# Contributing to Handsontable Your contributions to the project are very welcome. If you would like to fix a bug or propose a new feature, you can submit a Pull Request. To help us merge your Pull Request, please make sure you follow these points: 1. Please make your fix on a separate branch. This makes merging much easier. 2. Do not edit files in `dist/` directory (e.g: `handsontable.js`, `handsontable.css`, `handsontable.full.js`, `handsontable.full.css`). Instead, try to edit files inside the `src/` directory and then use `grunt` to make a build. More information about this on wiki page [Building](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/wiki/Building). 3. **Very important:** For any change that you make, **please try to also add a test case(s)** in `tests/jasmine/spec/` or `src/3rdparty/walkontable/test/jasmine/spec/`. This helps us understand the issue and make sure that it will stay fixed forever. See [Testing](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/wiki/Testing) 4. **Very important:** Please review our [coding style](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/wiki/Coding-style) for instructions on how to maintain a fork and submit patches. 5. Describe the problem in the Pull Request description (of course you would do it, why do I mention that?) Thank you for your commitment! ## Team rules The Handsontable team utilizes Git-Flow. See [How we use Git-Flow](https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/wiki/How-we-use-Git-Flow)