from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk import subprocess import threading import time import uuid import os from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz, process FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') objs = { "Decorations": [ { "name": "Superscript", "tex": "$^{0}" }, { "name": "Subscript", "tex": "$_{0}" } ], "Greek": [ { "name": "Alpha", "tex": "\\alpha" }, { "name": "Beta", "tex": "\\beta" } ], "Math": [ { "name": "Integral", "tex": "\\int_{0}^{1}{2}" } ], "Arrows": [ { "name": "Rightarrow", "tex": "\\Rightarrow" } ] } def get_svg(text): fn = uuid.uuid4() f = open("/tmp/{0}.tex".format(fn), "w+") f.write("""%&latex \\documentclass{standalone} \\pagestyle{empty} \\begin{document} $""") f.write(text) f.write("""$ \\end{document} """) f.close()['pdftex', '-output-directory=/tmp', '-interaction=nonstopmode', '/tmp/{0}.tex'.format(fn)],stdout=FNULL)['dvisvgm', '--no-fonts', '--scale=2', '/tmp/{0}.dvi'.format(fn), '-o', '/tmp/{0}.svg'.format(fn)],stdout=FNULL) return "/tmp/{0}.svg".format(fn) class Handler: def __init__(self, b): self.b = b self.current_search = "" def onDeleteWindow(self, *args): Gtk.main_quit(*args) def recompile_image(self, buffer): def recomp(): text = buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(), buffer.get_end_iter(), False) svgfn = get_svg(text) im = self.b.get_object("image1") im.set_from_file(svgfn) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=recomp) self.thread.daemon = False self.thread.start() def alpha_clicked(self, button): bf = self.b.get_object("textbuffer1") bf.insert_at_cursor("\\alpha") def searchentry_changed(self, widget, data=None): self.current_search = widget.get_text().lower() self.b.get_object("listbox").invalidate_filter() def sort_func(self, row_a, row_b, data=None): if self.b.get_object("searchentry1").get_text(): if fuzz.partial_ratio(self.current_search, row_a.entry_name.lower()) > \ fuzz.partial_ratio(self.current_search, row_b.entry_name.lower()): return False else: return True return False def filter_func(self, row, data=None): if fuzz.partial_ratio(self.current_search, row.entry_name.lower()) < 80: return False # if not row.entry_name.startswith(self.b.get_object("searchentry1").get_text()): # return False return True def textview_key_pressed(self, widget, key, data=None): if key.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Tab: print("\n\nTAB PRESSED\n\n") # Tab Key: # Move forward to next open curly bracket and # highlight all text up to the next closing curly bracket buf = widget.get_buffer() cursor_iter = buf.get_iter_at_mark(buf.get_insert()) cursor_iter.forward_find_char(lambda x, data: x == "{", None, None) bound = cursor_iter.copy() bound.forward_chars(3) buf.move_mark_by_name("insert", cursor_iter) buf.move_mark_by_name("selection_bound", bound) return True def textview_after_key_pressed(self, widget, key, data=None): print("\n\ntestign for context") buf = widget.get_buffer() cursor_iter = buf.get_iter_at_mark(buf.get_insert()) start_iter = cursor_iter.copy() start_iter.backward_word_start() start_iter.backward_cursor_position() current_context = buf.get_text(start_iter, cursor_iter, False) print("Current Context: ", current_context) if current_context.startswith("\\"): print("in context!!") # we are in some latex specific context so we should try to complete # whatever is going on :) self.current_search = current_context.lower()[1:] self.b.get_object("listbox").invalidate_filter() def create_icons(builder): import shutil import re tb = builder.get_object("textbuffer1") menu = try: os.makedirs("./icons") except: pass def insert_tex_snippet(widget, row, data=None): tb.insert_at_cursor(row.tex_data) lb = builder.get_object("listbox") from gi.repository import GObject for obj in objs: for val in objs[obj]: tex_code = val["tex"] tex_code = tex_code.format(*"abcdefghijklmn") tex_code = re.sub("\$", "x", tex_code) icon_fn = "./icons/" + re.sub(r"[\\\$]", "", val["tex"]) im_exists = os.path.exists(icon_fn) if not im_exists: svg_filename = get_svg(tex_code) shutil.copy(svg_filename, icon_fn) bx = bx.tex_data = val["tex"] bx.entry_name = val["name"] hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing=10) hbox.pack_start(Gtk.Image.new_from_file(icon_fn), True, True, 0) hbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(val["tex"]), True, True, 0) hbox.show_all() bx.add(hbox) lb.add(bx) lb.connect("row-activated", insert_tex_snippet) return menu pass def run(): builder = Gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file("") menu = create_icons(builder) #menu.show_all() l = builder.get_object("listbox") window = builder.get_object("window1") window.show_all() handlers = Handler(builder) builder.connect_signals(handlers) l.set_filter_func(handlers.filter_func) l.set_sort_func(handlers.sort_func) Gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__": run()