### BEGIN LICENSE # Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . ### END LICENSE """Module for the TextView widgth wich encapsulates management of TextBuffer and TextIter for common functionality, such as cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, and highlighting of text. Using #create the TextEditor and set the text editor = TextEditor() editor.text = "Text to add to the editor" #use cut, works the same for copy, paste, undo, and redo def __handle_on_cut(self, widget, data=None): self.editor.cut() #add string to highlight self.editor.add_highlight("Ubuntu") self.editor.add_highlight("Quickly") #remove highlights self.editor.clear_highlight("Ubuntu") self.editor.clear_all_highlight() Configuring #Configure as a TextView self.editor.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WRAP_CHAR) #Access the Gtk.TextBuffer if needed buffer = self.editor.get_buffer() Extending A TextEditor is Gtk.TextView """ try: from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GObject from .FormatShortcuts import FormatShortcuts except: print("couldn't load depencies") import logging logger = logging.getLogger('uberwriter') class UndoableInsert(object): """something that has been inserted into our textbuffer""" def __init__(self, text_iter, text, length): self.offset = text_iter.get_offset() self.text = text self.length = length if self.length > 1 or self.text in ("\r", "\n", " "): self.mergeable = False else: self.mergeable = True class UndoableDelete(object): """something that has ben deleted from our textbuffer""" def __init__(self, text_buffer, start_iter, end_iter): self.text = text_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) self.start = start_iter.get_offset() self.end = end_iter.get_offset() # need to find out if backspace or delete key has been used # so we don't mess up during redo insert_iter = text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(text_buffer.get_insert()) if insert_iter.get_offset() <= self.start: self.delete_key_used = True else: self.delete_key_used = False if self.end - self.start > 1 or self.text in ("\r", "\n", " "): self.mergeable = False else: self.mergeable = True class TextEditor(Gtk.TextView): """TextEditor encapsulates management of TextBuffer and TextIter for common functionality, such as cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, and highlighting of text. """ __gsignals__ = { 'insert-italic': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()), 'insert-bold': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()), 'insert-hrule': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()), 'insert-ulistitem': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()), 'insert-heading': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()), 'undo': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()), 'redo': (GObject.SIGNAL_ACTION, None, ()) } def __init__(self): """ Create a TextEditor """ Gtk.TextView.__init__(self) self.undo_max = None self.insert_event = self.get_buffer().connect("insert-text", self.on_insert_text) self.delete_event = self.get_buffer().connect("delete-range", self.on_delete_range) display = self.get_display() self.clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get_for_display(display, Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) self.undo_stack = [] self.redo_stack = [] self.not_undoable_action = False self.undo_in_progress = False self.FormatShortcuts = FormatShortcuts(self.get_buffer(), self) self.connect('insert-italic', self.set_italic) self.connect('insert-bold', self.set_bold) self.connect('insert-hrule', self.insert_horizontal_rule) self.connect('insert-ulistitem', self.insert_unordered_list_item) self.connect('insert-heading', self.insert_heading) self.connect('redo', self.redo) self.connect('undo', self.undo) @property def text(self): """ text - a string specifying all the text currently in the TextEditor's buffer. This property is read/write. """ start_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(0) end_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(-1) return self.get_buffer().get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) @property def can_undo(self): return bool(self.undo_stack) @property def can_redo(self): return bool(self.redo_stack) @text.setter def text(self, text): self.get_buffer().set_text(text) def append(self, text): """append: appends text to the end of the textbuffer. arguments: text - a string to add to the buffer. The text will be the last text in the buffer. The insertion cursor will not be moved. """ end_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(-1) self.get_buffer().insert(end_iter, text) def prepend(self, text): """prepend: appends text to the start of the textbuffer. arguments: text - a string to add to the buffer. The text will be the first text in the buffer. The insertion cursor will not be moved. """ start_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(0) self.get_buffer().insert(start_iter, text) insert_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(len(text)-1) self.get_buffer().place_cursor(insert_iter) def cursor_to_end(self): """cursor_to_end: moves the insertion curson to the last position in the buffer. """ end_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(-1) self.get_buffer().place_cursor(end_iter) def cursor_to_start(self): """cursor_to_start: moves the insertion curson to the first position in the buffer. """ start_iter = self.get_buffer().get_iter_at_offset(0) self.get_buffer().place_cursor(start_iter) def cut(self, widget=None, data=None): """cut: cut currently selected text and put it on the clipboard. This function can be called as a function, or assigned as a signal handler. """ self.get_buffer().cut_clipboard(self.clipboard, True) def copy(self, widget=None, data=None): """copy: copy currently selected text to the clipboard. This function can be called as a function, or assigned as a signal handler. """ self.get_buffer().copy_clipboard(self.clipboard) def paste(self, widget=None, data=None): """paste: Insert any text currently on the clipboard into the buffer. This function can be called as a function, or assigned as a signal handler. """ self.get_buffer().paste_clipboard(self.clipboard,None,True) def undo(self, widget=None, data=None): """undo inserts or deletions undone actions are being moved to redo stack""" if not self.undo_stack: return self.begin_not_undoable_action() self.undo_in_progress = True undo_action = self.undo_stack.pop() self.redo_stack.append(undo_action) buf = self.get_buffer() if isinstance(undo_action, UndoableInsert): offset = undo_action.offset start = buf.get_iter_at_offset(offset) stop = buf.get_iter_at_offset( offset + undo_action.length ) buf.delete(start, stop) buf.place_cursor(start) else: start = buf.get_iter_at_offset(undo_action.start) buf.insert(start, undo_action.text) if undo_action.delete_key_used: buf.place_cursor(start) else: stop = buf.get_iter_at_offset(undo_action.end) buf.place_cursor(stop) self.end_not_undoable_action() self.undo_in_progress = False def redo(self, widget=None, data=None): """redo inserts or deletions redone actions are moved to undo stack""" if not self.redo_stack: return self.begin_not_undoable_action() self.undo_in_progress = True redo_action = self.redo_stack.pop() self.undo_stack.append(redo_action) buf = self.get_buffer() if isinstance(redo_action, UndoableInsert): start = buf.get_iter_at_offset(redo_action.offset) buf.insert(start, redo_action.text) new_cursor_pos = buf.get_iter_at_offset( redo_action.offset + redo_action.length ) buf.place_cursor(new_cursor_pos) else: start = buf.get_iter_at_offset(redo_action.start) stop = buf.get_iter_at_offset(redo_action.end) buf.delete(start, stop) buf.place_cursor(start) self.end_not_undoable_action() self.undo_in_progress = False def on_insert_text(self, textbuffer, text_iter, text, length): """ _on_insert: internal function to handle programatically inserted text. Do not call directly. """ def can_be_merged(prev, cur): """see if we can merge multiple inserts here will try to merge words or whitespace can't merge if prev and cur are not mergeable in the first place can't merge when user set the input bar somewhere else can't merge across word boundaries""" WHITESPACE = (' ', '\t') if not cur.mergeable or not prev.mergeable: return False elif cur.offset != (prev.offset + prev.length): return False elif cur.text in WHITESPACE and not prev.text in WHITESPACE: return False elif prev.text in WHITESPACE and not cur.text in WHITESPACE: return False return True if not self.undo_in_progress: self.redo_stack = [] if self.not_undoable_action: return logger.debug(text) logger.debug("b: %i, l: %i" % (length, len(text))) undo_action = UndoableInsert(text_iter, text, len(text)) try: prev_insert = self.undo_stack.pop() except IndexError: self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) return if not isinstance(prev_insert, UndoableInsert): self.undo_stack.append(prev_insert) self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) return if can_be_merged(prev_insert, undo_action): prev_insert.length += undo_action.length prev_insert.text += undo_action.text self.undo_stack.append(prev_insert) else: self.undo_stack.append(prev_insert) self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) def on_delete_range(self, text_buffer, start_iter, end_iter): """ On delete """ def can_be_merged(prev, cur): """see if we can merge multiple deletions here will try to merge words or whitespace can't merge if prev and cur are not mergeable in the first place can't merge if delete and backspace key were both used can't merge across word boundaries""" WHITESPACE = (' ', '\t') if not cur.mergeable or not prev.mergeable: return False elif prev.delete_key_used != cur.delete_key_used: return False elif prev.start != cur.start and prev.start != cur.end: return False elif cur.text not in WHITESPACE and \ prev.text in WHITESPACE: return False elif cur.text in WHITESPACE and \ prev.text not in WHITESPACE: return False return True if not self.undo_in_progress: self.redo_stack = [] if self.not_undoable_action: return undo_action = UndoableDelete(text_buffer, start_iter, end_iter) try: prev_delete = self.undo_stack.pop() except IndexError: self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) return if not isinstance(prev_delete, UndoableDelete): self.undo_stack.append(prev_delete) self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) return if can_be_merged(prev_delete, undo_action): if prev_delete.start == undo_action.start: # delete key used prev_delete.text += undo_action.text prev_delete.end += (undo_action.end - undo_action.start) else: # Backspace used prev_delete.text = "%s%s" % (undo_action.text, prev_delete.text) prev_delete.start = undo_action.start self.undo_stack.append(prev_delete) else: self.undo_stack.append(prev_delete) self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) def begin_not_undoable_action(self): """don't record the next actions toggles self.not_undoable_action""" self.not_undoable_action = True def end_not_undoable_action(self): """record next actions toggles self.not_undoable_action""" self.not_undoable_action = False def set_italic(self, widget, data=None): """Ctrl + I""" self.FormatShortcuts.italic() def set_bold(self, widget, data=None): """Ctrl + B""" self.FormatShortcuts.bold() def insert_horizontal_rule(self, widget, data=None): """Ctrl + R""" self.FormatShortcuts.rule() def insert_unordered_list_item(self, widget, data=None): """Ctrl + U""" self.FormatShortcuts.unordered_list_item() def insert_ordered_list(self, widget, data=None): """CTRL + O""" self.FormatShortcuts.ordered_list_item() def insert_heading(self, widget, data=None): """CTRL + H""" self.FormatShortcuts.heading() class TestWindow(Gtk.Window): """For testing and demonstrating AsycnTaskProgressBox. """ def __init__(self): #create a window a VBox to hold the controls Gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.set_title("TextEditor Test Window") windowbox = Gtk.VBox(False, 2) windowbox.show() self.add(windowbox) self.editor = TextEditor() self.editor.show() windowbox.pack_end(self.editor, True, True, 0) self.set_size_request(200,200) self.show() self.maximize() self.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit) self.editor.text = "this is some inserted text" self.editor.append("\nLine 3") self.editor.prepend("Line1\n") self.editor.cursor_to_end() self.editor.cursor_to_start() self.editor.undo_max = 100 cut_button = Gtk.Button("Cut") cut_button.connect("clicked",self.editor.cut) cut_button.show() windowbox.pack_start(cut_button, False, False, 0) copy_button = Gtk.Button("Copy") copy_button.connect("clicked",self.editor.copy) copy_button.show() windowbox.pack_start(copy_button, False, False, 0) paste_button = Gtk.Button("Paste") paste_button.connect("clicked",self.editor.paste) paste_button.show() windowbox.pack_start(paste_button, False, False, 0) undo_button = Gtk.Button("Undo") undo_button.connect("clicked",self.editor.undo) undo_button.show() windowbox.pack_start(undo_button, False, False, 0) redo_button = Gtk.Button("Redo") redo_button.connect("clicked",self.editor.redo) redo_button.show() windowbox.pack_start(redo_button, False, False, 0) print(self.editor.text) if __name__== "__main__": test = TestWindow() Gtk.main()