRow === 'number' ? new WalkontableCellCoords(endRow, endCol) : null;
return grid.populateFromArray(new WalkontableCellCoords(row, col), input, c, source, method, direction, deltas);
* Adds/removes data from the column. This function works is modelled after Array.splice.
* Parameter `col` is the index of column in which do you want to do splice.
* Parameter `index` is the row index at which to start changing the array.
* If negative, will begin that many elements from the end. Parameter `amount`, is the number of old array elements to remove.
* If the amount is 0, no elements are removed. Fourth and further parameters are the `elements` to add to the array.
* If you don't specify any elements, spliceCol simply removes elements from the array.
* {@link DataMap#spliceCol}
* @memberof Core#
* @function spliceCol
* @since 0.9-beta2
* @param {Number} col Index of column in which do you want to do splice.
* @param {Number} index Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end
* @param {Number} amount An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If amount is 0, no elements are removed
* @param {*} [elements] The elements to add to the array. If you don't specify any elements, spliceCol simply removes elements from the array
this.spliceCol = function(col, index, amount/*, elements... */) {
return datamap.spliceCol.apply(datamap, arguments);
* Adds/removes data from the row. This function works is modelled after Array.splice.
* Parameter `row` is the index of row in which do you want to do splice.
* Parameter `index` is the column index at which to start changing the array.
* If negative, will begin that many elements from the end. Parameter `amount`, is the number of old array elements to remove.
* If the amount is 0, no elements are removed. Fourth and further parameters are the `elements` to add to the array.
* If you don't specify any elements, spliceCol simply removes elements from the array.
* {@link DataMap#spliceRow}
* @memberof Core#
* @function spliceRow
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} row Index of column in which do you want to do splice.
* @param {Number} index Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end
* @param {Number} amount An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If amount is 0, no elements are removed
* @param {*} [elements] The elements to add to the array. If you don't specify any elements, spliceCol simply removes elements from the array
this.spliceRow = function(row, index, amount/*, elements... */) {
return datamap.spliceRow.apply(datamap, arguments);
* Return index of the currently selected cells as an array `[startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol]`.
* Start row and start col are the coordinates of the active cell (where the selection was started).
* @memberof Core#
* @function getSelected
* @returns {Array}
this.getSelected = function() { //https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/44 //cjl
if (selection.isSelected()) {
return [priv.selRange.from.row, priv.selRange.from.col, priv.selRange.to.row, priv.selRange.to.col];
* Returns current selection as a WalkontableCellRange object.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getSelectedRange
* @since 0.11
* @returns {WalkontableCellRange} Returns `undefined` if there is no selection.
this.getSelectedRange = function() { //https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/44 //cjl
if (selection.isSelected()) {
return priv.selRange;
* Rerender the table.
* @memberof Core#
* @function render
this.render = function() {
if (instance.view) {
instance.forceFullRender = true; //used when data was changed
selection.refreshBorders(null, true);
* Reset all cells in the grid to contain data from the data array.
* @memberof Core#
* @function loadData
* @param {Array} data
* @fires Hooks#afterLoadData
* @fires Hooks#afterChange
this.loadData = function(data) {
if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) {
if (!(data.push && data.splice)) { //check if data is array. Must use duck-type check so Backbone Collections also pass it
//when data is not an array, attempt to make a single-row array of it
data = [data];
else if (data === null) {
data = [];
var row;
for (var r = 0, rlen = priv.settings.startRows; r < rlen; r++) {
row = [];
for (var c = 0, clen = priv.settings.startCols; c < clen; c++) {
else {
throw new Error("loadData only accepts array of objects or array of arrays (" + typeof data + " given)");
priv.isPopulated = false;
GridSettings.prototype.data = data;
if (Array.isArray(priv.settings.dataSchema) || Array.isArray(data[0])) {
instance.dataType = 'array';
else if (typeof priv.settings.dataSchema === 'function') {
instance.dataType = 'function';
else {
instance.dataType = 'object';
datamap = new DataMap(instance, priv, GridSettings);
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterLoadData');
if (priv.firstRun) {
priv.firstRun = [null, 'loadData'];
else {
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterChange', null, 'loadData');
priv.isPopulated = true;
function clearCellSettingCache() {
priv.cellSettings.length = 0;
* Return the current data object (the same that was passed by `data` configuration option or `loadData` method).
* Optionally you can provide cell range `row`, `col`, `row2`, `col2` to get only a fragment of grid data.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getData
* @param {Number} [r] From row
* @param {Number} [c] From col
* @param {Number} [r2] To row
* @param {Number} [c2] To col
* @returns {Array|Object}
this.getData = function(r, c, r2, c2) {
if (typeof r === 'undefined') {
return datamap.getAll();
} else {
return datamap.getRange(new WalkontableCellCoords(r, c), new WalkontableCellCoords(r2, c2), datamap.DESTINATION_RENDERER);
* Get value of selected range. Each column is separated by tab, each row is separated by new line character.
* {@link DataMap#getCopyableText}
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCopyableData
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} startRow From row
* @param {Number} startCol From col
* @param {Number} endRow To row
* @param {Number} endCol To col
* @returns {Array|Object}
this.getCopyableData = function(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol) {
return datamap.getCopyableText(new WalkontableCellCoords(startRow, startCol), new WalkontableCellCoords(endRow, endCol));
* Get schema provided by constructor settings or if it doesn't exist return schema based on data
* structure on the first row.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getSchema
* @since 0.13.2
* @returns {Object}
this.getSchema = function() {
return datamap.getSchema();
* Use it if you need to change configuration after initialization.
* @memberof Core#
* @function updateSettings
* @param {Object} settings Settings to update
* @param {Boolean} init
* @fires Hooks#afterCellMetaReset
* @fires Hooks#afterUpdateSettings
this.updateSettings = function(settings, init) {
var i, clen;
if (typeof settings.rows !== "undefined") {
throw new Error("'rows' setting is no longer supported. do you mean startRows, minRows or maxRows?");
if (typeof settings.cols !== "undefined") {
throw new Error("'cols' setting is no longer supported. do you mean startCols, minCols or maxCols?");
for (i in settings) {
if (i === 'data') {
continue; //loadData will be triggered later
else {
if (Handsontable.hooks.getRegistered().indexOf(i) > -1) {
if (typeof settings[i] === 'function' || Array.isArray(settings[i])) {
instance.addHook(i, settings[i]);
else {
// Update settings
if (!init && settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
GridSettings.prototype[i] = settings[i];
// Load data or create data map
if (settings.data === void 0 && priv.settings.data === void 0) {
instance.loadData(null); //data source created just now
else if (settings.data !== void 0) {
instance.loadData(settings.data); //data source given as option
else if (settings.columns !== void 0) {
// Init columns constructors configuration
clen = instance.countCols();
//Clear cellSettings cache
priv.cellSettings.length = 0;
if (clen > 0) {
var proto, column;
for (i = 0; i < clen; i++) {
priv.columnSettings[i] = helper.columnFactory(GridSettings, priv.columnsSettingConflicts);
// shortcut for prototype
proto = priv.columnSettings[i].prototype;
// Use settings provided by user
if (GridSettings.prototype.columns) {
column = GridSettings.prototype.columns[i];
helper.extend(proto, column);
helper.extend(proto, expandType(column));
if (typeof settings.cell !== 'undefined') {
for (i in settings.cell) {
if (settings.cell.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var cell = settings.cell[i];
instance.setCellMetaObject(cell.row, cell.col, cell);
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterCellMetaReset');
if (typeof settings.className !== "undefined") {
if (GridSettings.prototype.className) {
dom.removeClass(instance.rootElement, GridSettings.prototype.className);
// instance.rootElement.removeClass(GridSettings.prototype.className);
if (settings.className) {
dom.addClass(instance.rootElement, settings.className);
// instance.rootElement.addClass(settings.className);
if (typeof settings.height != 'undefined') {
var height = settings.height;
if (typeof height == 'function') {
height = height();
instance.rootElement.style.height = height + 'px';
if (typeof settings.width != 'undefined') {
var width = settings.width;
if (typeof width == 'function') {
width = width();
instance.rootElement.style.width = width + 'px';
/* jshint ignore:start */
if (height) {
instance.rootElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
/* jshint ignore:end */
if (!init) {
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterUpdateSettings');
if (instance.view && !priv.firstRun) {
instance.forceFullRender = true; //used when data was changed
selection.refreshBorders(null, true);
* Get value from selected cell.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getValue
* @since 0.11
* @returns {*} Returns value of selected cell
this.getValue = function() {
var sel = instance.getSelected();
if (GridSettings.prototype.getValue) {
if (typeof GridSettings.prototype.getValue === 'function') {
return GridSettings.prototype.getValue.call(instance);
else if (sel) {
return instance.getData()[sel[0]][GridSettings.prototype.getValue];
else if (sel) {
return instance.getDataAtCell(sel[0], sel[1]);
function expandType(obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
//ignore obj.prototype.type
var type, expandedType = {};
if (typeof obj.type === 'object') {
type = obj.type;
else if (typeof obj.type === 'string') {
type = Handsontable.cellTypes[obj.type];
if (type === void 0) {
throw new Error('You declared cell type "' + obj.type +
'" as a string that is not mapped to a known object. Cell type must be an object or a string mapped to an object in Handsontable.cellTypes');
for (var i in type) {
if (type.hasOwnProperty(i) && !obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
expandedType[i] = type[i];
return expandedType;
* Get object settings.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getSettings
* @returns {Object} Returns an object containing the current grid settings
this.getSettings = function() {
return priv.settings;
* Clears grid.
* @memberof Core#
* @function clear
* @since 0.11
this.clear = function() {
* Inserts or removes rows and columns.
* @memberof Core#
* @function alter
* @param {String} action See grid.alter for possible values: `"insert_row"`, `"insert_col"`, `"remove_row"`, `"remove_col"`
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Number} amount
* @param {String} [source] Source of hook runner
* @param {Boolean} [keepEmptyRows] Flag for preventing deletion of empty rows
* @description
* Insert new row(s) above the row at given `index`. If index is `null` or `undefined`, the new row will be
* added after the current last row. Default `amount` equals 1.
* ```js
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'));
* hot.alter('insert_row', 10);
* ```
* Insert new column(s) before the column at given `index`. If index is `null` or `undefined`, the new column
* will be added after the current last column. Default `amount` equals 1
* ```js
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'));
* hot.alter('insert_col', 10);
* ```
* Remove the row(s) at given `index`. Default `amount` equals 1
* ```js
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'));
* hot.alter('remove_row', 10);
* ```
* Remove the column(s) at given `index`. Default `amount` equals 1
* ```js
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'));
* hot.alter('remove_col', 10);
* ```
this.alter = function(action, index, amount, source, keepEmptyRows) {
grid.alter(action, index, amount, source, keepEmptyRows);
* Returns TD element for given `row`, `col` if it is rendered on screen.
* Returns `null` if the TD is not rendered on screen (probably because that part of table is not visible).
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCell
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @param {Boolean} topmost
* @returns {Element}
this.getCell = function(row, col, topmost) {
return instance.view.getCellAtCoords(new WalkontableCellCoords(row, col), topmost);
* Returns coordinates for the provided element.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCoords
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {WalkontableCellCoords}
this.getCoords = function(elem) {
return this.view.wt.wtTable.getCoords.call(this.view.wt.wtTable, elem);
* Returns property name that corresponds with the given column index. {@link DataMap#colToProp}
* @memberof Core#
* @function colToProp
* @param {Number} col Column index
* @returns {String}
this.colToProp = function(col) {
return datamap.colToProp(col);
* Returns column index that corresponds with the given property. {@link DataMap#propToCol}
* @memberof Core#
* @function propToCol
* @param {String} prop
* @returns {Number}
this.propToCol = function(prop) {
return datamap.propToCol(prop);
* @description
* Return cell value at `row`, `col`. `row` and `col` are the __visible__ indexes (note that if columns were reordered or sorted,
* the current order will be used).
* @memberof Core#
* @function getDataAtCell
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {*}
this.getDataAtCell = function(row, col) {
return datamap.get(row, datamap.colToProp(col));
* Return value at `row`, `prop`. {@link DataMap#get}
* @memberof Core#
* @function getDataAtRowProp
* @param {Number} row
* @param {String} prop
* @returns {*}
this.getDataAtRowProp = function(row, prop) {
return datamap.get(row, prop);
* @description
* Returns array of column values from the data source. `col` is the __visible__ index of the column.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getDataAtCol
* @since 0.9-beta2
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Array}
this.getDataAtCol = function(col) {
var out = [];
return out.concat.apply(out, datamap.getRange(
new WalkontableCellCoords(0, col), new WalkontableCellCoords(priv.settings.data.length - 1, col), datamap.DESTINATION_RENDERER));
* Given the object property name (e.g. `'first.name'`), returns array of column values from the data source.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getDataAtProp
* @since 0.9-beta2
* @param {String} prop
* @returns {*}
this.getDataAtProp = function(prop) {
var out = [],
range = datamap.getRange(
new WalkontableCellCoords(0, datamap.propToCol(prop)),
new WalkontableCellCoords(priv.settings.data.length - 1, datamap.propToCol(prop)),
return out.concat.apply(out, range);
* Returns array of column values from the data source. `col` is the index of the row in the data source.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getSourceDataAtCol
* @since 0.11.0-beta3
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Array}
this.getSourceDataAtCol = function(col) {
var out = [],
data = priv.settings.data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
return out;
* Returns a single row of the data (array or object, depending on what you have). `row` is the index of the row in the data source.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getSourceDataAtRow
* @since 0.11.0-beta3
* @param {Number} row
* @returns {Array|Object}
this.getSourceDataAtRow = function(row) {
return priv.settings.data[row];
* @description
* Returns a single row of the data (array or object, depending on what you have). `row` is the __visible__ index of the row.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getDataAtRow
* @param {Number} row
* @returns {*}
* @since 0.9-beta2
this.getDataAtRow = function(row) {
var data = datamap.getRange(new WalkontableCellCoords(row, 0), new WalkontableCellCoords(row, this.countCols() - 1), datamap.DESTINATION_RENDERER);
return data[0];
* Remove `key` property object from cell meta data corresponding to params `row`, `col`.
* @memberof Core#
* @function removeCellMeta
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @param {String} key
this.removeCellMeta = function(row, col, key) {
var cellMeta = instance.getCellMeta(row, col);
/* jshint ignore:start */
if (cellMeta[key] != undefined) {
delete priv.cellSettings[row][col][key];
/* jshint ignore:end */
* Set cell meta data object `prop` to corresponding params `row`, `col`
* @memberof Core#
* @function setCellMetaObject
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @param {Object} prop
this.setCellMetaObject = function(row, col, prop) {
if (typeof prop === 'object') {
for (var key in prop) {
if (prop.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var value = prop[key];
this.setCellMeta(row, col, key, value);
* Sets cell meta data object `key` corresponding to params `row`, `col`.
* @memberof Core#
* @function setCellMeta
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @param {String} key
* @param {String} val
* @fires Hooks#afterSetCellMeta
this.setCellMeta = function(row, col, key, val) {
if (!priv.cellSettings[row]) {
priv.cellSettings[row] = [];
if (!priv.cellSettings[row][col]) {
priv.cellSettings[row][col] = new priv.columnSettings[col]();
priv.cellSettings[row][col][key] = val;
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterSetCellMeta', row, col, key, val);
* Return cell properties for given `row`, `col` coordinates.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCellMeta
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Object}
* @fires Hooks#beforeGetCellMeta
* @fires Hooks#afterGetCellMeta
this.getCellMeta = function(row, col) {
var prop = datamap.colToProp(col)
, cellProperties;
row = translateRowIndex(row);
col = translateColIndex(col);
if (!priv.columnSettings[col]) {
priv.columnSettings[col] = helper.columnFactory(GridSettings, priv.columnsSettingConflicts);
if (!priv.cellSettings[row]) {
priv.cellSettings[row] = [];
if (!priv.cellSettings[row][col]) {
priv.cellSettings[row][col] = new priv.columnSettings[col]();
cellProperties = priv.cellSettings[row][col]; //retrieve cellProperties from cache
cellProperties.row = row;
cellProperties.col = col;
cellProperties.prop = prop;
cellProperties.instance = instance;
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'beforeGetCellMeta', row, col, cellProperties);
helper.extend(cellProperties, expandType(cellProperties)); //for `type` added in beforeGetCellMeta
if (cellProperties.cells) {
var settings = cellProperties.cells.call(cellProperties, row, col, prop);
if (settings) {
helper.extend(cellProperties, settings);
helper.extend(cellProperties, expandType(settings)); //for `type` added in cells
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterGetCellMeta', row, col, cellProperties);
return cellProperties;
* Checks if the data format and config allows user to modify the column structure.
* @returns {boolean}
this.isColumnModificationAllowed = function() {
return !(instance.dataType === 'object' || instance.getSettings().columns);
* If displayed rows order is different than the order of rows stored in memory (i.e. sorting is applied)
* we need to translate logical (stored) row index to physical (displayed) index.
* @memberof Core#
* @function translateRowIndex
* @param {Number} row Original row index
* @returns {Number} Translated row index
* @fires Hooks#modifyRow
function translateRowIndex(row) {
return Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'modifyRow', row);
* If displayed columns order is different than the order of columns stored in memory (i.e. column were moved using manualColumnMove plugin)
* we need to translate logical (stored) column index to physical (displayed) index.
* @memberof Core#
* @function translateColIndex
* @param {Number} col Original column index
* @returns {Number} Translated column index
* @fires Hooks#modifyCol
function translateColIndex(col) {
// warning: this must be done after datamap.colToProp
return Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'modifyCol', col);
var rendererLookup = helper.cellMethodLookupFactory('renderer');
* Get cell renderer type by `row` and `col`.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCellRenderer
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Function} Returns rederer type
this.getCellRenderer = function(row, col) {
var renderer = rendererLookup.call(this, row, col);
return getRenderer(renderer);
* Get cell editor by `row` and `col`.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCellEditor
* @returns {*}
this.getCellEditor = helper.cellMethodLookupFactory('editor');
* Get cell validator by `row` and `col`
* @memberof Core#
* @function getCellValidator
* @returns {*}
this.getCellValidator = helper.cellMethodLookupFactory('validator');
* Validates all cells using their validator functions and calls callback when finished. Does not render the view.
* @memberof Core#
* @function validateCells
* @param {Function} callback
this.validateCells = function(callback) {
var waitingForValidator = new ValidatorsQueue();
waitingForValidator.onQueueEmpty = callback;
/* jshint ignore:start */
var i = instance.countRows() - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
var j = instance.countCols() - 1;
while (j >= 0) {
instance.validateCell(instance.getDataAtCell(i, j), instance.getCellMeta(i, j), function() {
}, 'validateCells');
/* jshint ignore:end */
* Returns array of row headers (if they are enabled). If param `row` given, return header at given row as string.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getRowHeader
* @param {Number} [row]
* @returns {Array|String}
this.getRowHeader = function(row) {
if (row === void 0) {
var out = [];
for (var i = 0, ilen = instance.countRows(); i < ilen; i++) {
return out;
else if (Array.isArray(priv.settings.rowHeaders) && priv.settings.rowHeaders[row] !== void 0) {
return priv.settings.rowHeaders[row];
else if (typeof priv.settings.rowHeaders === 'function') {
return priv.settings.rowHeaders(row);
else if (priv.settings.rowHeaders && typeof priv.settings.rowHeaders !== 'string' && typeof priv.settings.rowHeaders !== 'number') {
return row + 1;
else {
return priv.settings.rowHeaders;
* Returns information of this table is configured to display row headers.
* @memberof Core#
* @function hasRowHeaders
* @returns {Boolean}
* @since 0.11
this.hasRowHeaders = function() {
return !!priv.settings.rowHeaders;
* Returns information of this table is configured to display column headers.
* @memberof Core#
* @function hasColHeaders
* @since 0.11
* @returns {Boolean}
this.hasColHeaders = function() {
if (priv.settings.colHeaders !== void 0 && priv.settings.colHeaders !== null) { //Polymer has empty value = null
return !!priv.settings.colHeaders;
for (var i = 0, ilen = instance.countCols(); i < ilen; i++) {
if (instance.getColHeader(i)) {
return true;
return false;
* Return array of column headers (if they are enabled). If param `col` given, return header at given column as string
* @memberof Core#
* @function getColHeader
* @param {Number} [col] Column index
* @returns {Array|String}
this.getColHeader = function(col) {
if (col === void 0) {
var out = [];
for (var i = 0, ilen = instance.countCols(); i < ilen; i++) {
return out;
else {
var baseCol = col;
col = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'modifyCol', col);
if (priv.settings.columns && priv.settings.columns[col] && priv.settings.columns[col].title) {
return priv.settings.columns[col].title;
else if (Array.isArray(priv.settings.colHeaders) && priv.settings.colHeaders[col] !== void 0) {
return priv.settings.colHeaders[col];
else if (typeof priv.settings.colHeaders === 'function') {
return priv.settings.colHeaders(col);
else if (priv.settings.colHeaders && typeof priv.settings.colHeaders !== 'string' && typeof priv.settings.colHeaders !== 'number') {
return helper.spreadsheetColumnLabel(baseCol); //see #1458
else {
return priv.settings.colHeaders;
* Return column width from settings (no guessing). Private use intended.
* @private
* @memberof Core#
* @function _getColWidthFromSettings
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Number}
this._getColWidthFromSettings = function(col) {
var cellProperties = instance.getCellMeta(0, col);
var width = cellProperties.width;
if (width === void 0 || width === priv.settings.width) {
width = cellProperties.colWidths;
if (width !== void 0 && width !== null) {
switch (typeof width) {
case 'object': //array
width = width[col];
case 'function':
width = width(col);
if (typeof width === 'string') {
width = parseInt(width, 10);
return width;
* Return column width
* @memberof Core#
* @function getColWidth
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Number}
* @fires Hooks#modifyColWidth
this.getColWidth = function(col) {
var width = instance._getColWidthFromSettings(col);
if (!width) {
width = 50;
width = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'modifyColWidth', width, col);
return width;
* Return row height from settings (no guessing). Private use intended.
* @private
* @memberof Core#
* @function _getRowHeightFromSettings
* @param {Number} row
* @returns {Number}
this._getRowHeightFromSettings = function(row) {
var height = priv.settings.rowHeights; //only uses grid settings
if (height !== void 0 && height !== null) {
switch (typeof height) {
case 'object': //array
height = height[row];
case 'function':
height = height(row);
if (typeof height === 'string') {
height = parseInt(height, 10);
return height;
* Return row height.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getRowHeight
* @since 0.11
* @param {Number} row
* @returns {Number}
* @fires Hooks#modifyRowHeight
this.getRowHeight = function(row) {
var height = instance._getRowHeightFromSettings(row);
height = Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'modifyRowHeight', height, row);
return height;
* Returns total number of rows in the grid.
* @memberof Core#
* @function countRows
* @returns {Number} Total number in rows the grid
this.countRows = function() {
return priv.settings.data.length;
* Returns total number of columns in the grid.
* @memberof Core#
* @function countCols
* @returns {Number} Total number of columns
this.countCols = function() {
if (instance.dataType === 'object' || instance.dataType === 'function') {
if (priv.settings.columns && priv.settings.columns.length) {
return priv.settings.columns.length;
else {
return datamap.colToPropCache.length;
else if (instance.dataType === 'array') {
if (priv.settings.columns && priv.settings.columns.length) {
return priv.settings.columns.length;
else if (priv.settings.data && priv.settings.data[0] && priv.settings.data[0].length) {
return priv.settings.data[0].length;
else {
return 0;
* Get index of first visible row.
* @memberof Core#
* @function rowOffset
* @returns {Number} Returns index of first visible row
this.rowOffset = function() {
return instance.view.wt.wtTable.getFirstRenderedRow();
* Get index of first visible column.
* @memberof Core#
* @function colOffset
* @returns {Number} Return index of first visible column.
this.colOffset = function() {
return instance.view.wt.wtTable.getFirstRenderedColumn();
* Return number of rendered rows (including rows partially or fully rendered outside viewport).
* @memberof Core#
* @function countRenderedRows
* @returns {Number} Returns -1 if table is not visible
this.countRenderedRows = function() {
return instance.view.wt.drawn ? instance.view.wt.wtTable.getRenderedRowsCount() : -1;
* Return number of visible rows (rendered rows that fully fit inside viewport).
* @memberof Core#
* @function countVisibleRows
* @returns {Number} Returns -1 if table is not visible
this.countVisibleRows = function() {
return instance.view.wt.drawn ? instance.view.wt.wtTable.getVisibleRowsCount() : -1;
* Return number of visible columns.
* @memberof Core#
* @function countRenderedCols
* @returns {Number} Returns -1 if table is not visible
this.countRenderedCols = function() {
return instance.view.wt.drawn ? instance.view.wt.wtTable.getRenderedColumnsCount() : -1;
* Return number of visible columns. Returns -1 if table is not visible
* @memberof Core#
* @function countVisibleCols
* @return {Number}
this.countVisibleCols = function() {
return instance.view.wt.drawn ? instance.view.wt.wtTable.getVisibleColumnsCount() : -1;
* Returns number of empty rows. If the optional ending parameter is 1, returns
* number of empty rows at the bottom of the table.
* @memberof Core#
* @function countEmptyRows
* @param {Boolean} [ending] If `true`, will only count empty rows at the end of the data source
* @returns {Number} Count empty rows
* @fires Hooks#modifyRow
this.countEmptyRows = function(ending) {
var i = instance.countRows() - 1,
empty = 0,
while (i >= 0) {
row = Handsontable.hooks.run(this, 'modifyRow', i);
if (instance.isEmptyRow(row)) {
} else if (ending) {
return empty;
* Returns number of empty columns. If the optional `ending` parameter is `true`, returns number of empty
* columns at right hand edge of the table.
* @memberof Core#
* @function countEmptyCols
* @param {Boolean} [ending] If `true`, will only count empty columns at the end of the data source row
* @returns {Number} Count empty cols
this.countEmptyCols = function(ending) {
if (instance.countRows() < 1) {
return 0;
var i = instance.countCols() - 1
, empty = 0;
while (i >= 0) {
if (instance.isEmptyCol(i)) {
else if (ending) {
return empty;
* Check is `row` is empty.
* @memberof Core#
* @function isEmptyRow
* @param {Number} row Row index
* @returns {Boolean} Return `true` if the row at the given `row` is empty, `false` otherwise.
this.isEmptyRow = function(row) {
return priv.settings.isEmptyRow.call(instance, row);
* Check is `col` is empty.
* @memberof Core#
* @function isEmptyCol
* @param {Number} col Column index
* @returns {Boolean} Return `true` if the column at the given `col` is empty, `false` otherwise.
this.isEmptyCol = function(col) {
return priv.settings.isEmptyCol.call(instance, col);
* Select cell `row`, `col` or range of cells finishing at `endRow`, `endCol`.
* By default, viewport will be scrolled to selection and after `selectCell` call instance will be listening
* to keyboard input on document.
* @memberof Core#
* @function selectCell
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Number} col
* @param {Number} [endRow]
* @param {Number} [endCol]
* @param {Boolean} [scrollToCell=true] If `true`, viewport will be scrolled to the selection
* @param {Boolean} [changeListener=true] If `false`, Handsontable will not change keyboard events listener to
* himself (default `true`)
* @returns {Boolean}
this.selectCell = function(row, col, endRow, endCol, scrollToCell, changeListener) {
var coords;
changeListener = typeof changeListener === 'undefined' || changeListener === true;
if (typeof row !== 'number' || row < 0 || row >= instance.countRows()) {
return false;
if (typeof col !== 'number' || col < 0 || col >= instance.countCols()) {
return false;
if (typeof endRow !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof endRow !== 'number' || endRow < 0 || endRow >= instance.countRows()) {
return false;
if (typeof endCol !== 'number' || endCol < 0 || endCol >= instance.countCols()) {
return false;
coords = new WalkontableCellCoords(row, col);
priv.selRange = new WalkontableCellRange(coords, coords, coords);
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement !== document.documentElement &&
document.activeElement !== document.body) {
// needed or otherwise prepare won't focus the cell. selectionSpec tests this (should move focus to selected cell)
if (changeListener) {
if (typeof endRow === 'undefined') {
selection.setRangeEnd(priv.selRange.from, scrollToCell);
} else {
selection.setRangeEnd(new WalkontableCellCoords(endRow, endCol), scrollToCell);
return true;
* Select cell `row`, `prop` or range finishing at `endRow`, `endProp`. By default, viewport will be scrolled to selection.
* @memberof Core#
* @function selectCellByProp
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Object} prop
* @param {Number} [endRow]
* @param {Object} [endProp]
* @param {Boolean} [scrollToCell=true] If `true`, viewport will be scrolled to the selection
* @returns {Boolean}
this.selectCellByProp = function(row, prop, endRow, endProp, scrollToCell) {
/* jshint ignore:start */
arguments[1] = datamap.propToCol(arguments[1]);
if (typeof arguments[3] !== "undefined") {
arguments[3] = datamap.propToCol(arguments[3]);
return instance.selectCell.apply(instance, arguments);
/* jshint ignore:end */
* Deselects current cell selection on grid.
* @memberof Core#
* @function deselectCell
this.deselectCell = function() {
* Remove grid from DOM.
* @memberof Core#
* @function destroy
* @fires Hooks#afterDestroy
this.destroy = function() {
if (instance.view) { //in case HT is destroyed before initialization has finished
Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, 'afterDestroy');
for (var i in instance) {
if (instance.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
//replace instance methods with post mortem
if (typeof instance[i] === "function") {
if (i !== "runHooks") {
instance[i] = postMortem;
//replace instance properties with null (restores memory)
//it should not be necessary but this prevents a memory leak side effects that show itself in Jasmine tests
else if (i !== "guid") {
instance[i] = null;
//replace private properties with null (restores memory)
//it should not be necessary but this prevents a memory leak side effects that show itself in Jasmine tests
priv = null;
datamap = null;
grid = null;
selection = null;
editorManager = null;
instance = null;
GridSettings = null;
* Replacement for all methods after Handsotnable was destroyed.
* @private
function postMortem() {
throw new Error("This method cannot be called because this Handsontable instance has been destroyed");
* Returns active editor object. {@link Handsontable.EditorManager#getActiveEditor}
* @memberof Core#
* @function getActiveEditor
* @returns {Object}
this.getActiveEditor = function() {
return editorManager.getActiveEditor();
* Returns plugin instance by plugin name
* @memberof Core#
* @function getPlugin
* @param {String} pluginName
* @returns {*}
* @since 0.15.0
this.getPlugin = function(pluginName) {
return getPlugin(this, pluginName);
* Return Handsontable instance.
* @memberof Core#
* @function getInstance
* @returns {Handsontable}
this.getInstance = function() {
return instance;
* Adds listener to specified hook name and only for this Handsontable instance.
* @memberof Core#
* @function addHook
* @see Hooks#add
* @param {String} key Hook name
* @param {Function|Array} callback Function or array of Functions
* @example
* ```js
* hot.addHook('beforeInit', myCallback);
* ```
this.addHook = function(key, callback) {
Handsontable.hooks.add(key, callback, instance);
* Adds listener to specified hook name and only for this Handsontable instance. After hook runs this
* listener will be automatically removed.
* @memberof Core#
* @function addHookOnce
* @see Hooks#once
* @param {String} key Hook name
* @param {Function|Array} callback Function or array of Functions
* @example
* ```js
* hot.addHookOnce('beforeInit', myCallback);
* ```
this.addHookOnce = function(key, callback) {
Handsontable.hooks.once(key, callback, instance);
* Removes the hook listener previously registered with {@link Core#addHook}.
* @memberof Core#
* @function removeHook
* @see Hooks#remove
* @param {String} key Hook name
* @param {Function} callback Function which have been registered via {@link Core#addHook}
* @example
* ```js
* hot.removeHook('beforeInit', myCallback);
* ```
this.removeHook = function(key, callback) {
Handsontable.hooks.remove(key, callback, instance);
* @memberof Core#
* @function runHooks
* @see Hooks#run
* @param {String} key Hook name
* @param {*} [p1]
* @param {*} [p2]
* @param {*} [p3]
* @param {*} [p4]
* @param {*} [p5]
* @param {*} [p6]
* @returns {*}
* @example
* ```js
* hot.runHooks('beforeInit');
* ```
this.runHooks = function(key, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) {
return Handsontable.hooks.run(instance, key, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
this.timeouts = [];
* Sets timeout. Purpose of this method is to clear all known timeouts when `destroy` method is called.
* @param {*} handle
* @private
this._registerTimeout = function(handle) {
* Clears all known timeouts.
* @private
this._clearTimeouts = function() {
for (var i = 0, ilen = this.timeouts.length; i < ilen; i++) {
* Handsontable version
* @type {String}
this.version = Handsontable.version;
* @alias Options
* @constructor
* @description
* ## Constructor options
* Constructor options are applied using an object literal passed as a first argument to the Handsontable constructor.
* ```js
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example1'), {
* data: myArray,
* width: 400,
* height: 300
* })
* ```
* ---
* ## Cascading configuration
* Handsontable 0.9 and newer is using *Cascading Configuration*, which is fast way to provide configuration options
* for whole table, its columns and particular cells.
* Consider the following example:
* ```js
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'), {
* readOnly: true,
* columns: [
* {readOnly: false},
* {},
* {}
* ],
* cells: function (row, col, prop) {
* var cellProperties = {};
* if (row === 0 && col === 0) {
* cellProperties.readOnly = true;
* }
* return cellProperties;
* }
* });
* ```
* The above notation will result in all TDs being *read only*, except for first column TDs which will be *editable*, except for the TD in top left corner which will still be *read only*.
* ### The Cascading Configuration model
* ##### 1. Constructor
* Configuration options that are provided using first-level `handsontable(container, {option: "value"})` and `updateSettings` method.
* ##### 2. Columns
* Configuration options that are provided using second-level object `handsontable(container, {columns: {option: "value"}]})`
* ##### 3. Cells
* Configuration options that are provided using second-level function `handsontable(container, {cells: function: (row, col, prop){ }})`
* ---
* ## Architecture performance
* The Cascading Configuration model is based on prototypical inheritance. It is much faster and memory efficient compared
* to the previous model that used jQuery extend. See: [http://jsperf.com/extending-settings](http://jsperf.com/extending-settings).
* ---
* __Important notice:__ In order for the data separation to work properly, make sure that each instance of Handsontable has a unique `id`.
var DefaultSettings = function() {
DefaultSettings.prototype = {
* @description
* Initial data source that will be bound to the data grid __by reference__ (editing data grid alters the data source).
* Can be Array of Array, Array of Objects or Function.
* See [Understanding binding as reference](http://handsontable.com/demo/understanding_reference.html).
* @type {Array|Function}
* @default undefined
data: void 0,
* @description
* Defines the structure of a new row when data source is an object.
* Default like the first data row Array or Object.
* See [demo/datasources.html](http://handsontable.com/demo/datasources.html) for examples.
* @type {Object}
* @default undefined
dataSchema: void 0,
* Width of the grid. Can be a number or a function that returns a number.
* @type {Number|Function}
* @default undefined
width: void 0,
* Height of the grid. Can be a number or a function that returns a number.
* @type {Number|Function}
* @default undefined
height: void 0,
* @description
* Initial number of rows.
* __Notice:__ This option only has effect in Handsontable constructor and only if `data` option is not provided
* @type {Number}
* @default 5
startRows: 5,
* @description
* Initial number of columns.
* __Notice:__ This option only has effect in Handsontable constructor and only if `data` option is not provided
* @type {Number}
* @default 5
startCols: 5,
* Setting `true` or `false` will enable or disable the default row headers (1, 2, 3).
* You can also define an array `['One', 'Two', 'Three', ...]` or a function to define the headers.
* If a function is set the index of the row is passed as a parameter.
* @type {Boolean|Array|Function}
* @default null
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* // as boolean
* rowHeaders: true,
* ...
* ...
* // as array
* rowHeaders: [1, 2, 3],
* ...
* ...
* // as function
* rowHeaders: function(index) {
* return index + ': AB';
* },
* ...
* ```
rowHeaders: null,
* Setting `true` or `false` will enable or disable the default column headers (A, B, C).
* You can also define an array `['One', 'Two', 'Three', ...]` or a function to define the headers.
* If a function is set the index of the column is passed as a parameter.
* @type {Boolean|Array|Function}
* @default null
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* // as boolean
* colHeaders: true,
* ...
* ...
* // as array
* colHeaders: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
* ...
* ...
* // as function
* colHeaders: function(index) {
* return index + ': AB';
* },
* ...
* ```
colHeaders: null,
* Defines column widths in pixels. Accepts number, string (that will be converted to number),
* array of numbers (if you want to define column width separately for each column) or a
* function (if you want to set column width dynamically on each render).
* @type {Array|Function|Number|String}
* @default undefined
colWidths: void 0,
* @description
* Defines the cell properties and data binding for certain columns.
* __Notice:__ Using this option sets a fixed number of columns (options `startCols`, `minCols`, `maxCols` will be ignored).
* See [demo/datasources.html](http://handsontable.com/demo/datasources.html) for examples.
* @type {Array}
* @default undefined
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* var exampleContainer = document.getElementById('example');
* var hot = new Handsontable(exampleContainer, {
* columns: [
* {
* // column options for the first column
* type: 'numeric',
* format: '0,0.00 $'
* },
* {
* // column options for the second column
* type: 'text',
* readOnly: true
* }
* ]
* });
* ...
* ```
columns: void 0,
* @description
* Defines the cell properties for given `row`, `col`, `prop` coordinates.
* Any constructor or column option may be overwritten for a particular cell (row/column combination), using `cell`
* array passed to the Handsontable constructor. Or using `cells` function property to the Handsontable constructor.
* @type {Function}
* @default undefined
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'), {
* cells: function (row, col, prop) {
* var cellProperties = {};
* if (row === 0 && col === 0) {
* cellProperties.readOnly = true;
* }
* return cellProperties;
* }
* });
* ...
* ```
cells: void 0,
* Any constructor or column option may be overwritten for a particular cell (row/column combination), using `cell`
* array passed to the Handsontable constructor.
* @type {Array}
* @default []
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'), {
* cell: [
* {row: 0, col: 0, readOnly: true}
* ]
* });
* ...
* ```
cell: [],
* @description
* If `true`, enables Comments plugin, which enables applying cell comments through the context menu
* (configurable with context menu keys commentsAddEdit, commentsRemove).
* To initialize Handsontable with predefined comments, provide cell coordinates and comment texts in form of an array.
* See [Comments](http://handsontable.com/demo/comments.html) demo for examples.
* @since 0.11.0
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default false
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'), {
* comments: [{row: 1, col: 1, comment: "Test comment"}]
* });
* ...
* ```
comments: false,
* @description
* If `true`, enables Custom Borders plugin, which enables applying custom borders through the context menu (configurable with context menu key borders).
* To initialize Handsontable with predefined custom borders, provide cell coordinates and border styles in form of an array.
* See [Custom Borders](http://handsontable.com/demo/custom_borders.html) demo for examples.
* @since 0.11.0
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default false
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'), {
* customBorders: [
* {range: {
* from: {row: 1, col: 1},
* to: {row: 3, col: 4}},
* left: {},
* right: {},
* top: {},
* bottom: {}
* }
* ],
* });
* ...
* // or
* ...
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('example'), {
* customBorders: [
* {row: 2, col: 2, left: {width: 2, color: 'red'},
* right: {width: 1, color: 'green'}, top: '', bottom: ''}
* ],
* });
* ...
* ```
customBorders: false,
* Minimum number of rows. At least that many of rows will be created during initialization.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
minRows: 0,
* Minimum number of columns. At least that many of columns will be created during initialization.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
minCols: 0,
* Maximum number of rows.
* @type {Number}
* @default Infinity
maxRows: Infinity,
* Maximum number of cols.
* @type {Number}
* @default Infinity
maxCols: Infinity,
* When set to 1 (or more), Handsontable will add a new row at the end of grid if there are no more empty rows.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
minSpareRows: 0,
* When set to 1 (or more), Handsontable will add a new column at the end of grid if there are no more empty columns.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
minSpareCols: 0,
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
allowInsertRow: true,
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
allowInsertColumn: true,
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
allowRemoveRow: true,
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
allowRemoveColumn: true,
* If true, selection of multiple cells using keyboard or mouse is allowed.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
multiSelect: true,
* Enables the fill handle (drag-down and copy-down) functionality, which shows the small rectangle in bottom
* right corner of the selected area, that let's you expand values to the adjacent cells.
* Possible values: `true` (to enable in all directions), `"vertical"` or `"horizontal"` (to enable in one direction),
* `false` (to disable completely). Setting to `true` enables the fillHandle plugin.
* @type {Boolean|String}
* @default true
fillHandle: true,
* Allows to specify the number of rows fixed (aka freezed) on the top of the table.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
fixedRowsTop: 0,
* Allows to specify the number of columns fixed (aka freezed) on the left side of the table.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
fixedColumnsLeft: 0,
* If `true`, mouse click outside the grid will deselect the current selection.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
outsideClickDeselects: true,
* If `true`, <kbd>ENTER</kbd> begins editing mode (like Google Docs). If `false`, <kbd>ENTER</kbd> moves to next
* row (like Excel) and adds new row if necessary. <kbd>TAB</kbd> adds new column if necessary.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
enterBeginsEditing: true,
* Defines cursor move after <kbd>ENTER</kbd> is pressed (<kbd>SHIFT</kbd> + <kbd>ENTER</kbd> uses negative vector).
* Can be an object or a function that returns an object. The event argument passed to the function
* is a DOM Event object received after a <kbd>ENTER</kbd> key has been pressed. This event object can be used to check
* whether user pressed <kbd>ENTER</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT</kbd> + <kbd>ENTER</kbd>.
* @type {Object|Function}
* @default {row: 1, col: 0}
enterMoves: {row: 1, col: 0},
* Defines cursor move after <kbd>TAB</kbd> is pressed (<kbd>SHIFT</kbd> + <kbd>TAB</kbd> uses negative vector).
* Can be an object or a function that returns an object. The event argument passed to the function
* is a DOM Event object received after a <kbd>TAB</kbd> key has been pressed. This event object can be used to check
* whether user pressed <kbd>TAB</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT</kbd> + <kbd>TAB</kbd>.
* @type {Object}
* @default {row: 0, col: 1}
tabMoves: {row: 0, col: 1},
* If `true`, pressing <kbd>TAB</kbd> or right arrow in the last column will move to first column in next row
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
autoWrapRow: false,
* If `true`, pressing <kbd>ENTER</kbd> or down arrow in the last row will move to first row in next column
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
autoWrapCol: false,
* Maximum number of rows than can be copied to clipboard using <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd>.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1000
copyRowsLimit: 1000,
* Maximum number of columns than can be copied to clipboard using <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd>.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1000
copyColsLimit: 1000,
* Defines paste (<kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>V</kbd>) behavior. Default value `"overwrite"` will paste clipboard value over current selection.
* When set to `"shift_down"`, clipboard data will be pasted in place of current selection, while all selected cells are moved down.
* When set to `"shift_right"`, clipboard data will be pasted in place of current selection, while all selected cells are moved right.
* @type {String}
* @default 'overwrite'
pasteMode: 'overwrite',
* @description
* Turn on saving the state of column sorting, columns positions and columns sizes in local storage.
* You can save any sort of data in local storage in to preserve table state between page reloads.
* In order to enable data storage mechanism, `persistentState` option must be set to `true` (you can set it
* either during Handsontable initialization or using the `updateSettings` method). When `persistentState` is enabled it exposes 3 hooks:
* __persistentStateSave__ (key: String, value: Mixed)
* * Saves value under given key in browser local storage.
* __persistentStateLoad__ (key: String, valuePlaceholder: Object)
* * Loads `value`, saved under given key, form browser local storage. The loaded `value` will be saved in `valuePlaceholder.value`
* (this is due to specific behaviour of `Hooks.run()` method). If no value have been saved under key `valuePlaceholder.value`
* will be `undefined`.
* __persistentStateReset__ (key: String)
* * Clears the value saved under `key`. If no `key` is given, all values associated with table will be cleared.
* __Note:__ The main reason behind using `persistentState` hooks rather than regular LocalStorage API is that it
* ensures separation of data stored by multiple Handsontable instances. In other words, if you have two (or more)
* instances of Handsontable on one page, data saved by one instance won't be accessible by the second instance.
* Those two instances can store data under the same key and no data would be overwritten.
* __Important:__ In order for the data separation to work properly, make sure that each instance of Handsontable has a unique `id`.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
persistentState: false,
* Class name for all visible rows in current selection.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
currentRowClassName: void 0,
* Class name for all visible columns in current selection.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
currentColClassName: void 0,
* @description
* [Column stretching](http://handsontable.com/demo/scroll.html) mode. Possible values: `"none"`, `"last"`, `"all"`.
* @type {String}
* @default 'none'
stretchH: 'none',
* Lets you overwrite the default `isEmptyRow` method.
* @type {Function}
* @param {Number} row
* @returns {Boolean}
isEmptyRow: function(row) {
var col, colLen, value, meta;
for (col = 0, colLen = this.countCols(); col < colLen; col++) {
value = this.getDataAtCell(row, col);
if (value !== '' && value !== null && typeof value !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof value === 'object') {
meta = this.getCellMeta(row, col);
return helper.isObjectEquals(this.getSchema()[meta.prop], value);
return false;
return true;
* Lets you overwrite the default `isEmptyCol` method.
* @type {Function}
* @param {Number} col
* @returns {Boolean}
isEmptyCol: function(col) {
var row, rowLen, value;
for (row = 0, rowLen = this.countRows(); row < rowLen; row++) {
value = this.getDataAtCell(row, col);
if (value !== '' && value !== null && typeof value !== 'undefined') {
return false;
return true;
* When set to `true`, the table is rerendered when it is detected that it was made visible in DOM.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
observeDOMVisibility: true,
* If set to `true`, cells will accept value that is marked as invalid by cell `validator`, with a background color
* automatically applied using CSS class `htInvalid`. If set to `false`, cells will not accept invalid value.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 0.9.5
allowInvalid: true,
* CSS class name for cells that did not pass validation.
* @type {String}
* @default 'htInvalid'
invalidCellClassName: 'htInvalid',
* When set to an non-empty string, displayed as the cell content for empty cells.
* @type {Boolean|String}
* @default false
placeholder: false,
* CSS class name for cells that have a placeholder in use.
* @type {String}
* @default 'htPlaceholder'
placeholderCellClassName: 'htPlaceholder',
* CSS class name for read-only cells.
* @type {String}
* @default 'htDimmed'
readOnlyCellClassName: 'htDimmed',
* String or rendering function.
* String may be one of the following predefined values: `autocomplete`, `checkbox`, `text`, `numeric`. Function will
* receive the following arguments: `function(instance, TD, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {}`.
* You can map your own function to a string like this: `Handsontable.cellLookup.renderer.myRenderer = myRenderer;`
* @type {String|Function}
* @default undefined
renderer: void 0,
* @type {String}
* @default 'htCommentCell'
commentedCellClassName: 'htCommentCell',
* Setting to `true` enables selecting just a fragment of the text within a single cell or between adjacent cells.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
fragmentSelection: false,
* @description
* Make cell [read only](http://handsontable.com/demo/readonly.html).
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
readOnly: false,
* @description
* Setting to true enables the search plugin (see [demo](http://handsontable.com/demo/search.html)).
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
search: false,
* @description
* Shortcut to define combination of cell renderer and editor for the column.
* Possible values:
* * text
* * [numeric](http://handsontable.com/demo/numeric.html)
* * [date](http://handsontable.com/demo/date.html)
* * [checkbox](http://handsontable.com/demo/checkbox.html)
* * [autocomplete](http://handsontable.com/demo/autocomplete.html)
* * [handsontable](http://handsontable.com/demo/handsontable.html)
* @type {String}
* @default 'text'
type: 'text',
* @description
* Make cell copyable (pressing <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> on your keyboard moves its value to system clipboard).
* __Note:__ this setting is `false` by default for cells with type `password`.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 0.10.2
copyable: true,
* String or rendering function.
* String may be one of the following predefined values: `autocomplete`, `checkbox`, `text`, `date`, `handsontable`, `mobile`.
* @type {String|Function|Boolean}
* @default undefined
editor: void 0,
* @description
* Autocomplete definitions. See [demo/autocomplete.html](http://handsontable.com/demo/autocomplete.html) for examples and definitions.
* @type {Array}
* @default undefined
autoComplete: void 0,
* Setting to true enables the debug mode, currently used to test the correctness of the row and column
* header fixed positioning on a layer above the master table.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
debug: false,
* When set to `true`, the text of the cell content is wrapped if it does not fit in the fixed column width.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 0.11.0
wordWrap: true,
* CSS class name added to cells with cell meta `wordWrap: false`.
* @type {String}
* @default 'htNoWrap'
* @since 0.11.0
noWordWrapClassName: 'htNoWrap',
* @description
* Defines if the right-click context menu should be enabled. Context menu allows to create new row or
* column at any place in the grid. Possible values: `true` (to enable basic options), `false` (to disable completely)
* or array of any available strings: `["row_above", "row_below", "col_left", "col_right",
* "remove_row", "remove_col", "undo", "redo", "sep1", "sep2", "sep3"]`.
* See [demo/contextmenu.html](http://handsontable.com/demo/contextmenu.html) for examples.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default undefined
contextMenu: void 0,
* If `true`, undo/redo functionality is enabled.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default undefined
undo: void 0,
* @description
* Turn on [Column sorting](http://handsontable.com/demo/sorting.html).
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @default undefined
columnSorting: void 0,
* @description
* Turn on [Manual column move](http://handsontable.com/demo/column_move.html), if set to a boolean or define initial
* column order, if set to an array of column indexes.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default undefined
manualColumnMove: void 0,
* @description
* Turn on [Manual column resize](http://handsontable.com/demo/column_resize.html), if set to a boolean or define initial
* column resized widths, if set to an array of numbers.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default undefined
manualColumnResize: void 0,
* @description
* Turn on [Manual row move](http://handsontable.com/demo/column_move.html), if set to a boolean or define initial
* row order, if set to an array of row indexes.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default undefined
* @since 0.11.0
manualRowMove: void 0,
* @description
* Turn on [Manual row resize](http://handsontable.com/demo/column_resize.html), if set to a boolean or define initial
* row resized heights, if set to an array of numbers.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default undefined
* @since 0.11.0
manualRowResize: void 0,
* @description
* Setting to true or array enables the mergeCells plugin, which enables the merging of the cells. (see [demo](http://handsontable.com/demo/merge_cells.html)).
* You can provide the merged cells on the pageload if you feed the mergeCells option with an array.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default false
mergeCells: false,
* Number of rows to be prerendered before and after the viewport is changed.
* @type {Number}
* @default 10
viewportRowRenderingOffset: 10,
* Number of columns to be prerendered before and after the viewport is changed.
* @type {Number}
* @default 10
viewportColumnRenderingOffset: 10,
* @description
* If `true`, enables Grouping plugin, which enables applying expandable row and column groups.
* To initialize Handsontable with predefined groups, provide row or column group start and end coordinates in form of an array.
* See [Grouping](http://handsontable.com/demo/grouping.html) demo for examples.
* @type {Boolean|Array}
* @default undefined
* @since 0.11.4
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* // as boolean
* groups: true,
* ...
* ...
* // as array
* groups: [{cols: [0, 2]}, {cols: [5, 15], rows: [0, 5]}],
* ...
* ```
groups: void 0,
* A usually small function or regular expression that validates the input.
* After you determine if the input is valid, execute `callback(true)` or `callback(false)` to proceed with the execution.
* In function, `this` binds to cellProperties.
* @type {Function|RegExp}
* @default undefined
* @since 0.9.5
validator: void 0,
* @description
* Disable visual cells selection.
* Possible values:
* * `true` - Disables any type of visual selection (current and area selection),
* * `false` - Enables any type of visual selection. This is default value.
* * `current` - Disables to appear only current selected cell.
* * `area` - Disables to appear only multiple selected cells.
* @type {Boolean|String|Array}
* @default false
* @since 0.13.2
* @example
* ```js
* ...
* // as boolean
* disableVisualSelection: true,
* ...
* ...
* // as string ('current' or 'area')
* disableVisualSelection: 'current',
* ...
* ...
* // as array
* disableVisualSelection: ['current', 'area'],
* ...
* ```
disableVisualSelection: false,
* @description
* Set whether to display the current sorting indicator (a triangle icon in the column header, specifying the sorting order).
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @since 0.15.0-beta3
sortIndicator: false,
manualColumnFreeze: void 0,
trimWhitespace: true,
settings: void 0,
source: void 0,
title: void 0,
checkedTemplate: void 0,
uncheckedTemplate: void 0,
format: void 0,
className: void 0
Handsontable.DefaultSettings = DefaultSettings;