# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE # Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . ### END LICENSE import re from multiprocessing import Pipe, Process import gi from uberwriter import helpers, markup_regex from uberwriter.markup_regex import STRIKETHROUGH, BOLD_ITALIC, BOLD, ITALIC_ASTERISK, ITALIC_UNDERSCORE, IMAGE, LINK,\ LINK_ALT, HORIZONTAL_RULE, LIST, ORDERED_LIST, BLOCK_QUOTE, HEADER, HEADER_UNDER, TABLE, MATH, \ CODE gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib from gi.repository import Pango class MarkupHandler: TAG_NAME_ITALIC = 'italic' TAG_NAME_BOLD = 'bold' TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC = 'bold_italic' TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH = 'strikethrough' TAG_NAME_CENTER = 'center' TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE = 'wrap_none' TAG_NAME_PLAIN_TEXT = 'plain_text' TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT = 'gray_text' TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT = 'code_text' TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK = 'code_block' TAG_NAME_UNFOCUSED_TEXT = 'unfocused_text' TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT = 'margin_indent' def __init__(self, text_view): self.text_view = text_view self.text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() self.marked_up_text = None # Tags. buffer = self.text_buffer self.tag_italic = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC, weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.ITALIC) self.tag_bold = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_BOLD, weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) self.tag_bold_italic = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC, weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD, style=Pango.Style.ITALIC) self.tag_strikethrough = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH, strikethrough=True) self.tag_center = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_CENTER, justification=Gtk.Justification.CENTER) self.tag_wrap_none = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE, wrap_mode=Gtk.WrapMode.NONE, pixels_above_lines=0, pixels_below_lines=0) self.tag_plain_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_PLAIN_TEXT, weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, strikethrough=False, justification=Gtk.Justification.LEFT) self.tag_gray_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT, foreground='gray', weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) self.tag_code_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT, weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, strikethrough=False) self.tag_code_block = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK, weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, strikethrough=False, indent=self.get_margin_indent(0, 1)[1]) self.tags_markup = { self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC: lambda args: self.tag_italic, self.TAG_NAME_BOLD: lambda args: self.tag_bold, self.TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC: lambda args: self.tag_bold_italic, self.TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH: lambda args: self.tag_strikethrough, self.TAG_NAME_CENTER: lambda args: self.tag_center, self.TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE: lambda args: self.tag_wrap_none, self.TAG_NAME_PLAIN_TEXT: lambda args: self.tag_plain_text, self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT: lambda args: self.tag_gray_text, self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT: lambda args: self.tag_code_text, self.TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK: lambda args: self.tag_code_block, self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT: lambda args: self.get_margin_indent_tag(*args) } # Focus mode. self.tag_unfocused_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_UNFOCUSED_TEXT, foreground='gray', weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) # Margin and indents. # A baseline margin is set to allow negative offsets for formatting headers, lists, etc. self.tags_margins_indents = {} self.baseline_margin = 0 self.char_width = 0 self.update_margins_indents() # Style. self.on_style_updated() # Worker process to handle parsing. self.parsing = False self.apply_pending = False self.parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() Process(target=self.parse, args=(child_conn,), daemon=True).start() GLib.io_add_watch( self.parent_conn.fileno(), GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, GLib.IO_IN, self.on_parsed) def on_style_updated(self, *_): style_context = self.text_view.get_style_context() (found, color) = style_context.lookup_color('code_bg_color') if not found: (_, color) = style_context.lookup_color('background_color') self.tag_code_text.set_property("background", color.to_string()) self.tag_code_block.set_property("paragraph-background", color.to_string()) def apply(self): """Applies markup, parsing it in a worker process if the text has changed. In case parsing is already running, it will re-apply once it finishes. This ensure that the pipe doesn't fill (and block) if multiple requests are made in quick succession.""" if not self.parsing: self.parsing = True self.apply_pending = False text = self.text_buffer.get_slice( self.text_buffer.get_start_iter(), self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(), False) if text != self.marked_up_text: self.parent_conn.send(text) else: self.do_apply(text) else: self.apply_pending = True def parse(self, child_conn): """Parses markup in a worker process.""" while True: while True: try: text = child_conn.recv() if not child_conn.poll(): break except EOFError: child_conn.close() return # List of tuples in the form (tag_name, tag_args, tag_start, tag_end). result = [] # Find: # - "_italic_" (italic) # - "**bold**" (bold) # - "***bolditalic***" (bold/italic) # - "~~strikethrough~~" (strikethrough) # - "`code`" (colorize) # - "$math$" (colorize) # - "---" table (wrap/pixels) regexps = ( (ITALIC_ASTERISK, self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC), (ITALIC_UNDERSCORE, self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC), (BOLD, self.TAG_NAME_BOLD), (BOLD_ITALIC, self.TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC), (STRIKETHROUGH, self.TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH), (CODE, self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT), (MATH, self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT), (TABLE, self.TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE) ) for regexp, tag_name in regexps: matches = re.finditer(regexp, text) for match in matches: result.append((tag_name, (), match.start(), match.end())) # Find: # - "[description](url)" (gray out) # - "![description](image_url)" (gray out) regexps = ( (LINK, self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT), (IMAGE, self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT) ) for regexp, tag_name in regexps: matches = re.finditer(regexp, text) for match in matches: result.append((tag_name, (), match.start(), match.start("text"))) result.append((tag_name, (), match.end("text"), match.end())) # Find "" links (gray out). matches = re.finditer(LINK_ALT, text) for match in matches: result.append(( self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT, (), match.start("text"), match.end("text"))) # Find "---" horizontal rule (center). matches = re.finditer(HORIZONTAL_RULE, text) for match in matches: result.append(( self.TAG_NAME_CENTER, (), match.start("symbols"), match.end("symbols"))) # Find "* list" (offset). matches = re.finditer(LIST, text) for match in matches: # Lists use character+space (eg. "* "). length = 2 nest = len(match.group("indent").replace(" ", "\t")) margin = -length - 2 * nest indent = -length - 2 * length * nest result.append(( self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, (margin, indent), match.start("content"), match.end("content") )) # Find "1. ordered list" (offset). matches = re.finditer(ORDERED_LIST, text) for match in matches: # Ordered lists use numbers/letters+dot/parens+space (eg. "123. "). length = len(match.group("prefix")) + 1 nest = len(match.group("indent").replace(" ", "\t")) margin = -length - 2 * nest indent = -length - 2 * length * nest result.append(( self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, (margin, indent), match.start("content"), match.end("content") )) # Find "> blockquote" (offset). matches = re.finditer(BLOCK_QUOTE, text) for match in matches: result.append((self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, (2, -2), match.start(), match.end())) # Find "# Header" (offset+bold). matches = re.finditer(HEADER, text) for match in matches: margin = -len(match.group("level")) - 1 result.append(( self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, (margin, 0), match.start(), match.end())) result.append((self.TAG_NAME_BOLD, (), match.start(), match.end())) # Find "=======" header underline (bold). matches = re.finditer(HEADER_UNDER, text) for match in matches: result.append((self.TAG_NAME_BOLD, (), match.start(), match.end())) # Find "```" code block tag (offset + colorize paragraph). matches = re.finditer(markup_regex.CODE_BLOCK, text) for match in matches: result.append(( self.TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK, (), match.start("block"), match.end("block"))) # Send parsed data back. child_conn.send((text, result)) def on_parsed(self, _source, _condition): """Reads the parsing result from the pipe and triggers any pending apply.""" self.parsing = False if self.apply_pending: self.apply() # self.apply clears the apply pending flag. try: if self.parent_conn.poll(): self.do_apply(*self.parent_conn.recv()) return True except EOFError: return False def do_apply(self, original_text, result=[]): """Applies the result of parsing if the current text matches the original text.""" buffer = self.text_buffer start = buffer.get_start_iter() end = buffer.get_end_iter() text = self.text_buffer.get_slice(start, end, False) # Apply markup tags. if text == original_text and text != self.marked_up_text: buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_italic, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_bold, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_bold_italic, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_strikethrough, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_center, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_plain_text, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_gray_text, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_code_text, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_code_block, start, end) buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_wrap_none, start, end) for tag in self.tags_margins_indents.values(): buffer.remove_tag(tag, start, end) for tag_name, tag_args, tag_start, tag_end in result: buffer.apply_tag( self.tags_markup[tag_name](tag_args), buffer.get_iter_at_offset(tag_start), buffer.get_iter_at_offset(tag_end)) # Apply focus mode tag (grey out before/after current sentence). buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_unfocused_text, start, end) if self.text_view.focus_mode: cursor_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(buffer.get_insert()) start_sentence = cursor_iter.copy() start_sentence.backward_sentence_start() end_sentence = cursor_iter.copy() end_sentence.forward_sentence_end() buffer.apply_tag(self.tag_unfocused_text, start, start_sentence) buffer.apply_tag(self.tag_unfocused_text, end_sentence, end) # Margin and indent are cumulative. They differ in two ways: # * Margin is always in the beginning, which means it effectively only affects the first line # of multi-line text. Indent is applied to every line. # * Margin level can be negative, as a baseline margin exists from which it can be subtracted. # Indent is always positive, or 0. def get_margin_indent_tag(self, margin_level, indent_level): level = (margin_level, indent_level) if level not in self.tags_margins_indents: margin, indent = self.get_margin_indent(margin_level, indent_level) tag = self.text_buffer.create_tag( "margin_indent_{}_{}".format(margin_level, indent_level), left_margin=margin, indent=indent) self.tags_margins_indents[level] = tag return tag else: return self.tags_margins_indents[level] def get_margin_indent(self, margin_level, indent_level, baseline_margin=None, char_width=None): if baseline_margin is None: baseline_margin = self.text_view.props.left_margin if char_width is None: char_width = helpers.get_char_width(self.text_view) margin = max(baseline_margin + char_width * margin_level, 0) indent = char_width * indent_level return margin, indent def update_margins_indents(self): baseline_margin = self.text_view.props.left_margin char_width = helpers.get_char_width(self.text_view) # Bail out if neither the baseline margin nor character width change if baseline_margin == self.baseline_margin and char_width == self.char_width: return self.baseline_margin = baseline_margin self.char_width = char_width # Adjust tab size tab_array = Pango.TabArray.new(1, True) tab_array.set_tab(0, Pango.TabAlign.LEFT, 4 * char_width) self.text_view.set_tabs(tab_array) # Adjust margins and indents for level, tag in self.tags_margins_indents.items(): margin, indent = self.get_margin_indent(*level, baseline_margin, char_width) tag.set_properties(left_margin=margin, indent=indent) def stop(self, *_): self.parent_conn.close()