diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05db584 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +name: Bug report +about: Create a report to help us improve +title: "[BUG]" +labels: bug, triage +assignees: somas95 + +--- + +**Describe the bug** +A clear and concise description of what the bug is. + +**To Reproduce** +Steps to reproduce the behavior: +1. Go to '...' +2. Click on '....' +3. Scroll down to '....' +4. See error + +**Expected behavior** +A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. + +**Screenshots** +If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. + +**Environment(please complete the following information):** +- Linux distribution: +- Desktop Enviroment: +- DE version: +- GTK version: + +**Additional context** +Add any other context about the problem here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46f8c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +name: Feature request +about: Suggest an idea for this project +title: "[Feature Request]" +labels: feature request +assignees: somas95 + +--- + +**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** +A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] + +**Describe the solution you'd like** +A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. + +**Describe alternatives you've considered** +A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. + +**Additional context** +Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 4ed3eb3..9300151 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7 *.pyc __pycache__/ build/ +_build/ debian/uberwriter/DEBIAN debian/uberwriter/opt debian/uberwriter/usr @@ -22,3 +23,4 @@ dist/uberwriter-2.0b0-py3.7.egg builddir/* dist/ uberwriter.egg-info +build-aux/flatpak/.flatpak-builder/* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS index 7c025dc..fe39f16 100644 --- a/AUTHORS +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht -Copyright (C) 2012, Vova Kolobok +Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht +Copyright (C) 2019, Vova Kolobok diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6919a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, +level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal +appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at manuel.genoves@gmail.com. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq diff --git a/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8b26d0f..0000000 --- a/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -### ENVIROMENT -- Linux distribution: -- Desktop Enviroment: -- DE version: -- GTK version: - -### BUG diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 0f57ea2..0000000 --- a/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -.PHONY: flatpak-user-install flatpak-generate-python-modules - -flatpak-user-install: - cd flatpak; flatpak-builder --force-clean --install --user _build uberwriter.json - -flatpak-generate-python-modules: - # gtkspellcheck's setup.py wants enchant to already be installed - flatpak-pip-generator --output flatpak/python3-enchant.json pyenchant - flatpak-pip-generator --output flatpak/python3-packages.json `grep -v enchant requirements.txt` diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0c367dc..c0fff67 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,23 +1,31 @@ -Uberwriter -========== +[![Please do not theme this app](https://stopthemingmy.app/badge.svg)](https://stopthemingmy.app) + +# Uberwriter ![](screenshots/main.png) -# About +## About -Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly developed by Wolf Vollprecht. It uses pandoc as backend for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface. +Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface. -# Install +## Install -You can get now UberWriter on Flathub! +You can get UberWriter on Flathub! [Get it now](https://flathub.org/apps/details/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter) -# Contributions and localization +## Contributions and localization If you want to help to localize the project, just join us at [Poeditor](https://poeditor.com/join/project/gxVzFyXb2x) Any help is appreciated! -# Running and building it +## Building from Git + +```bash +$ git clone https://github.com/UberWriter/uberwriter.git` +$ cd uberwriter +$ meson builddir --prefix=/usr +# sudo ninja -C builddir install +``` To use uberwriter, please make sure you have some dependencies installed: @@ -27,30 +35,21 @@ To use uberwriter, please make sure you have some dependencies installed: - Please find these packages on your distribution: `python3 python3-regex python3-setuptools python3-levenshtein python3-enchant python3-gi python3-cairo` - Optional dependencies are `texlive` for the pdftex module. -You can run UberWriter with `./bin/uberwriter` without installing it in the system, +### Running it without installing it + +You can run UberWriter with `./uberwriter.in` without installing it in the system, but you'll need to install and compile the schemas before: -`sudo cp data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml` -`sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas` + +```bash +# sudo cp data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml +# sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas +``` + +### Building a flatpak package It's also possible to build, run and debug a flatpak package. You'll need flatpak-builder for this: -- `make flatpak-user-install` (this installs the Flatpak) -- `flatpak run de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter` - -If you can't find Uberwriter after this, it's due to a Flatpak bug. Try to export it to a local repo before installing it: - -- `cd flatpak` -- `flatpak-builder --repo=org.foo.Uberwriter --force-clean build uberwriter.json` -- `flatpak remote-add --no-gpg-verify user org.foo.Uberwriter` -- `flatpak install foo de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter` - -Where `org.foo.repo` is the name of your repo, you can change 'foo' with the name you want -Then you can run it as before or from your system launcher. - -If you want to update an existing installation, just run - -- `flatpak update de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter` - -You can also debug it with the following: `flatpak-builder --run --share=network some_folder_name uberwriter.json sh` - -If you want to install it using setuptools, simply run `python3 setup.py build install` +```bash +$ cd build-aux/flatpak +$ flatpak-builder --force-clean --install --user _build de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.json +``` diff --git a/bin/uberwriter b/bin/uberwriter deleted file mode 100755 index 69fcd8b..0000000 --- a/bin/uberwriter +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python3 -# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- -### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht -# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published -# by the Free Software Foundation. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of -# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -# with this program. If not, see . -### END LICENSE - -### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ### - -import sys -import os - -import pkg_resources - -import gettext -import locale - -# Add project root directory (enable symlink and trunk execution) -PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath( - os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])))) - -# Set the path if needed. This allows uberwriter to run without installing it :) -python_path = [] -if os.path.abspath(__file__).startswith('/opt'): - gettext.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', '/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/uberwriter/share/locale') - syspath = sys.path[:] # copy to avoid infinite loop in pending objects - for path in syspath: - opt_path = path.replace('/usr', '/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/uberwriter') - python_path.insert(0, opt_path) - sys.path.insert(0, opt_path) - os.putenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", "%s:%s" % ("/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/uberwriter/share/", os.getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"))) -if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY, 'uberwriter')) - and PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY not in sys.path): - python_path.insert(0, PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY) - sys.path.insert(0, PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY) -if python_path: - os.putenv('PYTHONPATH', "%s:%s" % (os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', ''), ':'.join(python_path))) # for subprocesses - -import uberwriter - -locale_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(uberwriter.__file__),'../po/')) - -# L10n -locale.textdomain('uberwriter') -locale.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', locale_dir) -gettext.textdomain('uberwriter') -gettext.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', locale_dir) - -uberwriter.main() diff --git a/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive.appdata.xml b/build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive.appdata.xml similarity index 86% rename from flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive.appdata.xml rename to build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive.appdata.xml index d789ef2..ad5ad4b 100644 --- a/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive.appdata.xml +++ b/build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive.appdata.xml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive - de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop + de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter TexLive Plugin Allows to export to pdf and to show formulas in the inline preview https://www.tug.org/texlive// LPPL CC0-1.0 w.vollprecht_AT_gmail.com - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.json b/build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0276fc --- /dev/null +++ b/build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.json @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +{ + "app-id": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter", + "runtime": "org.gnome.Platform", + "runtime-version": "3.34", + "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk", + "command": "uberwriter", + "finish-args": [ + "--socket=x11", + "--socket=wayland", + "--share=ipc", + "--share=network", + "--filesystem=host", + "--env=PATH=/app/bin:/usr/bin:/app/extensions/TexLive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux/", + "--metadata=X-DConf=migrate-path=/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/" + ], + "add-extensions": { + "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin": { + "directory": "extensions", + "version": "stable", + "subdirectories": true, + "no-autodownload": true, + "autodelete": true + } + }, + "modules": [{ + "name":"gspell", + "sources":[{ + "type":"archive", + "url":"https://download.gnome.org/sources/gspell/1.8/gspell-1.8.1.tar.xz", + "sha256":"819a1d23c7603000e73f5e738bdd284342e0cd345fb0c7650999c31ec741bbe5" + }] + }, + { + "name": "pandoc", + "only-arches": [ + "x86_64" + ], + "buildsystem": "simple", + "build-commands": [ + "cp bin/pandoc /app/bin/pandoc", + "cp bin/pandoc-citeproc /app/bin/pandoc-citeproc" + ], + "sources": [{ + "type": "archive", + "url": "https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/2.2/pandoc-2.2-linux.tar.gz", + "sha256": "06ecd882e42ef9b7390b1c82e1e71b3ea48679181289b9b810a8797825bed8ed" + }] + }, + { + "name": "pipdeps", + "buildsystem": "simple", + "build-commands": [ + "pip3 install --no-index --find-links=\"file://${PWD}\" --prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} regex pypandoc" + ], + "sources": [{ + "type": "file", + "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5d/c1/45947333669b31bc6b4933308dd07c2aa2fedcec0a95b14eedae993bd449/wheel-0.31.0.tar.gz", + "sha256": "1ae8153bed701cb062913b72429bcf854ba824f973735427681882a688cb55ce" + }, + { + "type": "file", + "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ae/e8/2340d46ecadb1692a1e455f13f75e596d4eab3d11a57446f08259dee8f02/pip-10.0.1.tar.gz", + "sha256": "f2bd08e0cd1b06e10218feaf6fef299f473ba706582eb3bd9d52203fdbd7ee68" + }, + { + "type": "file", + "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/71/81/00184643e5a10a456b4118fc12c96780823adb8ed974eb2289f29703b29b/pypandoc-1.4.tar.gz", + "sha256": "e914e6d5f84a76764887e4d909b09d63308725f0cbb5293872c2c92f07c11a5b" + }, + { + "type": "file", + "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a2/51/c39562cfed3272592c60cfd229e5464d715b78537e332eac2b695422dc49/regex-2018.02.21.tar.gz", + "sha256": "b44624a38d07d3c954c84ad302c29f7930f4bf01443beef5589e9157b14e2a29" + }, + { + "type": "file", + "url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9e/54/04d88a59efa33fefb88133ceb638cdf754319030c28aadc5a379d82140ed/pyenchant-2.0.0.tar.gz", + "sha256": "fc31cda72ace001da8fe5d42f11c26e514a91fa8c70468739216ddd8de64e2a0" + }] + }, + { + "name": "fonts", + "buildsystem": "simple", + "build-commands": [ + "mkdir -p /app/share/fonts/", + "cp ttf/* /app/share/fonts/" + ], + "sources": [{ + "type": "git", + "url": "https://github.com/mozilla/Fira", + "tag": "4.202" + }] + }, + { + "name": "uberwriter", + "buildsystem": "meson", + "sources": [{ + "type" : "dir", + "path" : "../../" + }], + "post-install": [ + "install -d /app/extensions" + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.pipdeps.json b/build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.pipdeps.json similarity index 100% rename from flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.pipdeps.json rename to build-aux/flatpak/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.pipdeps.json diff --git a/flatpak/flatpak_gnome_web_photo.json b/build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_gnome_web_photo.json similarity index 99% rename from flatpak/flatpak_gnome_web_photo.json rename to build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_gnome_web_photo.json index c711f39..1990d45 100644 --- a/flatpak/flatpak_gnome_web_photo.json +++ b/build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_gnome_web_photo.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "id": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.WebPhoto", "runtime": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter", "branch": "stable", - "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk//3.26", + "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk//3.32", "build-extension": true, "separate-locales": false, "appstream-compose": false, diff --git a/flatpak/flatpak_texlive.json b/build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_texlive.json similarity index 96% rename from flatpak/flatpak_texlive.json rename to build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_texlive.json index 526690e..9476a89 100644 --- a/flatpak/flatpak_texlive.json +++ b/build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_texlive.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "id": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive", "runtime": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter", "branch": "stable", - "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk//3.26", + "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk//3.34", "build-extension": true, "separate-locales": false, "appstream-compose": false, @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "cflags": "-O2 -g", "cxxflags": "-O2 -g", "env": { - "PATH": "/app/extensions/TexLive/bin:/app/extensions/TexLive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux:/app/bin:/usr/bin" + "PATH": "/app/extensions/TexLive/bin:/app/extensions/TexLive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux:/app/bin:/usr/bin" } }, "cleanup": ["/bin/wget"], diff --git a/flatpak/flatpak_texlive_flathub.json b/build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_texlive_flathub.json similarity index 93% rename from flatpak/flatpak_texlive_flathub.json rename to build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_texlive_flathub.json index e129688..9030280 100644 --- a/flatpak/flatpak_texlive_flathub.json +++ b/build-aux/flatpak/flatpak_texlive_flathub.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "id": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive", "runtime": "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter", "branch": "stable", - "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk//3.26", + "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk//3.34", "build-extension": true, "separate-locales": false, "appstream-compose": false, @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "cflags": "-O2 -g", "cxxflags": "-O2 -g", "env": { - "PATH": "/app/extensions/TexLive/bin:/app/extensions/TexLive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux:/app/bin:/usr/bin" + "PATH": "/app/extensions/TexLive/bin:/app/extensions/TexLive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux:/app/bin:/usr/bin" } }, "cleanup": ["/bin/wget"], @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ { "type":"file", "url": "http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/texlive/Images/texlive.iso", - "sha512": "7b7f0dd0eab3bfffe52c5cd1139c7f75d029b9ff4c4ce0e57e06834705522f4ec0c02cd99a80b053c6619abda51c20a60f8e91e91781bdc2b9b60fc2e5708adb" + "sha512": "a00a943ce4438fe2aecf8b1e05f9055135ef03c56b6782a49205bac9023d77c781f3cab50f2f9555ac116bb0d97d6570afffe7c60b8745325b9941f82af7ef83 " }, { "type": "file", diff --git a/flatpak/texlive.profile b/build-aux/flatpak/texlive.profile similarity index 100% rename from flatpak/texlive.profile rename to build-aux/flatpak/texlive.profile diff --git a/flatpak/texlive_install.sh b/build-aux/flatpak/texlive_install.sh similarity index 77% rename from flatpak/texlive_install.sh rename to build-aux/flatpak/texlive_install.sh index 2ec3dd4..0a409f1 100755 --- a/flatpak/texlive_install.sh +++ b/build-aux/flatpak/texlive_install.sh @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # Download the installer! # Currently using 2017 edition, upgrade to 2018 tomorrow! (just released, needs) # time to propagate everywhere -wget ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/2018/install-tl-unx.tar.gz +wget ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/2019/install-tl-unx.tar.gz myhash=$(sha256sum install-tl-unx.tar.gz | cut -d' ' -f1) -if [ $myhash != "82c13110852af162c4c5ef1579fa2f4f51c2040850ec02fb7f97497da45eb446" ] ; then echo "CHECKSUM MISMATCH!"; exit 1 ; fi +if [ $myhash != "44aa41b5783e345b7021387f19ac9637ff1ce5406a59754230c666642dfe7750" ] ; then echo "CHECKSUM MISMATCH!"; exit 1 ; fi tar xvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ cat < texlive.profile # It will NOT be updated and reflects only the # installation profile at installation time. selected_scheme scheme-basic -TEXDIR /app/extensions/TexLive/2018 -TEXMFCONFIG ~/.texlive2018/texmf-config +TEXDIR /app/extensions/TexLive/2019 +TEXMFCONFIG ~/.texlive2019/texmf-config TEXMFHOME ~/texmf TEXMFLOCAL /app/extensions/TexLive/texmf-local -TEXMFSYSCONFIG /app/extensions/TexLive/2018/texmf-config -TEXMFSYSVAR /app/extensions/TexLive/2018/texmf-var -TEXMFVAR ~/.texlive2018/texmf-var +TEXMFSYSCONFIG /app/extensions/TexLive/2019/texmf-config +TEXMFSYSVAR /app/extensions/TexLive/2019/texmf-var +TEXMFVAR ~/.texlive2019/texmf-var binary_x86_64-linux 1 collection-latex 1 collection-binextra 1 @@ -58,5 +58,5 @@ all: echo "I am a pretty empty Makefile." install: - ./install-tl-20180414/install-tl --profile texlive.profile + ./install-tl-20190410/install-tl --profile texlive.profile EOF diff --git a/build-aux/meson_post_install.py b/build-aux/meson_post_install.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c9cc893 --- /dev/null +++ b/build-aux/meson_post_install.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +from os import environ, path +from subprocess import call + +if not environ.get('DESTDIR', ''): + PREFIX = environ.get('MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX', '/usr/local') + DATA_DIR = path.join(PREFIX, 'share') + print('Updating icon cache...') + call(['gtk-update-icon-cache', '-qtf', path.join(DATA_DIR, 'icons/hicolor')]) + print("compiling new schemas") + call(["glib-compile-schemas", path.join(DATA_DIR, 'glib-2.0/schemas')]) + diff --git a/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml b/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml.in.in similarity index 96% rename from data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml rename to data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml.in.in index fa00397..4ae13b4 100644 --- a/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml +++ b/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml.in.in @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter - de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop + @app-id@ + @app-id@.desktop UberWriter An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor @@ -123,5 +123,5 @@ http://uberwriter.github.io/uberwriter https://poeditor.com/join/project/gxVzFyXb2x manuel.genoves_at_gmail.com - uberwriter - \ No newline at end of file + @gettext-package@ + diff --git a/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop b/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop.in.in similarity index 86% rename from data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop rename to data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop.in.in index 22f4051..306c123 100644 --- a/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop +++ b/data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop.in.in @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Name=UberWriter Comment=UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor Categories=GNOME;GTK;Office; Exec=uberwriter %U -Icon=de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter +Icon=@icon@ Terminal=false Type=Application MimeType=text/x-markdown;text/plain; diff --git a/data/media/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter-symbolic.svg b/data/icons/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter-symbolic.svg similarity index 100% rename from data/media/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter-symbolic.svg rename to data/icons/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter-symbolic.svg diff --git a/data/media/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg b/data/icons/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg similarity index 100% rename from data/media/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg rename to data/icons/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg diff --git a/data/icons/meson.build b/data/icons/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9aa6dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/icons/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +install_data( + 'de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg', + install_dir: datadir / 'icons' / 'hicolor' / 'scalable' / 'apps', + rename: '@0@.svg'.format(application_id) +) + +install_data( + 'de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter-symbolic.svg', + install_dir: datadir / 'icons' / 'hicolor' / 'symbolic' / 'apps', + rename: '@0@-symbolic.svg'.format(application_id) +) diff --git a/data/media/css/gtk/base.css b/data/media/css/gtk/base.css index f92c69f..810bc9c 100644 --- a/data/media/css/gtk/base.css +++ b/data/media/css/gtk/base.css @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ bind "z" { "redo" () }; } -@define-color math_text_color mix(@theme_fg_color, #00b5ff, 0.15); +@define-color code_bg_color mix(@theme_base_color, @theme_fg_color, 0.05); /* Main window and text colors */ @@ -117,63 +117,37 @@ background-color: mix(@theme_base_color, @theme_bg_color, 0.5); } -#PreviewMenuItem image { - border-radius: 2px; - color: #666; - padding: 3px 5px; - border: none; - background: #FFF; -} - .uberwriter-window treeview { - padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; + padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; } -#LexikonBubble { - /*font: serif 10;*/ - font-family: serif; - font-size: 10px; - background: @theme_bg_color; - border-radius: 4px; - border-color: @theme_bg_color; - margin: 5px; - padding: 5px; -} - -/* .quick-preview-popup { - padding: 5px; - margin: 5px; - border: 1px solid #333; - background: @ligth_bg; - border-radius: 3px; - border-color: @theme_bg_color; -} */ - -#LexikonBubble label { - /*padding: 5px;*/ -} - -#LexikonBubble { - background-color: @theme_bg_color; - border: 5px solid @theme_bg_color; -} - -#LexikonBubble .lexikon-heading { +.lexikon { font-family: serif; font-size: 12px; - padding-bottom: 5px; - padding-top: 5px; - font-weight: bold; - padding-left: 10px; + background: @theme_bg_color; + border: 4px solid @theme_bg_color; } -#LexikonBubble .lexikon-num { - padding-right: 5px; - padding-left: 20px; +.lexikon .header { + font-family: serif; + font-size: 14px; + padding-top: 16px; + padding-bottom: 4px; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.lexikon .header.first { + padding-top: 0px; +} + +.lexikon .number { + padding-left: 16px; + padding-right: 4px; } .quick-preview-popup { background-color: @theme_bg_color; + padding: 8px 12px 8px 12px; } .quick-preview-popup grid { diff --git a/data/media/uberwriter_markdown.md b/data/media/uberwriter_markdown.md index aa5517e..9b2de43 100644 --- a/data/media/uberwriter_markdown.md +++ b/data/media/uberwriter_markdown.md @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ To give your document some meta-information and a nice title, you can use title Emphasizing some text is done by surrounding it with *s: -This is *emphasized with asterisks*, and this will be a **bold text**. And even more ***krass***. And if you want to erase something: ~~completely gone~~ (sorrounded by ~) +This is *emphasized with asterisks*, and this will be a **bold text**. And even more ***krass***. And if you want to erase something: ~~completely gone~~ (surrounded by ~) ### Horizontal Rules diff --git a/data/meson.build b/data/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000..956c85e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +# FreeDesktop Desktop File +desktop_conf = configuration_data() +desktop_conf.set('icon', application_id) +desktop_file = i18n.merge_file( + 'desktop', + input: configure_file( + input: 'de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop.in.in', + output: '@BASENAME@', + configuration: desktop_conf + ), + output: '@0@.desktop'.format(application_id), + po_dir: podir, + type: 'desktop', + install: true, + install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'applications' +) + +# Validate Desktop File +desktop_file_validate = find_program('desktop-file-validate', required: false) +if desktop_file_validate.found() + test ( + 'Validate desktop file', + desktop_file_validate, + args: desktop_file.full_path() + ) +endif + +# Freedesktop AppData File +appdata_conf = configuration_data() +appdata_conf.set('app-id', application_id) +appdata_conf.set('gettext-package', gettext_package) +appdata_file = i18n.merge_file( + 'appdata', + input: configure_file( + input: 'de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml.in.in', + output: '@BASENAME@', + configuration: appdata_conf + ), + output: '@0@.appdata.xml'.format(application_id), + po_dir: podir, + install: true, + install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'metainfo' +) +# Validate AppData File +appstream_util = find_program('appstream-util', required: false) +if appstream_util.found() + test ( + 'Validate appdata file', + appstream_util, + args: ['validate-relax', '--nonet', appdata_file.full_path()] + ) +endif + +# Gschema +install_data( + 'de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml', + install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'glib-2.0' / 'schemas', + rename: '@0@.gschema.xml'.format(application_id) +) + +# Resources +ui_config = configuration_data() +ui_config.set('app-id', application_id) +ui_config.set('version', meson.project_version() + version_suffix) +ui_config.set('package_url', 'http://uberwriter.github.io/uberwriter/') +ui_preconfigured_files = files( + 'ui/About.ui.in' +) +ui_dependencies = [] +foreach ui_file: ui_preconfigured_files + ui_dependencies += configure_file( + input: ui_file, + output: '@BASENAME@', + configuration: ui_config + ) +endforeach + +resources = gnome.compile_resources( + meson.project_name(), + meson.project_name() + '.gresource.xml', + gresource_bundle: true, + install:true, + install_dir: join_paths(datadir, meson.project_name()), + dependencies: ui_dependencies +) +message('datadir') +message(datadir) +subdir('icons') + +install_subdir( + 'lua', + install_dir: pkgdatadir +) +install_subdir( + 'media', + install_dir: pkgdatadir +) +install_subdir( + 'ui', + install_dir: pkgdatadir +) diff --git a/data/uberwriter.gresource.xml b/data/uberwriter.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea9446b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/uberwriter.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + + + media/css/gtk/base.css + ui/Export.ui + ui/Menu.ui + ui/Preferences.ui + ui/Preview.ui + ui/Recents.ui + ui/Shortcuts.ui + ui/Window.ui + About.ui + + diff --git a/data/ui/About.ui b/data/ui/About.ui.in similarity index 96% rename from data/ui/About.ui rename to data/ui/About.ui.in index c0976ee..031124c 100644 --- a/data/ui/About.ui +++ b/data/ui/About.ui.in @@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ center dialog Uberwriter - 2.1.5 + @version@ Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht - http://uberwriter.github.io/uberwriter + @package_url@ Uberwriter website Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> Manuel Genovés <manuel.genoves@gmail.com> Gonçalo Silva <goncalossilva@gmail.com> - Andrea Somaini (Italian) + +Andrea Somaini (Italian) Daniel Artfors (Swedish) shorez (German) TomBoss (French) @@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ naxuroqa (German) Wolf Manuel (Spanish, Catalan) Tobias Bernard <hi@tobiasbernard.com> - image-missing + @app-id@ gpl-3-0 diff --git a/data/ui/Menu.ui b/data/ui/Menu.ui index f7302dc..33f6df7 100644 --- a/data/ui/Menu.ui +++ b/data/ui/Menu.ui @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
- Save _As + Save As app.save_as - _Export + Export app.export @@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ app.copy_html
+ + Find and Replace + app.search_replace + +
Preferences diff --git a/data/ui/Shortcuts.ui b/data/ui/Shortcuts.ui index 03e99c5..bbdb84c 100644 --- a/data/ui/Shortcuts.ui +++ b/data/ui/Shortcuts.ui @@ -92,14 +92,21 @@ True - Search + Find True - Search + Find <Primary>f + + + True + Find and replace + <Primary>h + + diff --git a/data/ui/Window.ui b/data/ui/Window.ui index 79e1035..5d17ee0 100644 --- a/data/ui/Window.ui +++ b/data/ui/Window.ui @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ True False + 12 edit-find-replace-symbolic @@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ True True True - Open Replace + Replace edit-find-replace @@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ - Replace all + Replace All True True True diff --git a/flatpak/uberwriter.json b/flatpak/uberwriter.json deleted file mode 100644 index 160f84f..0000000 --- a/flatpak/uberwriter.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -{ - "app-id":"de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter", - "runtime":"org.gnome.Platform", - "runtime-version":"3.32", - "sdk":"org.gnome.Sdk", - "command":"start-uberwriter", - "finish-args":[ - "--socket=x11", - "--socket=wayland", - "--share=ipc", - "--share=network", - "--filesystem=host", - "--filesystem=xdg-run/dconf", - "--filesystem=~/.config/dconf:ro", - "--talk-name=ca.desrt.dconf", - "--env=DCONF_USER_CONFIG_DIR=.config/dconf" - ], - "add-extensions":{ - "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin":{ - "directory":"extensions", - "version":"stable", - "subdirectories":true, - "no-autodownload":true, - "autodelete":true - } - }, - "modules":[ - { - "name":"enchant", - "config-opts":[ - "--disable-static", - "--with-myspell-dir=/usr/share/hunspell" - ], - "cleanup":[ - "/bin" - ], - "sources":[ - { - "type":"archive", - "url":"https://github.com/AbiWord/enchant/releases/download/enchant-1-6-1/enchant-1.6.1.tar.gz", - "sha256":"bef0d9c0fef2e4e8746956b68e4d6c6641f6b85bd2908d91731efb68eba9e3f5" - } - ] - }, - { - "name":"gspell", - "sources":[ - { - "type":"archive", - "url":"https://download.gnome.org/sources/gspell/1.8/gspell-1.8.1.tar.xz", - "sha256":"819a1d23c7603000e73f5e738bdd284342e0cd345fb0c7650999c31ec741bbe5" - } - ] - }, - { - "name":"fonts", - "buildsystem":"simple", - "build-commands":[ - "mkdir -p /app/share/fonts/", - "cp ttf/* /app/share/fonts/" - ], - "sources":[ - { - "type":"git", - "url":"https://github.com/mozilla/Fira", - "tag":"4.202" - } - ] - }, - { - "name":"pandoc", - "only-arches":[ - "x86_64" - ], - "buildsystem":"simple", - "build-commands":[ - "install -Dm 755 bin/pandoc /app/bin/pandoc", - "install -Dm 755 bin/pandoc-citeproc /app/bin/pandoc-citeproc" - ], - "sources":[ - { - "type":"archive", - "url":"https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/2.2/pandoc-2.2-linux.tar.gz", - "sha256":"06ecd882e42ef9b7390b1c82e1e71b3ea48679181289b9b810a8797825bed8ed" - } - ] - }, - "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.pipdeps.json", - { - "name":"uberwriter", - "buildsystem":"simple", - "build-commands":[ - "desktop-file-edit --set-key=Exec --set-value='uberwriter.in %U' data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop", - "python3 -m pip install --prefix=/app --install-option=--optimize=1 ." - ], - "sources":[ - { - "type":"dir", - "path":"../" - } - ], - "post-install":[ - "install -d /app/extensions", - "glib-compile-schemas /app/share/glib-2.0/schemas" - ] - }, - { - "name":"scripts", - "buildsystem":"simple", - "build-commands":[ - "install -Dm 755 start-uberwriter.sh /app/bin/start-uberwriter" - ], - "sources":[ - { - "type":"script", - "dest-filename":"start-uberwriter.sh", - "commands":[ - "export PATH=/app/extensions/TexLive/bin:/app/extensions/TexLive/2018/bin/$(uname -a)-linux:$PATH", - "exec uberwriter.in \"$@\"" - ] - } - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/po/__init__.py b/help/LINGUAS similarity index 100% rename from po/__init__.py rename to help/LINGUAS diff --git a/help/meson.build b/help/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b0c65f --- /dev/null +++ b/help/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +help_pages = files( + 'index.page', + 'pandocs-markdown.page', + 'preview.page' +) + +help_media = files( + 'figures/icon.png', + 'figures/icon_down.png' +) + +gnome.yelp(meson.project_name(), + sources: help_pages, + media: help_media, + symlink_media: true +) diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6173c51 --- /dev/null +++ b/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +project( + 'uberwriter', + version: '2.2.0', + meson_version: '>= 0.50.0' +) + +if get_option('profile') == 'development' + profile = 'Devel' + name_suffix = ' (Development)' + vcs_tag = run_command('git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD').stdout().strip() + if vcs_tag == '' + version_suffix = '-devel' + else + version_suffix = '-@0@'.format (vcs_tag) + endif +else + profile = '' + name_suffix = '' + version_suffix = '' +endif +application_id = 'de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter@0@'.format(profile) + + +python = import('python3') +python3 = python.find_python() +if not python3.found() + error('No valid python3 binary found') +else + message('Found python3 binary') +endif +gnome = import('gnome') +i18n = import('i18n') + + +dependency('glib-2.0') +dependency('gobject-2.0') +dependency('gobject-introspection-1.0') +dependency('gtk+-3.0') + +find_program('glib-compile-schemas', required: true) +find_program('gtk-update-icon-cache', required: false) +find_program('update-desktop-database', required: false) + +gettext_package = meson.project_name() +localedir = get_option('prefix') / get_option('localedir') +pythondir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), python.sysconfig_path('purelib')) +datadir = get_option('prefix') / get_option('datadir') +bindir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('bindir')) +pkgdatadir = datadir / meson.project_name() +podir = meson.source_root() / 'po' + +conf = configuration_data() +conf.set('PACKAGE_URL', 'http://uberwriter.github.io/uberwriter/') +conf.set('DATA_DIR', datadir) +conf.set('LOCALE_DIR', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), 'locale')) +conf.set('PYTHON_DIR', pythondir) +conf.set('VERSION', meson.project_version()) +conf.set('PYTHON', python3.path()) + + +subdir('data') +#subdir('help') +subdir('po') + +install_subdir( + 'uberwriter', + install_dir: pythondir +) + +message('Preparing init file') +configure_file( + input: 'uberwriter.in', + output: 'uberwriter', + configuration: conf, + install_dir: bindir +) + +meson.add_install_script('build-aux/meson_post_install.py') + diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e48ea92 --- /dev/null +++ b/meson_options.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +option( + 'profile', + type: 'combo', + choices: [ + 'default', + 'development' + ], + value: 'default' +) diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0cc5c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/LINGUAS @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +ca +ca_ES +cs +de +en_GB +es +eu +fr +hu +it +pl +pt +pt_BR +ru +si +sv +th +tr +vi +zh_CN +zh_TW diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aad233 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ca.po @@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@ +# Catalan translation for uberwriter +# Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the uberwriter package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2012. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: uberwriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-18 17:15+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Alfredo Hernández \n" +"Language-Team: Catalan \n" +"Language: ca\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-09-12 00:12+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.9\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, un editor de Markdown simple i lliure de distraccions" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Edita" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Intel·ligent" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "El Pandoc pot convertir automàticament «--» a un guió y més" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Índex" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Independent" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Utilitza la capçalera i el peu per incloure coses com fulls d'estil o " +"metainformació" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Numera les seccions" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown estricte" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Utilitza markdown «estricte» en comptes de markdown «pandoc»" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Mostra una vinyeta rere l'altra en una presentació" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opcions generals" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Tria un tema de color per al realçat de sintaxi" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Estil de realçat " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produeix HTML sense dependències externes (totes les imatges i fulls d'estil " +"estan inclosos)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Trieu un fitxer CSS que volgueu utilitzar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Fitxer CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opcions d'HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Referència de la línea d'ordres" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exporta" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Exportació avançada…" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Mode de concentració" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Desa ara" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Exporta" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Copia" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nou" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Obre" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Desa ara" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Desa ara" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Mode de concentració" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Cerca" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Separador" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Element de llista" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Cursiva" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Negreta" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Encapçalament" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Coincidència anterior" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Reemplaça" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Reemplaça-ho tot" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Utilitzar característiques experimentals" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "text destacat" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "text en negreta" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "text en negreta" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Element de llista" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Encapçalament" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nou" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Desa ara" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Obre" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Obre un fitxer .md" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "La pàgina web no està disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "La pàgina web està disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Obre l'enllaç en un navegador web" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la nota de peu corresponent" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Deseu el vostre fitxer" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "No heu desat els canvis." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancel·la" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Desa ara" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode fosc" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Vinyetes incrementals de presentació" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Realça la sintaxi" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Realçat de sintaxi (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Fixer de bibliografía" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Autocontingut" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Utilitzar sintaxi HTML5" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Ajuda del Pandoc" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "Dreceres" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_Acerca de" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "Surt" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode fosc" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "_Correcció ortogràfica automàtica" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Surt" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Edita" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Corta" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Copia" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Pega" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalitza" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Suprimeix elements com espais o espais dobles al començament d'un paràgraf" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Expressió regular" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Paraules:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caràcters:" + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown o text simple" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Tanca sense desar" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Canvis sense desar" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "No es pot activar el corrector ortogràfic." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Instal·leu els diccionaris de «hunspell» o «aspell» per al vostre idioma " +#~ "des del centre de programari." + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça..." + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Mostra missatges de depuració (-vv depura uberwriter_lib també)" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(cap suggeriment)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Afegeix «{}» al diccionari" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignora-ho tot" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Idiomes" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Suggeriments" + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Nova finestra" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fitxer" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~| msgid "Open" +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "Obre" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Save now" +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Desa ara" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copia el codi HTML al porta-retalls" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Visualitza" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Barra lateral" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Text clar sobre fons fosc" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode fosc" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Canvia al mode de previsualització" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "A_juda" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Contingut" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Obre l'ajuda en línea de Markdown Pandoc…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traduïu aquesta aplicació…" + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Vés al mode de concentració" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Vés al mode de pantalla completa" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Mostra previsualització d'HTML" + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "No es pot exportar a PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Instal·leu texlive des del centre de " +#~ "programari." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# Aquest programa és programari lliure: podeu redistribuir-lo i/o " +#~ "modificar-lo \n" +#~ "# sota els termes de la Llicència Pública General de GNU versió 3, com \n" +#~ "# la publica la Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Aquest programa es distribueix amb l'esperança que serà útil, però \n" +#~ "# SENSE CAP GARANTIA; sense tansols les garanties implícites de \n" +#~ "# COMERCIABILITAT, QUALITAT SATISFACTÒRIA o IDONEÏTAT PER A UN \n" +#~ "# PROPÒSIT PARTICULAR. Veieu la Llicencia Pública General de GNU per a " +#~ "més detalls.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General de GNU " +#~ "amb \n" +#~ "# aquest programa. Si no, veieu .\n" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormata" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Element de llista sense ordenar" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Regle horitzontal" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Obteniu ajuda en línia…" diff --git a/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ca.po b/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ca.po deleted file mode 100644 index ba6464a..0000000 --- a/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ca.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,773 +0,0 @@ -# Catalan translation for uberwriter -# Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012 -# This file is distributed under the same license as the uberwriter package. -# FIRST AUTHOR , 2012. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: uberwriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-07-18 17:13+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-18 17:15+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Alfredo Hernández \n" -"Language-Team: Catalan \n" -"Language: ca\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-09-12 00:12+0000\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.9\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dark Mode" -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Mode fosc" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "_Edit" -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Edita" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Intel·ligent" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "El Pandoc pot convertir automàticament «--» a un guió y més" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Índex" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Independent" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" -"Utilitza la capçalera i el peu per incloure coses com fulls d'estil o " -"metainformació" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Numera les seccions" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markdown estricte" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Utilitza markdown «estricte» en comptes de markdown «pandoc»" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Vinyetes incrementals de presentació" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Mostra una vinyeta rere l'altra en una presentació" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opcions generals" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Realça la sintaxi" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Tria un tema de color per al realçat de sintaxi" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Estil de realçat " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Realçat de sintaxi (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Fixer de bibliografía" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Autocontingut" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Produeix HTML sense dependències externes (totes les imatges i fulls d'estil " -"estan inclosos)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Utilitzar sintaxi HTML5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Trieu un fitxer CSS que volgueu utilitzar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Fitxer CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opcions d'HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Referència de la línea d'ordres" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exporta" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "HTML 5" -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Exportació avançada…" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Mode de concentració" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Desa ara" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export" -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Exporta" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "shortcut window" -#| msgid "Copy" -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Copia" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "Ajuda del Pandoc" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "Dreceres" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_Acerca de" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "Surt" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dark Mode" -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Mode fosc" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "_Correcció ortogràfica automàtica" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nou" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Obre" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Desa ara" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Desa ara" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Surt" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Focus Mode" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Mode de concentració" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fullscreen" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Preview" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Cerca" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "_Edit" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Edita" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Separador" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "List item" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Element de llista" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Cursiva" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negreta" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Heading" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Encapçalament" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Corta" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copia" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Pega" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalitza" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "" -"Suprimeix elements com espais o espais dobles al començament d'un paràgraf" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Open Recent File" -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "Expressió regular" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Paraules:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caràcters:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "Coincidència anterior" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Reemplaça" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Reemplaça-ho tot" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "text destacat" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "text en negreta" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "strong text" -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "text en negreta" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Element de llista" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Encapçalament" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "La pàgina web no està disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "La pàgina web està disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Obre l'enllaç en un navegador web" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la nota de peu corresponent" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Deseu el vostre fitxer" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown o text simple" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Obre un fitxer .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "No heu desat els canvis." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Tanca sense desar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancel·la" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Desa ara" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Canvis sense desar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "No es pot activar el corrector ortogràfic." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" -"Instal·leu els diccionaris de «hunspell» o «aspell» per al vostre idioma des " -"del centre de programari." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "shortcut window" -#| msgid "New" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nou" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "shortcut window" -#| msgid "Open" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Obre" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Obre un fitxer .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Desa ara" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça..." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fullscreen" -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Mostra missatges de depuració (-vv depura uberwriter_lib també)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "Utilitzar característiques experimentals" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(cap suggeriment)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Afegeix «{}» al diccionari" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignora-ho tot" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Idiomes" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Suggeriments" - -#~ msgid "New window" -#~ msgstr "Nova finestra" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Fitxer" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgctxt "shortcut window" -#~| msgid "Open" -#~ msgid "_Open" -#~ msgstr "Obre" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Save now" -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Desa ara" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Copia el codi HTML al porta-retalls" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Visualitza" - -#~ msgid "Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "Barra lateral" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Text clar sobre fons fosc" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Mode fosc" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Canvia al mode de previsualització" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "A_juda" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Contingut" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Obre l'ajuda en línea de Markdown Pandoc…" - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Traduïu aquesta aplicació…" - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "Vés al mode de concentració" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Vés al mode de pantalla completa" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "Mostra previsualització d'HTML" - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "No es pot exportar a PDF." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Instal·leu texlive des del centre de " -#~ "programari." - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter, un editor de Markdown simple i lliure de distraccions" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# Aquest programa és programari lliure: podeu redistribuir-lo i/o " -#~ "modificar-lo \n" -#~ "# sota els termes de la Llicència Pública General de GNU versió 3, com \n" -#~ "# la publica la Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Aquest programa es distribueix amb l'esperança que serà útil, però \n" -#~ "# SENSE CAP GARANTIA; sense tansols les garanties implícites de \n" -#~ "# COMERCIABILITAT, QUALITAT SATISFACTÒRIA o IDONEÏTAT PER A UN \n" -#~ "# PROPÒSIT PARTICULAR. Veieu la Llicencia Pública General de GNU per a " -#~ "més detalls.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General de GNU " -#~ "amb \n" -#~ "# aquest programa. Si no, veieu .\n" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "F_ormata" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Element de llista sense ordenar" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Regle horitzontal" - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Obteniu ajuda en línia…" diff --git a/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index cde1c5d..0000000 Binary files a/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/ca_ES.po b/po/ca_ES.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42cada6 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ca_ES.po @@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: ca\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, un editor Markdown senzill i lliure de distraccions" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "Lloc web del Uberwriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "Donatius:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "Liberapay" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "Ajudeu a traduir-ne:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Poeditor" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Intel·ligent" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "El Pandoc pot convertir automàticament «--» a un guió y més" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Índex" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Independent" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Utilitza la capçalera i el peu per incloure coses com fulls d'estil o " +"metainformació" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Numera les seccions" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown estricte" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Utilitza markdown «estricte» en comptes de markdown «pandoc»" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Mostra una vinyeta rere l'altra en una presentació" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opcions generals" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Tria un tema de color per al realçat de sintaxi" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Estil de realçat " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produeix HTML sense dependències externes (totes les imatges i fulls d'estil " +"estan inclosos)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Trieu un fitxer CSS que volgueu utilitzar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Fitxer CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opcions d'HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Referència de la línea d'ordres" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exporta" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "PDF" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "etiqueta" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Exportació avançada" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Mode de concentració" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "_Anomena i desa" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "_Exporta" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Copia l’HTML" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Preferències" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "Obre el tutorial" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nou" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Obre" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Desa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Anomena i desa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Mode de concentració" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Cerca" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Separador" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Element de llista" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Cursiva" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Negreta" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Encapçalament" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Coincidència anterior" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Següent coincidència" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Reemplaçar" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Reemplaça" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Reemplaça-ho tot" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Utilitzar característiques experimentals" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "Document sense títol.md" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" +"Instal·leu el connector del TexLive mitjançant Programari del GNOME o " +"executant\n" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "Instal·leu el TexLive des dels repositoris de la distribució" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "text destacat" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "text en negreta" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "text ratllat" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Element de llista" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Encapçalament" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Sortir de pantalla completa" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nou" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Desa" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Obre" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menú" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "El lloc web no està disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "El lloc web està disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Obre l'enllaç en un navegador web" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la nota de peu corresponent" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Deseu el vostre fitxer" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "No heu desat els canvis." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancel·la" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Desa ara" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(cap suggeriment)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Afegeix «{}» al diccionari" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignora-ho tot" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Idiomes" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Suggeriments" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fitxer" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Exportació avançada…" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copia el codi HTML al porta-retalls" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Editor" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Visualitza" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Text clar sobre fons fosc" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode fosc" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Canvia al mode de previsualització" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "_Correcció ortogràfica automàtica" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormatació" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Element de llista no ordenada" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Regle horitzontal" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "Aj_uda" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Contingut" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Obre l'ajuda en línea de Markdown Pandoc…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traduïu aquesta aplicació…" + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Vés al mode de concentració" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Vés al mode de pantalla completa" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Mostra previsualització d'HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Paraules:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caràcters:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Mostra missatges de depuració (-vv depura uberwriter_lib també)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalitza" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Suprimeix elements com espais o espais dobles al començament d'un paràgraf" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Vinyetes incrementals de presentació" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Realça la sintaxi" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Realçat de sintaxi (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Autocontingut" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Utilitza la sintaxi HTML5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Fitxer de bibliografía" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Drets d’autor © 2012 Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# Aquest programa és programari lliure; modeu redistribuir-lo i/o " +#~ "modificar-lo \n" +#~ "# d’acord amb els termes de la Llicència Pública General de GNU (versió " +#~ "3),\n" +#~ "# tal com ha estat publicada per la Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Aquest programa es distribueix amb l’expectativa què pugui ser útil, " +#~ "però\n" +#~ "# SENSE CAP GARANTIA, fins i tot sense les garanties implícites de\n" +#~ "# COMERCIABILITAT, QUALITAT SATISFACTÒRIA o ADEQUACIÓ PER A UN PROPÒSIT\n" +#~ "# DETERMINAT. Vegeu la Llicència Pública General de GNU per a conèixer-ne " +#~ "més.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Heu d’haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General de GNU " +#~ "juntament\n" +#~ "# amb aquest programa. Si no, vegeu ." + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Drets d’autor © 2012 Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "No es pot exportar a PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Instal·leu texlive des del centre de " +#~ "programari." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown o text simple" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Tanca sense desar" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Canvis sense desar" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "No es pot activar el corrector ortogràfic." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Instal·leu els diccionaris de «hunspell» o «aspell» per al vostre idioma " +#~ "des del centre de programari." + +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode fosc" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will " +#~ "be light themed asked to install them manually." +#~ msgstr "Si engegat, la finestra tindrà un tema fosc" + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Finestra nova" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "_Dreceres" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Ajuda del Pandoc" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_Quant a" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Surt" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Surt" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Editor" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Corta" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Copia" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Pega" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Expressió regular" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Nou" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Obre" + +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Exemples" + +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "De_sa" + +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exporta com a HTML" + +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exporta com a PDF" + +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copia el codi HTML al porta-retalls" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Barra lateral" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça..." + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#~ msgstr "el connector «{}» no és un fitxer ZIP vàlid" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#~ msgstr "el connector «{}» no conté un registre de diccionaris XML vàlid" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "no s’ha pogut moure el connector; ja existeix un fitxer amb el mateix nom " +#~ "a move_path" + +#~ msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#~ msgstr "no s’ha pogut moure el connector; move_path no és un directori" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Desconegut" + +#~ msgid "ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Utilitza el mode fosc" + +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Correcció ortogràfica automàtica" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pàgina 1" + +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça" diff --git a/po/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ca_ES.po b/po/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ca_ES.po deleted file mode 100644 index cea8ff2..0000000 --- a/po/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ca_ES.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,753 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: ca\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(cap suggeriment)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Afegeix «{}» al diccionari" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignora-ho tot" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Idiomes" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Suggeriments" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "UberWriter, un editor Markdown senzill i lliure de distraccions" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "El lloc web no està disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "El lloc web està disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Obre l'enllaç en un navegador web" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la nota de peu corresponent" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fitxer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Exporta com a ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Exportació avançada…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Copia el codi HTML al porta-retalls" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Editor" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Visualitza" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "Text clar sobre fons fosc" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Mode fosc" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "Canvia al mode de previsualització" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "_Correcció ortogràfica automàtica" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "F_ormatació" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Element de llista no ordenada" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Regle horitzontal" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Encapçalament" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "Aj_uda" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Contingut" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "Obre l'ajuda en línea de Markdown Pandoc…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Traduïu aquesta aplicació…" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Mode de concentració" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "Vés al mode de concentració" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Vés al mode de pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "Mostra previsualització d'HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Paraules:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caràcters:" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Mostra missatges de depuració (-vv depura uberwriter_lib també)" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "text destacat" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "text en negreta" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Element de llista" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exporta" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Intel·ligent" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "El Pandoc pot convertir automàticament «--» a un guió y més" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalitza" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Suprimeix elements com espais o espais dobles al començament d'un paràgraf" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Índex" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Independent" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Utilitza la capçalera i el peu per incloure coses com fulls d'estil o metainformació" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Numera les seccions" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markdown estricte" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Utilitza markdown «estricte» en comptes de markdown «pandoc»" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Vinyetes incrementals de presentació" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Mostra una vinyeta rere l'altra en una presentació" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opcions generals" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Realça la sintaxi" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Tria un tema de color per al realçat de sintaxi" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Estil de realçat " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Realçat de sintaxi (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Autocontingut" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Produeix HTML sense dependències externes (totes les imatges i fulls d'estil estan inclosos)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Utilitza la sintaxi HTML5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Trieu un fitxer CSS que volgueu utilitzar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Fitxer CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opcions d'HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Fitxer de bibliografía" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Referència de la línea d'ordres" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "" -"# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -msgstr "" -"# Drets d’autor © 2012 Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# Aquest programa és programari lliure; modeu redistribuir-lo i/o modificar-lo \n" -"# d’acord amb els termes de la Llicència Pública General de GNU (versió 3),\n" -"# tal com ha estat publicada per la Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# Aquest programa es distribueix amb l’expectativa què pugui ser útil, però\n" -"# SENSE CAP GARANTIA, fins i tot sense les garanties implícites de\n" -"# COMERCIABILITAT, QUALITAT SATISFACTÒRIA o ADEQUACIÓ PER A UN PROPÒSIT\n" -"# DETERMINAT. Vegeu la Llicència Pública General de GNU per a conèixer-ne més.\n" -"# \n" -"# Heu d’haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General de GNU juntament\n" -"# amb aquest programa. Si no, vegeu .\n" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Drets d’autor © 2012 Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Deseu el vostre fitxer" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "No es pot exportar a PDF." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Instal·leu texlive des del centre de programari." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown o text simple" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Obre un fitxer .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "No heu desat els canvis." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Tanca sense desar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancel·la" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Desa ara" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Canvis sense desar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "No es pot activar el corrector ortogràfic." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Instal·leu els diccionaris de «hunspell» o «aspell» per al vostre idioma des del centre de programari." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Mode fosc" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "Si engegat, la finestra tindrà un tema fosc." - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "Finestra nova" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "_Dreceres" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "Ajuda del Pandoc" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_Quant a" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "_Surt" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nou" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Obre" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Desa" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Anomena i desa" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Surt" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Mode de concentració" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Cerca" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Editor" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Separador" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Element de llista" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Cursiva" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negreta" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Encapçalament" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Corta" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copia" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Pega" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "Següent coincidència" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Reemplaçar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "Expressió regular" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "_Nou" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "_Obre" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Exemples" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "Tutorial breu de Markdown" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "De_sa" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "_Anomena i desa" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Exporta com a HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Exporta com a PDF" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Copia el codi HTML al porta-retalls" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "Barra lateral" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça..." - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "Coincidència anterior" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Reemplaça" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Reemplaça-ho tot" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "text ratllat" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "etiqueta" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "Utilitzar característiques experimentals" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "el connector «{}» no és un fitxer ZIP vàlid" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "el connector «{}» no conté un registre de diccionaris XML vàlid" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "no s’ha pogut moure el connector; ja existeix un fitxer amb el mateix nom a move_path" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "no s’ha pogut moure el connector; move_path no és un directori" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "Lloc web del Uberwriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "Donatius:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "Liberapay" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "Ajudeu a traduir-ne:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "Poeditor" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "PDF" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "ODT" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Exportació avançada" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "_Exporta" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Copia l’HTML" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "Preferències" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "Obre el tutorial" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Utilitza el mode fosc" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Correcció ortogràfica automàtica" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "pàgina 1" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "Document sense títol.md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "Instal·leu el connector del TexLive mitjançant Programari del GNOME o executant\n" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "Instal·leu el TexLive des dels repositoris de la distribució" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nou" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Obre" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Obre un fitxer recent" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Desa" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "Menú" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Sortir de pantalla completa" diff --git a/po/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index c9a5e1e..0000000 Binary files a/po/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/compile_translations.sh b/po/compile_translations.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 8ad5524..0000000 --- a/po/compile_translations.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -find . -name \*.po -execdir sh -c 'msgfmt "$0" -o uberwriter.mo' '{}' \; - diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..350a0a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/cs.po @@ -0,0 +1,937 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: cs\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, jednoduchý a nerozptylující Markdown editor" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Upravit" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Pokročilý export" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Náhled" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Na celou obrazovku" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Náhled" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Na celou obrazovku" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Nadpis" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Nadpis" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Na celou obrazovku" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Stránka je nedostupná" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Stránka je dostupná" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Otevřít odkaz v prohlížeči" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(žádné návrhy)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Přidat \"{}\" do slovníku" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignorovat vše" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Jazyky" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Návrhy" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Soubor" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Pokročilý export" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Upravit" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Zobrazit" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Světlý text na tmavém pozadí" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormát" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Vodorovná oddělovací čára" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Nápověda" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Obsahuje" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Krátký tutoriál k Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Otevřít nápovědu Pandoc Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Získat online nápovědu…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Přeložte tuto aplikaci…" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Slova:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Znaky:" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Upravit" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Krátký tutoriál k Markdown" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" diff --git a/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-cs.po b/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-cs.po deleted file mode 100644 index e2217eb..0000000 --- a/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-cs.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,637 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: cs\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Upravit" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Pokročilý export" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Náhled" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Na celou obrazovku" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Na celou obrazovku" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Náhled" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Upravit" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Nadpis" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Slova:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Znaky:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Nadpis" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Stránka je nedostupná" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Stránka je dostupná" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Otevřít odkaz v prohlížeči" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "_File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "_Soubor" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Na celou obrazovku" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(žádné návrhy)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Přidat \"{}\" do slovníku" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignorovat vše" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Jazyky" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Návrhy" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter, jednoduchý a nerozptylující Markdown editor" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "Otevřít poslední soubor" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "Pokročilý export" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "_Upravit" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Zobrazit" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Světlý text na tmavém pozadí" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "F_ormát" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Vodorovná oddělovací čára" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Nápověda" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Obsahuje" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Krátký tutoriál k Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Otevřít nápovědu Pandoc Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Získat online nápovědu…" - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Přeložte tuto aplikaci…" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Krátký tutoriál k Markdown" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Exportovat jako ODT" diff --git a/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index c63c29f..0000000 Binary files a/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cfcf6f --- /dev/null +++ b/po/de.po @@ -0,0 +1,1158 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: de\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, ein einfacher, ablenkungsfreier Markdown Editor" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "Öffne Dateipfade der aktuellen Sitzung" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter Webseite" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "Spenden:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "Liberapay" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Poeditor" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Intelligent" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc kann \"--\" automatisch zu einem langen Strich machen und mehr" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Inhaltsverzeichnis" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Eigenständig" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Meta-Informationen können durch einen Kopf- und Fußteil hinzugefügt werden" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Abschnitte nummerieren" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Striktes Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "\"Striktes\" Markdown statt \"pandoc\"-Markdown benutzen" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Listenpunkte nacheinander in einer Diashow anzeigen" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Allgemeine Optionen" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Farbschema zur Syntaxhervorhebung wählen" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Stil der Hervorhebung " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "Erzeugt ein HTML-Dokument, das alle Bilder und Stylesheets enthält" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Wählen Sie eine CSS-Datei, die Sie verwenden möchten" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS-Datei" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML-Einstellungen" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Befehlszeilenargumente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "_Exportieren" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "PDF" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "Bezeichnung" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Erweiterter Export" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Fokusmodus" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Vorschau" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Vollbildmodus" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Speichern _Unter" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "_Exportieren" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Kopiere HTML" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Einstellungen" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "Öffne Tutorial" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Allgemein" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Neu" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Öffnen" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Speichern" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Speichern unter" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Fokusmodus" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Vorschau" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Vollbildmodus" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Suchen" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Trennzeichen" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Listeneintrag" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Kursiv" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Fett" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Überschrift" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Alle auswählen" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Vorheriger Treffer" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Nächster Treffer" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "Berücksichtigung von Groß- und Kleinschreibung" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Datei öffnen" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Ersetzen" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Alle Ersetzen" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Experimentelle Funktionen verwenden" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "Unbenanntes Dokument.md" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "Bitte installieren Sie TexLive von ihrer Distribution." + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "kursiver Text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "fettgedruckter Text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "durchgestrichener Text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Listeneintrag" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Überschrift" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Vollbildmodus verlassen" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New" +msgstr "Neu" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Speichern" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Öffnen" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Datei öffnen" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "Suchen und Ersetzen" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menü" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Webseite nicht erreichbar" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Webseite erreichbar" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Link im Browser öffnen" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Keine zugehörige Fussnote gefunden" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Datei speichern" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Sie haben ihre Änderungen nicht gespeichert." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Abbrechen" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Jetzt speichern" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(keine Vorschläge)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "\"{}\" zum Wörterbuch hinzufügen" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Alle Ignorieren" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Sprachauswahl" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Vorschläge" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Datei" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Datei öffnen" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Als ODT exportieren" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Erweiterter Export" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Rohes HTML in die Zwischenablage kopieren" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Bearbeiten" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Ansicht" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Heller Text auf dunklem Hintergrund" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Abgedunkelter Modus" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "In den Vorschaumodus wechseln" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormatieren" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Element einer ungeordneten Liste" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Horizontale Linie" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Hilfe" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Inhalte" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Kurzes Markdown Tutorial (englisch)" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Pandoc Online Markdown Hilfe Öffnen" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Online Hilfe erhalten" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Diese Anwendung übersetzen..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "In Fokusmodus wechseln" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "In Vollbildmodus wechseln" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "HTML Vorschau ansehen" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Wörter:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Zeichen:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Debugnachrichten anzeigen (auch \"-vv debugs uberwriter_lib\")" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalisieren" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Enfernt doppelte Leerzeichen oder Leerzeichen am Anfang eines Paragraphs" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Slideshow (Ein Punkt nach dem anderen)" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Syntax hervorheben" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Syntax-Hervorhebung (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Eigenständig" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "HTML-5-Syntax benutzen" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Literaturverzeichnis" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "#Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "#Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen " +#~ "der #GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation " +#~ "veröffentlicht, #weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäß " +#~ "Version 3 der Lizenz oder #nach Ihrer Option) jeder späteren Version.\n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "#Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, daß es " +#~ "Ihnen von #Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne " +#~ "die implizite #Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT FÜR EINEN " +#~ "#BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General Public License.\n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "#Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit " +#~ "diesem #Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe .\n" +#~ "\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "PDF-Export nicht möglich" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bitte das Paket texlive aus dem Software-" +#~ "Center installieren" + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown oder unformatierter Text" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr ".md-Datei öffnen" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Schließen, ohne zu speichern" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Ungespeicherte Änderungen" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Die Rechtschreib-Korrektur konnte nicht aktiviert werden." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bitte die Pakete 'hunspell' oder 'aspell' für die gewünschte Sprache aus " +#~ "dem Software-Center installieren." + +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Abgedunkelter Modus" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will " +#~ "be light themed asked to install them manually." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Wenn aktiviert, wird der dunkle Modus verwendet. Andernfalls wird der " +#~ "helle Modus aktiviert." + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Neues Fenster" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "_Tastenkürzel" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Pandoc _Hilfe" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_Über" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Beenden" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Beenden" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "Editor" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Ausschneiden" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Kopieren" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Einfügen" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Regex aktivieren" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Neu" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Öffnen" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Eine .md-Datei öffnen" + +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Kurzes Markdown Tutorial (englisch)" + +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "_Speichern" + +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Als HTML exportieren" + +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Als PDF exportieren" + +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Rohes HTML in die Zwischenablage kopieren" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Seitenleiste" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Suchen & Ersetzen öffnen" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Suchen & Ersetzen ..." + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#~ msgstr "Erweiterung \"{}\" ist keine gültige ZIP-Datei" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#~ msgstr "Erweiterung \"{}\" hat keine gültige XML-Wörterbuch-Bibliothek" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Erweiterung kann nicht verschoben werden, da eine Datei mit demselben " +#~ "Namen in move_pah exisitiert" + +#~ msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Erweiterung kann nicht verschoben werden, da move_path kein Ordner ist" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Unbekannt" + +#~ msgid "Donate to the project" +#~ msgstr "An das Projekt Spenden" + +#~ msgid "ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT" + +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Benutze abgedunkelten Modus" + +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "Seite 1" + +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Suchen & Ersetzen" diff --git a/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-de.po b/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-de.po deleted file mode 100644 index e628c55..0000000 --- a/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-de.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: de\n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(keine Vorschläge)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "\"{}\" zum Wörterbuch hinzufügen" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Alle Ignorieren" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Sprachauswahl" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Vorschläge" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "UberWriter, ein einfacher, ablenkungsfreier Markdown Editor" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Webseite nicht erreichbar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Webseite erreichbar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Link im Browser öffnen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Keine zugehörige Fussnote gefunden" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Datei" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Datei öffnen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Als ODT exportieren" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Erweiterter Export" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Rohes HTML in die Zwischenablage kopieren" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Bearbeiten" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Ansicht" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "Heller Text auf dunklem Hintergrund" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Abgedunkelter Modus" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "In den Vorschaumodus wechseln" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Vorschau" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "F_ormatieren" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Element einer ungeordneten Liste" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Horizontale Linie" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Überschrift" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Hilfe" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Inhalte" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "Kurzes Markdown Tutorial (englisch)" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "Pandoc Online Markdown Hilfe Öffnen" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "Online Hilfe erhalten" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Diese Anwendung übersetzen..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Fokusmodus" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "In Fokusmodus wechseln" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Vollbildmodus" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "In Vollbildmodus wechseln" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "HTML Vorschau ansehen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Wörter:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Zeichen:" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Debugnachrichten anzeigen (auch \"-vv debugs uberwriter_lib\")" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "kursiver Text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "fettgedruckter Text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Listeneintrag" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "_Exportieren" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Intelligent" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc kann \"--\" automatisch zu einem langen Strich machen und mehr" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalisieren" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Enfernt doppelte Leerzeichen oder Leerzeichen am Anfang eines Paragraphs" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Inhaltsverzeichnis" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Eigenständig" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Meta-Informationen können durch einen Kopf- und Fußteil hinzugefügt werden" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Abschnitte nummerieren" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Striktes Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "\"Striktes\" Markdown statt \"pandoc\"-Markdown benutzen" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Slideshow (Ein Punkt nach dem anderen)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Listenpunkte nacheinander in einer Diashow anzeigen" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Allgemeine Optionen" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Syntax hervorheben" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Farbschema zur Syntaxhervorhebung wählen" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Stil der Hervorhebung " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Syntax-Hervorhebung (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#. "Als Container" gibt keinen Sinn! -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Eigenständig" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Erzeugt ein HTML-Dokument, das alle Bilder und Stylesheets enthält" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "HTML-5-Syntax benutzen" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Wählen Sie eine CSS-Datei, die Sie verwenden möchten" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS-Datei" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML-Einstellungen" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Literaturverzeichnis" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Befehlszeilenargumente" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -"" -msgstr "#Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"#\n" -"#Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der #GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlicht, #weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäß Version 3 der Lizenz oder #nach Ihrer Option) jeder späteren Version.\n" -"#\n" -"#Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, daß es Ihnen von #Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite #Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT FÜR EINEN #BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General Public License.\n" -"#\n" -"#Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem #Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe .\n" -"\n" -"" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Datei speichern" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "PDF-Export nicht möglich" - -#. Direkte Rede vermeiden -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Bitte das Paket texlive aus dem Software-Center installieren" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown oder unformatierter Text" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr ".md-Datei öffnen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Sie haben ihre Änderungen nicht gespeichert." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Schließen, ohne zu speichern" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Abbrechen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Jetzt speichern" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Ungespeicherte Änderungen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Die Rechtschreib-Korrektur konnte nicht aktiviert werden." - -#. Direkte Rede vermeiden -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Bitte die Pakete 'hunspell' oder 'aspell' für die gewünschte Sprache aus dem Software-Center installieren." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Abgedunkelter Modus" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, wird der dunkle Modus verwendet. Andernfalls wird der helle Modus aktiviert." - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "Neues Fenster" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "_Tastenkürzel" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "Pandoc _Hilfe" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_Über" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "_Beenden" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Allgemein" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Neu" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Öffnen" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Speichern" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Speichern unter" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Beenden" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Fokusmodus" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Vollbildmodus" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Vorschau" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Suchen" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "Editor" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Trennzeichen" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Listeneintrag" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Kursiv" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Fett" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Überschrift" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Ausschneiden" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Kopieren" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Einfügen" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Alle auswählen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "Nächster Treffer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Datei öffnen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "Regex aktivieren" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "_Neu" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "_Öffnen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Eine .md-Datei öffnen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "Kurzes Markdown Tutorial (englisch)" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "_Speichern" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Speichern _Unter" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Als HTML exportieren" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Als PDF exportieren" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Rohes HTML in die Zwischenablage kopieren" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "Seitenleiste" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "Suchen & Ersetzen öffnen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "Suchen & Ersetzen ..." - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "Vorheriger Treffer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "Berücksichtigung von Groß- und Kleinschreibung" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Ersetzen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Alle Ersetzen" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "durchgestrichener Text" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "Bezeichnung" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "Experimentelle Funktionen verwenden" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "Erweiterung \"{}\" ist keine gültige ZIP-Datei" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "Erweiterung \"{}\" hat keine gültige XML-Wörterbuch-Bibliothek" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "Erweiterung kann nicht verschoben werden, da eine Datei mit demselben Namen in move_pah exisitiert" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "Erweiterung kann nicht verschoben werden, da move_path kein Ordner ist" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Unbekannt" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "Öffne Dateipfade der aktuellen Sitzung" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "An das Projekt Spenden" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "Suchen und Ersetzen" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter Webseite" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "Spenden:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "Liberapay" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "Poeditor" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "PDF" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "ODT" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Erweiterter Export" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "_Exportieren" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Kopiere HTML" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "Einstellungen" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "Öffne Tutorial" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Benutze abgedunkelten Modus" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung" - -#. I guess that is in here by mistake? -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "Seite 1" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "Unbenanntes Dokument.md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -"" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "Bitte installieren Sie TexLive von ihrer Distribution." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -#, fuzzy -msgid "New" -msgstr "Neu" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Öffnen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Datei öffnen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Speichern" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Suchen & Ersetzen" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "Menü" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Vollbildmodus verlassen" - diff --git a/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 879ce1e..0000000 Binary files a/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2a8c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/en_GB.po @@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: en-gb\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Edit" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Smart" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc can automatically make '--' to a long dash and more" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Table of Contents" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Stand-alone" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Number Sections" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Strict Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Use 'strict' markdown instead of 'pandoc' markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "General Options" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Choose a colour theme for syntax highlighting" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Highlight style " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS File" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML Options" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Commandline Reference" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Export" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Advanced Export…" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Focus Mode" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Preview" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Fullscreen" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Save now" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Export" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Save now" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Save now" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Focus Mode" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Preview" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Fullscreen" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "List item" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Heading" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Open Recent File" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "emphasised text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "strong text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "strong text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "List item" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Heading" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Fullscreen" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Save now" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Open Recent File" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Website is not available" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Website is available" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Open Link in Web Browser" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "No matching footnote found" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Save your file" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "You have not saved your changes." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancel" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Save now" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(no suggestions)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Add '{}' to Dictionary" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignore All" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Languages" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Suggestions" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_File" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Open Recent File" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Export as ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Advanced Export…" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Edit" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_View" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Light text on a dark background" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Dark Mode" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Switch to preview mode" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Auto _Spellcheck" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormat" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Unordered List Item" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Horizontal Rule" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Help" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Contents" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Short Markdown Tutorial" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help…" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Get Help Online…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Translate This Application…" + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Go into focus mode" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Go into fullscreen mode" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Show HTML preview" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Words:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Characters:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalise" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Slideshow incremental bullets" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Highlight syntax" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Self Contained" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Use HTML 5 syntax" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Bibliography File" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "You can not export to PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown or Plain Text" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Open a .md-File" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Close without saving" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Unsaved changes" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "You can not enable the Spell Checker." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionaries for your language from " +#~ "the software center." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Dark Mode" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Edit" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Open a .md-File" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Short Markdown Tutorial" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Save now" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Export as ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Export as ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Dark Mode" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Auto _Spellcheck" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Open Recent File" diff --git a/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-en_GB.po b/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-en_GB.po deleted file mode 100644 index 030222c..0000000 --- a/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-en_GB.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,781 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: en-gb\n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(no suggestions)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Add '{}' to Dictionary" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignore All" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Languages" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Suggestions" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Website is not available" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Website is available" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Open Link in Web Browser" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "No matching footnote found" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_File" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Open Recent File" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Export as ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Advanced Export…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edit" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_View" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "Light text on a dark background" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Dark Mode" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "Switch to preview mode" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Preview" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "Auto _Spellcheck" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "F_ormat" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Unordered List Item" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Horizontal Rule" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Heading" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Help" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Contents" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "Short Markdown Tutorial" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "Get Help Online…" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Translate This Application…" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Focus Mode" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "Go into focus mode" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Go into fullscreen mode" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "Show HTML preview" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Words:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Characters:" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "emphasised text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "strong text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "List item" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Export" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Smart" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc can automatically make '--' to a long dash and more" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalise" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Table of Contents" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Stand-alone" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Number Sections" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Strict Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Use 'strict' markdown instead of 'pandoc' markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Slideshow incremental bullets" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "General Options" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Highlight syntax" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Choose a colour theme for syntax highlighting" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Highlight style " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Self Contained" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Use HTML 5 syntax" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS File" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML Options" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Bibliography File" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Commandline Reference" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -"" -msgstr "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -"" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Save your file" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "You can not export to PDF." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Please install texlive from the software center." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown or Plain Text" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Open a .md-File" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "You have not saved your changes." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Close without saving" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancel" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Save now" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Unsaved changes" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "You can not enable the Spell Checker." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionaries for your language from the software center." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Dark Mode" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Save now" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Save now" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Focus Mode" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Preview" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Edit" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "List item" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Heading" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Open Recent File" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Open a .md-File" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "Short Markdown Tutorial" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "Save now" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Save now" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Export as ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Export as ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "strong text" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Edit" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Advanced Export…" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Export" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Dark Mode" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Auto _Spellcheck" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -"" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Open Recent File" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Save now" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Open Recent File" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - diff --git a/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index a981e71..0000000 Binary files a/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a358b26 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/es.po @@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: \n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: \n" +"Language: es\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "Wolf V., Manuel G." + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, un editor Markdown simple y sin distracciones" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "Modo oscuro automático" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "Seleccionar modo oscuro en función del tema del sistema" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "Forzar modo oscuro" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "Sincronizar el scroll del editor/vista previa" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "Abrir ruta de base de archivo" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "Abrir rutas de archivos de la sesión actual" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "Modo de previsualización" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "Como mostrar la vista previa" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Derechos de autor © 2018 Wolf Vollprecht" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "Sitio web de Uberwriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "Donaciones:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "Liberapay" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "Ayudar a traducir:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Poeditor" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Inteligente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc puede convertir automáticamente «--» a una raya y más" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Índice" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Independiente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Usar el encabezado y el pie para incluir cosas como hojas de estilo o " +"metainformación" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Numerar las secciones" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown estricto" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Utiliza markdown «estricto» en lugar de markdown «pandoc»" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Mostrar una viñeta tras otra en una presentación" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opciones generales" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Elegir un tema de color para el resaltado de sintaxis" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Estilo de resaltado " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "Archivo" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produce HTML sin dependencias externas (todas las imágenes y hojas de estilo " +"están incluidas)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Elija un archivo CSS que quiera usar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Archivo CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opciones de HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Referencia de consola" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exportar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "PDF" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "etiqueta" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Avanzado" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Modo de concentración" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "Modo Hemingway" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualización" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Guardar _como" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "_Exportar" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Copiar HTML" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Preferencias" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "Abrir tutorial" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "_Sobre UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "Anchura completa" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "Cambia modo de vista previa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nuevo" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Abrir" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Guardar" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Guardar como" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "Cerrar documento" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "Salir de la aplicación" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "Modos" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Modo de concentración" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "Modo Hemingway" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualización" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantalla completa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Buscar" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Separador" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Elemento de lista" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Cursiva" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Negita" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "Tachar" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Cabecera" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Seleccionar todo" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "Copiar / Pegar" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "Copiar texto seleccionado al portapapeles" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "Cortar texto seleccionado al portapapeles" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "Pegar texto seleccionado del portapapeles" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "Deshacer y rehacer" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "Deshacer" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "Rehacer" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "Selección" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "Seleccionar todo" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "0 Palabras" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "Mostrar estadísticas" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Coincidencia anterior" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Coincidencia siguiente" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "aA" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "Distinguir mayúsculas y minúsculas" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "(.*)" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "Expresión Regular" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Abrir Reemplazar" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Reemplazar" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Reemplazar todo" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Usar características experimentales" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "Documento sin título.md" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "Instale la extensión de TexLive desde Software de GNOME o ejecutando\n" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "Instale TexLive desde los repositorios de la distribución" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "texto destacado" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "texto en negrita" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "texto tachado" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Elemento de lista" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Título" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Salir de pantalla completa" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nuevo" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Guardar" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Abrir" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Abrir recientes" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "Buscar y reemplazar" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menú" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "El sitio web no está disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "El sitio web está disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Abrir enlace en un navegador web" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "No se encontró la nota al pie correspondiente" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Guarde su archivo" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "Archivo Markdown" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "Archivo de texto plano" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "Abrir un archivo .md" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "No ha guardado los cambios." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "Cerrar sin guardar" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Guardar ahora" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "Nuevo archivo" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "Anchura partida" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "Altura partida" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "Ventana" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "{:n} Carácteres" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "{:n} Palabras" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "{:n} Sentencias" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "{:n} Párrafos" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Tiempo de lectura" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "cursiva" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "negrita" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "texto tachado" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "Elemento" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Cabecera" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(no hay sugerencias)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Añadir «{}» al diccionario" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignorar todo" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Idiomas" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Sugerencias" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Archivo" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Abrir archivo reciente" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Exportación avanzada…" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML al portapapeles" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Editar" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Ver" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Texto claro sobre un fondo oscuro" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo oscuro" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Cambiar a modo de previsualización" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "_Corrección ortográfica automática" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormato" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Elemento de lista no ordenada" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Línea horizontal" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "Ay_uda" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Contenido" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Tutorial breve de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir ayuda de Markdown Pandoc en línea…" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Obtener ayuda en línea…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traducir esta aplicación…" + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Ir al modo de concentración" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Ir al modo de pantalla completa" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar vista preliminar de HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Palabras:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caracteres:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar mensajes de depuración (-vv depura uberwriter_lib también)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizar" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Quita elementos como espacios o espacios dobles al comienzo de un párrafo" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Viñetas incrementales de presentación" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Resaltar la sintaxis" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Resaltado de sintaxis (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Autocontenido" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Usar sintaxis HTML5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Archivo de bibliografía" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Derechos de autor © 2012 Wolf Vollprecht \n" + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "No puede exportar a PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Instale texlive desde el centro de software." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown o texto simple" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Abrir un archivo .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Cerrar sin guardar" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Cambios sin guardar" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "No puede activar el corrector ortográfico." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Instale los diccionarios de «hunspell» o «aspell» para su idioma desde el " +#~ "centro de software." + +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo oscuro" + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Ventana nueva" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "Atajo_s" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Ayuda de Pandoc" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_Acerca de" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "Salir" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Salir" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "Editor" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Cortar" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Copiar" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Pegar" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Expresiones regulares" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Nuevo" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Abrir" + +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Abrir ejemplos" + +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "_Tutorial breve de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "_Guardar" + +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como HTML" + +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como PDF" + +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML al portapapeles" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Barra lateral" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Abrir Buscar y reemplazar" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Buscar y reemplazar…" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#~ msgstr "la extensión «{}» no es un archivo ZIP válido" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#~ msgstr "la extensión «{}» no incluye un registro de diccionario XML válido" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "no se puede mover la extensión; ya existe un archivo con el mismo nombre " +#~ "en move_path" + +#~ msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#~ msgstr "no se puede mover la extensión; move_path no es un directorio" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Desconocido" + +#~ msgid "Help to _translate" +#~ msgstr "Ayudar a _traducir" + +#~ msgid "Donate to the project" +#~ msgstr "Donar al proyecto" + +#~ msgid "ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT" + +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo oscuro" + +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Corrección ortográfica automática" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "página 1" + +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Buscar y reemplazar" diff --git a/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-es.po b/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-es.po deleted file mode 100644 index c23b517..0000000 --- a/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-es.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,741 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: es\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(no hay sugerencias)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Añadir «{}» al diccionario" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignorar todo" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Idiomas" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Sugerencias" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "UberWriter, un editor Markdown simple y sin distracciones" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "El sitio web no está disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "El sitio web está disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Abrir enlace en un navegador web" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "No se encontró la nota al pie correspondiente" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Archivo" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Abrir archivo reciente" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Exportación avanzada…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Copiar código HTML al portapapeles" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Editar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Ver" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "Texto claro sobre un fondo oscuro" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Modo oscuro" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "Cambiar a modo de previsualización" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualización" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "_Corrección ortográfica automática" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "F_ormato" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Elemento de lista no ordenada" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Línea horizontal" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Título" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "Ay_uda" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Contenido" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "Tutorial breve de Markdown" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "Abrir ayuda de Markdown Pandoc en línea…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "Obtener ayuda en línea…" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Traducir esta aplicación…" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Modo de concentración" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "Ir al modo de concentración" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Ir al modo de pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "Mostrar vista preliminar de HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Palabras:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caracteres:" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Mostrar mensajes de depuración (-vv depura uberwriter_lib también)" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "texto destacado" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "texto en negrita" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Elemento de lista" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exportar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Inteligente" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc puede convertir automáticamente «--» a una raya y más" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Quita elementos como espacios o espacios dobles al comienzo de un párrafo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Índice" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Independiente" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Usar el encabezado y el pie para incluir cosas como hojas de estilo o metainformación" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Numerar las secciones" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markdown estricto" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Utiliza markdown «estricto» en lugar de markdown «pandoc»" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Viñetas incrementales de presentación" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Mostrar una viñeta tras otra en una presentación" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opciones generales" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Resaltar la sintaxis" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Elegir un tema de color para el resaltado de sintaxis" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Estilo de resaltado " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Resaltado de sintaxis (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Autocontenido" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Produce HTML sin dependencias externas (todas las imágenes y hojas de estilo están incluidas)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Usar sintaxis HTML5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Elija un archivo CSS que quiera usar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Archivo CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opciones de HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Archivo de bibliografía" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Referencia de consola" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "" -"# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -msgstr "" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Derechos de autor © 2012 Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Guarde su archivo" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "No puede exportar a PDF." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Instale texlive desde el centro de software." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown o texto simple" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Abrir un archivo .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "No ha guardado los cambios." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Cerrar sin guardar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancelar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Guardar ahora" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Cambios sin guardar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "No puede activar el corrector ortográfico." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Instale los diccionarios de «hunspell» o «aspell» para su idioma desde el centro de software." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Modo oscuro" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "Ventana nueva" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "Atajo_s" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "Ayuda de Pandoc" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_Acerca de" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "Salir" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nuevo" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Abrir" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Guardar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Guardar como" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Salir" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Modo de concentración" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantalla completa" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualización" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Buscar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "Editor" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Separador" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Elemento de lista" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Cursiva" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negita" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Cabecera" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Cortar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copiar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Pegar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Seleccionar todo" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "Coincidencia siguiente" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Abrir Reemplazar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "Expresiones regulares" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "_Nuevo" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "_Abrir" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Abrir ejemplos" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "_Tutorial breve de Markdown" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "_Guardar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Guardar _como" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Exportar como HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Exportar como PDF" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Copiar código HTML al portapapeles" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "Barra lateral" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "Abrir Buscar y reemplazar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "Buscar y reemplazar…" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "Coincidencia anterior" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "Distinguir mayúsculas y minúsculas" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Reemplazar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Reemplazar todo" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "texto tachado" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "etiqueta" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "Usar características experimentales" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "la extensión «{}» no es un archivo ZIP válido" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "la extensión «{}» no incluye un registro de diccionario XML válido" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "no se puede mover la extensión; ya existe un archivo con el mismo nombre en move_path" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "no se puede mover la extensión; move_path no es un directorio" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconocido" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "Abrir ruta de base de archivo" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "Abrir rutas de archivos de la sesión actual" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "Ayudar a _traducir" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "Donar al proyecto" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "Buscar y reemplazar" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Derechos de autor © 2018 Wolf Vollprecht" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "Sitio web de Uberwriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "Donaciones:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "Liberapay" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "Ayudar a traducir:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "Poeditor" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "PDF" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "ODT" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avanzado" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "_Exportar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Copiar HTML" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "Preferencias" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "Abrir tutorial" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Modo oscuro" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Corrección ortográfica automática" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "página 1" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "Documento sin título.md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "Instale la extensión de TexLive desde Software de GNOME o ejecutando\n" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "Instale TexLive desde los repositorios de la distribución" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nuevo" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Abrir" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Abrir recientes" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Guardar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Buscar y reemplazar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "Menú" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Salir de pantalla completa" diff --git a/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index be6d2fd..0000000 Binary files a/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a5d474 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/eu.po @@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: eu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, markaketa-editore sinple eta arreta-galtzerik gabea" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright-a (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Editatu" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Adimentsua" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" +"Pandoc-ek automatikoki bihur dezake \"--\" marra luzean eta gauza gehiago" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Edukien aurkibidea" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Autonomoa" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Erabili goiburua eta orri-oina estilo-orriak eta meta-informazioa bezalako " +"gauzak gehitzeko" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Zenbakitu atalak" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markaketa zorrotza" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Erabili \"strict\" markaketa \"pandoc\" markaketaren ordez" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Erakutsi buleta bat bestearen atzetik diapositiba-aurkezpenetan" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Aukera orokorrak" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Aukeratu kolore-gai bat sintaxia nabarmentzeko" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Nabarmentze-estiloa " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Kanpoko menpekotasunik gabeko HTMLa sortzen du (irudi eta estilo-orri " +"guztiak erantsita daude)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Aukeratu erabili nahi duzun CSS fitxategi bat" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS fitxategia" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML aukerak" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Komando-lerroko erreferentzia" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Esportatu" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Esportatze aurreratua..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Fokuaren modua" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantaila osoa" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Gorde orain" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Esportatu" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Gorde orain" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Gorde orain" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Fokuaren modua" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantaila osoa" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Zerrendako elementua" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Izenburua" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "nabarmendutako testua" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "testu lodia" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "testu lodia" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Zerrendako elementua" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Izenburua" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pantaila osoa" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Gorde orain" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Gorde zure fitxategia" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Ez dituzu gorde zure aldaketak." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Utzi" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Gorde orain" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(iradokizunik ez)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Gehitu \"{}\" hiztegira" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ez ikusi egin guztiei" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Hizkuntzak" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Iradokizunak" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fitxategia" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Esportatu ODT bezala" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Esportatze aurreratua..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Kopiatu HTML gordina arbelera" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Editatu" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Ikusi" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Modu iluna" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "_Egiaztatu ortografia automatikoki" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormatua" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Ordenatu gabeko zerrendako elementua" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Marra horizontala" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Laguntza" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Edukiak" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Lortu laguntza linean..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Itzuli aplikazio hau..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Joan fokuaren modura" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Joan pantaila osoko modura" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Hitzak:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Karaktereak:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Erakutsi arazketako mezuak (-vv erabiliz uberwriter_lib ere arazten da)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizatu" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Zuriune bikoitzak edo paragrafo hasierako zuriuneak bezalako gauzak " +#~ "kentzen ditu" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Buleta inkrementalak diapositiba-aurkezpenetan" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Nabarmendu sintaxia" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Sintaxiaren nabarmentzea (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Beregaina" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Erabili HTML 5 sintaxia" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Bibliografia-fitxategia" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright-a (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Ezin duzu PDFra esportatu." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Mesedez instalatu texlive software-zentrotik." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markaketa edo testu-laua" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Ireki .md fitxategi bat" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Itxi gorde gabe" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Gorde gabeko aldaketak" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Ezin duzu zuzentzaile ortografikoa gaitu." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Mesedez instalatu zure hizkuntzaren 'hunspell' edo 'aspell' hiztegiak " +#~ "software-zentrotik." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modu iluna" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Editatu" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Ireki .md fitxategi bat" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Gorde orain" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Esportatu ODT bezala" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Esportatu ODT bezala" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Kopiatu HTML gordina arbelera" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modu iluna" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "_Egiaztatu ortografia automatikoki" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" diff --git a/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-eu.po b/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-eu.po deleted file mode 100644 index 0298e6e..0000000 --- a/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-eu.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: eu\n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(iradokizunik ez)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Gehitu \"{}\" hiztegira" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ez ikusi egin guztiei" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Hizkuntzak" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Iradokizunak" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "UberWriter, markaketa-editore sinple eta arreta-galtzerik gabea" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fitxategia" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Esportatu ODT bezala" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Esportatze aurreratua..." - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiatu HTML gordina arbelera" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Editatu" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Ikusi" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Modu iluna" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "_Egiaztatu ortografia automatikoki" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "F_ormatua" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Ordenatu gabeko zerrendako elementua" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Marra horizontala" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Izenburua" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Laguntza" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Edukiak" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "Lortu laguntza linean..." - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Itzuli aplikazio hau..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Fokuaren modua" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "Joan fokuaren modura" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantaila osoa" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Joan pantaila osoko modura" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Hitzak:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Karaktereak:" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Erakutsi arazketako mezuak (-vv erabiliz uberwriter_lib ere arazten da)" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "nabarmendutako testua" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "testu lodia" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Zerrendako elementua" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Esportatu" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Adimentsua" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc-ek automatikoki bihur dezake \"--\" marra luzean eta gauza gehiago" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizatu" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Zuriune bikoitzak edo paragrafo hasierako zuriuneak bezalako gauzak kentzen ditu" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Edukien aurkibidea" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Autonomoa" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Erabili goiburua eta orri-oina estilo-orriak eta meta-informazioa bezalako gauzak gehitzeko" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Zenbakitu atalak" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markaketa zorrotza" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Erabili \"strict\" markaketa \"pandoc\" markaketaren ordez" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Buleta inkrementalak diapositiba-aurkezpenetan" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Erakutsi buleta bat bestearen atzetik diapositiba-aurkezpenetan" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Aukera orokorrak" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Nabarmendu sintaxia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Aukeratu kolore-gai bat sintaxia nabarmentzeko" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Nabarmentze-estiloa " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Sintaxiaren nabarmentzea (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Beregaina" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Kanpoko menpekotasunik gabeko HTMLa sortzen du (irudi eta estilo-orri guztiak erantsita daude)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Erabili HTML 5 sintaxia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Aukeratu erabili nahi duzun CSS fitxategi bat" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS fitxategia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML aukerak" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Bibliografia-fitxategia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Komando-lerroko erreferentzia" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -"" -msgstr "" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Copyright-a (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Gorde zure fitxategia" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "Ezin duzu PDFra esportatu." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Mesedez instalatu texlive software-zentrotik." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markaketa edo testu-laua" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Ireki .md fitxategi bat" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Ez dituzu gorde zure aldaketak." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Itxi gorde gabe" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Utzi" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Gorde orain" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Gorde gabeko aldaketak" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Ezin duzu zuzentzaile ortografikoa gaitu." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Mesedez instalatu zure hizkuntzaren 'hunspell' edo 'aspell' hiztegiak software-zentrotik." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Modu iluna" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Gorde orain" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Gorde orain" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Fokuaren modua" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantaila osoa" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Editatu" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Zerrendako elementua" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Izenburua" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Ireki .md fitxategi bat" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "Gorde orain" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Gorde orain" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Esportatu ODT bezala" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Esportatu ODT bezala" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiatu HTML gordina arbelera" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "testu lodia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright-a (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Editatu" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Esportatze aurreratua..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Esportatu" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Modu iluna" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "_Egiaztatu ortografia automatikoki" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -"" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Gorde orain" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Ireki oraintsuko fitxategia" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pantaila osoa" - diff --git a/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index eb93e3b..0000000 Binary files a/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f705f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/po/fr.po @@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: fr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, un éditeur Markdown simple et sans distractions" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "Ouvrir le chemin d'accès au fichier" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "Ouvrir les chemins d'accès aux fichiers de la session en cours" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "Site de UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "Donations :" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "Liberapay" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "Aider à la _traduction" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Poeditor" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Intelligente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc peut automatiquement remplacer \"--\" par un tiret long et plus" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Table des matières" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Autonome" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Utiliser une en-tête et un pied de page pour incorporer les feuilles de " +"styles et les meta informations" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Numéroter les sections" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown stricte" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Utiliser le Markdown \"strict\" à la place du Markdown \"pandoc\"" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Montrer une puce après l'autre dans un diaporama" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Options générales" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Choisissez un jeu de couleur pour la coloration syntaxique" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Style de coloration " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Génère un HTML sans dépendances externes (toutes les images et styles sont " +"inclus)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Choisir un fichier CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Fichier CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Options HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Référence de Ligne de Commande" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exporter" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "PDF" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "tag" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Export avancé" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Mode focus" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Aperçu" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Plein écran" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Enregistrer _Sous" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "_Exporter" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Copier le HTML" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Préférences" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "Ouvrir le tutoriel" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Général" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nouveau" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Ouvrir" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Enregistrer" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Enregistrer comme" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Mode focus" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Aperçu" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Plein écran" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Rechercher" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Séparateur" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Liste ordonnée" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Italique" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Gras" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Entête" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Sélectionner tout" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Précédent" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Suivant" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "Sensible à la Casse" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Ouvrir remplacer" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Remplacer" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Tout remplacer" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Utiliser les fonctions expérimentales" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "Sans titre.md" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "Veuillez installer l'extension TexLive depuis la logithèque de Gnome\n" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "Veuillez installer l'extension TexLive depuis les dépôts" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "surligner le texte" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "texte en gras" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "texte barré" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Liste ordonnée" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Entête" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Sortir du Plein écran" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nouveau" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Enregistrer" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Ouvrir" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Ouvrir un document récent" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menu" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Site web indisponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Site web disponible" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Ouvrir le lien dans le navigateur" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Aucune note de bas de page correspondante" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Sauvegarder le document" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Vous n'avez pas sauvegardé vos modifications." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuler" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Enregistrer maintenant" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(aucune suggestion)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Ajouter \"{}\" au dictionnaire" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignorer tout" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Langues" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Suggestions" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fichier" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Ouvrir un document récent" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exporter en ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Export avancé…" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copier le HTML brut dans le presse-papiers" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Édition" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Affichage" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Texte clair sur fond sombre" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode sombre" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Basculer vers l'aperçu" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Auto _Correction" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormat" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Liste non ordonnée" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Ligne horizontale" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Aide" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Table des matières" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Tutoriel Markdown rapide" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Ouvrir l'aide en ligne de Markdown pour Pandoc…" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide en ligne…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traduire cette application..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Basculer vers le mode focus" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Basculer vers le mode plein écran" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Montrer l'aperçu HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Mots :" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caractères :" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Montrer les messages de débogage" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normaliser" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Supprime par exemple les doubles espaces ou les espaces en début de " +#~ "paragraphe" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Puces incremental de diaporama" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Coloration syntaxique" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Coloration syntaxique (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Autonome" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Utiliser la syntaxe HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Fichier de bibliographie" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it\n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published\n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of\n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along\n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Impossible d'exporter en PDF" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Veuillez installer texlive du software center." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown ou texte brut" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Fermer sans sauvegarder" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Modifications non enregistrées" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas activer le Correcteur orthographique." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Veuillez installer les dictionnaires 'hunspell' ou 'aspell' pour votre " +#~ "langue depuis le software center." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode sombre" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will " +#~ "be light themed asked to install them manually." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "S'il est activé, la fenêtre s'affichera avec le thème sombre. Si non, la " +#~ "fenêtre s'affichera avec le thème clair telle qu'elle est lors de " +#~ "l'installation initiale." + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Nouvelle fenêtre" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "_Mots clés" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Aide _Pandoc" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_À propos" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Quitter" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Quitter" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "Édition" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Couper" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Copier" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Coller" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Activer les expressions régulières" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Nouveau" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Ouvrir" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Ouvrir les exemples" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "_Tutoriel Markdown rapide" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "_Enregistrer" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exporter en HTML" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exporter en PDF" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copier le HTML brut dans le presse-papiers" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Barre de navigation" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Ouvrir Rechercher et remplacer" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer..." + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#~ msgstr "l'extension \"{}\" n'est pas un fichier ZIP valide" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#~ msgstr "l'extension \"{}\" n'est pas un dictionnaire XML valide" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "impossible de modifier l'extension, un fichier portant le même nom existe " +#~ "dans la destination" + +#~ msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "impossible de modifier l'extension, la destination n'est pas un dossier" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Inconnu" + +#~ msgid "Help to _translate" +#~ msgstr "Aider à la _traduction" + +#~ msgid "Donate to the project" +#~ msgstr "Donner au projet" + +#~ msgid "ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mode sombre" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Autocorrection" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "page 1" + +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer" diff --git a/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-fr.po b/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-fr.po deleted file mode 100644 index a40e2c8..0000000 --- a/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-fr.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,781 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: fr\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(aucune suggestion)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Ajouter \"{}\" au dictionnaire" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignorer tout" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Langues" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Suggestions" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "UberWriter, un éditeur Markdown simple et sans distractions" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Site web indisponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Site web disponible" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Ouvrir le lien dans le navigateur" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Aucune note de bas de page correspondante" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fichier" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Ouvrir un document récent" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Exporter en ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Export avancé…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Copier le HTML brut dans le presse-papiers" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Édition" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Affichage" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "Texte clair sur fond sombre" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Mode sombre" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "Basculer vers l'aperçu" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Aperçu" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "Auto _Correction" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "F_ormat" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Liste non ordonnée" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Ligne horizontale" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Entête" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Aide" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Table des matières" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "Tutoriel Markdown rapide" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "Ouvrir l'aide en ligne de Markdown pour Pandoc…" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide en ligne…" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Traduire cette application..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Mode focus" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "Basculer vers le mode focus" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Plein écran" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Basculer vers le mode plein écran" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "Montrer l'aperçu HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Mots :" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caractères :" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Montrer les messages de débogage" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "surligner le texte" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "texte en gras" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Liste ordonnée" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exporter" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Intelligente" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc peut automatiquement remplacer \"--\" par un tiret long et plus" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normaliser" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Supprime par exemple les doubles espaces ou les espaces en début de paragraphe" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Table des matières" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Autonome" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Utiliser une en-tête et un pied de page pour incorporer les feuilles de styles et les meta informations" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Numéroter les sections" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markdown stricte" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Utiliser le Markdown \"strict\" à la place du Markdown \"pandoc\"" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Puces incremental de diaporama" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Montrer une puce après l'autre dans un diaporama" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Options générales" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Coloration syntaxique" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Choisissez un jeu de couleur pour la coloration syntaxique" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Style de coloration " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Coloration syntaxique (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Autonome" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Génère un HTML sans dépendances externes (toutes les images et styles sont inclus)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Utiliser la syntaxe HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Choisir un fichier CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Fichier CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Options HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Fichier de bibliographie" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Référence de Ligne de Commande" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "" -"# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -msgstr "" -"# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published\n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"#\n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of\n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"#\n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Sauvegarder le document" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "Impossible d'exporter en PDF." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Veuillez installer texlive du software center." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown ou texte brut" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Vous n'avez pas sauvegardé vos modifications." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Fermer sans sauvegarder" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Annuler" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Enregistrer maintenant" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Modifications non enregistrées" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas activer le Correcteur orthographique." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Veuillez installer les dictionnaires 'hunspell' ou 'aspell' pour votre langue depuis le software center." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Mode sombre" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "S'il est activé, la fenêtre s'affichera avec le thème sombre. Si non, la fenêtre s'affichera avec le thème clair telle qu'elle est lors de l'installation initiale." - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "Nouvelle fenêtre" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "_Mots clés" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "Aide _Pandoc" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_À propos" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "_Quitter" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Général" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nouveau" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Ouvrir" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Enregistrer" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Enregistrer comme" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Quitter" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Mode focus" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Plein écran" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Aperçu" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Rechercher" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "Édition" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Séparateur" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Liste ordonnée" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Italique" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Gras" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Entête" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Couper" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copier" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Coller" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Sélectionner tout" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "Suivant" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Ouvrir remplacer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "Activer les expressions régulières" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "_Nouveau" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "_Ouvrir" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Ouvrir les exemples" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "_Tutoriel Markdown rapide" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "_Enregistrer" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Enregistrer _Sous" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Exporter en HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Exporter en PDF" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Copier le HTML brut dans le presse-papiers" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "Barre de navigation" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "Ouvrir Rechercher et remplacer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer..." - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "Précédent" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "Sensible à la Casse" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Remplacer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Tout remplacer" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "texte barré" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "Utiliser les fonctions expérimentales" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "l'extension \"{}\" n'est pas un fichier ZIP valide" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "l'extension \"{}\" n'est pas un dictionnaire XML valide" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "impossible de modifier l'extension, un fichier portant le même nom existe dans la destination" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "impossible de modifier l'extension, la destination n'est pas un dossier" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Inconnu" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "Aider à la _traduction" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "Donner au projet" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "Site de UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "Donations :" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "Aider à la _traduction:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Export avancé" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "_Exporter" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Copier le HTML" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "Ouvrir le tutoriel" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Mode sombre" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Autocorrection" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "Sans titre.md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "Veuillez installer l'extension TexLive depuis la logithèque de Gnome\n" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "Veuillez installer l'extension TexLive depuis les dépôts" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -#, fuzzy -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nouveau" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Ouvrir" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Ouvrir un document récent" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Enregistrer" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Sortir du Plein écran" diff --git a/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index be52b3d..0000000 Binary files a/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e29e2e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/hu.po @@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: hu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "Uberwriter, egy egyszerü Markdown szövegszerkesztő" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Szerkesztés" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Intelligens" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Nyomdailag helyes szöveg generálása" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Tartalomjegyzék" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Egyedülálló" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Alcímek számozása" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Szigorú Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "" +"Szigorú Markdown használata a \"Pandoc\" kiterjesztett markdown helyett" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Diavetítéskor a pontok egymás után jelennek meg" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Általános beállítások" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Színtéma választása a szintaxiskiemeléshez" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Kiemelés stílusa " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Külso függőségek nélküli HTML generálása (a képek és a CSS fileok " +"beágyazódnak)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "CSS állomány kiválasztása" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS File" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML beállítások" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exportálás" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Exportálás..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Előnézet" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Teljes képernyő" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Mentés most" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Exportálás" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Mentés most" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Mentés most" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Előnézet" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Teljes képernyő" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Listaelem" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Címsor" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "dőlt betű" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "vastag betű" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "vastag betű" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Listaelem" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Címsor" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Teljes képernyő" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Mentés most" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "A weblap nem elérhető" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "A weblap elérhető" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "A link megnyitása" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Nincs találó lábjegyzet" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Állomány mentése" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "A változtatások nincsenek lementve" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Mégsem" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Mentés most" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(nincs javaslat)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "{} hozzáadása a szótárhoz" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Összes mellőzése" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Nyelvek" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Javaslatok" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fájl" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exportálás ODT formátumban" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Exportálás..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "HTML kód másolása a vágólapra" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "Szerkesztés" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Nézet" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Világos szöveg sötét háttéren" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Elsötétített nézet" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Előnézeti mód" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Helyesírás ellenőrzés" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormátum" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Felsorolás" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Vízszintes elválasztó" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Súgó" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Tartalom" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Rövid Markdown lecke" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Pandoc Markdown sugó megnyitása" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Online segítség…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Alkalmazás fordítása..." + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Váltás teljes képernyő módba" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "HTML előnézet" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Szavak száma:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Karakterek száma:" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizálás" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "Ismételt szóközök elhagyása" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Szintaxis kiszínezése" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Szintaxis kiemelés" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5 szintaxis használata" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Bibliográfia" + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Nem tudtam PDF formátumba exportálni" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Kérlek installáld a texlive csomagot a " +#~ "szoftwareközpontból." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown vagy síma szöveg" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr ".md állomány megnyitása" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Bezárás mentés nélkül" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Mentetlen változtatások" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Helyesírás ellenőrzőt nem lehet bekapcsolni" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Installáld a 'hunspell' vagy az 'aspell' szótárat a nyelvedhez a " +#~ "szoftwareközpontból" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Elsötétített nézet" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "Szerkesztés" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr ".md állomány megnyitása" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Rövid Markdown lecke" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Mentés most" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exportálás ODT formátumban" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exportálás ODT formátumban" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "HTML kód másolása a vágólapra" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Elsötétített nézet" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Helyesírás ellenőrzés" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" diff --git a/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-hu.po b/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-hu.po deleted file mode 100644 index 3e41d50..0000000 --- a/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-hu.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,698 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: hu\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Elsötétített nézet" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "Szerkesztés" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Intelligens" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Nyomdailag helyes szöveg generálása" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Tartalomjegyzék" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Egyedülálló" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Alcímek számozása" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Szigorú Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "" -"Szigorú Markdown használata a \"Pandoc\" kiterjesztett markdown helyett" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Diavetítéskor a pontok egymás után jelennek meg" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Általános beállítások" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Szintaxis kiszínezése" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Színtéma választása a szintaxiskiemeléshez" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Kiemelés stílusa " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Szintaxis kiemelés" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Bibliográfia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Külso függőségek nélküli HTML generálása (a képek és a CSS fileok " -"beágyazódnak)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "HTML 5 szintaxis használata" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "CSS állomány kiválasztása" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS File" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML beállítások" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exportálás" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Exportálás..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Előnézet" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Teljes képernyő" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Mentés most" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Exportálás" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Elsötétített nézet" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Helyesírás ellenőrzés" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Mentés most" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Mentés most" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Teljes képernyő" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Előnézet" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "Szerkesztés" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Listaelem" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Címsor" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizálás" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Ismételt szóközök elhagyása" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Szavak száma:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Karakterek száma:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "dőlt betű" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "vastag betű" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "vastag betű" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Listaelem" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Címsor" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "A weblap nem elérhető" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "A weblap elérhető" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "A link megnyitása" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Nincs találó lábjegyzet" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Állomány mentése" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown vagy síma szöveg" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr ".md állomány megnyitása" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "A változtatások nincsenek lementve" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Bezárás mentés nélkül" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Mégsem" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Mentés most" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Mentetlen változtatások" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "CSS File" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Helyesírás ellenőrzőt nem lehet bekapcsolni" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" -"Installáld a 'hunspell' vagy az 'aspell' szótárat a nyelvedhez a " -"szoftwareközpontból" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Teljes képernyő" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Mentés most" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(nincs javaslat)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "{} hozzáadása a szótárhoz" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Összes mellőzése" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Nyelvek" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Javaslatok" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "Uberwriter, egy egyszerü Markdown szövegszerkesztő" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Fájl" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "Elozmények megnyitása" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Exportálás ODT formátumban" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "Exportálás..." - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "HTML kód másolása a vágólapra" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "Szerkesztés" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Nézet" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Világos szöveg sötét háttéren" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Elsötétített nézet" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Előnézeti mód" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "Helyesírás ellenőrzés" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "F_ormátum" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Felsorolás" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Vízszintes elválasztó" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Súgó" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Tartalom" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Rövid Markdown lecke" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Pandoc Markdown sugó megnyitása" - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Online segítség…" - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Alkalmazás fordítása..." - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Váltás teljes képernyő módba" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "HTML előnézet" - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "Nem tudtam PDF formátumba exportálni" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kérlek installáld a texlive csomagot a " -#~ "szoftwareközpontból." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr ".md állomány megnyitása" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Rövid Markdown lecke" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Mentés most" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Exportálás ODT formátumban" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Exportálás ODT formátumban" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "HTML kód másolása a vágólapra" diff --git a/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 5c9bd78..0000000 Binary files a/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2be587 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/it.po @@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: it\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "" +"Uberwriter, un Editor per Markdown semplice e privo di fonti di distrazione" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "Apri file con percorso base" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "Apri percorsi file della sessione corrente" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "Sito Web Uberwriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "Donazioni:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "Liberapay" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "Aiuta a tradurre:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Poeditor" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Smart" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc trasforma automaticamente \"--\" in una linea lunga" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Sommario" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Standalone" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Usa un header o un footer per includere fogli di stile o meta information" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Sezione Numero" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown Preciso" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Utilizza Markdown preciso invece di quello di Pandoc" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Mostra un punto di una lista dopo l'altro in una presentazione" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opzioni Generali" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Scegli un tema dei colori per l'evidenziazione della sintassi" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Stile di evidenziazione " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produce una pagina HTML senza dipendenze esterne ( le immagini e i fogli di " +"stile sono inclusi)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Scegli un file CSS da utilizzare" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "File CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opzioni HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Documentazione sui comandi da terminale" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Esporta" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "PDF" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "label" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Avanzate" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Modalità Concentrazione" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Anteprima" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Schermo Intero" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Salva _Come" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "_Esporta" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Copia HTML" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Preferenze" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "Apri Tutorial" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Generale" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nuovo" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Apri" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Salva" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Salva Come" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Modalità concentrazione" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Anteprima" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Schermo Intero" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Cerca" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Separatore" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Elemento di una Lista" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Corsivo" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Grassetto" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Intestazione" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Seleziona tutto" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Risultato Precedente" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Risultato Successivo" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "Case Sensitive" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Apri Sostituisci" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Sostituisci" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Sostituisci tutti" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Usa funzioni sperimentali" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "Documento senza titolo.md" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "Installa l'estenasione TexLive da Gnome Software o eseguendo\n" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "Installa TexLive dalla repository della tua distribuzione" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "testo sottolineato" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "testo grassettato" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "Testo barrato" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Elemento di una Lista" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Intestazione" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Esci da Schermo Intero" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nuovo" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Salva" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Apri" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Apri Recenti" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Menu" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Sito web non disponibile" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Il sito web è disponibile" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Apri il Link in un browser web" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Nessun piè di pagina trovato" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Salva il tuo File" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Non hai salvato le tue preferenze" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annulla" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Salva ora" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(nessun suggerimento)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Aggiungi \"{}\" al Dizionario" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignora Tutto" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Linguaggi" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Suggerimenti" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_File" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Apri File Recenti" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Esporta come ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Esportazione Avanzata..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copia versione HTML" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Modifica" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Visualizza" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Testo chiaro su sfondo scuro" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Modulità scura" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Modalità anteprima" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Controllo ortografico automatico" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "Formato" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Elemento della Lista non Ordinata" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Linea Orizzontale" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Aiuto" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Contenuti" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Breve Tutorial su Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Apri Documentazione Online su Pandoc..." + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Aiuto Online..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traduci Questa Applicazione..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Passa a Modalità Concentrazione" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Passa a Schermo Intero" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Breve Anteprima HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Parole:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caratteri:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Mostra messaggi di debug (-vv debugga anche uberwriter_lib)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizza" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "Rimuovi cose come doppi spazi all'inizio di un paragrafo" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Presentazione con numeri incrementali" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Evidenzia la sintassi" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Evidenziazione Sintassi (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Autonomo" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Usa sintassi HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Bibliografia File" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see ." + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Non puoi esportare in PDF" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "Installa texlive dal centro software." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown o Testo Normale" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Apri un File .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Chiudi senza Salvare" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Modifiche non salvate" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Non puoi attivare il Controllo dell'Ortografia" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "installa i dizionari 'hunspell' o 'aspell' per il tuo linguaggio dal " +#~ "centro software." + +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modalità scura" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will " +#~ "be light themed asked to install them manually." +#~ msgstr "Se abilitata, la finestra sarà scura, altrimenti sarà chiara" + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Nuova finestra" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "_Scorciatoie da Tastiera" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "_Aiuto Pandoc" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_Informazioni" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Esci" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Esci" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "Editor" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Taglia" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Copia" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Incolla" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Attiva Regex" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Nuovo" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Apri" + +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Apri esempi" + +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "_Breve Tutorial Markdown" + +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "_Salva" + +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Esporta come html" + +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Esporta come PDF" + +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copia codice HTML" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Barra a lato" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Mostra Cerca e Sostituisci" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci..." + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#~ msgstr "L'estensione \"{}\" non è valida per un file ZIP" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#~ msgstr "L'estensione \"{}\" non ha alcun dizonario XML" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "impossibile spostare estensione, esista già un file con lo stesso nome in " +#~ "move_path" + +#~ msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#~ msgstr "impossibile spostare estensione, move_path non è una directory" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Sconosciuto" + +#~ msgid "Help to _translate" +#~ msgstr "Aiuta a _tradurre" + +#~ msgid "Donate to the project" +#~ msgstr "Donazioni al progetto" + +#~ msgid "ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT" + +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Usa Modalità scura" + +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Controllo Ortografico automatico" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "Pagina 1" + +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci" diff --git a/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-it.po b/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-it.po deleted file mode 100644 index f354d6f..0000000 --- a/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-it.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,755 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Language: it\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(nessun suggerimento)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Aggiungi \"{}\" al Dizionario" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignora Tutto" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Linguaggi" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Suggerimenti" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:1 -msgid "UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: ../uberwriter.desktop.in.h:2 -msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -msgstr "Uberwriter, un Editor per Markdown semplice e privo di fonti di distrazione" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:187 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Sito web non disponibile" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:189 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Il sito web è disponibile" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:441 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Apri il Link in un browser web" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:503 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Nessun piè di pagina trovato" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_File" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Open Recent File" -msgstr "Apri File Recenti" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175 -msgid "Export as ODT" -msgstr "Esporta come ODT" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186 -msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgstr "Esportazione Avanzata..." - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5 -msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -msgstr "Copia versione HTML" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Modifica" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Visualizza" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Light text on a dark background" -msgstr "Testo chiaro su sfondo scuro" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14 -msgid "Dark Mode" -msgstr "Modulità scura" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261 -msgid "Switch to preview mode" -msgstr "Modalità anteprima" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:12 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Anteprima" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28 -msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgstr "Controllo ortografico automatico" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13 -msgid "F_ormat" -msgstr "Formato" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14 -msgid "Unordered List Item" -msgstr "Elemento della Lista non Ordinata" - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15 -msgid "Horizontal Rule" -msgstr "Linea Orizzontale" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:186 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Intestazione" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Aiuto" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322 -msgid "Contents" -msgstr "Contenuti" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335 -msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -msgstr "Breve Tutorial su Markdown" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343 -msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -msgstr "Apri Documentazione Online su Pandoc..." - -#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21 -msgid "Get Help Online..." -msgstr "Aiuto Online..." - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359 -msgid "Translate This Application..." -msgstr "Traduci Questa Applicazione..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:7 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Modalità Concentrazione" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425 -msgid "Go into focus mode" -msgstr "Passa a Modalità Concentrazione" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:17 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Schermo Intero" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -msgstr "Passa a Schermo Intero" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461 -msgid "Show HTML preview" -msgstr "Breve Anteprima HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Parole:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caratteri:" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Mostra messaggi di debug (-vv debugga anche uberwriter_lib)" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:87 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "testo sottolineato" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:89 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "testo grassettato" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:105 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Elemento di una Lista" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Esporta" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Smart" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc trasforma automaticamente \"--\" in una linea lunga" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizza" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Rimuovi cose come doppi spazi all'inizio di un paragrafo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Sommario" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Standalone" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "Usa un header o un footer per includere fogli di stile o meta information" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Sezione Numero" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markdown Preciso" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Utilizza Markdown preciso invece di quello di Pandoc" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Presentazione con numeri incrementali" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Mostra un punto di una lista dopo l'altro in una presentazione" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opzioni Generali" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Evidenzia la sintassi" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Scegli un tema dei colori per l'evidenziazione della sintassi" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Stile di evidenziazione " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Evidenziazione Sintassi (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Autonomo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "Produce una pagina HTML senza dipendenze esterne ( le immagini e i fogli di stile sono inclusi)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Usa sintassi HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Scegli un file CSS da utilizzare" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "File CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opzioni HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Bibliografia File" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Documentazione sui comandi da terminale" - -#. Leaving as it is since it is a license. -#. La lascio così com'è dal momento che è una licenza -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "" -"# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" -msgstr "" -"# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -"# \n" -"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -"# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -"# \n" -"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -"# with this program. If not, see .\n" - -#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:347 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Salva il tuo File" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490 -msgid "You can not export to PDF." -msgstr "Non puoi esportare in PDF." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492 -msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -msgstr "Installa texlive dal centro software." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown o Testo Normale" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Apri un File .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:473 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Non hai salvato le tue preferenze." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Chiudi senza Salvare" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:476 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Annulla" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:477 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Salva ora" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Modifiche non salvate" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Non puoi attivare il Controllo dell'Ortografia." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540 -msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center." -msgstr "Installa i dizionari 'hunspell' o 'aspell' per il tuo linguaggio dal centro software." - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Modalità scura" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "Se abilitata, la finestra sarà scura, altrimenti sarà chiara." - -#. win.change_label -#. String 1 -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10 -msgid "New window" -msgstr "Nuova finestra" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgstr "_Scorciatoie da Tastiera" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "_Aiuto Pandoc" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_Informazioni" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "_Esci" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Generale" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nuovo" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Apri" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Salva" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Salva Come" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Esci" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Modalità concentrazione" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Schermo Intero" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Anteprima" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Cerca" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "Editor" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Separatore" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Elemento di una Lista" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Corsivo" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Grassetto" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Intestazione" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Taglia" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copia" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Incolla" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Seleziona tutto" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "Risultato Successivo" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:41 -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Apri Sostituisci" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52 -msgid "Activate Regex" -msgstr "Attiva Regex" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74 -msgid "_New" -msgstr "_Nuovo" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84 -msgid "_Open" -msgstr "_Apri" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102 -msgid "Open examples" -msgstr "Apri esempi" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114 -msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -msgstr "_Breve Tutorial Markdown" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131 -msgid "_Save" -msgstr "_Salva" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Salva _Come" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157 -msgid "Export as HTML" -msgstr "Esporta come html" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166 -msgid "Export as PDF" -msgstr "Esporta come PDF" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201 -msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -msgstr "Copia codice HTML" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254 -msgid "Sidebar" -msgstr "Barra a lato" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270 -msgid "Open Search and Replace" -msgstr "Mostra Cerca e Sostituisci" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271 -msgid "Search and Replace ..." -msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci..." - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:295 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "Risultato Precedente" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:339 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "Case Sensitive" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Sostituisci" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:457 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Sostituisci tutti" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:91 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "testo barrato" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "label" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:248 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "Usa funzioni sperimentali" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "L'estensione \"{}\" non è valida per un file ZIP" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "L'estensione \"{}\" non ha alcun dizonario XML" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "impossibile spostare estensione, esista già un file con lo stesso nome in move_path" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "impossibile spostare estensione, move_path non è una directory" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Sconosciuto" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "Apri file con percorso base" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "Apri percorsi file della sessione corrente" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36 -msgid "Help to _translate" -msgstr "Aiuta a _tradurre" - -#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40 -msgid "Donate to the project" -msgstr "Donazioni al progetto" - -#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:24 -msgid "Search and Replace" -msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "Sito Web Uberwriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:60 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "Donazioni:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:69 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "Liberapay" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:100 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "Aiuta a tradurre:" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:109 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "Poeditor" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "PDF" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "ODT" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avanzate" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "_Esporta" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Copia HTML" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "Preferenze" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "Apri Tutorial" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Usa Modalità scura" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Controllo Ortografico automatico" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "pagina 1" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "Documento senza titolo.md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "Installa l'estenasione TexLive da Gnome Software o eseguendo\n" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "Installa TexLive dalla repository della tua distribuzione" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:894 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:943 -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nuovo" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:895 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:944 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Apri" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:899 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:946 -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:949 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Apri Recenti" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:901 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:951 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Salva" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:906 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:956 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "Menu" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:961 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Esci da Schermo Intero" diff --git a/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index e592e55..0000000 Binary files a/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/meson.build b/po/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000..368265d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +i18n.gettext(gettext_package, preset: 'glib') + diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db2f26a --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pl.po @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: pl\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, prosty i nierozpraszający edytor Markdown" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Prawa autorskie (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Edytuj" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Inteligentne" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc potrafi automatycznie zmienić \"--\" na myślnik i więcej" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Spis treści" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Samodzielny" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Użyj nagłówka i stopki, aby umieścić takie rzeczy jak arkusze stylów i " +"informacje meta" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Numer Sekcji" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Ścisły Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Użyj \"ścisłego\" markdown zamiast \"pandoc\" markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Pokaż jeden punkt po innym w prezentacji" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opcje ogólne" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Wybierz temat kolorystyczny dla wyróżnienia składni" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Styl wyróżnienia " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Tworzy HTML, który nie ma zależności zewnętrznych (wszystkie obrazy i " +"arkusze stylów są włączone w plik)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Wybierz plik CSS, który ma być użyty" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Plik CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opcje HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Wiresz poleceń referencji" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Eksport" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Zaawansowany eksport..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Tryb skupienia" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Podgląd" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pełny ekran" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Zapisz teraz" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Eksport" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Zapisz teraz" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Zapisz teraz" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Tryb skupienia" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Podgląd" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pełny ekran" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Element listy" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Nagłówek" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "tekst podkreślony" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "tekst pogrubiony" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "tekst pogrubiony" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Element listy" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Nagłówek" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Pełny ekran" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Zapisz teraz" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Strona nie jest dostępna" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Strona jest dostępna" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Otwórz lonk w przeglądarce" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Nie znaleziono pasującego przypisu" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Zapisz swój plik" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Nie zapisałeś swoich zmian." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Anuluj" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Zapisz teraz" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(brak sugestii)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Dodaj \"{}\" do słownika" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignoruj wszystko" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Języki" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Sugestie" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Plik" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Eksportuj jako ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Zaawansowany eksport..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Skopiuj surowy HTML do schowka" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Edytuj" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Widok" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Jasny tekst na ciemnym tle" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Tryb ciemny" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Przełącz do trybu podglądu" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Automatyczne _sprawdzanie pisowni" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormat" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Nieuporządkowane wypunktowanie" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Linijka pozioma" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Pomoc" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Zawartość" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Krótkie wporwadzenie do Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Otwórz pomoc do Pandoc w sieci ..." + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Uzyskaj pomoc w sieci..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Przetłumacz ten program..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Przejdź w tryb skupienia" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Przejdź w tryb pełnoekranowy" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Pokaż podgląd HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Słowa:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Znaki:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Pokaż wiadomość debugowania (-vv także debugi uberwriter_lib)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizuj" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Usuń takie rzeczy jak podwójne spacje lub spacje na początku akapitu" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Prezentacja przyrowa punktów" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Wyróżnij składnie" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Wyróżnianie składni (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Samozawierający" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Użyj składni HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Plik bibliografii" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Prawa autorskie (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# Ten program jest wolnym oprogramowaniem: możesz go rozprowadzać dalej " +#~ "i / lub modyfikować \n" +#~ "# Na warunkach Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU w wersji 3, jak " +#~ "opublikowane \n" +#~ "# przez Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Ten program jest rozpowszechniany w nadziei, że będzie użyteczny, ale \n" +#~ "# BEZ JAKIEJKOLWIEK GWARANCJI, nawet domyślnej gwarancji \n" +#~ "# HANDLOWEJ, JAKOŚCI I PRZYDATNOŚCI \n" +#~ "# CELOWEJ. Zobacz licencję GNU General Public więcej szczegółów.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Powinieneś otrzymać kopię licencji GNU General Public wraz \n" +#~ "# z tym programem. Jeśli nie, patrz .\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Prawa autorskie (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Możesz nie eksportować do PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "Zainstaluj proszę texlive." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown albo czysty tekst" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Otwórz plik .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Zamknij bez zapisywania" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Niezapisane zmiany" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Możesz nie sprawdzać pisowni." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "Zainstaluj słownik 'hunspell' lub 'aspell' dla swojego języka." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Tryb ciemny" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Edytuj" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Otwórz plik .md" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Krótkie wporwadzenie do Markdown" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Zapisz teraz" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Eksportuj jako ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Eksportuj jako ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Skopiuj surowy HTML do schowka" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Tryb ciemny" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Automatyczne _sprawdzanie pisowni" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" diff --git a/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pl.po b/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pl.po deleted file mode 100644 index fa1b90b..0000000 --- a/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pl.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,735 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: pl\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Tryb ciemny" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Prawa autorskie (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Edytuj" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Inteligentne" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc potrafi automatycznie zmienić \"--\" na myślnik i więcej" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Spis treści" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Samodzielny" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" -"Użyj nagłówka i stopki, aby umieścić takie rzeczy jak arkusze stylów i " -"informacje meta" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Numer Sekcji" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Ścisły Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Użyj \"ścisłego\" markdown zamiast \"pandoc\" markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Prezentacja przyrowa punktów" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Pokaż jeden punkt po innym w prezentacji" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opcje ogólne" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Wyróżnij składnie" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Wybierz temat kolorystyczny dla wyróżnienia składni" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Styl wyróżnienia " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Wyróżnianie składni (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Plik bibliografii" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Samozawierający" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Tworzy HTML, który nie ma zależności zewnętrznych (wszystkie obrazy i " -"arkusze stylów są włączone w plik)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Użyj składni HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Wybierz plik CSS, który ma być użyty" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Plik CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opcje HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Wiresz poleceń referencji" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Eksport" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Zaawansowany eksport..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Tryb skupienia" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Podgląd" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pełny ekran" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Zapisz teraz" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Eksport" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Tryb ciemny" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Automatyczne _sprawdzanie pisowni" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Zapisz teraz" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Zapisz teraz" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Tryb skupienia" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pełny ekran" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Podgląd" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Edytuj" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Element listy" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Nagłówek" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizuj" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Usuń takie rzeczy jak podwójne spacje lub spacje na początku akapitu" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Słowa:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Znaki:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "tekst podkreślony" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "tekst pogrubiony" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "tekst pogrubiony" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Element listy" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Nagłówek" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Strona nie jest dostępna" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Strona jest dostępna" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Otwórz lonk w przeglądarce" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Nie znaleziono pasującego przypisu" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Zapisz swój plik" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown albo czysty tekst" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Otwórz plik .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Nie zapisałeś swoich zmian." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Zamknij bez zapisywania" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Anuluj" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Zapisz teraz" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Niezapisane zmiany" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "Plik CSS" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Możesz nie sprawdzać pisowni." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "Zainstaluj słownik 'hunspell' lub 'aspell' dla swojego języka." - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Pełny ekran" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Zapisz teraz" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Pokaż wiadomość debugowania (-vv także debugi uberwriter_lib)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(brak sugestii)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Dodaj \"{}\" do słownika" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignoruj wszystko" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Języki" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Sugestie" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter, prosty i nierozpraszający edytor Markdown" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Plik" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "Otwórz poprzedni plik" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Eksportuj jako ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "Zaawansowany eksport..." - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Skopiuj surowy HTML do schowka" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "_Edytuj" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Widok" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Jasny tekst na ciemnym tle" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Tryb ciemny" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Przełącz do trybu podglądu" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "Automatyczne _sprawdzanie pisowni" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "F_ormat" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Nieuporządkowane wypunktowanie" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Linijka pozioma" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Pomoc" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Zawartość" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Krótkie wporwadzenie do Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Otwórz pomoc do Pandoc w sieci ..." - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Uzyskaj pomoc w sieci..." - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Przetłumacz ten program..." - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "Przejdź w tryb skupienia" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Przejdź w tryb pełnoekranowy" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "Pokaż podgląd HTML" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Prawa autorskie (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# Ten program jest wolnym oprogramowaniem: możesz go rozprowadzać dalej " -#~ "i / lub modyfikować \n" -#~ "# Na warunkach Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU w wersji 3, jak " -#~ "opublikowane \n" -#~ "# przez Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Ten program jest rozpowszechniany w nadziei, że będzie użyteczny, ale \n" -#~ "# BEZ JAKIEJKOLWIEK GWARANCJI, nawet domyślnej gwarancji \n" -#~ "# HANDLOWEJ, JAKOŚCI I PRZYDATNOŚCI \n" -#~ "# CELOWEJ. Zobacz licencję GNU General Public więcej szczegółów.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Powinieneś otrzymać kopię licencji GNU General Public wraz \n" -#~ "# z tym programem. Jeśli nie, patrz .\n" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -#~ msgstr "Prawa autorskie (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "Możesz nie eksportować do PDF." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "Zainstaluj proszę texlive." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "Otwórz plik .md" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Krótkie wporwadzenie do Markdown" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Zapisz teraz" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Eksportuj jako ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Eksportuj jako ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Skopiuj surowy HTML do schowka" diff --git a/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index e7493c7..0000000 Binary files a/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d6f8a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pt.po @@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@ +# Portuguese translation for uberwriter +# Copyright (c) 2013 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2013 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the uberwriter package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: uberwriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-27 22:39+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Pedro Sardinha \n" +"Language-Team: Portuguese \n" +"Language: pt\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-09-12 00:12+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, um editor de Markdown simples e livre de distrações" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Editar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Inteligente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc pode transformar \"--\" automaticamente num hífen longo e mais" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Tabela de Conteúdo" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Autónomo" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Use um cabeçalho e um rodapé para incluir coisas como folhas de estilo e " +"metadados" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Secções de Números" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Markdown Estrito" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Usar markdown \"estrito\" em vez de markdown \"pandoc\"" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Mostrar um ponto de marcação a seguir a outro num diapositivo" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opções Gerais" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Escolha um tema de cores para o destaque da sintaxe" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Destacar estilo " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produz um HTML sem dependências externas (todas as imagens e folhas de " +"estilo são incluídas)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Escolha o ficheiro CSS que pretende usar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Ficheiro CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opções HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Referência de Linha de Comando" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exportar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Exportação Avançada..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Modo de Foco" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Pré-visualizar" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Ecrã Completo" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Guardar agora" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Exportar" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Guardar agora" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Guardar agora" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Modo de Foco" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Pré-visualizar" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Ecrã Completo" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Item de lista" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Título" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Abrir Ficheiros Recentes" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "texto destacado" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "texto em negrito" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "texto em negrito" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Item de lista" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Título" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Ecrã Completo" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Guardar agora" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Abrir Ficheiros Recentes" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Sítio na Rede não disponível" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Sítio na Rede disponível" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Abrir Hiperligação no Navegador" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Não encontradas notas de rodapé correspondentes" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Guarde o seu Ficheiro" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Ainda não gravou as suas alterações." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Guardar agora" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New File" +msgstr "Ficheiro CSS" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Marcadores incrementais de diapositivo" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Destacar sintaxe" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Destaque da Sintaxe (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Ficheiro de Bibliografia" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Auto Contido" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Usar sintaxe HTML 5" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "_Ortografia Automática" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Editar" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizar" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Remove coisas como espaços duplos ou espaços no início de um parágrafo" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Palavras:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caracteres:" + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown ou Texto Simples" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro *.md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Fechar sem Gravar" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Alterações não guardadas" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Não foi possível habilitar o Corretor Ortográfico." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Por favor, instale os dicionários 'hunspell' ou 'aspell' da sua Língua a " +#~ "partir do centro de software." + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiros Recentes" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de depuração (-vv depura também o uberwriter_lib)" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(sem sugestões)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Adicionar \"{}\" ao Dicionário" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignorar Tudo" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Idiomas" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Sugestões" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Ficheiro" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro *.md" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Pequeno Tutorial de Markdown" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Save now" +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Guardar agora" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML para a área de transferência" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Visualizar" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Mudar para o modo de pré-visualização" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Ajuda" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Conteúdo" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Pequeno Tutorial de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir Ajuda Online de Markdown Pandoc..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Ir para modo de Foco" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Ir para modo de ecrã completo" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Pré-visualização em HTML" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Não é possível exportar para PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Por favor, instale texlive a partir do centro " +#~ "de software." + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Texto claro em fundo escuro" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traduzir Esta Aplicação..." + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormatar" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Lista de Itens Não Ordenados" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Linha Horizontal" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Obter Ajuda Online..." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# Este programa é Software Livre: pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-lo\n" +#~ "# sob os termos da licença GNU General Public License version 3, conforme " +#~ "publicada \n" +#~ "# pela Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Este programa é distribuido na esperança de ser útil, mas \n" +#~ "# SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; nem mesmo as garantias implícitas na \n" +#~ "# COMERCIALIZAÇÃO, SATISFAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE, ou FINALIDADE PARA UM USO \n" +#~ "# PARTICULAR. Veja a licença GNU General Public License para mais " +#~ "detalhes.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Deverá ter recebido uma cópia da licença GNU General Public License \n" +#~ "# juntamente com este programa. Se não, veja .\n" diff --git a/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pt.po b/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pt.po deleted file mode 100644 index 22f02dd..0000000 --- a/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pt.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,756 +0,0 @@ -# Portuguese translation for uberwriter -# Copyright (c) 2013 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2013 -# This file is distributed under the same license as the uberwriter package. -# FIRST AUTHOR , 2013. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: uberwriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-27 22:39+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Pedro Sardinha \n" -"Language-Team: Portuguese \n" -"Language: pt\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-09-12 00:12+0000\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dark Mode" -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Modo Escuro" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "_Edit" -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Editar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Inteligente" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc pode transformar \"--\" automaticamente num hífen longo e mais" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Tabela de Conteúdo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Autónomo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" -"Use um cabeçalho e um rodapé para incluir coisas como folhas de estilo e " -"metadados" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Secções de Números" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Markdown Estrito" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Usar markdown \"estrito\" em vez de markdown \"pandoc\"" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Marcadores incrementais de diapositivo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Mostrar um ponto de marcação a seguir a outro num diapositivo" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opções Gerais" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Destacar sintaxe" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Escolha um tema de cores para o destaque da sintaxe" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Destacar estilo " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Destaque da Sintaxe (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Ficheiro de Bibliografia" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Auto Contido" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Produz um HTML sem dependências externas (todas as imagens e folhas de " -"estilo são incluídas)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Usar sintaxe HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Escolha o ficheiro CSS que pretende usar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Ficheiro CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opções HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Referência de Linha de Comando" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exportar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "HTML 5" -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Advanced Export..." -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Exportação Avançada..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Modo de Foco" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Pré-visualizar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Ecrã Completo" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Guardar agora" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export" -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Exportar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dark Mode" -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Modo Escuro" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "_Ortografia Automática" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Guardar agora" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Guardar agora" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Focus Mode" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Modo de Foco" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fullscreen" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Ecrã Completo" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Preview" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Pré-visualizar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "_Edit" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Editar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "List item" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Item de lista" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Heading" -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Título" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Remove coisas como espaços duplos ou espaços no início de um parágrafo" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Open Recent File" -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Abrir Ficheiros Recentes" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Palavras:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caracteres:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "texto destacado" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "texto em negrito" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "strong text" -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "texto em negrito" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Item de lista" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Título" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Sítio na Rede não disponível" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Sítio na Rede disponível" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Abrir Hiperligação no Navegador" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Não encontradas notas de rodapé correspondentes" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Guarde o seu Ficheiro" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown ou Texto Simples" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro *.md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Ainda não gravou as suas alterações." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Fechar sem Gravar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancelar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Guardar agora" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Alterações não guardadas" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "Ficheiro CSS" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Não foi possível habilitar o Corretor Ortográfico." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" -"Por favor, instale os dicionários 'hunspell' ou 'aspell' da sua Língua a " -"partir do centro de software." - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fullscreen" -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Ecrã Completo" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save now" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Guardar agora" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Open Recent File" -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Abrir Ficheiros Recentes" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Open Recent File" -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Abrir Ficheiros Recentes" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de depuração (-vv depura também o uberwriter_lib)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(sem sugestões)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Adicionar \"{}\" ao Dicionário" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignorar Tudo" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Idiomas" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Sugestões" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Ficheiro" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Open a .md-File" -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "Abrir Ficheiro *.md" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Pequeno Tutorial de Markdown" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Save now" -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Guardar agora" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML para a área de transferência" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Visualizar" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Mudar para o modo de pré-visualização" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Ajuda" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Conteúdo" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Pequeno Tutorial de Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Abrir Ajuda Online de Markdown Pandoc..." - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "Ir para modo de Foco" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Ir para modo de ecrã completo" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "Pré-visualização em HTML" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "Não é possível exportar para PDF." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Por favor, instale texlive a partir do centro " -#~ "de software." - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Texto claro em fundo escuro" - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Traduzir Esta Aplicação..." - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter, um editor de Markdown simples e livre de distrações" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "F_ormatar" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Lista de Itens Não Ordenados" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Linha Horizontal" - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Obter Ajuda Online..." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# Este programa é Software Livre: pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-lo\n" -#~ "# sob os termos da licença GNU General Public License version 3, conforme " -#~ "publicada \n" -#~ "# pela Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Este programa é distribuido na esperança de ser útil, mas \n" -#~ "# SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; nem mesmo as garantias implícitas na \n" -#~ "# COMERCIALIZAÇÃO, SATISFAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE, ou FINALIDADE PARA UM USO \n" -#~ "# PARTICULAR. Veja a licença GNU General Public License para mais " -#~ "detalhes.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Deverá ter recebido uma cópia da licença GNU General Public License \n" -#~ "# juntamente com este programa. Se não, veja .\n" diff --git a/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 6034db1..0000000 Binary files a/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20c78e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pt_BR.po @@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: pt-br\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, um editor de Markdown livre, simples e livre de distrações" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Editar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Inteligente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" +"Pandoc pode transformar \"--\" automaticamente em um hífen longo e mais" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Tabela de Conteúdos" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Independente" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Use um cabeçalho e um rodapé para incluir coisas como folhas de estilo e " +"metadados" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Seções de Números" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Estritamente Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Usar markdown \"estrito\" ao invés de markdown \"pandoc\"" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Mostrar um ponto de bala após o outro em uma apresentação de slides" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Opções Gerais" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Escolhar um tema de cores para destaque de sintaxe" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Destacar estilo " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Produz o HTML sem dependências externas (todas as imagens e folhas de estilo " +"estarão inclusas)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Escolha um arquivo CSS que você quer usar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Arquivo CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Opções HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Referência da Linha de Comando" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exportar" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Exportação Avançada..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Modo de Foco" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Pré-visualizar" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Tela Cheia" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Salvar agora" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Exportar" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Salvar agora" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Salvar agora" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Modo de Foco" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Pré-visualizar" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Tela Cheia" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Item da lista" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Cabeçalho" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "texto em destaque" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "texto em negrito" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "texto em negrito" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Item da lista" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Cabeçalho" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Tela Cheia" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Salvar agora" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Página da web indisponível" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Página da web disponível" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Abrir Link no Navegador" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Nenhuma nota de rodapé adequada encontrada" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Salvar seu arquivo" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Você não salvou suas alterações." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Salvar agora" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(sem sugestões)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Adicionar \"{}\" ao Dicionário" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignorar Tudo" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Idiomas" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Sugestões" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Arquivo" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Exportação Avançada..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML à área de transferência" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Editar" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Visualizar" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Texto claro no fundo escuro" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Mudar para o modo de pré-visualização" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Correção _Automática" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "F_ormatar" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Lista de Itens Desordenada" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Linha Horizontal" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Ajuda" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Conteúdos" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar Tutorial de Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir Ajuda de Markdown da Pandoc Online" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Obter Ajuda Online..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Traduzir Este Aplicativo..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Ir ao modo de foco" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Ir ao modo tela cheia" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar prévia em HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Palavras:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Caractéres:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de depuração (--v depura também o uberwriter_lib)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalizar" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Remove coisas como espaços duplos os espaços no começo de parágrafos" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Apresentar em slides pontos de bala incrementais" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Destacar sintaxe" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Destaque de Sintaxe (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Auto Contido" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Usar sintaxe do HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Arquivo Bibliográfico" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# Este programa é software livre: você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-" +#~ "lo\n" +#~ "# sob os termos da GNU General Public License versão 3, conforme " +#~ "publicado \n" +#~ "# pela Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Este programa é distribuido na esperança de ser útil, mas \n" +#~ "# SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; nem mesmo as garantias implícitas na \n" +#~ "# COMERCIALIZAÇÃO, QUALIDADE SATISFATÓRI, ou FINALIDADE PARA UM USO\n" +#~ "# PARTICULAR. Veja a GNU General Public License para mais detalhes.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# Você dever ter recebido uma códi da GNU General Public License com \n" +#~ "# com este programa. Se não recebeu, veja .\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Não é possível exportar para PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Por favor, instale texlive da central de " +#~ "programas." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown ou Texto Simples" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Abrir um arquivo .md" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Fechar sem Salvar" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Alterações não salvas" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Não foi possível ativar o Corretor Ortográfico." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Por favor, instale os dicionários 'hunspell' ou 'aspell' adequados à sua " +#~ "língua a partir da central de programas." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Editar" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Abrir um arquivo .md" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar Tutorial de Markdown" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Salvar agora" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML à área de transferência" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Correção _Automática" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" diff --git a/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pt_BR.po deleted file mode 100644 index e2a3267..0000000 --- a/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-pt_BR.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,742 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: pt_BR\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Modo Escuro" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Editar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Inteligente" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" -"Pandoc pode transformar \"--\" automaticamente em um hífen longo e mais" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Tabela de Conteúdos" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Independente" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" -"Use um cabeçalho e um rodapé para incluir coisas como folhas de estilo e " -"metadados" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Seções de Números" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Estritamente Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Usar markdown \"estrito\" ao invés de markdown \"pandoc\"" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Apresentar em slides pontos de bala incrementais" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Mostrar um ponto de bala após o outro em uma apresentação de slides" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Opções Gerais" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Destacar sintaxe" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Escolhar um tema de cores para destaque de sintaxe" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Destacar estilo " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Destaque de Sintaxe (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Arquivo Bibliográfico" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Auto Contido" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Produz o HTML sem dependências externas (todas as imagens e folhas de estilo " -"estarão inclusas)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Usar sintaxe do HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Escolha um arquivo CSS que você quer usar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Arquivo CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Opções HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Referência da Linha de Comando" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exportar" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Exportação Avançada..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Modo de Foco" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Pré-visualizar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Tela Cheia" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Salvar agora" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Exportar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Modo Escuro" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Correção _Automática" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Salvar agora" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Salvar agora" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Modo de Foco" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Tela Cheia" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Pré-visualizar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Editar" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Item da lista" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Cabeçalho" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Remove coisas como espaços duplos os espaços no começo de parágrafos" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Palavras:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Caractéres:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "texto em destaque" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "texto em negrito" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "texto em negrito" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Item da lista" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Cabeçalho" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Página da web indisponível" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Página da web disponível" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Abrir Link no Navegador" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Nenhuma nota de rodapé adequada encontrada" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Salvar seu arquivo" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown ou Texto Simples" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Abrir um arquivo .md" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Você não salvou suas alterações." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Fechar sem Salvar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Cancelar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Salvar agora" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Alterações não salvas" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "Arquivo CSS" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Não foi possível ativar o Corretor Ortográfico." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" -"Por favor, instale os dicionários 'hunspell' ou 'aspell' adequados à sua " -"língua a partir da central de programas." - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Tela Cheia" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Salvar agora" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de depuração (--v depura também o uberwriter_lib)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(sem sugestões)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Adicionar \"{}\" ao Dicionário" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignorar Tudo" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Idiomas" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Sugestões" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "UberWriter, um editor de Markdown livre, simples e livre de distrações" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Arquivo" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "Abrir Arquivo Recente" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "Exportação Avançada..." - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML à área de transferência" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "_Editar" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Visualizar" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Texto claro no fundo escuro" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Modo Escuro" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Mudar para o modo de pré-visualização" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "Correção _Automática" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "F_ormatar" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Lista de Itens Desordenada" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Linha Horizontal" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Ajuda" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Conteúdos" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar Tutorial de Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Abrir Ajuda de Markdown da Pandoc Online" - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Obter Ajuda Online..." - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Traduzir Este Aplicativo..." - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "Ir ao modo de foco" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Ir ao modo tela cheia" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar prévia em HTML" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# Este programa é software livre: você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-" -#~ "lo\n" -#~ "# sob os termos da GNU General Public License versão 3, conforme " -#~ "publicado \n" -#~ "# pela Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Este programa é distribuido na esperança de ser útil, mas \n" -#~ "# SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA; nem mesmo as garantias implícitas na \n" -#~ "# COMERCIALIZAÇÃO, QUALIDADE SATISFATÓRI, ou FINALIDADE PARA UM USO\n" -#~ "# PARTICULAR. Veja a GNU General Public License para mais detalhes.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Você dever ter recebido uma códi da GNU General Public License com \n" -#~ "# com este programa. Se não recebeu, veja .\n" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "Não é possível exportar para PDF." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Por favor, instale texlive da central de " -#~ "programas." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "Abrir um arquivo .md" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar Tutorial de Markdown" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Salvar agora" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Exportar como ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Copiar código HTML à área de transferência" diff --git a/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index a5b5670..0000000 Binary files a/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68a1ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: ru\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "" +"UberWriter, простой редактор, позволяющий полностью погрузиться в " +"редактирование разметки Markdown" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "Открыть файл" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "Открыть файл из" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "сайт Uberwriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "Пожертвования:" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "Liberapay" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "Помощь в перводе" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "Poeditor" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Типографировать" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" +"Pandoc может автоматически конвертировать \"--\" в длинное тире и многое " +"другое" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Содержание" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Авторазметка" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Использовать header и footer для включения таблиц стилей и мета-информации" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Пронумеровать секции" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Строгий Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Использовать \"строгий\" markdown вместо \"pandoc\" markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Показывать элементы маркированного списка один за другим в слайдшоу" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Основные опции" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Выбрать цветовую тему для подсветки синтаксиса" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Цветовая схема " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Создать HTML без внешних зависимостей (все изображения и таблицы стилей " +"будут включены)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Выбрать CSS файл, который вы хотите использовать" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "Файл CSS" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "Опции HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Руководство по использованию командной строки" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Экспортировать" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "PDF" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "метка" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Расширенный" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "«Фокус»" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Предосмотр" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Полноэкранный режим" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Сохранить _как" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "_Экспортировать" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Копировать HTML" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Настройки" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "Открыть руководство" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Общие" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Новое окно" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Открыть" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Сохранить" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Сохранить как" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "«Фокус»" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Предосмотр" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "На весь экран" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Поиск" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Разделитель" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Элемент списка" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Курсив" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Жирный" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Заголовок" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Выделить все" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "Предыдущее" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Следующее" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "С учетом регистра" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Открыть с заменой" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Заменить" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Заменить все" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "Использовать экспериментальные функции" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "Без названия.md" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" +"Пожалуйста, установите расширение TexLive из Gnome Software или запустите\n" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "Пожалуйста, установите TexLive из репозиториев вашего дистрибутива" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "Подчеркнутый текст" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "Полужирный текст" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "Перечеркнутый текст" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Элемент списка" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Заголовок" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Выход из полноэкранного режима" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "Новый" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Сохранить" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Открыть" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Открыть недавние" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "Поиск и Замена" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "Меню" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Веб-сайт недоступен" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Веб-сайт доступен" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Открыть ссылку в веб-браузере" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Не найдено совпадающей сноски" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Сохранить ваш Файл" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Вы не сохранили изменения." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Отменить" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(нет вариантов)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Добавить \"{}\" в Словарь" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Игнорировать все" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Языки" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Варианты" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Файл" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Последние файлы" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Экспортировать как ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Расширенный экспорт…" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Скопировать код HTML в буфер обмена" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Правка" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Вид" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Светлый текст на тёмном фоне" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Темный режим" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Переключиться в режим предосмотра" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Автоматическая _проверка орфографии" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "Ф_ормат" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Элемент неупорядоченного списка" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Горизонтальная линия" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Помощь" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Содержание" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Краткое руководство по Markdown" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Открыть Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Получить помощь онлайн…" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Перевести это приложение…" + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Включить «фокус»" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Переключиться в полноэкранный режим" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Показать предосмотр HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Слов:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Символов:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Показывать отладочную информацию (-vv включает заодно и отладку " +#~ "uberwriter_lib)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Нормализовать" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "Удалить двойные пробелы или пробелы в начале параграфа" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Показывать элементы последовательного списка один за другим" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Подстветка синтаксиса" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "Подсветка синтаксиса (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "Включать все содержимое в файл" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Использовать синтаксис HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Файл с библиографическим списком" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# Эта программа является свободным программным обеспечением: вы можете " +#~ "распространять ее и/или изменять\n" +#~ "# в соответствии с условиями GNU General Public License версии 3, " +#~ "опубликованной\n" +#~ "# Фондом свободного программного обеспечения.\n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "# Эта программа распространяется в надежде, что она будет полезна, но\n" +#~ "# БЕЗ КАКИХ-ЛИБО ГАРАНТИЙ; даже без подразумеваемых гарантий\n" +#~ "# ПРИГОДНОСТИ, УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНОГО КАЧЕСТВА или ПРИГОДНОСТИ ДЛЯ ОСОБОЙ\n" +#~ "# ЦЕЛИ. Смотрите GNU General Public License для более подробной " +#~ "информации.\n" +#~ "#\n" +#~ "# Вы должны были получить копию GNU General Public License вместе\n" +#~ "# с этой программой. Если нет, см. ." + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Вы не можете экспортировать в PDF." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Пожалуйста, установите texlive из центра " +#~ "приложений." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown или Обычный текст" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Открыть .md файл" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Закрыть без сохранения" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Несохранённые изменения" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Вы не можете включить проверку орфографии." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Пожалуйста, установите 'hunspell' или 'aspell' словари для вашего языка " +#~ "из центра приложений." + +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Темный режим" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will " +#~ "be light themed asked to install them manually." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Если включено, будет включена темная тема окна, если отключено, будет " +#~ "светлая тема по умолчанию." + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Новое окно" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "_Горячие клавиши" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Pandoc _Помощь" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_О UberWriter" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Выйти" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Выход" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "Правка" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Вырезать" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Копировать" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Вставить" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Включить Регулярные выражения" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Новое окно" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Открыть" + +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Открыть примеры" + +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "_Краткое руководство по Markdown" + +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "_Сохранить" + +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Экспортировать в HTML" + +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Экспортировать в PDF" + +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Скопировать код HTML в буфер обмена" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Боковая панель" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Открыть Поиск и Замена" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Поиск и Замена ..." + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#~ msgstr "расширение \"{}\" не является ZIP-файлом" + +#~ msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#~ msgstr "расширение \"{}\" не имеет допустимого реестра словаря XML" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "невозможно переместить расширение, файл с тем же именем существует в " +#~ "move_path" + +#~ msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#~ msgstr "невозможно переместить расширение, move_path не является каталогом" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Нейзвестно" + +#~ msgid "Help to _translate" +#~ msgstr "Помощь в _переводе" + +#~ msgid "Donate to the project" +#~ msgstr "Помочь проекту" + +#~ msgid "ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT" + +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Использовать темную тему" + +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Автоматическая проверка орфографии" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "страница 1" + +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Поиск и замена" diff --git a/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ru.po b/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ru.po deleted file mode 100644 index 599dc9a..0000000 --- a/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-ru.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,746 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: ru\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Темный режим" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Авторское право принадлежит Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Правка" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Типографировать" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" -"Pandoc может автоматически конвертировать \"--\" в длинное тире и многое " -"другое" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Содержание" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Создавать файл целиком(включать все необходимые заголовки)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" -"Использовать header и footer для включения таблиц стилей и мета-информации" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Пронумеровать секции" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Строгий Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Использовать \"строгий\" markdown вместо \"pandoc\" markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Показывать элементы последовательного списка один за другим" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Показывать элементы маркированного списка один за другим в слайдшоу" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Основные опции" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Подстветка синтаксиса" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Выбрать цветовую тему для подсветки синтаксиса" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Цветовая схема " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "Подсветка синтаксиса (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Файл с библиографическим списком" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "Включать все содержимое в файл" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Создать HTML без внешних зависимостей (все изображения и таблицы стилей " -"будут включены)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Использовать HTML 5 синтаксис" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Выбрать CSS файл, который вы хотите использовать" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "Файл CSS" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "Опции HTML" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Руководство по использованию командной строки" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Экспорт" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Расширенный экспорт…" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "«Фокус»" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Предосмотр" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Полноэкранный режим" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Экспорт" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Темный режим" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Автоматическая проверка орфографии" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "«Фокус»" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Полноэкранный режим" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Предосмотр" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Правка" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Элемент списка" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Заголовок" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Нормализовать" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "Удалить двойные пробелы или пробелы в начале параграфа" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Последние файлы" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Слов:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Символов:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "курсив" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "жирный" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "жирный" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Элемент списка" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Заголовок" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Веб-сайт недоступен" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Веб-сайт доступен" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Открыть ссылку в веб-браузере" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Не найдено совпадающей сноски" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Сохранить ваш файл" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown или обычный текст" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Открыть .md файл" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Вы не сохранили изменения." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Закрыть без сохранения" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Отменить" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Несохранённые изменения" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "Файл CSS" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Вы не можете включить проверку орфографии." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" -"Пожалуйста, установите 'hunspell' или 'aspell' словари для вашего языка из " -"центра приложений." - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Полноэкранный режим" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Последние файлы" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Последние файлы" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" -"Показывать отладочную информацию (-vv включает заодно и отладку " -"uberwriter_lib)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(нет предложений)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Добавить \"{}\" в словарь" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Игнорировать все" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Языки" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Предложения" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "UberWriter, простой редактор, позволяющий полностью погрузиться в " -#~ "редактирование разметки Markdown" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Файл" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "Последние файлы" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Экспортировать как ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "Расширенный экспорт…" - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Скопировать чистый HTML в буфер обмена" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "_Правка" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Вид" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Светлый текст на тёмном фоне" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Темный режим" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Переключиться в режим предосмотра" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "Автоматическая проверка орфографии" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "Ф_ормат" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Элемент неупорядоченного списка" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Горизонтальная линия" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Помощь" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Содержание" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Краткое руководство по Markdown" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Открыть Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Получить помощь онлайн…" - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Перевести это приложение…" - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "Включить «фокус»" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Переключиться в полноэкранный режим" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "Показать предосмотр HTML" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "# Авторское право (С) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# Это свободная программа; вы можете повторно распространять ее\n" -#~ "# и/или модифицировать её в соответствии с условиями\n" -#~ "# GNU General Public License, версия 3, опубликованной\n" -#~ "# Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Эта программа распространяется в надежде, что она будет полезной, но\n" -#~ "# БЕЗ КАКИХ-либо ГАРАНТИЙ; даже без подразумеваемых гарантий\n" -#~ "# коммерческой ценности, УДОВЛЕТВОРИТЕЛЬНОГО КАЧЕСТВА или\n" -#~ "# ПРИГОДНОСТИ ДЛЯ КОНКРЕТНОЙ ЦЕЛИ. Подробнее\n" -#~ "# смотрите GNU General Public License.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# Вы должны были получить копию стандартной Общественной\n" -#~ "# Лицензии GNU вместе с этой программой.\n" -#~ "# Если нет, смотрите .\n" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Авторское право принадлежит Wolf Vollprecht " - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "Вы не можете экспортировать в PDF." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Пожалуйста, установите texlive из центра " -#~ "приложений." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "Открыть .md файл" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Краткое руководство по Markdown" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Сохранить сейчас" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Экспортировать как ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Экспортировать как ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Скопировать чистый HTML в буфер обмена" diff --git a/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index eb1c338..0000000 Binary files a/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/si.po b/po/si.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a3eef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/si.po @@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: si\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "උබ(ර්)ලියනය" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "උබ(ර්)ලියනය, සරල සහ වික්ෂිප්ත නිදහස් සටහන් තබාගන්නා සංස්කාරකයකි" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "ප්‍රකාශන අයිතිය (C) 2012, වොල්ෆ් වොල්ප්‍රෙච්ට් " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "උබ(ර්)ලියනය" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_සංස්කරණය" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "ස්මාට්" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "පැනඩොක් හට ස්වයංක්‍රියව \"--\" දිගු රේඛාවකට සහ තවෙකට සකස් කළ හැක" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "පටුන" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "නොබැඳි" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "ශෛලීපත්‍ර සහ පෂ්ව තොරතුරු වැනි දෑ ඇතුලත් කිරීමට ශීර්ෂ සහ පාදතලය භාවිතා කරන්න" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "සංඛ්‍යා අංශය" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "විධිමත් සටහන් තබාගැනීම්" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "පැනඩොක් සටහන් තබාගැනීම් වෙනුවට විධිමත් සටහන් තබාගැනීම් භාවිත කරන්න" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "චිත්‍රකාච දර්ශන තුළ එක් කරුණකට පසු තවෙකක් ආකාරයට පෙන්වන්න" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "සාමාන්‍ය විකල්පය" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාස ඉස්මතු කිරීමට වර්ණ තේමාවක් තෝරාගන්න" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "ශෛල්‍ය ඉස්මතු කරන්න " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "බාහිර පරායත්තතාවක් නොමැති HTML සාදන්න (සියළු අනුරූප සහ ශෛලීපත්‍ර ඇතුලත්ය)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "ඔබට භාවිතා කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය CSS ගොනුව තෝරාගන්න" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS ගොනුව" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr " HTML විකල්ප" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "විධාන පෙළ නිර්දේශන" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "නිර්යාත කරන්න" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "ඉදිරියට පැමිණි අපනයනය" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "එල්ල කරනා විධිය" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "පෙරදසුන" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "නිර්යාත කරන්න" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "එල්ල කරනා විධිය" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "පෙරදසුන" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "අයිතම ලැයිස්තුව" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "ශීර්ෂ පාඨය" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "අවධාරණ පාඨ" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "ප්‍රබල පාඨ" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "ප්‍රබල පාඨ" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "අයිතම ලැයිස්තුව" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "ශීර්ෂ පාඨය" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "වෙබ් අඩවිය නොපවතී" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "වෙබ් අඩවිය පවතී" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "විවෘත සම්බන්ධිත ලිපිනය වෙබ් බ්‍රව්සරයේ ඇත." + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "ගැළපෙන අධෝලිපියක් සොයාගත නොහැක" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "ඔබේ ගොනුව සුරකින්න" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "ඔබ ඔබේ වෙනස් කිරීම් ආරක්ෂා කර නොමැත" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "අහෝසි කරන්න" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(යෝජනා නොමැත)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "ශබ්දකෝෂයට \"{}\" ඇතුලත් කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "සියල්ල නොසලකා හරින්න" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "භාෂා" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "යෝජනා" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_ගොනුව" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "ODT ලෙස අපනයනය කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "ඉදිරියට පැමිණි අපනයනය" + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "දළ HTML ඇමුණුම් පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_සංස්කරණය" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_පෙන්වන්න" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "අඳුරුපසුතලයක වූ ආලොකමත් පාඨ" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "අඳුරු විධිය" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "පෙර විධියට මාරුවන්න" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "ස්වයං_අක්ෂර වින්‍යාස පරීක්ෂනය" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "_ආකෘතිය" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "ලයිස්තුගත නොකල අයිතම" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "තිරස් නිතීය" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_සහය" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "අන්තර්ගතයන්" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "කෙටි සටහන් තබන පංක්ති පාඩම" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "පැන්ඩොක් මාර්ගගත සටහන් තැබීමේ සහය විවෘත කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "මාර්ගගත සහය ලබා ගන්න" + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "මෙම මෘදුකාංගය පරිවර්තනය කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "එල්ල කරනා විධියට යන්න" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිර විධියට යන්න" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "HTML පූර්වදර්ශනය පෙන්වන්න" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "පද:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "අක්ෂර" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "ද්‍යෝෂය ඉවත්කරන පණිවිඩ පෙන්වන්න (-vv එසේම උබ(ර්)ලියනයේ_lib)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "යථා තත්වයට පත් කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "ජේද ආරම්භයේ ඇති ද්වී පරතර හෝ පරතර වැනි දෑ ඉවත් කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "චිත්‍රකාච දර්ශන වෘද්ධි කරුණු" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාස ඉස්මතු කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාසය ඉස්මතු කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "ස්වයංපූර්ණ" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5 වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාසය භාවිතා කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr " ග්‍රනථ නාමාවලි ගොනුව " + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ප්‍රකාශන අයිතිය (C) 2012, වොල්ෆ් වොල්ප්‍රෙච්ට් \n" +#~ "මෙම වැඩසටහන නිදහස් මෘදුකාංගයකි: ඔබට එය නැවත බෙදාහැරීමට හෝ/සහ වෙනස් කිරීමට හැකි " +#~ "වන්නේ \n" +#~ "GNU සාමාන්‍ය පොදු බලපත්‍රයේ තුන් වන සංස්කරණයේ ප්‍රකාශිත කොන්දේසි වලට අනුවය \n" +#~ "නිදහස් මෘදුකාංග පදනම මගින්\n" +#~ " \n" +#~ "මෙම වැඩසටහන බෙදාහරින ලද්දේ එය ප්‍රයෝජනවත් වේ යන බලාපොරොත්තුවෙනි, නමුත් \n" +#~ "කිසිඳු වගකීමකින් තොරව; ගම්‍යමාන වගකීම්වන \n" +#~ "විකිණිය හැකි, පිළිගත හැකි ගුණාංග ඇති, හෝ විශේෂ අරමුණු සඳහා යෝග්‍ය යන්නෙන් තොරවය \n" +#~ "වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා GNU සාමාන්‍ය පොදු බලපත්‍රය බලන්න.\n" +#~ " \n" +#~ "ඔබට මෙම වැඩසටහනත් සමඟම GNU සාමාන්‍ය පොදු බලපත්‍රයේ පිටපතක් ලැබිය යුතුය. \n" +#~ "එසේ නොමැතිනම් බලන්න\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "ප්‍රකාශන අයිතිය (C) 2012, වොල්ෆ් වොල්ප්‍රෙච්ට් " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "ඔබට PDF ලෙස නිර්යාත කළ නොහැක" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "කරුණාකර මෘදුකාංග මධ්‍යස්ථානයෙන් texlive පිහිටුවන්න" + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "සටහන් තැබීම හෝ සරල පාඨ" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr ".md ගොනුවක් විවෘත කරන්න" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "සුරැකීමකින් තොරව ඉවත්වන්න" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "සූරක්ෂිත නොවූ වෙනස් කිරීම්" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "ඔබට අක්ෂර වින්‍යාසය සොයාබැලීමට බලය දිය නොහැක" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "කරුණාකර ඔබේ භාෂාව සඳහා, 'හන්ස්පෙල්' හෝ 'ඇස්පෙල්' ශබ්දකෝෂ මෘදුකාංග කේන්ද්‍රයේ සිට " +#~ "පිහිටුවන්න" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "අඳුරු විධිය" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_සංස්කරණය" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr ".md ගොනුවක් විවෘත කරන්න" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "කෙටි සටහන් තබන පංක්ති පාඩම" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "ODT ලෙස අපනයනය කරන්න" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "ODT ලෙස අපනයනය කරන්න" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "දළ HTML ඇමුණුම් පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "අඳුරු විධිය" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "ස්වයං_අක්ෂර වින්‍යාස පරීක්ෂනය" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" diff --git a/po/si/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-si.po b/po/si/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-si.po deleted file mode 100644 index ca87702..0000000 --- a/po/si/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-si.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,718 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: si\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "අඳුරු විධිය" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed " -"asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "ප්‍රකාශන අයිතිය (C) 2012, වොල්ෆ් වොල්ප්‍රෙච්ට් " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "උබ(ර්)ලියනය" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_සංස්කරණය" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "ස්මාට්" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "පැනඩොක් හට ස්වයංක්‍රියව \"--\" දිගු රේඛාවකට සහ තවෙකට සකස් කළ හැක" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "පටුන" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "නොබැඳි" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information" -msgstr "ශෛලීපත්‍ර සහ පෂ්ව තොරතුරු වැනි දෑ ඇතුලත් කිරීමට ශීර්ෂ සහ පාදතලය භාවිතා කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "සංඛ්‍යා අංශය" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "විධිමත් සටහන් තබාගැනීම්" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "පැනඩොක් සටහන් තබාගැනීම් වෙනුවට විධිමත් සටහන් තබාගැනීම් භාවිත කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "චිත්‍රකාච දර්ශන වෘද්ධි කරුණු" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "චිත්‍රකාච දර්ශන තුළ එක් කරුණකට පසු තවෙකක් ආකාරයට පෙන්වන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "සාමාන්‍ය විකල්පය" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාස ඉස්මතු කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාස ඉස්මතු කිරීමට වර්ණ තේමාවක් තෝරාගන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "ශෛල්‍ය ඉස්මතු කරන්න " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාසය ඉස්මතු කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr " ග්‍රනථ නාමාවලි ගොනුව " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "ස්වයංපූර්ණ" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "බාහිර පරායත්තතාවක් නොමැති HTML සාදන්න (සියළු අනුරූප සහ ශෛලීපත්‍ර ඇතුලත්ය)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "HTML 5 වාක්‍ය වින්‍යාසය භාවිතා කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "ඔබට භාවිතා කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය CSS ගොනුව තෝරාගන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS ගොනුව" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr " HTML විකල්ප" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "විධාන පෙළ නිර්දේශන" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "නිර්යාත කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "ඉදිරියට පැමිණි අපනයනය" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "එල්ල කරනා විධිය" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "පෙරදසුන" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "නිර්යාත කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "උබ(ර්)ලියනය" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "අඳුරු විධිය" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "ස්වයං_අක්ෂර වින්‍යාස පරීක්ෂනය" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "එල්ල කරනා විධිය" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "පෙරදසුන" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_සංස්කරණය" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "අයිතම ලැයිස්තුව" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "ශීර්ෂ පාඨය" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "යථා තත්වයට පත් කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "ජේද ආරම්භයේ ඇති ද්වී පරතර හෝ පරතර වැනි දෑ ඉවත් කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "පද:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "අක්ෂර" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "අවධාරණ පාඨ" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "ප්‍රබල පාඨ" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "ප්‍රබල පාඨ" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "අයිතම ලැයිස්තුව" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "ශීර්ෂ පාඨය" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "වෙබ් අඩවිය නොපවතී" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "වෙබ් අඩවිය පවතී" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "විවෘත සම්බන්ධිත ලිපිනය වෙබ් බ්‍රව්සරයේ ඇත." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "ගැළපෙන අධෝලිපියක් සොයාගත නොහැක" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "ඔබේ ගොනුව සුරකින්න" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "සටහන් තැබීම හෝ සරල පාඨ" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr ".md ගොනුවක් විවෘත කරන්න" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "ඔබ ඔබේ වෙනස් කිරීම් ආරක්ෂා කර නොමැත" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "සුරැකීමකින් තොරව ඉවත්වන්න" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "අහෝසි කරන්න" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "සූරක්ෂිත නොවූ වෙනස් කිරීම්" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "CSS ගොනුව" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "ඔබට අක්ෂර වින්‍යාසය සොයාබැලීමට බලය දිය නොහැක" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software " -"center." -msgstr "කරුණාකර ඔබේ භාෂාව සඳහා, 'හන්ස්පෙල්' හෝ 'ඇස්පෙල්' ශබ්දකෝෂ මෘදුකාංග කේන්ද්‍රයේ සිට පිහිටුවන්න" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "ද්‍යෝෂය ඉවත්කරන පණිවිඩ පෙන්වන්න (-vv එසේම උබ(ර්)ලියනයේ_lib)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(යෝජනා නොමැත)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "ශබ්දකෝෂයට \"{}\" ඇතුලත් කරන්න" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "සියල්ල නොසලකා හරින්න" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "භාෂා" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "යෝජනා" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "උබ(ර්)ලියනය, සරල සහ වික්ෂිප්ත නිදහස් සටහන් තබාගන්නා සංස්කාරකයකි" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_ගොනුව" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "නූතන ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "ODT ලෙස අපනයනය කරන්න" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "ඉදිරියට පැමිණි අපනයනය" - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "දළ HTML ඇමුණුම් පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "_සංස්කරණය" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_පෙන්වන්න" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "අඳුරුපසුතලයක වූ ආලොකමත් පාඨ" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "අඳුරු විධිය" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "පෙර විධියට මාරුවන්න" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "ස්වයං_අක්ෂර වින්‍යාස පරීක්ෂනය" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "_ආකෘතිය" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "ලයිස්තුගත නොකල අයිතම" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "තිරස් නිතීය" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_සහය" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "අන්තර්ගතයන්" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "කෙටි සටහන් තබන පංක්ති පාඩම" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "පැන්ඩොක් මාර්ගගත සටහන් තැබීමේ සහය විවෘත කරන්න" - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "මාර්ගගත සහය ලබා ගන්න" - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "මෙම මෘදුකාංගය පරිවර්තනය කරන්න" - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "එල්ල කරනා විධියට යන්න" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිර විධියට යන්න" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "HTML පූර්වදර්ශනය පෙන්වන්න" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "ප්‍රකාශන අයිතිය (C) 2012, වොල්ෆ් වොල්ප්‍රෙච්ට් \n" -#~ "මෙම වැඩසටහන නිදහස් මෘදුකාංගයකි: ඔබට එය නැවත බෙදාහැරීමට හෝ/සහ වෙනස් කිරීමට හැකි වන්නේ \n" -#~ "GNU සාමාන්‍ය පොදු බලපත්‍රයේ තුන් වන සංස්කරණයේ ප්‍රකාශිත කොන්දේසි වලට අනුවය \n" -#~ "නිදහස් මෘදුකාංග පදනම මගින්\n" -#~ " \n" -#~ "මෙම වැඩසටහන බෙදාහරින ලද්දේ එය ප්‍රයෝජනවත් වේ යන බලාපොරොත්තුවෙනි, නමුත් \n" -#~ "කිසිඳු වගකීමකින් තොරව; ගම්‍යමාන වගකීම්වන \n" -#~ "විකිණිය හැකි, පිළිගත හැකි ගුණාංග ඇති, හෝ විශේෂ අරමුණු සඳහා යෝග්‍ය යන්නෙන් තොරවය \n" -#~ "වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා GNU සාමාන්‍ය පොදු බලපත්‍රය බලන්න.\n" -#~ " \n" -#~ "ඔබට මෙම වැඩසටහනත් සමඟම GNU සාමාන්‍ය පොදු බලපත්‍රයේ පිටපතක් ලැබිය යුතුය. \n" -#~ "එසේ නොමැතිනම් බලන්න\n" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -#~ msgstr "ප්‍රකාශන අයිතිය (C) 2012, වොල්ෆ් වොල්ප්‍රෙච්ට් " - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "ඔබට PDF ලෙස නිර්යාත කළ නොහැක" - -#~ msgid "Please install texlive from the software center." -#~ msgstr "කරුණාකර මෘදුකාංග මධ්‍යස්ථානයෙන් texlive පිහිටුවන්න" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr ".md ගොනුවක් විවෘත කරන්න" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "කෙටි සටහන් තබන පංක්ති පාඩම" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "දැන් සුරකින්න" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "ODT ලෙස අපනයනය කරන්න" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "ODT ලෙස අපනයනය කරන්න" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "දළ HTML ඇමුණුම් පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න" diff --git a/po/si/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/si/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 0ad6d57..0000000 Binary files a/po/si/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5b8249 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/sv.po @@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: sv\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter, ett enkelt redigeringsverktyg för Markdown" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "Hjälp till att _översätta" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "_Redigera" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "Smart" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" +"Pandoc kan automatiskt konvertera \"--\" till ett långt bindestreck och mer" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "Innehållsförteckning" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "Fristående" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" +"Använd sidhuvud och sidfot för att inkludera till exempel stilmallar och " +"metainformation" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "Numrera sektioner" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "Strikt Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "Använd \"strikt\" Markdown istället för \"pandoc\" Markdown" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Visa en punkt efter en annan i en presentation" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Allmänna alternativ" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "Välj färgtema för syntaxmarkering" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "Markera stil␣␣" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" +"Skapar HTML utan externa beroenden (alla bilder och stilmallar inkluderas)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "Välj den CSS-fil du vill använda" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS-fil" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML alternativ" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "Terminalreferens" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Exportera" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "etikett" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Avancerad export..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "Fokusläge" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Förhandsgranskning" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Helskärm" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "Spara nu" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "Exportera" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "Kopiera" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Standard" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "Ny" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Öppna" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Spara nu" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Spara nu" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "Fokusläge" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Förhandsgranskning" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "Helskärm" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Sök" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "Avdelare" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Listelement" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "Kursiv" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "Fet" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Rubrik" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "Välj alla" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "Nästa matchning" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "Senaste filer" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Ersätt" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "Ersätt alla" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "betonad text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "kraftig text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "kraftig text" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "Listelement" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "Rubrik" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "Helskärm" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New" +msgstr "Ny" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Spara nu" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open" +msgstr "Öppna" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "Senaste filer" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "Sök och ersätt" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Webbplatsen är inte tillgänglig" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Webbplatsen är tillgänglig" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Öppna länk i webbläsare" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "Kunde inte hitta någon matchande fotnot" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "Spara din fil" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "Ändringarna har inte sparats." + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Avbryt" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "Spara nu" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(inga förslag)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Lägg till \"{}\" i ordlistan" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Ignorera alla" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Språk" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Förslag" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Arkiv" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "Senaste filer" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "Exportera som ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "Avancerad export..." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Kopiera ren HTML-data till urklipp" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Redigera" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Visa" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "Ljus text på mörk bakgrund" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "Mörkt läge" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "Växla till förhandsgranskning" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Automatisk _stavningskontroll" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "_Format" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "Oordnat listelement" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "Horisontell linje" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Hjälp" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "Innehåll" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Kort markdown-guide" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "Öppna hjälp för Pandoc Markdown via internet..." + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "Få hjälp på internet..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "Översätt det här programmet..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "Växla till fokusläge" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "Växla till helskärmsläge" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "Visa förhandsgranskning av HTML" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "Ord:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "Tecken:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "Visa felsökningsmeddelanden (-vv felsäker uberwriter_lib också)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "Normalisera" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Tar bort saker som dubbla mellanslag eller mellanslag i början av en " +#~ "paragraf" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "Markera syntax" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "Använd HTML 5 syntax" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "Bilbliografifil" + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "Du kan inte exportera till PDF" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Installera texlive från Programcentralen." + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "Markdown eller text" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "Öppna .md-fil" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Stäng utan att spara" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "Osparade ändringar" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "Du kan inte aktivera rättstavning." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Installera \"hunspell\" eller \"aspell\" ordböckerna för ditt språk i " +#~ "pakethanteraren" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mörkt läge" + +#~ msgid "New window" +#~ msgstr "Nytt fösnter" + +#~ msgid "_Shortcuts" +#~ msgstr "_Genvägar" + +#~ msgid "Pandoc _Help" +#~ msgstr "Pandoc_Hjälp" + +#~ msgid "_About" +#~ msgstr "_OM" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Avsluta" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Avsluta" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "_Redigera" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Cut" +#~ msgstr "Klipp ut" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Copy" +#~ msgstr "Kopiera" + +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Paste" +#~ msgstr "Klistra in" + +#~ msgid "Activate Regex" +#~ msgstr "Aktivera Regex" + +#~ msgid "_New" +#~ msgstr "_Ny" + +#~ msgid "_Open" +#~ msgstr "_Öppna" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "Öppna .md-fil" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "Kort markdown-guide" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "Spara nu" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "Exportera som ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "Exportera som ODT" + +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "Kopiera ren HTML-data till urklipp" + +#~ msgid "Sidebar" +#~ msgstr "Sidopanel" + +#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" +#~ msgstr "Öppna sök och ersätt" + +#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." +#~ msgstr "Sök och ersätt" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Okänd" + +#~ msgid "Help to _translate" +#~ msgstr "Hjälp till att _översätta" + +#~ msgid "Donate to the project" +#~ msgstr "Donera till projektet" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "Mörkt läge" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "Automatisk _stavningskontroll" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "Sök och ersätt" diff --git a/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-sv.po b/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-sv.po deleted file mode 100644 index 01bb303..0000000 --- a/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-sv.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,744 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: sv\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Mörkt läge" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "Hjälp till att _översätta" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "_Redigera" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "Smart" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" -"Pandoc kan automatiskt konvertera \"--\" till ett långt bindestreck och mer" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "Innehållsförteckning" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "Fristående" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" -"Använd sidhuvud och sidfot för att inkludera till exempel stilmallar och " -"metainformation" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "Numrera sektioner" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "Strikt Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "Använd \"strikt\" Markdown istället för \"pandoc\" Markdown" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Visa en punkt efter en annan i en presentation" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "Allmänna alternativ" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "Markera syntax" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "Välj färgtema för syntaxmarkering" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "Markera stil␣␣" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "Bilbliografifil" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" -"Skapar HTML utan externa beroenden (alla bilder och stilmallar inkluderas)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "Använd HTML 5 syntax" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "Välj den CSS-fil du vill använda" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS-fil" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML alternativ" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "Terminalreferens" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Exportera" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "etikett" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avancerad export..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "Fokusläge" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Förhandsgranskning" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Helskärm" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "Spara nu" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "Exportera" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "Kopiera" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "Pandoc_Hjälp" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "_Shortcuts" -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "_Genvägar" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "Mörkt läge" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "Automatisk _stavningskontroll" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Standard" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "Ny" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Öppna" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Spara nu" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Spara nu" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "Avsluta" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "Fokusläge" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Helskärm" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Förhandsgranskning" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Sök" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "_Redigera" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "Avdelare" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Listelement" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "Kursiv" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Fet" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Rubrik" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "Klipp ut" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Kopiera" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "Klistra in" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Välj alla" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalisera" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "" -"Tar bort saker som dubbla mellanslag eller mellanslag i början av en paragraf" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "Nästa matchning" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "Senaste filer" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "Ord:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "Tecken:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Ersätt" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "Ersätt alla" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "betonad text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "kraftig text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "kraftig text" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "Listelement" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "Rubrik" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Webbplatsen är inte tillgänglig" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Webbplatsen är tillgänglig" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Öppna länk i webbläsare" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "Kunde inte hitta någon matchande fotnot" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "Spara din fil" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "Markdown eller text" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "Öppna .md-fil" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "Ändringarna har inte sparats." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "Stäng utan att spara" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Avbryt" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "Spara nu" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "Osparade ändringar" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "CSS-fil" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "Du kan inte aktivera rättstavning." - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" -"Installera \"hunspell\" eller \"aspell\" ordböckerna för ditt språk i " -"pakethanteraren" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "Helskärm" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -#, fuzzy -msgid "New" -msgstr "Ny" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open" -msgstr "Öppna" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Spara nu" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "Senaste filer" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "Sök och ersätt" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "Visa felsökningsmeddelanden (-vv felsäker uberwriter_lib också)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Okänd" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(inga förslag)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Lägg till \"{}\" i ordlistan" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Ignorera alla" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Språk" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Förslag" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter, ett enkelt redigeringsverktyg för Markdown" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "_Arkiv" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "Senaste filer" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "Exportera som ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "Avancerad export..." - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Kopiera ren HTML-data till urklipp" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "_Redigera" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "_Visa" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "Ljus text på mörk bakgrund" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "Mörkt läge" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "Växla till förhandsgranskning" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "Automatisk _stavningskontroll" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "_Format" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "Oordnat listelement" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "Horisontell linje" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "_Hjälp" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "Innehåll" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Kort markdown-guide" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "Öppna hjälp för Pandoc Markdown via internet..." - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "Få hjälp på internet..." - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "Översätt det här programmet..." - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "Växla till fokusläge" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "Växla till helskärmsläge" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "Visa förhandsgranskning av HTML" - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "Du kan inte exportera till PDF" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Installera texlive från Programcentralen." - -#~ msgid "New window" -#~ msgstr "Nytt fösnter" - -#~ msgid "_About" -#~ msgstr "_OM" - -#~ msgid "_Quit" -#~ msgstr "_Avsluta" - -#~ msgid "Activate Regex" -#~ msgstr "Aktivera Regex" - -#~ msgid "_New" -#~ msgstr "_Ny" - -#~ msgid "_Open" -#~ msgstr "_Öppna" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "Öppna .md-fil" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "Kort markdown-guide" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "Spara nu" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "Exportera som ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "Exportera som ODT" - -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "Kopiera ren HTML-data till urklipp" - -#~ msgid "Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "Sidopanel" - -#~ msgid "Open Search and Replace" -#~ msgstr "Öppna sök och ersätt" - -#~ msgid "Search and Replace ..." -#~ msgstr "Sök och ersätt" - -#~ msgid "Help to _translate" -#~ msgstr "Hjälp till att _översätta" - -#~ msgid "Donate to the project" -#~ msgstr "Donera till projektet" - -#~ msgid "Search and Replace" -#~ msgstr "Sök och ersätt" diff --git a/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 5f3a8aa..0000000 Binary files a/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/th.po b/po/th.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1bb963 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/th.po @@ -0,0 +1,859 @@ +# Thai translation for uberwriter +# Copyright (c) 2013 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2013 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the uberwriter package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: uberwriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-27 22:40+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Tharawut Paripaiboon \n" +"Language-Team: Thai \n" +"Language: th\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-09-12 00:12+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "เปิด Link ในเว็บบราวเซอร์" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "เพิ่ม \"{}\" ในพจนานุกรม" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "เพิกเฉยทั้งหมด" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "ภาษา" diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..328f5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/tr.po @@ -0,0 +1,857 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: tr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "" +"UberWriter, basit ve uğraşması zevkli ücretsiz bir Markdown düzenleyicisi" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "Web sitesi kullanılamıyor" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "Web sitesi müsait" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Bağlantıyı tarayıcıda aç" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(öneri yok)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "\"{}\" 'i sözlüğe ekle" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Tümünü Yoksay" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Diller" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Öneriler" diff --git a/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-th.po b/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-th.po deleted file mode 100644 index aea7620..0000000 --- a/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-th.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,572 +0,0 @@ -# Thai translation for uberwriter -# Copyright (c) 2013 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2013 -# This file is distributed under the same license as the uberwriter package. -# FIRST AUTHOR , 2013. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: uberwriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-27 22:40+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Tharawut Paripaiboon \n" -"Language-Team: Thai \n" -"Language: th\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2014-09-12 00:12+0000\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "เปิด Link ในเว็บบราวเซอร์" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -msgid "New File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "เพิ่ม \"{}\" ในพจนานุกรม" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "เพิกเฉยทั้งหมด" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "ภาษา" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "" diff --git a/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-tr.po b/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-tr.po deleted file mode 100644 index 7e9d4b0..0000000 --- a/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-tr.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,571 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: tr\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "Web sitesi kullanılamıyor" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "Web sitesi müsait" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Bağlantıyı tarayıcıda aç" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -msgid "New File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(öneri yok)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "\"{}\" 'i sözlüğe ekle" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Tümünü Yoksay" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Diller" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Öneriler" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "UberWriter, basit ve uğraşması zevkli ücretsiz bir Markdown düzenleyicisi" diff --git a/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index a3f1ef7..0000000 Binary files a/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/uberwriter-es.mo b/po/uberwriter-es.mo new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c82b666 Binary files /dev/null and b/po/uberwriter-es.mo differ diff --git a/po/uberwriter.pot b/po/uberwriter.pot index 3a4a1f8..0b480f7 100644 --- a/po/uberwriter.pot +++ b/po/uberwriter.pot @@ -8,37 +8,276 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: uberwriter\n" -"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: uberwriter_lib\n" -"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: data\n" +"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: data\n" -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" msgstr "" -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." msgstr "" -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 msgid "Open file base path" msgstr "" -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 msgid "Open file paths of the current session" msgstr "" +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + #: data/ui/About.ui:12 msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" msgstr "" @@ -47,149 +286,149 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Uberwriter website" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 msgid "Donations:" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 msgid "Liberapay" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 msgid "Help to translate:" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 msgid "Poeditor" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 msgid "Smart" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 msgid "Table of Contents" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 msgid "Standalone" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 msgid "" "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " "information" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 msgid "Number Sections" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 msgid "Strict Markdown" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 msgid "General Options" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 msgid "Highlight style " msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 msgid "" "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " "stylesheets are included)" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 msgid "CSS File" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 msgid "HTML Options" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 msgid "Commandline Reference" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 msgid "Export" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 msgid "PDF" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 #: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 #: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 msgid "label" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" @@ -198,55 +437,51 @@ msgid "Focus Mode" msgstr "" #: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 msgid "Preview" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 msgid "Save _As" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 msgid "_Export" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 msgid "Copy HTML" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 msgid "_About UberWriter" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" msgstr "" #: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 @@ -276,298 +511,341 @@ msgstr "" #: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" +msgid "Close document" msgstr "" #: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Focus mode" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" +msgid "Hemingway mode" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Preview" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Search" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" +msgid "Markdown" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Separator" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "List item" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Italic" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Bold" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Header" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 msgctxt "shortcut window" msgid "Select all" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -msgid "Open Replace" +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 msgid "Previous Match" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 msgid "aA" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 msgid "Case Sensitive" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 msgid "(.*)" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 msgid "Replace" msgstr "" -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 msgid "Replace all" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -msgid "New File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 msgid "Use experimental features" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" msgstr "" -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/update_translations.sh b/po/update_translations.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2b9502d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/update_translations.sh @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +function generate_po() +{ + >LINGUAS + for po in */LC_MESSAGES/*.po + do + msgmerge -N $po uberwriter.pot > /tmp/$$language_new.po + mv /tmp/$$language_new.po $po + language=${po%.po} + echo $language >>LINGUAS + done + + find . -name \*.po -execdir sh -c 'msgfmt "$0" -o uberwriter.mo' '{}' \; + +} + +generate_po + diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d5c9e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/vi.po @@ -0,0 +1,852 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: vi\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "Mở Link trong trình duyệt" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "Thêm \"{}\" vào từ điển" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "Lờ tất cả" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "Các ngôn ngữ" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "Gợi ý" diff --git a/po/vi/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-vi.po b/po/vi/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-vi.po deleted file mode 100644 index 624d463..0000000 --- a/po/vi/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-vi.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,564 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: vi\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "Mở Link trong trình duyệt" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -msgid "New File" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "Thêm \"{}\" vào từ điển" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "Lờ tất cả" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Các ngôn ngữ" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "Gợi ý" diff --git a/po/vi/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/vi/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 3de221c..0000000 Binary files a/po/vi/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d48c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/zh_CN.po @@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: zh-CN\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter,一款简单、免打扰的 Markdown 编辑器" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "版权所有 (C) 2012,Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "编辑(_E)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "智能" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc 可以自动转换\"--\"为长划线" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "目录" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "独立模式" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "用页眉和页脚来显示样式表和元信息" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "带序号的节标题" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "严格的Markdown语法" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "使用严格的markdown语法代替\"pandoc“ markdown的语法" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "常规选项" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "选择语法高亮的颜色主题" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "高亮样式 " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "制作无外部依赖(包括全部图像和样式表)的 HTML 文件" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "选择一个您要使用的 CSS 文件" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS 文件" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML 选项" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "命令行参考" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "导出" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "高级导出..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "聚焦模式" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "预览" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "全屏" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "立即保存" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "导出" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "立即保存" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "立即保存" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "聚焦模式" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "预览" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "全屏" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "列表项目" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "标题" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "打开最近的文件" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "强调文本" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "文本加粗" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "文本加粗" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "列表项目" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "标题" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "全屏" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "立即保存" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "打开最近的文件" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "网站不可访问" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "网站可访问" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "在网络浏览器中打开链接" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "未发现匹配的脚注" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "保存文件" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "您还没有保存您的更改。" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "取消" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "立即保存" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(无建议)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "添加“{}”到字典" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "全部忽略" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "语言" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "建议" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "文件(_F)" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "打开最近的文件" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "导出为 ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "高级导出..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "复制原始 HTML 到剪贴板" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "编辑(_E)" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "查看(_V)" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "浅色文本-黑色背景" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "深色模式" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "切换到预览模式" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "自动拼写检查(_S)" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "格式(_O)" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "无序列表项" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "水平标尺" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "帮助(_H)" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "内容" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "简洁 Markdown 教程" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "打开 Pandoc 在线 Markdown 帮助..." + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "获取在线帮助..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "翻译该应用..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "进入聚焦模式" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "进入全屏模式" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "显示 HTML 预览" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "单词数:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "字数:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "显示调试信息(-vv 亦调试 uberwriter_lib)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "标准化" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "移除段首空格" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "语法高亮" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "语法高亮 (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "自助式" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "使用 HTML 5 语法" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "参考书目文件" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "版权所有 (C) 2012,Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "您无法导出为 PDF。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "请从软件中心安装 texlive。" + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown 或纯文本" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "打开一个 .md 文件" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "关闭但不保存" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "未保存的更改" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "您无法启用拼写检查。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "请从软件中心安装您所使用语言的 'hunspell' 或 'aspell' 字典。" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "深色模式" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "编辑(_E)" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "打开一个 .md 文件" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "简洁 Markdown 教程" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "立即保存" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "导出为 ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "导出为 ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "复制原始 HTML 到剪贴板" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "深色模式" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "自动拼写检查(_S)" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "打开最近的文件" diff --git a/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-zh_CN.po deleted file mode 100644 index 9168798..0000000 --- a/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-zh_CN.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,732 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: zh_CN\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "深色模式" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "版权所有 (C) 2012,Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "编辑(_E)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "智能" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc 可以自动转换\"--\"为长划线" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "目录" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "独立模式" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "用页眉和页脚来显示样式表和元信息" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "带序号的节标题" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "严格的Markdown语法" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "使用严格的markdown语法代替\"pandoc“ markdown的语法" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "常规选项" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "语法高亮" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "选择语法高亮的颜色主题" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "高亮样式 " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "语法高亮 (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "参考书目文件" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "自助式" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "制作无外部依赖(包括全部图像和样式表)的 HTML 文件" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "使用 HTML 5 语法" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "选择一个您要使用的 CSS 文件" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS 文件" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML 选项" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "命令行参考" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "导出" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "高级导出..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "聚焦模式" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "预览" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "全屏" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "立即保存" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "导出" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "深色模式" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "自动拼写检查(_S)" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "立即保存" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "立即保存" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "聚焦模式" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "全屏" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "预览" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "编辑(_E)" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "列表项目" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "标题" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "标准化" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "移除段首空格" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "打开最近的文件" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "单词数:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "字数:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "强调文本" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "文本加粗" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "文本加粗" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "列表项目" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "标题" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "网站不可访问" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "网站可访问" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "在网络浏览器中打开链接" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "未发现匹配的脚注" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "保存文件" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown 或纯文本" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "打开一个 .md 文件" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "您还没有保存您的更改。" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "关闭但不保存" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "取消" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "立即保存" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "未保存的更改" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "CSS 文件" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "您无法启用拼写检查。" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "请从软件中心安装您所使用语言的 'hunspell' 或 'aspell' 字典。" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "全屏" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "立即保存" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "打开最近的文件" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "打开最近的文件" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "显示调试信息(-vv 亦调试 uberwriter_lib)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(无建议)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "添加“{}”到字典" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "全部忽略" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "语言" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "建议" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter,一款简单、免打扰的 Markdown 编辑器" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "文件(_F)" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "打开最近的文件" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "导出为 ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "高级导出..." - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "复制原始 HTML 到剪贴板" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "编辑(_E)" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "查看(_V)" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "浅色文本-黑色背景" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "深色模式" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "切换到预览模式" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "自动拼写检查(_S)" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "格式(_O)" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "无序列表项" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "水平标尺" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "帮助(_H)" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "内容" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "简洁 Markdown 教程" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "打开 Pandoc 在线 Markdown 帮助..." - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "获取在线帮助..." - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "翻译该应用..." - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "进入聚焦模式" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "进入全屏模式" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "显示 HTML 预览" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -#~ msgstr "版权所有 (C) 2012,Wolf Vollprecht " - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "您无法导出为 PDF。" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "请从软件中心安装 texlive。" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "打开一个 .md 文件" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "简洁 Markdown 教程" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "立即保存" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "导出为 ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "导出为 ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "复制原始 HTML 到剪贴板" diff --git a/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index 539a529..0000000 Binary files a/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52fa874 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/zh_TW.po @@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-18 19:28+0200\n" +"Language: zh-TW\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5 +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3 +msgid "UberWriter" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6 +msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8 +msgid "" +"Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly " +"developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend " +"for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9 +msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10 +msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11 +msgid "or from Gnome-Software" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34 +msgid "..." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41 +msgid "Added italian language" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42 +msgid "" +"Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK " +"theme" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43 +msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44 +msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45 +msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46 +msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47 +msgid "Minor UI fixes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48 +msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54 +msgid "Updated css styles." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59 +msgid "" +"This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs " +"and flatpak related bugs." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64 +msgid "" +"This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark " +"properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69 +msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71 +msgid "" +"One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather " +"than on click" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72 +msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78 +msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80 +msgid "Drop AppMenu support" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81 +msgid "" +"HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access " +"buttons on the headerbar" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82 +msgid "" +"Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top " +"of the screen" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83 +msgid "" +"A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, " +"odt and html export" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84 +msgid "Bugfixes." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90 +msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91 +msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92 +msgid "Updated translations." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97 +msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102 +msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107 +msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112 +msgid "First re-release" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120 +msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4 +msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" +msgstr "UberWriter,一個簡單、免費、有趣的 Markdown 編輯器" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7 +msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49 +msgid "Set dark mode automatically" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25 +msgid "" +"Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user " +"specifies." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73 +msgid "Force dark mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32 +msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97 +msgid "Check spelling while typing" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39 +msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121 +msgid "Draw scroll gradient" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46 +msgid "" +"Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. " +"It can cause performance problems to some users." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145 +msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54 +msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169 +msgid "Input format" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61 +msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67 +msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68 +msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74 +msgid "Open file base path" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75 +msgid "Open file paths of the current session" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81 +msgid "Default statistic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82 +msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88 +msgid "Characters per line" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89 +msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor." +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95 +msgid "Preview mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96 +msgid "How to display the preview." +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" +msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#: data/ui/About.ui:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Uberwriter website" +msgstr "UberWriter" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:71 +msgid "Donations:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:80 +msgid "Liberapay" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:111 +msgid "Help to translate:" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/About.ui:120 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Poeditor" +msgstr "編輯(_E)" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:45 +msgid "Smart" +msgstr "精明的詢問" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:50 +msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" +msgstr "Pandoc 能自動地讓 「--」 轉成長槓或者其他的東西" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:62 +msgid "Table of Contents" +msgstr "目錄" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:78 +msgid "Standalone" +msgstr "獨立" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:83 +msgid "" +"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " +"information" +msgstr "使用 header 或是 footer 來引入樣式表及初始資料" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:96 +msgid "Number Sections" +msgstr "數字區間" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:112 +msgid "Strict Markdown" +msgstr "嚴格的 Markdown 格式" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:117 +msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" +msgstr "使用「嚴格的」 Markdown 格式來取代「pandoc」的 Mardown 格式" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:129 +msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:134 +msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" +msgstr "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:152 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "一般選項" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:189 +msgid "Highlight Syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225 +msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" +msgstr "選擇語法高亮顏色主題" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:213 +msgid "Highlight style " +msgstr "高亮主題 " + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:262 +msgid "Syntax Highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307 +msgid "Choose a bibliography file" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:295 +msgid "File" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:325 +msgid "Bibliography " +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:365 +msgid "Self-contained" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 +msgid "" +"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " +"stylesheets are included)" +msgstr "產生一個沒有外部相關的 HTML 文件 ( 包含所有的圖片及樣式表 )" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:382 +msgid "HTML5" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:387 +msgid "Use HTML5 syntax" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420 +msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" +msgstr "選擇一個您想要使用的 CSS 檔案" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:408 +msgid "CSS File" +msgstr "CSS 檔案" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:445 +msgid "HTML Options" +msgstr "HTML 選項" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:463 +msgid "Commandline Reference" +msgstr "命令列參考" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:557 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "匯出" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:599 +#, fuzzy +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML 5" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622 +msgid "PDF" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 +#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 +msgid "label" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Export.ui:634 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "進階匯出..." + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 +msgid "Focus Mode" +msgstr "鎖定模式" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 +msgid "Hemingway Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "預覽" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18 +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "全螢幕" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save _As" +msgstr "現在存取" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Export" +msgstr "匯出" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32 +msgid "Copy HTML" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43 +msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46 +msgid "Open Tutorial" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51 +msgid "_About UberWriter" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166 +msgid "Full-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32 +msgid "Switch Preview Mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save" +msgstr "現在存取" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "現在存取" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Close document" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Quit application" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Modes" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Focus mode" +msgstr "鎖定模式" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Hemingway mode" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "預覽" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Fullscreen" +msgstr "全螢幕" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Markdown" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Separator" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "List item" +msgstr "清單項目" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Strikeout" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Header" +msgstr "標題" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy and paste" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo and redo" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Undo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Redo previous command" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Selection" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214 +msgctxt "shortcut window" +msgid "Select all text" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:103 +msgid "0 Words" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:107 +msgid "Show Statistics" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:198 +msgid "Previous Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:212 +msgid "Next Match" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:240 +msgid "aA" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:244 +msgid "Case Sensitive" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:254 +msgid "(.*)" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:258 +msgid "Regular Expression" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:271 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Replace" +msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:349 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: data/ui/Window.ui:363 +msgid "Replace all" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:171 +msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/application.py:173 +msgid "Use experimental features" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159 +msgid "Untitled document.md" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340 +msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343 +msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95 +msgid "emphasized text" +msgstr "強調文字" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97 +msgid "strong text" +msgstr "粗體字" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "striked out text" +msgstr "粗體字" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117 +msgid "List item" +msgstr "清單項目" + +#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177 +msgid "Heading" +msgstr "標題" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Exit Fullscreen" +msgstr "全螢幕" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save" +msgstr "現在存取" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147 +msgid "Open" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open Recent" +msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169 +msgid "Search and Replace" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170 +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184 +msgid "Website is not available" +msgstr "網站目前無法提供服務" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186 +msgid "Website is available" +msgstr "網站可以提供服務" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436 +msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" +msgstr "在瀏覽器開啟連結" + +#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500 +msgid "No matching footnote found" +msgstr "沒有發現相符和的註解" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234 +msgid "Save your File" +msgstr "存取您的檔案" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334 +msgid "Markdown Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338 +msgid "Plain Text Files" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341 +msgid "Open a .md file" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367 +msgid "You have not saved your changes." +msgstr "您尚未存取您的變更" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369 +msgid "Close without saving" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "取消" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371 +msgid "Save now" +msgstr "現在存取" + +#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400 +msgid "New File" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168 +msgid "Half-Width" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170 +msgid "Half-Height" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172 +msgid "Windowed" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69 +msgid "{:n} Characters" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71 +msgid "{:n} Words" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73 +msgid "{:n} Sentences" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75 +msgid "{:n} Paragraphs" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77 +msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12 +msgid "italic text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17 +msgid "bold text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22 +msgid "strikethrough text" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45 +msgid "Item" +msgstr "" + +#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "(no suggestions)" +#~ msgstr "(no suggestions)" + +#~ msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" +#~ msgstr "加入 \"{}\" 至目錄" + +#~ msgid "Ignore All" +#~ msgstr "全部略過" + +#~ msgid "Languages" +#~ msgstr "語言" + +#~ msgid "Suggestions" +#~ msgstr "建議" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "檔案(_F)" + +#~ msgid "Open Recent File" +#~ msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" + +#~ msgid "Export as ODT" +#~ msgstr "匯出檔案成 ODT" + +#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." +#~ msgstr "進階匯出..." + +#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" +#~ msgstr "複製原始 HTML 至剪貼簿" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "編輯(_E)" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "檢視(_V)" + +#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" +#~ msgstr "暗色背景及明亮字體" + +#~ msgid "Dark Mode" +#~ msgstr "陰暗模式" + +#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" +#~ msgstr "切換到預覽模式" + +#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" +#~ msgstr "自動_拼字檢查" + +#~ msgid "F_ormat" +#~ msgstr "格式(_O)" + +#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" +#~ msgstr "無序串列物件" + +#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" +#~ msgstr "水平線" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "說明 (_H)" + +#~ msgid "Contents" +#~ msgstr "內容" + +#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" +#~ msgstr "簡單 Markdown 教學" + +#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." +#~ msgstr "開啟 Pandoc 線上 Markdown 說明 ..." + +#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." +#~ msgstr "取得線上說明..." + +#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." +#~ msgstr "翻譯本程式..." + +#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" +#~ msgstr "使用鎖定模式" + +#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" +#~ msgstr "使用全螢幕模式" + +#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" +#~ msgstr "顯示 HTML 預覽" + +#~ msgid "Words:" +#~ msgstr "字數:" + +#~ msgid "Characters:" +#~ msgstr "字元:" + +#~ msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" +#~ msgstr "顯示 debug 資訊 (-vv debug uberwriter_lib also)" + +#~ msgid "Normalize" +#~ msgstr "正規化" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a " +#~ "paragraph" +#~ msgstr "移除連續雙空白或是在段落前面的空白" + +#~ msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" +#~ msgstr "Slideshow incremental bullets" + +#~ msgid "Highlight syntax" +#~ msgstr "語法高亮" + +#~ msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" +#~ msgstr "語法高亮 (HTML, LaTeX)" + +#~ msgid "Self Contained" +#~ msgstr "獨立的" + +#~ msgid "HTML 5" +#~ msgstr "HTML 5" + +#~ msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" +#~ msgstr "使用 HTML 5 語法" + +#~ msgid "Bibliography File" +#~ msgstr "參考文件" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" +#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " +#~ "it \n" +#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " +#~ "published \n" +#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" +#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" +#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" +#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" +#~ "# \n" +#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +#~ "along \n" +#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" + +#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " +#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " + +#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." +#~ msgstr "您不能匯出至 PDF" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install texlive from the software " +#~ "center." +#~ msgstr "請從軟體中心安裝 texlive" + +#~ msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" +#~ msgstr "MarkDown 或者純文字" + +#~ msgid "Open a .md-File" +#~ msgstr "開啟一個 .md 檔案" + +#~ msgid "Close without Saving" +#~ msgstr "關閉但不儲存" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved changes" +#~ msgstr "未儲存的變更" + +#~ msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." +#~ msgstr "您不能啟動拼字檢查器" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from " +#~ "the software center." +#~ msgstr "請從軟體中心安裝針對您的語言的 \"hunspell\" 或 \"aspell\" 字典檔" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Dark mode" +#~ msgstr "陰暗模式" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgctxt "shortcut window" +#~ msgid "Editor" +#~ msgstr "編輯(_E)" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Open examples" +#~ msgstr "開啟一個 .md 檔案" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" +#~ msgstr "簡單 Markdown 教學" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Save" +#~ msgstr "現在存取" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as HTML" +#~ msgstr "匯出檔案成 ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Export as PDF" +#~ msgstr "匯出檔案成 ODT" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" +#~ msgstr "複製原始 HTML 至剪貼簿" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Use dark mode" +#~ msgstr "陰暗模式" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Autospellcheck" +#~ msgstr "自動_拼字檢查" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Search and replace" +#~ msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" diff --git a/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-zh_TW.po deleted file mode 100644 index 27f9a5a..0000000 --- a/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter-zh_TW.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,732 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-27 21:21+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: \n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: zh_TW\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "陰暗模式" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10 -msgid "" -"If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be " -"light themed asked to install them manually." -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:18 -msgid "Open file base path" -msgstr "" - -#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:19 -msgid "Open file paths of the current session" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht" -msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#: data/ui/About.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Uberwriter website" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:66 -msgid "Donations:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:75 -msgid "Liberapay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:106 -msgid "Help to translate:" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/About.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Poeditor" -msgstr "編輯(_E)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:38 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:98 -msgid "Smart" -msgstr "精明的詢問" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:43 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:103 -msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more" -msgstr "Pandoc 能自動地讓 「--」 轉成長槓或者其他的東西" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:56 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:135 -msgid "Table of Contents" -msgstr "目錄" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:72 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:152 -msgid "Standalone" -msgstr "獨立" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:77 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:157 -msgid "" -"Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta " -"information" -msgstr "使用 header 或是 footer 來引入樣式表及初始資料" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:90 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:171 -msgid "Number Sections" -msgstr "數字區間" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:106 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:188 -msgid "Strict Markdown" -msgstr "嚴格的 Markdown 格式" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:111 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:193 -msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown" -msgstr "使用「嚴格的」 Markdown 格式來取代「pandoc」的 Mardown 格式" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets" -msgstr "Slideshow incremental bullets" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:128 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:211 -msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" -msgstr "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:146 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:230 -msgid "General Options" -msgstr "一般選項" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263 -msgid "Highlight syntax" -msgstr "語法高亮" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:205 data/ui/Export.ui:218 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:287 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:300 -msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting" -msgstr "選擇語法高亮顏色主題" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:206 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:288 -msgid "Highlight style " -msgstr "高亮主題 " - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337 -msgid "Syntax highlighting (HTML, LaTeX)" -msgstr "語法高亮 (HTML, LaTeX)" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491 -msgid "Bibliography File" -msgstr "參考文件" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371 -msgid "Self Contained" -msgstr "獨立的" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:334 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:376 -msgid "" -"Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and " -"stylesheets are included)" -msgstr "產生一個沒有外部相關的 HTML 文件 ( 包含所有的圖片及樣式表 )" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389 -msgid "HTML 5" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394 -msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax" -msgstr "使用 HTML 5 語法" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:369 data/ui/Export.ui:382 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:413 -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:427 -msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use" -msgstr "選擇一個您想要使用的 CSS 檔案" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:370 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:415 -msgid "CSS File" -msgstr "CSS 檔案" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:405 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:451 -msgid "HTML Options" -msgstr "HTML 選項" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:423 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:510 -msgid "Commandline Reference" -msgstr "命令列參考" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:517 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:36 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "匯出" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:559 data/ui/Export.ui:569 -msgid "PDF" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:565 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32 -#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45 -msgid "label" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:582 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HTML" -msgstr "HTML 5" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:595 -msgid "ODT" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Export.ui:607 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "進階匯出..." - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6 -msgid "Focus Mode" -msgstr "鎖定模式" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "預覽" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "全螢幕" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save _As" -msgstr "現在存取" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Export" -msgstr "匯出" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28 -msgid "Copy HTML" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:34 -msgid "Open Tutorial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:39 -msgid "Pandoc _Help" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:44 data/ui/Preferences.ui:14 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49 -msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "UberWriter" -msgid "_About UberWriter" -msgstr "UberWriter" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use dark mode" -msgstr "陰暗模式" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Autospellcheck" -msgstr "自動_拼字檢查" - -#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95 -msgid "page 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save" -msgstr "現在存取" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "現在存取" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Quit" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Focus mode" -msgstr "鎖定模式" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:59 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "全螢幕" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:66 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "預覽" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:73 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Editor" -msgstr "編輯(_E)" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Separator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:93 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "List item" -msgstr "清單項目" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:100 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:107 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Header" -msgstr "標題" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Cut" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Paste" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:142 -msgctxt "shortcut window" -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "正規化" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122 -msgid "" -"Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph" -msgstr "移除連續雙空白或是在段落前面的空白" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:19 -msgid "Next Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Replace" -msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96 -msgid "Words:" -msgstr "字數:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:139 -msgid "Characters:" -msgstr "字元:" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:279 -msgid "Previous Match" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:320 -msgid "aA" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:324 -msgid "Case Sensitive" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:334 -msgid "(.*)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:441 -msgid "Replace all" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:99 -msgid "emphasized text" -msgstr "強調文字" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:101 -msgid "strong text" -msgstr "粗體字" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "striked out text" -msgstr "粗體字" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:121 -msgid "List item" -msgstr "清單項目" - -#: uberwriter/FormatShortcuts.py:181 -msgid "Heading" -msgstr "標題" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:48 -msgid "Untitled document.md" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:372 -msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterExportDialog.py:375 -msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:183 -msgid "Website is not available" -msgstr "網站目前無法提供服務" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:185 -msgid "Website is available" -msgstr "網站可以提供服務" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:435 -msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser" -msgstr "在瀏覽器開啟連結" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterInlinePreview.py:500 -msgid "No matching footnote found" -msgstr "沒有發現相符和的註解" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:572 -msgid "Save your File" -msgstr "存取您的檔案" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:678 -msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text" -msgstr "MarkDown 或者純文字" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:681 -msgid "Open a .md-File" -msgstr "開啟一個 .md 檔案" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:706 -msgid "You have not saved your changes." -msgstr "您尚未存取您的變更" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:708 -msgid "Close without Saving" -msgstr "關閉但不儲存" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:709 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "取消" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:710 -msgid "Save now" -msgstr "現在存取" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:711 -msgid "Unsaved changes" -msgstr "未儲存的變更" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:742 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CSS File" -msgid "New File" -msgstr "CSS 檔案" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:780 -msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker." -msgstr "您不能啟動拼字檢查器" - -#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:783 -msgid "" -"Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the " -"software center." -msgstr "請從軟體中心安裝針對您的語言的 \"hunspell\" 或 \"aspell\" 字典檔" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exit Fullscreen" -msgstr "全螢幕" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:118 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:119 -msgid "Open" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "現在存取" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Recent" -msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search and replace" -msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" - -#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:131 -msgid "Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:173 -msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)" -msgstr "顯示 debug 資訊 (-vv debug uberwriter_lib also)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:175 -msgid "Use experimental features" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259 -msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265 -msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285 -msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293 -msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487 -msgid "(no suggestions)" -msgstr "(no suggestions)" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512 -msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary" -msgstr "加入 \"{}\" 至目錄" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518 -msgid "Ignore All" -msgstr "全部略過" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535 -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "語言" - -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551 -#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554 -msgid "Suggestions" -msgstr "建議" - -#~ msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor" -#~ msgstr "UberWriter,一個簡單、免費、有趣的 Markdown 編輯器" - -#~ msgid "_File" -#~ msgstr "檔案(_F)" - -#~ msgid "Open Recent File" -#~ msgstr "開啟最近使用過的檔案" - -#~ msgid "Export as ODT" -#~ msgstr "匯出檔案成 ODT" - -#~ msgid "Advanced Export..." -#~ msgstr "進階匯出..." - -#~ msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard" -#~ msgstr "複製原始 HTML 至剪貼簿" - -#~ msgid "_Edit" -#~ msgstr "編輯(_E)" - -#~ msgid "_View" -#~ msgstr "檢視(_V)" - -#~ msgid "Light text on a dark background" -#~ msgstr "暗色背景及明亮字體" - -#~ msgid "Dark Mode" -#~ msgstr "陰暗模式" - -#~ msgid "Switch to preview mode" -#~ msgstr "切換到預覽模式" - -#~ msgid "Auto _Spellcheck" -#~ msgstr "自動_拼字檢查" - -#~ msgid "F_ormat" -#~ msgstr "格式(_O)" - -#~ msgid "Unordered List Item" -#~ msgstr "無序串列物件" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal Rule" -#~ msgstr "水平線" - -#~ msgid "_Help" -#~ msgstr "說明 (_H)" - -#~ msgid "Contents" -#~ msgstr "內容" - -#~ msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial" -#~ msgstr "簡單 Markdown 教學" - -#~ msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..." -#~ msgstr "開啟 Pandoc 線上 Markdown 說明 ..." - -#~ msgid "Get Help Online..." -#~ msgstr "取得線上說明..." - -#~ msgid "Translate This Application..." -#~ msgstr "翻譯本程式..." - -#~ msgid "Go into focus mode" -#~ msgstr "使用鎖定模式" - -#~ msgid "Go into fullscreen mode" -#~ msgstr "使用全螢幕模式" - -#~ msgid "Show HTML preview" -#~ msgstr "顯示 HTML 預覽" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht \n" -#~ "# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " -#~ "it \n" -#~ "# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as " -#~ "published \n" -#~ "# by the Free Software Foundation.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n" -#~ "# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n" -#~ "# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR \n" -#~ "# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n" -#~ "# \n" -#~ "# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " -#~ "along \n" -#~ "# with this program. If not, see .\n" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " -#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht " - -#~ msgid "You can not export to PDF." -#~ msgstr "您不能匯出至 PDF" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please install texlive from the software " -#~ "center." -#~ msgstr "請從軟體中心安裝 texlive" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Open examples" -#~ msgstr "開啟一個 .md 檔案" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial" -#~ msgstr "簡單 Markdown 教學" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Save" -#~ msgstr "現在存取" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as HTML" -#~ msgstr "匯出檔案成 ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Export as PDF" -#~ msgstr "匯出檔案成 ODT" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard" -#~ msgstr "複製原始 HTML 至剪貼簿" diff --git a/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo b/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo deleted file mode 100644 index a57168a..0000000 Binary files a/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/uberwriter.mo and /dev/null differ diff --git a/screenshots/mockups_text2.svg b/screenshots/mockups_text2.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a750f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/screenshots/mockups_text2.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1673 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PopUp Tabs + + + + + + + + + + + + + Foo + Bar + Baz + ActionActionActionActionAction + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Words: 37 + Characters: 4576 + + + UberWriter helps your textediting workflow + # + It's a simple markdown editor that offers a **lot** of features.Reasons to install:Because you love markdown as much as I doBecause you like writting in a clutter free environmentBecause you did not know that you only have always searched for an editor like this + ## 1.2.3. + + UberWriter.md - UberWriter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PopUp Tabs + + + + + + Save As ...ExportCopy HTMLPreferencesOpen TutorialPandoc HelpShortcutsAbout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Open + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Save + New + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/scripts/color_palette_generator.py b/scripts/color_palette_generator.py index 5a2f50f..90d5220 100644 --- a/scripts/color_palette_generator.py +++ b/scripts/color_palette_generator.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python3 +#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Generates color palettes based on the specified background/foreground colors. # diff --git a/scripts/data_generator.sh b/scripts/data_generator.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b9b8e05 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/data_generator.sh @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + #!/bin/bash + + # freely based on https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/lollypop/blob/master/generate_data.sh + +function generate_resource() +{ + # TODO: package css styles too + echo '' + echo '' + echo ' ' + for file in ../data/media/css/gtk/*.css + do + echo -n ' ' + echo -n ${file#*/*/} + echo '' + done + for file in ../data/ui/*.ui About.ui + do + echo -n ' ' + echo -n ${file#*/*/} + echo '' + done + echo ' ' + echo '' +} + +generate_resource > ../data/uberwriter.gresource.xml + diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9345029..0000000 --- a/setup.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 -# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- -### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht -# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published -# by the Free Software Foundation. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of -# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -# with this program. If not, see . -### END LICENSE - - -################################################################################## -###################### YOU SHOULD MODIFY ONLY WHAT IS BELOW ###################### -################################################################################## -from setuptools import setup -import os - -def data_files(basename): - data = os.path.join('.', 'data') - root = os.path.join(data, basename) - extra_files = [] - for path, directories, filenames in os.walk(root): - paths = [] - for filename in filenames: - paths.append(os.path.join(path, filename)) - extra_files.append(('share/uberwriter/data/{}'.format(os.path.relpath(path, data)), paths)) - return extra_files - -extra_files_ui = data_files('ui') -extra_files_media = data_files('media') -extra_files_scripts = data_files('lua') - -setup( - name='uberwriter', - version='2.2.0-beta1', - license='GPL-3', - author='Wolf Vollprecht', - author_email='w.vollprecht@gmail.com', - description='A beautiful, simple and distraction free markdown editor.', - long_description="""UberWriter, beautiful distraction free writing - With UberWriter you get only one thing: An empty textbox, that is to - fill with your ideas. There are no settings, you don't have to choose a - font, it is only for writing.You can use markdown for all your markup - needs. PDF, RTF and HTML are generated with pandoc. For PDF generation it - is also required that you choose to install the texlive-luatex package.""", - url='https://github.com/wolfv/uberwriter/', - # cmdclass={'install': InstallAndUpdateDataDirectory}, - package_dir = { - # "": '/opt/uberwriter/' - }, - packages=[ - "uberwriter.pylocales", - # "uberwriter.pressagio", - "uberwriter", - "po" - # "uberwriter.plugins" - # "uberwriter.plugins.bibtex" - ], - include_package_data=True, - - package_data={ - 'uberwriter.pylocales' : ['locales.db'], - }, - data_files=[ - ('bin', ['uberwriter.in']), - ('share/applications', ['data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop']), - ('share/metainfo', ['data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml']), - ('share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps', ['data/media/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg']), - ('share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps', ['data/media/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter-symbolic.svg']), - ('share/glib-2.0/schemas', ['data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml']), - *(extra_files_ui + extra_files_media + extra_files_scripts) - ] -) diff --git a/tests/test_example.py b/tests/test_example.py index ef12061..f36dc58 100644 --- a/tests/test_example.py +++ b/tests/test_example.py @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python +#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. diff --git a/tests/test_lint.py b/tests/test_lint.py index fa25364..08b60d8 100644 --- a/tests/test_lint.py +++ b/tests/test_lint.py @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python +#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. diff --git a/tests/test_regex_commonmark.py b/tests/test_regex_commonmark.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8179e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_regex_commonmark.py @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- +### BEGIN LICENSE +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published +# by the Free Software Foundation. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of +# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +# with this program. If not, see . +### END LICENSE + +import unittest +import re + +from uberwriter import markup_regex + + +class TestRegex(unittest.TestCase): + """Test cases based on CommonMark's specs and demo: + - https://spec.commonmark.org/ + - https://spec.commonmark.org/dingus/ + + CommonMark is the Markdown variant chosen as first-class. It's great and encouraged that + others are supported as well, but when in conflict or undecided, CommonMark should be picked. + + TODO: Use decorators. This needs decorators everywhere. + """ + + def test_bold(self): + test_texts = { + "**bold**": "bold", + "__bold__": "bold", + "This is **bold** text": "bold", + "This is __bold__ text": "bold", + "before**middle**end": "middle", + "before** middle **end": " middle ", + "empty * * bold": None + } + + for test, result in test_texts.items(): + with self.subTest(name=test): + match = re.search(markup_regex.BOLD, test) + if not match: + self.assertFalse(result, msg=test) + else: + self.assertEqual(match.group("text"), result, msg=test) + + def test_header(self): + test_texts = { + "# Header 1": "Header 1", + "## Header 2": "Header 2", + "### Header 3": "Header 3", + "#### Header 4": "Header 4", + "##### Header 5": "Header 5", + "###### Header 6": "Header 6", + "#": None, + "#######": None, + "before\n# Header\nafter": "Header" + } + + for test, result in test_texts.items(): + with self.subTest(name=test): + match = re.search(markup_regex.HEADER, test) + if not match: + self.assertFalse(result, msg=test) + else: + self.assertEqual(match.group("text"), result, msg=test) + + def test_header_under(self): + test_texts = { + "Header 1\n=": "Header 1", + "Header 1##\n=": "Header 1##", + "Header 2\n-- \n": "Header 2", + "Header 1\n=f": None, + "Header 1\n =": "Header 1" + } + + for test, result in test_texts.items(): + with self.subTest(name=test): + match = re.search(markup_regex.HEADER_UNDER, test) + if not match: + self.assertFalse(result, msg=test) + else: + self.assertEqual(match.group("text"), result, msg=test) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/uberwriter.in b/uberwriter.in index 69fcd8b..b5431a7 100755 --- a/uberwriter.in +++ b/uberwriter.in @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python3 +#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -25,35 +25,39 @@ import pkg_resources import gettext import locale +from gi.repository import Gio + # Add project root directory (enable symlink and trunk execution) PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])))) # Set the path if needed. This allows uberwriter to run without installing it :) python_path = [] -if os.path.abspath(__file__).startswith('/opt'): - gettext.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', '/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/uberwriter/share/locale') - syspath = sys.path[:] # copy to avoid infinite loop in pending objects - for path in syspath: - opt_path = path.replace('/usr', '/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/uberwriter') - python_path.insert(0, opt_path) - sys.path.insert(0, opt_path) - os.putenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", "%s:%s" % ("/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/uberwriter/share/", os.getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"))) + if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY, 'uberwriter')) and PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY not in sys.path): python_path.insert(0, PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY) sys.path.insert(0, PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY) if python_path: os.putenv('PYTHONPATH', "%s:%s" % (os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', ''), ':'.join(python_path))) # for subprocesses - + import uberwriter -locale_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(uberwriter.__file__),'../po/')) + +localedir = '@LOCALE_DIR@' +pkgdatadir = '@DATA_DIR@' + + +#locale_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(uberwriter.__file__),'../po/')) # L10n locale.textdomain('uberwriter') -locale.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', locale_dir) +locale.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', localedir) gettext.textdomain('uberwriter') -gettext.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', locale_dir) +gettext.bindtextdomain('uberwriter', localedir) + +resource = Gio.resource_load(os.path.join(pkgdatadir, 'uberwriter/uberwriter.gresource')) +Gio.Resource._register(resource) + uberwriter.main() diff --git a/uberwriter/__init__.py b/uberwriter/__init__.py index 1bdceb7..00e5141 100644 --- a/uberwriter/__init__.py +++ b/uberwriter/__init__.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. diff --git a/uberwriter/application.py b/uberwriter/application.py index 449deda..5fc8ebf 100644 --- a/uberwriter/application.py +++ b/uberwriter/application.py @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from uberwriter import main_window from uberwriter.settings import Settings from uberwriter.helpers import set_up_logging from uberwriter.preferences_dialog import PreferencesDialog -from uberwriter.helpers import get_builder, get_media_path +from uberwriter.helpers import get_media_path class Application(Gtk.Application): @@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ class Application(Gtk.Application): action.connect("activate", self.on_copy_html) self.add_action(action) + action = Gio.SimpleAction.new("search_replace", None) + action.connect("activate", self.on_search_replace) + self.add_action(action) + action = Gio.SimpleAction.new("preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) @@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ class Application(Gtk.Application): self.set_accels_for_action("app.fullscreen", ["F11"]) self.set_accels_for_action("app.preview", ["p"]) self.set_accels_for_action("app.search", ["f"]) + self.set_accels_for_action("app.search_replace", ["h"]) self.set_accels_for_action("app.spellcheck", ["F7"]) self.set_accels_for_action("app.new", ["n"]) @@ -208,7 +213,10 @@ class Application(Gtk.Application): self.window.save_document() def on_search(self, _action, _value): - self.window.open_search_and_replace() + self.window.open_search() + + def on_search_replace(self, _action, _value): + self.window.open_search(replace=True) def on_focus_mode(self, action, value): action.set_state(value) @@ -239,7 +247,9 @@ class Application(Gtk.Application): PreferencesDialog(self.settings).show(self.window) def on_shortcuts(self, _action, _param): - builder = get_builder('Shortcuts') + builder = Gtk.Builder() + builder.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Shortcuts.ui") builder.get_object("shortcuts").set_transient_for(self.window) builder.get_object("shortcuts").show() @@ -247,14 +257,11 @@ class Application(Gtk.Application): self.window.open_uberwriter_markdown() def on_about(self, _action, _param): - builder = get_builder('About') + builder = Gtk.Builder() + builder.add_from_resource("/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/About.ui") about_dialog = builder.get_object("AboutDialog") about_dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) - logo_file = get_media_path("de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.svg") - logo = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(logo_file) - - about_dialog.set_logo(logo) about_dialog.present() def on_quit(self, _action, _param): diff --git a/uberwriter/builder.py b/uberwriter/builder.py index ec934aa..99b3160 100644 --- a/uberwriter/builder.py +++ b/uberwriter/builder.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. diff --git a/uberwriter/config.py b/uberwriter/config.py index 5d2da16..ea1dd35 100644 --- a/uberwriter/config.py +++ b/uberwriter/config.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def get_data_path(): # Get pathname absolute or relative. if os.path.isfile("/.flatpak-info"): - return '/app/share/uberwriter/data/' + return '/app/share/uberwriter/' path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), __uberwriter_data_directory__) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def get_data_path(): # in the system installation path abs_data_path = os.path.abspath(path) if not os.path.exists(abs_data_path): - abs_data_path = '/usr/share/uberwriter/data/' + abs_data_path = '/usr/share/uberwriter/' elif not os.path.exists(abs_data_path): raise ProjectPathNotFound diff --git a/uberwriter/export_dialog.py b/uberwriter/export_dialog.py index d65b583..2c5b0c4 100644 --- a/uberwriter/export_dialog.py +++ b/uberwriter/export_dialog.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ from gi.repository import Gtk from uberwriter import helpers from uberwriter.theme import Theme -from uberwriter.helpers import get_builder LOGGER = logging.getLogger('uberwriter') @@ -150,7 +149,9 @@ class Export: def __init__(self, filename): """Set up the about dialog""" - self.builder = get_builder('Export') + self.builder = Gtk.Builder() + self.builder.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Export.ui") self.dialog = self.builder.get_object("Export") self.stack = self.builder.get_object("export_stack") self.stack_switcher = self.builder.get_object("format_switcher") diff --git a/uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py b/uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py deleted file mode 100644 index 19e0a91..0000000 --- a/uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ -# -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- -# BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht -# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published -# by the Free Software Foundation. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of -# MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -# with this program. If not, see . -# END LICENSE - - -from gettext import gettext as _ - - -class FormatShortcuts(): - """Manage the insertion of formatting for insert them using shortcuts - """ - - def __init__(self, textbuffer, texteditor): - self.text_buffer = textbuffer - self.text_editor = texteditor - - def rule(self): - """insert ruler at cursor - """ - - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n\n-------\n") - self.text_editor.scroll_mark_onscreen(self.text_buffer.get_insert()) - - def bold(self): - """set selected text as bold - """ - - self.apply_format("**") - - def italic(self): - """set selected text as italic - """ - self.apply_format("*") - - def strikeout(self): - """set selected text as stricked out - """ - self.apply_format("~~") - - def apply_format(self, wrap="*"): - """apply the given wrap to a selected text, or insert a helper text wraped - if nothing is selected - - Keyword Arguments: - wrap {str} -- [the format mark] (default: {"*"}) - """ - - if self.text_buffer.get_has_selection(): - # Find current highlighting - (start, end) = self.text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() - moved = False - if (start.get_offset() >= len(wrap) and - end.get_offset() <= self.text_buffer.get_char_count() - len(wrap)): - moved = True - ext_start = start.copy() - ext_start.backward_chars(len(wrap)) - ext_end = end.copy() - ext_end.forward_chars(len(wrap)) - text = self.text_buffer.get_text(ext_start, ext_end, True) - else: - text = self.text_buffer.get_text(start, end, True) - - if moved and text.startswith(wrap) and text.endswith(wrap): - text = text[len(wrap):-len(wrap)] - new_text = text - self.text_buffer.delete(ext_start, ext_end) - move_back = 0 - else: - if moved: - text = text[len(wrap):-len(wrap)] - new_text = text.lstrip().rstrip() - text = text.replace(new_text, wrap + new_text + wrap) - - self.text_buffer.delete(start, end) - move_back = len(wrap) - - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(text) - text_length = len(new_text) - - else: - helptext = "" - if wrap == "*": - helptext = _("emphasized text") - elif wrap == "**": - helptext = _("strong text") - elif wrap == "~~": - helptext = _("striked out text") - - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(wrap + helptext + wrap) - text_length = len(helptext) - move_back = len(wrap) - - cursor_mark = self.text_buffer.get_insert() - cursor_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_mark) - cursor_iter.backward_chars(move_back) - self.text_buffer.move_mark_by_name('selection_bound', cursor_iter) - cursor_iter.backward_chars(text_length) - self.text_buffer.move_mark_by_name('insert', cursor_iter) - - def unordered_list_item(self): - """insert unordered list items or mark a selection as - an item in an unordered list - """ - - helptext = _("List item") - text_length = len(helptext) - move_back = 0 - if self.text_buffer.get_has_selection(): - (start, end) = self.text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() - if start.starts_line(): - text = self.text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False) - if text.startswith(("- ", "* ", "+ ")): - delete_end = start.forward_chars(2) - self.text_buffer.delete(start, delete_end) - else: - self.text_buffer.insert(start, "- ") - else: - move_back = 0 - cursor_mark = self.text_buffer.get_insert() - cursor_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_mark) - - start_ext = cursor_iter.copy() - start_ext.backward_lines(3) - text = self.text_buffer.get_text(cursor_iter, start_ext, False) - lines = text.splitlines() - - for line in reversed(lines): - if line and line.startswith(("- ", "* ", "+ ")): - if cursor_iter.starts_line(): - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(line[:2] + helptext) - else: - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor( - "\n" + line[:2] + helptext) - break - else: - if not lines[-1] and not lines[-2]: - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("- " + helptext) - elif not lines[-1]: - if cursor_iter.starts_line(): - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("- " + helptext) - else: - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n- " + helptext) - else: - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n\n- " + helptext) - break - - self.select_edit(move_back, text_length) - - def ordered_list_item(self): - # TODO: implement ordered lists - pass - - def select_edit(self, move_back, text_length): - cursor_mark = self.text_buffer.get_insert() - cursor_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_mark) - cursor_iter.backward_chars(move_back) - self.text_buffer.move_mark_by_name('selection_bound', cursor_iter) - cursor_iter.backward_chars(text_length) - self.text_buffer.move_mark_by_name('insert', cursor_iter) - self.text_editor.scroll_mark_onscreen(self.text_buffer.get_insert()) - - def heading(self): - """insert heading at cursor position or set selected text as one - """ - helptext = _("Heading") - if self.text_buffer.get_has_selection(): - (start, end) = self.text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() - text = self.text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False) - self.text_buffer.delete(start, end) - else: - text = helptext - - self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("#" + " " + text) - self.select_edit(0, len(text)) diff --git a/uberwriter/headerbars.py b/uberwriter/headerbars.py index 5b9ad75..a70af47 100644 --- a/uberwriter/headerbars.py +++ b/uberwriter/headerbars.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk -from uberwriter.helpers import get_builder from uberwriter.helpers import get_descendant @@ -141,13 +140,17 @@ def main_buttons(app): Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON), Gtk.MenuButton().new()) - builder_window_menu = get_builder('Menu') + builder_window_menu = Gtk.Builder() + builder_window_menu.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Menu.ui") model = builder_window_menu.get_object("Menu") open_button = Gtk.Button().new_with_label(_("Open")) open_button.set_action_name("app.open") - recents_builder = get_builder('Recents') + recents_builder = Gtk.Builder() + recents_builder.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Recents.ui") recents = recents_builder.get_object("recent_md_popover") recents_treeview = get_descendant(recents, "recent_view", level=0) @@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ def main_buttons(app): btn.open_recent.pack_start(open_button, False, False, 0) btn.open_recent.pack_end(recents_button, False, False, 0) - btn.search.set_tooltip_text(_("Search and Replace")) + btn.search.set_tooltip_text(_("Find")) btn.menu.set_tooltip_text(_("Menu")) btn.menu.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name("open-menu-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) diff --git a/uberwriter/helpers.py b/uberwriter/helpers.py index d7fa007..71df380 100644 --- a/uberwriter/helpers.py +++ b/uberwriter/helpers.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import logging import os import shutil +from contextlib import contextmanager import gi import pypandoc @@ -34,22 +35,13 @@ from uberwriter.config import get_data_file from uberwriter.builder import Builder -def get_builder(builder_file_name): - """Return a fully-instantiated Gtk.Builder instance from specified ui - file - :param builder_file_name: The name of the builder file, without extension. - Assumed to be in the 'ui' directory under the data path. - """ - # Look for the ui file that describes the user interface. - ui_filename = get_data_file('ui', '%s.ui' % (builder_file_name,)) - if not os.path.exists(ui_filename): - ui_filename = None - builder = Builder() - builder.set_translation_domain() - builder.add_from_file(ui_filename) - return builder +@contextmanager +def user_action(text_buffer): + text_buffer.begin_user_action() + yield text_buffer + text_buffer.end_user_action() def path_to_file(path): @@ -148,12 +140,14 @@ def show_uri(parent, link): def alias(alternative_function_name): '''see http://www.drdobbs.com/web-development/184406073#l9''' + def decorator(function): '''attach alternative_function_name(s) to function''' if not hasattr(function, 'aliases'): function.aliases = [] function.aliases.append(alternative_function_name) return function + return decorator @@ -172,21 +166,21 @@ def exist_executable(command): def get_descendant(widget, child_name, level, doPrint=False): if widget is not None: - if doPrint: print("-"*level + str(Gtk.Buildable.get_name(widget)) + + if doPrint: print("-" * level + str(Gtk.Buildable.get_name(widget)) + " :: " + widget.get_name()) else: - if doPrint: print("-"*level + "None") + if doPrint: print("-" * level + "None") return None - #/*** If it is what we are looking for ***/ - if Gtk.Buildable.get_name(widget) == child_name: # not widget.get_name() ! + # /*** If it is what we are looking for ***/ + if Gtk.Buildable.get_name(widget) == child_name: # not widget.get_name() ! return widget - #/*** If this widget has one child only search its child ***/ + # /*** If this widget has one child only search its child ***/ if (hasattr(widget, 'get_child') and callable(getattr(widget, 'get_child')) and child_name != ""): child = widget.get_child() if child is not None: - return get_descendant(child, child_name, level+1,doPrint) + return get_descendant(child, child_name, level + 1, doPrint) # /*** Ity might have many children, so search them ***/ elif (hasattr(widget, 'get_children') and callable(getattr(widget, 'get_children')) and @@ -196,7 +190,7 @@ def get_descendant(widget, child_name, level, doPrint=False): found = None for child in children: if child is not None: - found = get_descendant(child, child_name, level+1, doPrint) # //search the child + found = get_descendant(child, child_name, level + 1, doPrint) # //search the child if found: return found diff --git a/uberwriter/inline_preview.py b/uberwriter/inline_preview.py index 02bf115..19ac79b 100644 --- a/uberwriter/inline_preview.py +++ b/uberwriter/inline_preview.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -14,101 +14,72 @@ # with this program. If not, see . # END LICENSE -import logging import re -import subprocess import telnetlib -import tempfile -import threading -import urllib -import webbrowser from gettext import gettext as _ -from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.parse import unquote import gi -from uberwriter.text_view_markup_handler import MarkupHandler - -gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') -from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf -from uberwriter import latex_to_PNG +gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") +gi.require_version("WebKit2", "4.0") +from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GLib +from gi.repository import WebKit2 +from uberwriter import latex_to_PNG, markup_regex from uberwriter.settings import Settings -from uberwriter.fix_table import FixTable -LOGGER = logging.getLogger('uberwriter') +class DictAccessor: + reEndResponse = re.compile(br"^[2-5][0-58][0-9] .*\r\n$", re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) + reDefinition = re.compile(br"^151(.*?)^\.", re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) -# TODO: -# - Don't insert a span with id, it breaks the text to often -# Would be better to search for the nearest title and generate -# A jumping URL from that (for preview) -# Also, after going to preview, set cursor back to where it was - - -class DictAccessor(): - - def __init__(self, host='pan.alephnull.com', port=2628, timeout=60): + def __init__(self, host="pan.alephnull.com", port=2628, timeout=60): self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port) self.timeout = timeout - self.login_response = self.telnet.expect( - [self.reEndResponse], self.timeout)[2] - - def get_online(self, word): - process = subprocess.Popen(['dict', '-d', 'wn', word], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - return process.communicate()[0] + self.login_response = self.telnet.expect([self.reEndResponse], self.timeout)[2] def run_command(self, cmd): - self.telnet.write(cmd.encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n') + self.telnet.write(cmd.encode("utf-8") + b"\r\n") return self.telnet.expect([self.reEndResponse], self.timeout)[2] def get_matches(self, database, strategy, word): - if database in ['', 'all']: - d = '*' + if database in ["", "all"]: + d = "*" else: d = database - if strategy in ['', 'default']: - s = '.' + if strategy in ["", "default"]: + s = "." else: s = strategy - w = word.replace('"', r'\"') - tsplit = self.run_command('MATCH %s %s "%s"' % (d, s, w)).splitlines() + w = word.replace("\"", r"\\\"") + tsplit = self.run_command("MATCH {} {} \"{}\"".format(d, s, w)).splitlines() mlist = list() - if tsplit[-1].startswith(b'250 ok') and tsplit[0].startswith(b'1'): + if tsplit[-1].startswith(b"250 ok") and tsplit[0].startswith(b"1"): mlines = tsplit[1:-2] for line in mlines: lsplit = line.strip().split() db = lsplit[0] - word = unquote(' '.join(lsplit[1:])) + word = unquote(" ".join(lsplit[1:])) mlist.append((db, word)) return mlist - reEndResponse = re.compile( - br'^[2-5][0-58][0-9] .*\r\n$', re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) - reDefinition = re.compile(br'^151(.*?)^\.', re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) - def get_definition(self, database, word): - if database in ['', 'all']: - d = '*' + if database in ["", "all"]: + d = "*" else: d = database - w = word.replace('"', r'\"') - dsplit = self.run_command('DEFINE %s "%s"' % (d, w)).splitlines(True) - # dsplit = self.getOnline(word).splitlines() + w = word.replace("\"", r"\\\"") + dsplit = self.run_command("DEFINE {} \"{}\"".format(d, w)).splitlines(True) dlist = list() - if dsplit[-1].startswith(b'250 ok') and dsplit[0].startswith(b'1'): + if dsplit[-1].startswith(b"250 ok") and dsplit[0].startswith(b"1"): dlines = dsplit[1:-1] - dtext = b''.join(dlines) - dlist = self.reDefinition.findall(dtext) - # print(dlist) + dtext = b"".join(dlines) dlist = [dtext] - # dlist = dsplit # not using the localhost telnet connection return dlist def close(self): - t = self.run_command('QUIT') + t = self.run_command("QUIT") self.telnet.close() return t @@ -118,415 +89,211 @@ class DictAccessor(): lines = response.splitlines() lines = lines[2:] - lines = ' '.join(lines) - lines = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', lines).strip() - lines = re.split(r'( adv | adj | n | v |^adv |^adj |^n |^v )', lines) + lines = " ".join(lines) + lines = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", lines).strip() + lines = re.split(r"( adv | adj | n | v |^adv |^adj |^n |^v )", lines) res = [] - act_res = {'defs': [], 'class': 'none', 'num': 'None'} + act_res = {"defs": [], "class": "none", "num": "None"} for l in lines: l = l.strip() if not l: continue - if l in ['adv', 'adj', 'n', 'v']: + if l in ["adv", "adj", "n", "v"]: if act_res: res.append(act_res.copy()) - act_res = {} - act_res['defs'] = [] - act_res['class'] = l + act_res = {"defs": [], "class": l} else: - ll = re.split(r'(?: |^)(\d): ', l) + ll = re.split(r"(?: |^)(\d): ", l) act_def = {} for lll in ll: if lll.strip().isdigit() or not lll.strip(): - if 'description' in act_def and act_def['description']: - act_res['defs'].append(act_def.copy()) - act_def = {'num': lll} + if "description" in act_def and act_def["description"]: + act_res["defs"].append(act_def.copy()) + act_def = {"num": lll} continue - a = re.findall(r'(\[(syn|ant): (.+?)\] ??)+', lll) + a = re.findall(r"(\[(syn|ant): (.+?)\] ??)+", lll) for n in a: - if n[1] == 'syn': - act_def['syn'] = re.findall(r'\{(.*?)\}.*?', n[2]) + if n[1] == "syn": + act_def["syn"] = re.findall(r"{(.*?)}.*?", n[2]) else: - act_def['ant'] = re.findall(r'\{(.*?)\}.*?', n[2]) - tbr = re.search(r'\[.+\]', lll) + act_def["ant"] = re.findall(r"{(.*?)}.*?", n[2]) + tbr = re.search(r"\[.+\]", lll) if tbr: lll = lll[:tbr.start()] - lll = lll.split(';') - act_def['examples'] = [] - act_def['description'] = [] + lll = lll.split(";") + act_def["examples"] = [] + act_def["description"] = [] for llll in lll: llll = llll.strip() - if llll.strip().startswith('"'): - act_def['examples'].append(llll) + if llll.strip().startswith("\""): + act_def["examples"].append(llll) else: - act_def['description'].append(llll) + act_def["description"].append(llll) + if act_def and "description" in act_def: + act_res["defs"].append(act_def.copy()) - if act_def and 'description' in act_def: - act_res['defs'].append(act_def.copy()) - - # pprint(act_res) res.append(act_res.copy()) return res -def check_url(url, item, spinner): - LOGGER.debug("thread started, checking url") - error = False - try: - response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) - except URLError as e: - error = True - text = "Error! Reason: %s" % e.reason - - if not error: - if (response.code / 100) >= 4: - LOGGER.debug("Website not available") - text = _("Website is not available") - else: - text = _("Website is available") - LOGGER.debug("Response: %s" % text) - spinner.destroy() - item.set_label(text) - - def get_dictionary(term): da = DictAccessor() - output = da.get_definition('wn', term) + output = da.get_definition("wn", term) if output: output = output[0] else: return None - return da.parse_wordnet(output.decode(encoding='UTF-8')) - - -def get_web_thumbnail(url, item, spinner): - LOGGER.debug("thread started, generating thumb") - - # error = False - - # gnome-web-photo only understands http urls - if url.startswith("www"): - url = "http://" + url - - filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.png') - thumb_size = '256' # size can only be 32, 64, 96, 128 or 256! - args = ['gnome-web-photo', '--mode=thumbnail', - '-s', thumb_size, url, filename] - process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - _output = process.communicate()[0] - - image = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(filename) - image.show() - - # if not error: - # if (response.code / 100) >= 4: - # logger.debug("Website not available") - # text = _("Website is not available") - # else: - # text = _("Website is available") - - spinner.destroy() - item.add(image) - item.show() - - -def fill_lexikon_bubble(vocab, lexikon_dict): - grid = Gtk.Grid.new() - i = 0 - grid.set_name('LexikonBubble') - grid.set_row_spacing(2) - grid.set_column_spacing(4) - if lexikon_dict: - for entry in lexikon_dict: - vocab_label = Gtk.Label.new(vocab + ' ~ ' + entry['class']) - vocab_label.get_style_context().add_class('lexikon-heading') - vocab_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) - vocab_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.LEFT) - grid.attach(vocab_label, 0, i, 3, 1) - - for definition in entry['defs']: - i = i + 1 - num_label = Gtk.Label.new(definition['num']) - num_label.get_style_context().add_class('lexikon-num') - num_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.RIGHT) - grid.attach(num_label, 0, i, 1, 1) - - def_label = Gtk.Label.new(' '.join(definition['description'])) - def_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) - def_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.LEFT) - def_label.get_style_context().add_class('lexikon-definition') - def_label.props.wrap = True - grid.attach(def_label, 1, i, 1, 1) - i = i + 1 - grid.show_all() - return grid - return None + return da.parse_wordnet(output.decode(encoding="UTF-8")) class InlinePreview: + WIDTH = 400 + HEIGHT = 300 def __init__(self, text_view): self.text_view = text_view + self.text_view.connect("button-press-event", self.on_button_press_event) self.text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() + self.cursor_mark = self.text_buffer.create_mark( + "click", self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.text_buffer.get_insert())) + self.latex_converter = latex_to_PNG.LatexToPNG() - cursor_mark = self.text_buffer.get_insert() - cursor_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_mark) - self.click_mark = self.text_buffer.create_mark('click', cursor_iter) - # Events for popup menu - # self.TextView.connect_after('populate-popup', self.populate_popup) - # self.TextView.connect_after('popup-menu', self.move_popup) - self.text_view.connect('button-press-event', self.click_move_button) - self.popover = None - self.settings = Settings.new() + self.characters_per_line = Settings.new().get_int("characters-per-line") - def open_popover_with_widget(self, widget): - a = self.text_buffer.create_child_anchor( - self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.click_mark)) - lbl = Gtk.Label('') - self.text_view.add_child_at_anchor(lbl, a) - lbl.show() - # a = Gtk.Window.new(Gtk.WindowType.POPUP) - # a.set_transient_for(self.TextView.get_toplevel()) - # a.grab_focus() - # a.set_name("QuickPreviewPopup") - # # a.set_attached_to(self.TextView) - # a.move(300, 300) - # a.set_modal(True) - # def close(widget, event, *args): - # if(event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape): - # widget.destroy() - # a.connect('key-press-event', close) - alignment = Gtk.Alignment() - alignment.props.margin_bottom = 5 - alignment.props.margin_top = 5 - alignment.props.margin_left = 4 - alignment.add(widget) - # self.TextView.add_child_in_window(b, Gtk.TextWindowType.WIDGET, 200, 200) - # b.attach(Gtk.Label.new("test 123"), 0, 0, 1, 1) - # b.show_all() - # a.show_all() - self.popover = Gtk.Popover.new(lbl) + self.popover = Gtk.Popover.new(self.text_view) self.popover.get_style_context().add_class("quick-preview-popup") - self.popover.add(alignment) - # a.add(alignment) - _dismiss, rect = self.popover.get_pointing_to() - rect.y = rect.y - 20 - self.popover.set_pointing_to(rect) - # widget = Gtk.Label.new("testasds a;12j3 21 lk3j213") - widget.show_all() - - # b.attach(widget, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.popover.set_modal(True) - self.popover.show_all() - # print(self.popover) - self.popover.set_property('width-request', 50) - def click_move_button(self, _widget, event): + self.preview_fns = { + markup_regex.MATH: self.get_view_for_math, + markup_regex.IMAGE: self.get_view_for_image, + markup_regex.LINK: self.get_view_for_link, + markup_regex.LINK_ALT: self.get_view_for_link, + markup_regex.FOOTNOTE_ID: self.get_view_for_footnote, + re.compile(r"(?P\w+)"): self.get_view_for_lexikon + } + + def on_button_press_event(self, _text_view, event): if event.button == 1 and event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK: - x, y = self.text_view.window_to_buffer_coords(2, - int(event.x), - int(event.y)) - self.text_buffer.move_mark(self.click_mark, - self.text_view.get_iter_at_location(x, y).iter) - self.populate_popup(self.text_view) + x, y = self.text_view.window_to_buffer_coords(2, int(event.x), int(event.y)) + self.text_buffer.move_mark( + self.cursor_mark, self.text_view.get_iter_at_location(x, y).iter) + self.open_popover(self.text_view) - def fix_table(self, _widget, _data=None): - LOGGER.debug('fixing that table') - fix_table = FixTable(self.text_buffer) - fix_table.fix_table() + def get_view_for_math(self, match): + success, result = self.latex_converter.generatepng(match.group("text")) + if success: + return Gtk.Image.new_from_file(result) + else: + error = _("Formula looks incorrect:") + error += "\n\n“{}”".format(result) + return Gtk.Label(label=error) - def populate_popup(self, _editor, _data=None): - # popover = Gtk.Popover.new(editor) - # pop_cont = Gtk.Container.new() - # popover.add(pop_cont) - # popover.show_all() + def get_view_for_image(self, match): + path = match.group("url") + if not path.startswith(("file://", "/")): + return self.get_view_for_link(match) + elif path.startswith("file://"): + path = path[7:] + return Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf( + GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(path, self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)) - item = Gtk.MenuItem.new() - item.set_name("PreviewMenuItem") - separator = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() + def get_view_for_link(self, match): + url = match.group("url") + web_view = WebKit2.WebView(zoom_level=0.3125) # ~1280x960 + web_view.set_size_request(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) + if GLib.uri_parse_scheme(url) is None: + url = "http://{}".format(url) + web_view.load_uri(url) + return web_view - # table_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new() - # table_item.set_label('Fix that table') + def get_view_for_footnote(self, match): + footnote_id = match.group("id") + fn_matches = re.finditer(markup_regex.FOOTNOTE, self.text_buffer.props.text) + for fn_match in fn_matches: + if fn_match.group("id") == footnote_id: + if fn_match: + footnote = re.sub("\n[\t ]+", "\n", fn_match.group("text")) + else: + footnote = _("No matching footnote found") + label = Gtk.Label(label=footnote) + label.set_max_width_chars(self.characters_per_line) + label.set_line_wrap(True) + return label + return None - # table_item.connect('activate', self.fix_table) - # table_item.show() - # menu.prepend(table_item) - # menu.show() + def get_view_for_lexikon(self, match): + term = match.group("text") + lexikon_dict = get_dictionary(term) + if lexikon_dict: + grid = Gtk.Grid.new() + grid.get_style_context().add_class("lexikon") + grid.set_row_spacing(2) + grid.set_column_spacing(4) + i = 0 + for entry in lexikon_dict: + if not entry["defs"]: + continue + elif entry["class"].startswith("n"): + word_type = _("noun") + elif entry["class"].startswith("v"): + word_type = _("verb") + elif entry["class"].startswith("adj"): + word_type = _("adjective") + elif entry["class"].startswith("adv"): + word_type = _("adverb") + else: + continue - start_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.click_mark) - # Line offset of click mark + vocab_label = Gtk.Label.new(term + " ~ " + word_type) + vocab_label.get_style_context().add_class("header") + if i == 0: + vocab_label.get_style_context().add_class("first") + vocab_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) + vocab_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.LEFT) + grid.attach(vocab_label, 0, i, 3, 1) + + for definition in entry["defs"]: + i = i + 1 + num_label = Gtk.Label.new(definition["num"] + ".") + num_label.get_style_context().add_class("number") + num_label.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START) + grid.attach(num_label, 0, i, 1, 1) + + def_label = Gtk.Label(label=" ".join(definition["description"])) + def_label.get_style_context().add_class("description") + def_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) + def_label.set_max_width_chars(self.characters_per_line) + def_label.set_line_wrap(True) + def_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.FILL) + grid.attach(def_label, 1, i, 1, 1) + i = i + 1 + if i > 0: + return grid + return None + + def open_popover(self, _editor, _data=None): + start_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.cursor_mark) line_offset = start_iter.get_line_offset() end_iter = start_iter.copy() start_iter.set_line_offset(0) end_iter.forward_to_line_end() - text = self.text_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) - math = MarkupHandler.regex["MATH"] - link = MarkupHandler.regex["LINK"] - - footnote = re.compile(r'\[\^([^\s]+?)\]') - image = re.compile(r"!\[(.*?)\]\((.+?)\)") - - found_match = False - - matches = re.finditer(math, text) - for match in matches: - LOGGER.debug(match.group(1)) - if match.start() < line_offset < match.end(): - success, result = self.latex_converter.generatepng( - match.group(1)) - if success: - image = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(result) - image.show() - LOGGER.debug("logging image") - # item.add(image) - self.open_popover_with_widget(image) - else: - label = Gtk.Label() - msg = 'Formula looks incorrect:\n' + result - label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) - label.set_text(msg) - label.show() - item.add(label) - self.open_popover_with_widget(item) - item.show() - # menu.prepend(separator) - # separator.show() - # menu.prepend(item) - # menu.show() - found_match = True - break - - if not found_match: - # Links - matches = re.finditer(link, text) + for regex, get_view_fn in self.preview_fns.items(): + matches = re.finditer(regex, text) for match in matches: - if match.start() < line_offset < match.end(): - text = text[text.find("http://"):-1] - - item.connect("activate", lambda w: webbrowser.open(text)) - - LOGGER.debug(text) - - statusitem = Gtk.MenuItem.new() - statusitem.show() - - spinner = Gtk.Spinner.new() - spinner.start() - statusitem.add(spinner) - spinner.show() - - thread = threading.Thread(target=check_url, - args=(text, statusitem, spinner)) - thread.start() - - webphoto_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new() - webphoto_item.show() - spinner_2 = Gtk.Spinner.new() - spinner_2.start() - webphoto_item.add(spinner_2) - spinner_2.show() - - thread_image = threading.Thread(target=get_web_thumbnail, - args=(text, webphoto_item, spinner_2)) - - thread_image.start() - - item.set_label(_("Open Link in Webbrowser")) - item.show() - self.open_popover_with_widget(webphoto_item) - - # menu.prepend(separator) - # separator.show() - - # menu.prepend(webphoto_item) - # menu.prepend(statusitem) - # menu.prepend(item) - # menu.show() - - found_match = True - break - - if not found_match: - matches = re.finditer(image, text) - for match in matches: - if match.start() < line_offset < match.end(): - path = match.group(2) - if path.startswith("file://"): - path = path[7:] - elif not path.startswith("/"): - # then the path is relative - base_path = self.settings.get_string("open-file-path") - path = base_path + "/" + path - - LOGGER.info(path) - pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(path, 400, 300) - image = Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) - image.show() - self.open_popover_with_widget(image) - item.set_property('width-request', 50) - - # item.add(image) - # item.set_property('width-request', 50) - # item.show() - # menu.prepend(separator) - # separator.show() - # menu.prepend(item) - # menu.show() - found_match = True - break - - if not found_match: - matches = re.finditer(footnote, text) - for match in matches: - if match.start() < line_offset < match.end(): - LOGGER.debug(match.group(1)) - footnote_match = re.compile( - r"\[\^" + match.group(1) + r"\]: (.+(?:\n|\Z)(?:^[\t].+(?:\n|\Z))*)", - re.MULTILINE) - replace = re.compile(r"^\t", re.MULTILINE) - start, end = self.text_buffer.get_bounds() - fn_match = re.search( - footnote_match, self.text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False)) - label = Gtk.Label() - label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) - LOGGER.debug(fn_match) - if fn_match: - result = re.sub(replace, "", fn_match.group(1)) - if result.endswith("\n"): - result = result[:-1] - else: - result = _("No matching footnote found") - label.set_max_width_chars(40) - label.set_line_wrap(True) - label.set_text(result) - label.show() - item.add(label) - item.show() - self.open_popover_with_widget(item) - - # menu.prepend(separator) - # separator.show() - # menu.prepend(item) - # menu.show() - found_match = True - break - - if not found_match: - start_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.click_mark) - start_iter.backward_word_start() - end_iter = start_iter.copy() - end_iter.forward_word_end() - word = self.text_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) - terms = get_dictionary(word) - if terms: - scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow.new() - scrolled_window.add(fill_lexikon_bubble(word, terms)) - scrolled_window.props.width_request = 500 - scrolled_window.props.height_request = 400 - scrolled_window.show_all() - self.open_popover_with_widget(scrolled_window) - - def move_popup(self): - pass + if match.start() <= line_offset <= match.end(): + prev_view = self.popover.get_child() + if prev_view: + prev_view.destroy() + view = get_view_fn(match) + view.show_all() + self.popover.add(view) + rect = self.text_view.get_iter_location( + self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.cursor_mark)) + rect.x, rect.y = self.text_view.buffer_to_window_coords( + Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT, rect.x, rect.y) + self.popover.set_pointing_to(rect) + GLib.idle_add(self.popover.popup) # TODO: It doesn't popup without idle_add. + return diff --git a/uberwriter/latex_to_PNG.py b/uberwriter/latex_to_PNG.py index 10dea51..afdcfdb 100644 --- a/uberwriter/latex_to_PNG.py +++ b/uberwriter/latex_to_PNG.py @@ -3,61 +3,59 @@ Based on latex2png.py from Stuart Rackham AUTHOR - Written by Stuart Rackham, - The code was inspired by Kjell Magne Fauske's code: - http://fauskes.net/nb/htmleqII/ + Written by Stuart Rackham, + The code was inspired by Kjell Magne Fauske"s code: + http://fauskes.net/nb/htmleqII/ - See also: - http://www.amk.ca/python/code/mt-math - http://code.google.com/p/latexmath2png/ + See also: + http://www.amk.ca/python/code/mt-math + http://code.google.com/p/latexmath2png/ COPYING - Copyright (C) 2010 Stuart Rackham. Free use of this software is - granted under the terms of the MIT License. + Copyright (C) 2010 Stuart Rackham. Free use of this software is + granted under the terms of the MIT License. """ import os -import sys -import tempfile import subprocess +import tempfile -class LatexToPNG(): +class LatexToPNG: + TEX_HEADER = r"""\documentclass{article} + \usepackage{amsmath} + \usepackage{amsthm} + \usepackage{amssymb} + \usepackage{bm} + \newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command + \newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command + \newcommand{\T}{\text{T}} % Transpose + \pagestyle{empty} + \begin{document}""" - TEX_HEADER = r'''\documentclass{article} - \usepackage{amsmath} - \usepackage{amsthm} - \usepackage{amssymb} - \usepackage{bm} - \newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command - \newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command - \newcommand{\T}{\text{T}} % Transpose - \pagestyle{empty} - \begin{document}''' - - TEX_FOOTER = r'''\end{document}''' + TEX_FOOTER = r"""\end{document}""" def __init__(self): - self.temp_result = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') + self.temp_result = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") def latex2png(self, tex, outfile, dpi, modified): - '''Convert LaTeX input file infile to PNG file named outfile.''' + """Convert LaTeX input file infile to PNG file named outfile.""" outfile = os.path.abspath(outfile) outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile) - texfile = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.tex', dir=os.path.dirname(outfile)) + texfile = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".tex", dir=os.path.dirname(outfile)) basefile = os.path.splitext(texfile)[0] - dvifile = basefile + '.dvi' - temps = [basefile + ext for ext in ('.tex', '.dvi', '.aux', '.log')] + dvifile = basefile + ".dvi" + temps = [basefile + ext for ext in (".tex", ".dvi", ".aux", ".log")] skip = False - tex = '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (self.TEX_HEADER, tex.strip(), self.TEX_FOOTER) + tex = "{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(self.TEX_HEADER, tex.strip(), self.TEX_FOOTER) - open(texfile, 'w').write(tex) + open(texfile, "w").write(tex) saved_pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(outdir) - args = ['latex', '-halt-on-error', texfile] + args = ["latex", "-halt-on-error", texfile] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) @@ -66,13 +64,13 @@ class LatexToPNG(): output_lines = output.readlines() if os.path.isfile(dvifile): # DVI File exists # Convert DVI file to PNG. - args = ['dvipng', - '-D', str(dpi), - '-T', 'tight', - '-x', '1000', - '-z', '9', - '-bg', 'Transparent', - '-o', outfile, + args = ["dvipng", + "-D", str(dpi), + "-T", "tight", + "-x", "1000", + "-z", "9", + "-bg", "Transparent", + "-o", outfile, dvifile] p = subprocess.Popen(args) @@ -80,15 +78,15 @@ class LatexToPNG(): else: self.clean_up(temps) - ''' - Errors in Latex output start with "! " - Stripping exclamation marks and superflous newlines - and telling the user what he's done wrong. - ''' + """ + Errors in Latex output start with "! " + Stripping exclamation marks and superflous newlines + and telling the user what he"s done wrong. + """ i = [] error = "" for line in output_lines: - line = line.decode('utf-8') + line = line.decode("utf-8") if line.startswith("!"): error += line[2:] # removing "! " if error.endswith("\n"): @@ -97,14 +95,14 @@ class LatexToPNG(): def generatepng(self, formula): try: - self.temp_result = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') + self.temp_result = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") formula = "$" + formula + "$" self.latex2png(formula, self.temp_result.name, 300, False) - return (True, self.temp_result.name) + return True, self.temp_result.name except Exception as e: self.temp_result.close() - return (False, e.args[0]) + return False, e.args[0] def clean_up(self, files): for f in files: diff --git a/uberwriter/main_window.py b/uberwriter/main_window.py index 2e7b3ff..1587d5f 100644 --- a/uberwriter/main_window.py +++ b/uberwriter/main_window.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import cairo from uberwriter import helpers from uberwriter.theme import Theme -from uberwriter.helpers import get_builder from uberwriter.sidebar import Sidebar from uberwriter.search_and_replace import SearchAndReplace @@ -72,7 +71,9 @@ class MainWindow(StyledWindow): self.get_style_context().add_class('uberwriter-window') # Set UI - builder = get_builder('Window') + builder = Gtk.Builder() + builder.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Window.ui") root = builder.get_object("FullscreenOverlay") self.connect("delete-event", self.on_delete_called) self.add(root) @@ -446,15 +447,33 @@ class MainWindow(StyledWindow): self.text_view.clear() try: if os.path.exists(filename): - current_file = codecs.open(filename, encoding="utf-8", mode='r') - self.text_view.set_text(current_file.read()) - current_file.close() + with codecs.open(filename, encoding="utf-8", mode='r') as current_file: + self.text_view.set_text(current_file.read()) + else: + dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, + Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, + Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, + Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, + _("The file you tried to open doesn't exist.\ + \nA new file will be created in its place when you save the current one.") + ) + dialog.run() + dialog.destroy() self.set_headerbar_title(os.path.basename(filename) + self.title_end, filename) self.set_filename(filename) - except Exception: - LOGGER.warning("Error Reading File: %r" % Exception) + except Exception as e: + LOGGER.warning(_("Error Reading File: %r") % e) + dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, + Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, + Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, + Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, + _("Error reading file:\ + \n%r" %e) + ) + dialog.run() + dialog.destroy() self.did_change = False else: LOGGER.warning("No File arg") @@ -467,11 +486,11 @@ class MainWindow(StyledWindow): self.load_file(helpers.get_media_file('uberwriter_markdown.md')) - def open_search_and_replace(self): + def open_search(self, replace=False): """toggle the search box """ - self.searchreplace.toggle_search() + self.searchreplace.toggle_search(replace=replace) def open_advanced_export(self, _widget=None, _data=None): """open the export and advanced export dialog @@ -482,7 +501,18 @@ class MainWindow(StyledWindow): response = self.export.dialog.run() if response == 1: - self.export.export(bytes(self.text_view.get_text(), "utf-8")) + try: + self.export.export(bytes(self.text_view.get_text(), "utf-8")) + except Exception as e: + dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, + Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, + Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, + Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, + _("An error happened while trying to export:\n\n{err_msg}") + .format(err_msg= str(e).encode().decode("unicode-escape")) + ) + dialog.run() + dialog.destroy() self.export.dialog.destroy() diff --git a/uberwriter/markup_regex.py b/uberwriter/markup_regex.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cd5c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/uberwriter/markup_regex.py @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import re + +ITALIC = re.compile( + r"(\*|_)(?P.*?\S.*?)\1") +BOLD = re.compile( + r"(\*\*|__)(?P.*?\S.*?)\1") +BOLD_ITALIC = re.compile( + r"((\*\*|__)([*_])|([*_])(\*\*|__))(?P.*?\S.*?)(?:\5\4|\3\2)") +STRIKETHROUGH = re.compile( + r"~~(?P.*?\S.*?)~~") +CODE = re.compile( + r"`(?P[^`].+?)`") +LINK = re.compile( + r"\[(?P.*)\]\((?P.+?)(?: \"(?P.+)\")?\)") +LINK_ALT = re.compile( + r"<(?P<text>(?P<url>[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.+-]{1,31}:[^<>\x00-\x20]*|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)))>") +IMAGE = re.compile( + r"!\[(?P<text>.*)\]\((?P<url>.+?)(?: \"(?P<title>.+)\")?\)") +HORIZONTAL_RULE = re.compile( + r"(?:^|\n)(?P<symbols> {0,3}[*\-_]{3,} *)(?:\n+|$)") +LIST = re.compile( + r"(?:^|\n)(?P<content>(?P<indent>(?:\t| {4})*)[\-*+]( +)(?P<text>.+(?:\n+ \2.+)*))") +ORDERED_LIST = re.compile( + r"(?:^|\n)(?P<content>(?P<indent>(?:\t| {4})*)(?P<prefix>(?:\d|[a-z])+[.)]) (?P<text>.+(?:\n+ {2}\2.+)*))") +BLOCK_QUOTE = re.compile( + r"^ {0,3}(?:> ?)+(?P<text>.+)", re.M) +HEADER = re.compile( + r"^ {0,3}(?P<level>#{1,6}) (?P<text>[^\n]+)", re.M) +HEADER_UNDER = re.compile( + r"(?:^\n*|\n\n)(?P<text>[^\s].+)\n {0,3}[=\-]+(?: +?\n|$)") +CODE_BLOCK = re.compile( + r"(?:^|\n) {0,3}(?P<block>([`~]{3})(?P<text>.+?) {0,3}\2)(?:\s+?\n|$)", re.S) +TABLE = re.compile( + r"^[\-+]{5,}\n(?P<text>.+?)\n[\-+]{5,}\n", re.S) +MATH = re.compile( + r"([$]{1,2})(?P<text>[^` ].+?[^`\\ ])\1") +FOOTNOTE_ID = re.compile( + r"[^\s]+\[\^(?P<id>(?P<text>[^\s]+))\]") +FOOTNOTE = re.compile( + r"(?:^\n*|\n\n)\[\^(?P<id>[^\s]+)\]: (?P<text>(?:[^\n]+|\n+(?=(?:\t| {4})))+)(?:\n+|$)", re.M) diff --git a/uberwriter/preferences_dialog.py b/uberwriter/preferences_dialog.py index 921c09d..5158298 100644 --- a/uberwriter/preferences_dialog.py +++ b/uberwriter/preferences_dialog.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ from gi.repository import Gtk, Pango, GLib # pylint: disable=E0611 import logging logger = logging.getLogger('uberwriter') -from uberwriter.helpers import get_builder class PreferencesDialog: @@ -64,7 +63,9 @@ class PreferencesDialog: def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings - self.builder = get_builder("Preferences") + self.builder = Gtk.Builder() + self.builder.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Preferences.ui") self.dark_mode_auto_switch = self.builder.get_object("dark_mode_auto_switch") self.dark_mode_auto_switch.set_active(self.settings.get_value("dark-mode-auto")) diff --git a/uberwriter/preview_converter.py b/uberwriter/preview_converter.py index 07fba58..693b92e 100644 --- a/uberwriter/preview_converter.py +++ b/uberwriter/preview_converter.py @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ from queue import Queue from threading import Thread +import os from gi.repository import GLib diff --git a/uberwriter/preview_handler.py b/uberwriter/preview_handler.py index 7110e44..4331957 100644 --- a/uberwriter/preview_handler.py +++ b/uberwriter/preview_handler.py @@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ from enum import auto, IntEnum import gi -from uberwriter.helpers import get_builder from uberwriter.preview_renderer import PreviewRenderer from uberwriter.settings import Settings gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0') -from gi.repository import WebKit2, GLib +from gi.repository import WebKit2, GLib, Gtk from uberwriter.preview_converter import PreviewConverter -from uberwriter.web_view import WebView +from uberwriter.preview_web_view import PreviewWebView class Step(IntEnum): @@ -33,7 +32,9 @@ class PreviewHandler: self.web_view = None self.web_view_pending_html = None - builder = get_builder("Preview") + builder = Gtk.Builder() + builder.add_from_resource( + "/de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/ui/Preview.ui") preview = builder.get_object("preview") mode_button = builder.get_object("preview_mode_button") self.mode_revealer = builder.get_object("preview_mode_revealer") @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class PreviewHandler: self.loading = True if not self.web_view: - self.web_view = WebView() + self.web_view = PreviewWebView() self.web_view.get_settings().set_allow_universal_access_from_file_urls(True) # Show preview once the load is finished @@ -150,12 +151,12 @@ class PreviewHandler: self.__show(step=Step.RENDER) def on_text_view_scrolled(self, _text_view, scale): - if self.shown and not math.isclose(scale, self.web_view.get_scroll_scale(), rel_tol=1e-5): + if self.shown and not math.isclose(scale, self.web_view.get_scroll_scale(), rel_tol=1e-4): self.web_view.set_scroll_scale(scale) def on_web_view_scrolled(self, _web_view, scale): if self.shown and self.text_view.get_mapped() and \ - not math.isclose(scale, self.text_view.get_scroll_scale(), rel_tol=1e-5): + not math.isclose(scale, self.text_view.get_scroll_scale(), rel_tol=1e-4): self.text_view.set_scroll_scale(scale) @staticmethod diff --git a/uberwriter/web_view.py b/uberwriter/preview_web_view.py similarity index 83% rename from uberwriter/web_view.py rename to uberwriter/preview_web_view.py index a9dc163..7e02fcb 100644 --- a/uberwriter/web_view.py +++ b/uberwriter/preview_web_view.py @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ +import webbrowser + import gi gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0') from gi.repository import WebKit2, GLib, GObject -class WebView(WebKit2.WebView): +class PreviewWebView(WebKit2.WebView): """A WebView that provides read/write access to scroll. It does so using JavaScript, by continuously monitoring it while loaded. @@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ e = document.documentElement; canScroll = e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight; wasRendered = typeof isRendered !== "undefined" && isRendered; isRendered = wasRendered || - hasMathJax && MathJax.Hub.queue.running == 0 && MathJax.Hub.queue.pending == 0; + !hasMathJax || + MathJax.Hub.queue.running == 0 && MathJax.Hub.queue.pending == 0; // Write the current scroll if instructed or if it was just rendered. if (canScroll && (write || isRendered && !wasRendered)) {{ @@ -53,12 +56,13 @@ if (canScroll && isRendered) {{ def __init__(self): super().__init__() + self.connect("size-allocate", self.on_size_allocate) + self.connect("decide-policy", self.on_decide_policy) self.connect("load-changed", self.on_load_changed) self.connect("load-failed", self.on_load_failed) - self.connect("size-allocate", self.on_size_allocate) self.connect("destroy", self.on_destroy) - self.scroll_scale = 0.0 + self.scroll_scale = -1 self.state_loaded = False self.state_load_failed = False @@ -68,6 +72,9 @@ if (canScroll && isRendered) {{ self.timeout_id = None + def can_scroll(self): + return self.scroll_scale != -1 + def get_scroll_scale(self): return self.scroll_scale @@ -76,6 +83,16 @@ if (canScroll && isRendered) {{ self.scroll_scale = scale self.state_loop() + def on_size_allocate(self, *_): + self.set_scroll_scale(self.scroll_scale) + + def on_decide_policy(self, _web_view, decision, decision_type): + if decision_type == WebKit2.PolicyDecisionType.NAVIGATION_ACTION and \ + decision.get_navigation_action().is_user_gesture(): + webbrowser.open(decision.get_request().get_uri()) + return True + return False + def on_load_changed(self, _web_view, event): self.state_loaded = event >= WebKit2.LoadEvent.COMMITTED and not self.state_load_failed self.state_load_failed = False @@ -88,9 +105,6 @@ if (canScroll && isRendered) {{ self.state_load_failed = True self.state_loop() - def on_size_allocate(self, *_): - self.set_scroll_scale(self.scroll_scale) - def on_destroy(self, _widget): self.state_loaded = False self.state_loop() @@ -113,11 +127,11 @@ if (canScroll && isRendered) {{ self.timeout_id = None # Set scroll scale if specified, and the state is not dirty - if not self.state_discard_read and scroll_scale not in (None, -1, self.scroll_scale): + if not self.state_discard_read and scroll_scale not in (None, self.scroll_scale): self.scroll_scale = scroll_scale - self.emit("scroll-scale-changed", self.scroll_scale) - else: - self.state_discard_read = False + if self.scroll_scale != -1: + self.emit("scroll-scale-changed", self.scroll_scale) + self.state_discard_read = False # Handle the current state if not self.state_loaded or self.state_load_failed or self.state_waiting: diff --git a/uberwriter/pylocales/__init__.py b/uberwriter/pylocales/__init__.py index a04dbac..abf5a28 100644 --- a/uberwriter/pylocales/__init__.py +++ b/uberwriter/pylocales/__init__.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # -# Copyright (C) 2012, Maximilian Köhl <linuxmaxi@googlemail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Maximilian Köhl <linuxmaxi@googlemail.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by diff --git a/uberwriter/pylocales/locales.py b/uberwriter/pylocales/locales.py index 9d4f10f..8d93bf3 100644 --- a/uberwriter/pylocales/locales.py +++ b/uberwriter/pylocales/locales.py @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # -# Copyright (C) 2012, Maximilian Köhl <linuxmaxi@googlemail.com> -# Copyright (C) 2012, Carlos Jenkins <carlos@jenkins.co.cr> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Maximilian Köhl <linuxmaxi@googlemail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Carlos Jenkins <carlos@jenkins.co.cr> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by diff --git a/uberwriter/search_and_replace.py b/uberwriter/search_and_replace.py index 87920eb..0edb937 100644 --- a/uberwriter/search_and_replace.py +++ b/uberwriter/search_and_replace.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import re import gi +from uberwriter.helpers import user_action + gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gdk @@ -80,11 +82,10 @@ class SearchAndReplace: """ self.replacebox.set_reveal_child(widget.get_active()) - # TODO: refactorize! def key_pressed(self, _widget, event, _data=None): """hide the search and replace content box when ESC is pressed """ - if event.keyval in [Gdk.KEY_Escape]: + if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: self.hide() def focused_texteditor(self, _widget, _data=None): @@ -92,15 +93,19 @@ class SearchAndReplace: """ self.hide() - def toggle_search(self, _widget=None, _data=None): + def toggle_search(self, replace=False): """ - show search box + toggle search box """ - if self.textview.get_mapped() and ( - self.box.get_reveal_child() is False or self.searchbar.get_search_mode() is False): + search_hidden = self.textview.get_mapped() and ( + self.box.get_reveal_child() is False or self.searchbar.get_search_mode() is False) + replace_hidden = not self.open_replace_button.get_active() + if search_hidden or (replace and replace_hidden): self.searchbar.set_search_mode(True) self.box.set_reveal_child(True) self.searchentry.grab_focus() + if replace: + self.open_replace_button.set_active(True) else: self.hide() self.open_replace_button.set_active(False) @@ -162,18 +167,20 @@ class SearchAndReplace: self.replace(self.active) def replace_all(self, _widget=None, _data=None): - for match in reversed(self.matches): - self.do_replace(match) + with user_action(self.textbuffer): + for match in reversed(self.matches): + self.__do_replace(match) self.search(scroll=False) def replace(self, searchindex, _inloop=False): - self.do_replace(self.matches[searchindex]) + with user_action(self.textbuffer): + self.__do_replace(self.matches[searchindex]) active = self.active self.search(scroll=False) self.active = active self.scrollto(self.active) - def do_replace(self, match): + def __do_replace(self, match): start_iter = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_offset(match[0]) end_iter = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_offset(match[1]) self.textbuffer.delete(start_iter, end_iter) diff --git a/uberwriter/settings.py b/uberwriter/settings.py index 08bfe2b..1fcbf4d 100644 --- a/uberwriter/settings.py +++ b/uberwriter/settings.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. diff --git a/uberwriter/sidebar.py b/uberwriter/sidebar.py index 16b7104..571251c 100644 --- a/uberwriter/sidebar.py +++ b/uberwriter/sidebar.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. diff --git a/uberwriter/stats_counter.py b/uberwriter/stats_counter.py index adeac08..8c1e342 100644 --- a/uberwriter/stats_counter.py +++ b/uberwriter/stats_counter.py @@ -1,21 +1,18 @@ -import math import re -from queue import Queue -from threading import Thread +from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe from gi.repository import GLib -from uberwriter import helpers +from uberwriter.markup_regex import ITALIC, BOLD_ITALIC, BOLD, STRIKETHROUGH, IMAGE, LINK, LINK_ALT,\ + HORIZONTAL_RULE, LIST, MATH, TABLE, CODE_BLOCK, HEADER_UNDER, HEADER, BLOCK_QUOTE, ORDERED_LIST, \ + FOOTNOTE_ID, FOOTNOTE class StatsCounter: - """Counts characters, words, sentences and read time using a background thread.""" + """Counts characters, words, sentences and read time using a worker process.""" - # Regexp that matches characters, with the following exceptions: - # * Newlines - # * Sequential spaces - # * Sequential dashes - CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[^\s-]|(?:[^\S\n](?!\s)|-(?![-\n]))") + # Regexp that matches any character, except for newlines and subsequent spaces. + CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[^\s]|(?:[^\S\n](?!\s))") # Regexp that matches Asian letters, general symbols and hieroglyphs, # as well as sequences of word characters optionally containing non-word characters in-between. @@ -25,41 +22,63 @@ class StatsCounter: # exclamation mark, paragraph, and variants. SENTENCES = re.compile(r"[^\n][.。।෴۔።?՞;⸮؟?፧꘏⳺⳻⁇﹖⁈⁉‽!﹗!՜߹႟᥄\n]+") - # Regexp that matches paragraphs, ie. anything separated by newlines. - PARAGRAPHS = re.compile(r".+\n?") + # Regexp that matches paragraphs, ie. anything separated by at least 2 newlines. + PARAGRAPHS = re.compile(r"[^\n]+(\n{2,}|$)") - def __init__(self): + # List of regexp whose matches should be replaced by their "text" group. Order is important. + MARKUP_REGEXP_REPLACE = ( + BOLD_ITALIC, ITALIC, BOLD, STRIKETHROUGH, IMAGE, LINK, LINK_ALT, LIST, ORDERED_LIST, + BLOCK_QUOTE, HEADER, HEADER_UNDER, CODE_BLOCK, TABLE, MATH, FOOTNOTE_ID, FOOTNOTE + ) + + # List of regexp whose matches should be removed. Order is important. + MARKUP_REGEXP_REMOVE = ( + HORIZONTAL_RULE, + ) + + def __init__(self, callback): super().__init__() - self.queue = Queue() - worker = Thread(target=self.__do_count, name="stats-counter") - worker.daemon = True - worker.start() + # Worker process to handle counting. + self.counting = False + self.count_pending_text = None + self.parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() + Process(target=self.do_count, args=(child_conn,), daemon=True).start() + GLib.io_add_watch( + self.parent_conn.fileno(), GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, GLib.IO_IN, self.on_counted, callback) - def count(self, text, callback): - """Count stats for text, calling callback with a result when done. + def count(self, text): + """Count stats for text. - The callback argument contains the result, in the form: + In case counting is already running, it will re-count once it finishes. This ensure that + the pipe doesn't fill (and block) if multiple requests are made in quick succession.""" - (characters, words, sentences, (hours, minutes, seconds))""" + if not self.counting: + self.counting = True + self.count_pending_text = None + self.parent_conn.send(text) + else: + self.count_pending_text = text - self.queue.put((text, callback)) + def do_count(self, child_conn): + """Counts stats in a worker process. + + The result is in the format: (characters, words, sentences, (hours, minutes, seconds))""" - def stop(self): - """Stops the background worker. StatsCounter shouldn't be used after this.""" - - self.queue.put((None, None)) - - def __do_count(self): while True: while True: - (text, callback) = self.queue.get() - if text is None and callback is None: + try: + text = child_conn.recv() + if not child_conn.poll(): + break + except EOFError: + child_conn.close() return - if self.queue.empty(): - break - text = helpers.pandoc_convert(text, to="plain") + for regexp in self.MARKUP_REGEXP_REPLACE: + text = re.sub(regexp, r"\g<text>", text) + for regexp in self.MARKUP_REGEXP_REMOVE: + text = re.sub(regexp, "", text) character_count = len(re.findall(self.CHARACTERS, text)) @@ -73,6 +92,24 @@ class StatsCounter: read_h, read_m = divmod(read_m, 60) read_time = (int(read_h), int(read_m), int(read_s)) - GLib.idle_add( - callback, + child_conn.send( (character_count, word_count, sentence_count, paragraph_count, read_time)) + + def on_counted(self, _source, _condition, callback): + """Reads the counting result from the pipe and triggers any pending count.""" + + self.counting = False + if self.count_pending_text is not None: + self.count(self.count_pending_text) # self.count clears the pending text. + + try: + if self.parent_conn.poll(): + callback(self.parent_conn.recv()) + return True + except EOFError: + return False + + def stop(self): + """Stops the worker process. StatsCounter shouldn't be used after this.""" + + self.parent_conn.close() diff --git a/uberwriter/stats_handler.py b/uberwriter/stats_handler.py index 1709366..4f762bd 100644 --- a/uberwriter/stats_handler.py +++ b/uberwriter/stats_handler.py @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class StatsHandler: self.settings = Settings.new() - self.stats_counter = StatsCounter() + self.stats_counter = StatsCounter(self.update_stats) self.update_default_stat() @@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ class StatsHandler: self.text_view.grab_focus() def on_text_changed(self, buf): - self.stats_counter.count( - buf.get_text(buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter(), False), - self.update_stats) + self.stats_counter.count(buf.get_text(buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter(), False)) def get_text_for_stat(self, stat): if stat == self.CHARACTERS: diff --git a/uberwriter/styled_window.py b/uberwriter/styled_window.py index e88101e..b95ad03 100644 --- a/uberwriter/styled_window.py +++ b/uberwriter/styled_window.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from uberwriter import helpers from uberwriter.theme import Theme gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') -from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib +from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, Gio class StyledWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): @@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ class StyledWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): GLib.Variant("b", theme.is_dark)) # Set theme css + css_provider_file = Gio.File.new_for_uri( + "resource:///de/wolfvollprecht/UberWriter/media/css/gtk/base.css") style_provider = Gtk.CssProvider() - style_provider.load_from_path(helpers.get_css_path("gtk/base.css")) + style_provider.load_from_file(css_provider_file) Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen( self.get_screen(), style_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) diff --git a/uberwriter/text_view.py b/uberwriter/text_view.py index ea16989..1c4e9bc 100644 --- a/uberwriter/text_view.py +++ b/uberwriter/text_view.py @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ import gi -from gi.repository.GObject import SignalMatchType +from uberwriter.helpers import user_action from uberwriter.inline_preview import InlinePreview +from uberwriter.text_view_drag_drop_handler import DragDropHandler, TARGET_URI, TARGET_TEXT from uberwriter.text_view_format_inserter import FormatInserter from uberwriter.text_view_markup_handler import MarkupHandler from uberwriter.text_view_scroller import TextViewScroller from uberwriter.text_view_undo_redo_handler import UndoRedoHandler -from uberwriter.text_view_drag_drop_handler import DragDropHandler, TARGET_URI, TARGET_TEXT gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') gi.require_version('Gspell', '1') @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): # General behavior self.connect('size-allocate', self.on_size_allocate) self.get_buffer().connect('changed', self.on_text_changed) + self.get_buffer().connect('paste-done', self.on_paste_done) # Spell checking self.spellcheck = True @@ -71,6 +72,8 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): # Undo / redo self.undo_redo = UndoRedoHandler() + self.get_buffer().connect('begin-user-action', self.undo_redo.on_begin_user_action) + self.get_buffer().connect('end-user-action', self.undo_redo.on_end_user_action) self.get_buffer().connect('insert-text', self.undo_redo.on_insert_text) self.get_buffer().connect('delete-range', self.undo_redo.on_delete_range) self.connect('undo', self.undo_redo.undo) @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): # Markup self.markup = MarkupHandler(self) self.connect('style-updated', self.markup.on_style_updated) + self.connect('destroy', self.markup.stop) # Preview popover self.preview_popover = InlinePreview(self) @@ -121,8 +125,15 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): return text_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) def set_text(self, text): + """Set text and clear undo history""" + text_buffer = self.get_buffer() - text_buffer.set_text(text) + with user_action(text_buffer): + text_buffer.set_text(text) + self.undo_redo.clear() + + def can_scroll(self): + return self.scroller.can_scroll() def get_scroll_scale(self): return self.scroller.get_scroll_scale() if self.scroller else 0 @@ -143,6 +154,8 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): def on_text_changed(self, *_): self.markup.apply() + + def on_paste_done(self, *_): self.smooth_scroll_to() def on_parent_set(self, *_): @@ -150,15 +163,16 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): if parent: parent.set_size_request(self.get_min_width(), 500) self.scroller = TextViewScroller(self, parent) - parent.get_vadjustment().connect("changed", self.on_scroll_scale_changed) - parent.get_vadjustment().connect("value-changed", self.on_scroll_scale_changed) + parent.get_vadjustment().connect("changed", self.on_vadjustment_changed) + parent.get_vadjustment().connect("value-changed", self.on_vadjustment_changed) else: self.scroller = None def on_mark_set(self, _text_buffer, _location, mark, _data=None): - if mark.get_name() == 'insert': + if mark.get_name() == 'selection_bound': self.markup.apply() - self.smooth_scroll_to(mark) + if not self.get_buffer().get_has_selection(): + self.smooth_scroll_to(mark) elif mark.get_name() == 'gtk_drag_target': self.smooth_scroll_to(mark) return True @@ -168,10 +182,10 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): self.markup.apply() return False - def on_scroll_scale_changed(self, *_): + def on_vadjustment_changed(self, *_): if self.frozen_scroll_scale is not None: self.set_scroll_scale(self.frozen_scroll_scale) - else: + elif self.can_scroll(): self.emit("scroll-scale-changed", self.get_scroll_scale()) def unfreeze_scroll_scale(self): @@ -238,8 +252,7 @@ class TextView(Gtk.TextView): def clear(self): """Clear text and undo history""" - self.get_buffer().set_text('') - self.undo_redo.clear() + self.set_text('') def smooth_scroll_to(self, mark=None): """Scrolls if needed to ensure mark is visible. diff --git a/uberwriter/text_view_drag_drop_handler.py b/uberwriter/text_view_drag_drop_handler.py index 1b6c593..e45c4f7 100644 --- a/uberwriter/text_view_drag_drop_handler.py +++ b/uberwriter/text_view_drag_drop_handler.py @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ import mimetypes import urllib +from os.path import basename from gi.repository import Gtk @@ -28,17 +29,15 @@ class DragDropHandler: if info == TARGET_URI: uris = data.get_uris() for uri in uris: - uri = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(uri) + name = basename(urllib.parse.unquote_plus(uri)) mime = mimetypes.guess_type(uri) - if mime[0] is not None and mime[0].startswith('image'): - if uri.startswith("file://"): - uri = uri[7:] - text = "![Image caption](%s)" % uri + if mime[0] is not None and mime[0].startswith('image/'): + text = "![{}]({})".format(name, uri) limit_left = 2 limit_right = 23 else: - text = "[Link description](%s)" % uri + text = "[{}]({})".format(name, uri) limit_left = 1 limit_right = 22 text_buffer.place_cursor(text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark( @@ -58,5 +57,5 @@ class DragDropHandler: text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(data.get_text()) Gtk.drag_finish(drag_context, True, True, time) - text_view.get_window().present_with_time(time) + text_view.get_toplevel().present_with_time(time) return False diff --git a/uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py b/uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py index 5cbaf61..539de8b 100644 --- a/uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py +++ b/uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ from gettext import gettext as _ +from uberwriter.helpers import user_action + class FormatInserter: """Manages insertion of formatting. @@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ class FormatInserter: """Insert horizontal rule""" text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n\n---\n") + with user_action(text_buffer): + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n\n---\n") text_view.scroll_mark_onscreen(text_buffer.get_insert()) def insert_list_item(self, text_view, _data=None): @@ -35,12 +38,14 @@ class FormatInserter: if text_buffer.get_has_selection(): (start, end) = text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() if start.starts_line(): - text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False) - if text.startswith(("- ", "* ", "+ ")): - delete_end = start.forward_chars(2) - text_buffer.delete(start, delete_end) - else: - text_buffer.insert(start, "- ") + with user_action(text_buffer): + text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False) + if text.startswith(("- ", "* ", "+ ")): + delete_end = start.copy() + delete_end.forward_chars(2) + text_buffer.delete(start, delete_end) + else: + text_buffer.insert(start, "- ") else: helptext = _("Item") text_length = len(helptext) @@ -53,25 +58,25 @@ class FormatInserter: text = text_buffer.get_text(cursor_iter, start_ext, False) lines = text.splitlines() - for line in reversed(lines): - if line and line.startswith(("- ", "* ", "+ ")): - if cursor_iter.starts_line(): - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(line[:2] + helptext) - else: - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor( - "\n" + line[:2] + helptext) - break - else: - if not lines[-1] and not lines[-2]: - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("- " + helptext) - elif not lines[-1]: + with user_action(text_buffer): + for line in reversed(lines): + if line and line.startswith(("- ", "* ", "+ ")): if cursor_iter.starts_line(): - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("- " + helptext) + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(line[:2] + helptext) else: - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n- " + helptext) + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n" + line[:2] + helptext) + break else: - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n\n- " + helptext) - break + if not lines[-1] and not lines[-2]: + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("- " + helptext) + elif not lines[-1]: + if cursor_iter.starts_line(): + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("- " + helptext) + else: + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n- " + helptext) + else: + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n\n- " + helptext) + break self.__select_text(text_view, 0, text_length) @@ -83,57 +88,60 @@ class FormatInserter: """Insert header or mark a selection as a list header""" text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() - if text_buffer.get_has_selection(): - (start, end) = text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() - text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False) - text_buffer.delete(start, end) - else: - text = _("Header") + with user_action(text_buffer): + if text_buffer.get_has_selection(): + (start, end) = text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() + text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False) + text_buffer.delete(start, end) + else: + text = _("Header") + + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("#" + " " + text) - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor("#" + " " + text) self.__select_text(text_view, 0, len(text)) @staticmethod def __wrap(text_view, wrap, helptext=""): """Inserts wrap format to the selected text (helper text when nothing selected)""" text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() - if text_buffer.get_has_selection(): - # Find current highlighting - (start, end) = text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() - moved = False - if (start.get_offset() >= len(wrap) and - end.get_offset() <= text_buffer.get_char_count() - len(wrap)): - moved = True - ext_start = start.copy() - ext_start.backward_chars(len(wrap)) - ext_end = end.copy() - ext_end.forward_chars(len(wrap)) - text = text_buffer.get_text(ext_start, ext_end, True) - else: - text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, True) + with user_action(text_buffer): + if text_buffer.get_has_selection(): + # Find current highlighting + (start, end) = text_buffer.get_selection_bounds() + moved = False + if (start.get_offset() >= len(wrap) and + end.get_offset() <= text_buffer.get_char_count() - len(wrap)): + moved = True + ext_start = start.copy() + ext_start.backward_chars(len(wrap)) + ext_end = end.copy() + ext_end.forward_chars(len(wrap)) + text = text_buffer.get_text(ext_start, ext_end, True) + else: + text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, True) - if moved and text.startswith(wrap) and text.endswith(wrap): - text = text[len(wrap):-len(wrap)] - new_text = text - text_buffer.delete(ext_start, ext_end) - move_back = 0 - else: - if moved: + if moved and text.startswith(wrap) and text.endswith(wrap): text = text[len(wrap):-len(wrap)] - new_text = text.lstrip().rstrip() - text = text.replace(new_text, wrap + new_text + wrap) + new_text = text + text_buffer.delete(ext_start, ext_end) + move_back = 0 + else: + if moved: + text = text[len(wrap):-len(wrap)] + new_text = text.lstrip().rstrip() + text = text.replace(new_text, wrap + new_text + wrap) - text_buffer.delete(start, end) + text_buffer.delete(start, end) + move_back = len(wrap) + + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(text) + text_length = len(new_text) + + else: + text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(wrap + helptext + wrap) + text_length = len(helptext) move_back = len(wrap) - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(text) - text_length = len(new_text) - - else: - text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(wrap + helptext + wrap) - text_length = len(helptext) - move_back = len(wrap) - cursor_mark = text_buffer.get_insert() cursor_iter = text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_mark) cursor_iter.backward_chars(move_back) diff --git a/uberwriter/text_view_markup_handler.py b/uberwriter/text_view_markup_handler.py index 40a3da5..105cd01 100644 --- a/uberwriter/text_view_markup_handler.py +++ b/uberwriter/text_view_markup_handler.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- ### BEGIN LICENSE -# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> +# Copyright (C) 2019, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation. @@ -15,256 +15,325 @@ ### END LICENSE import re +from multiprocessing import Pipe, Process import gi -from gi.overrides import GLib -from uberwriter import helpers +from uberwriter import helpers, markup_regex +from uberwriter.markup_regex import STRIKETHROUGH, BOLD_ITALIC, BOLD, ITALIC, IMAGE, LINK,\ + LINK_ALT, HORIZONTAL_RULE, LIST, ORDERED_LIST, BLOCK_QUOTE, HEADER, HEADER_UNDER, TABLE, MATH, \ + CODE gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') -from gi.repository import Gtk +from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib from gi.repository import Pango class MarkupHandler: - # Maximum number of characters for which to markup synchronously. - max_char_sync = 100000 - - # Regular expressions for various markdown constructs. - regex = { - "ITALIC": re.compile(r"(\*|_)(.+?)\1"), - "BOLD": re.compile(r"(\*\*|__)(.+?)\1"), - "BOLDITALIC": re.compile(r"(\*\*\*|___)(.+?)\1"), - "STRIKETHROUGH": re.compile(r"~~.+?~~"), - "LINK": re.compile(r"(\[).*(\]\(.+?\))"), - "HORIZONTALRULE": re.compile(r"\n\n([ ]{0,3}[*\-_]{3,}[ ]*)\n\n", re.MULTILINE), - "LIST": re.compile(r"^((?:\t|[ ]{4})*)[\-*+] .+", re.MULTILINE), - "NUMERICLIST": re.compile(r"^((\d|[a-z]|#)+[.)]) ", re.MULTILINE), - "NUMBEREDLIST": re.compile(r"^((?:\t|[ ]{4})*)((?:\d|[a-z])+[.)]) .+", re.MULTILINE), - "BLOCKQUOTE": re.compile(r"^[ ]{0,3}(?:>|(?:> )+).+", re.MULTILINE), - "HEADER": re.compile(r"^[ ]{0,3}(#{1,6}) [^\n]+", re.MULTILINE), - "HEADER_UNDER": re.compile(r"^\n[ ]{0,3}\w.+\n[ ]{0,3}[=\-]{3,}", re.MULTILINE), - "CODE": re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)[ ]{0,3}(([`~]{3}).+?[ ]{0,3}\2)(?:\n|$)", re.DOTALL), - "TABLE": re.compile(r"^[\-+]{5,}\n(.+?)\n[\-+]{5,}\n", re.DOTALL), - "MATH": re.compile(r"[$]{1,2}([^` ].+?[^`\\ ])[$]{1,2}"), - } + TAG_NAME_ITALIC = 'italic' + TAG_NAME_BOLD = 'bold' + TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC = 'bold_italic' + TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH = 'strikethrough' + TAG_NAME_CENTER = 'center' + TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE = 'wrap_none' + TAG_NAME_PLAIN_TEXT = 'plain_text' + TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT = 'gray_text' + TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT = 'code_text' + TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK = 'code_block' + TAG_NAME_UNFOCUSED_TEXT = 'unfocused_text' + TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT = 'margin_indent' def __init__(self, text_view): self.text_view = text_view self.text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() + self.marked_up_text = None - # Styles + # Tags. buffer = self.text_buffer - self.italic = buffer.create_tag('italic', - weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, - style=Pango.Style.ITALIC) - - self.bold = buffer.create_tag('bold', - weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD, - style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) - - self.bolditalic = buffer.create_tag('bolditalic', - weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD, + self.tag_italic = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC, + weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, style=Pango.Style.ITALIC) - self.strikethrough = buffer.create_tag('strikethrough', strikethrough=True) - - self.horizontalrule = buffer.create_tag('centertext', - justification=Gtk.Justification.CENTER) - - self.plaintext = buffer.create_tag('plaintext', - weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, - style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, - strikethrough=False, - justification=Gtk.Justification.LEFT) - - self.table = buffer.create_tag('table', - wrap_mode=Gtk.WrapMode.NONE, - pixels_above_lines=0, - pixels_below_lines=0) - - self.mathtext = buffer.create_tag('mathtext') - - self.graytext = buffer.create_tag('graytext', - foreground='gray', - weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, + self.tag_bold = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_BOLD, + weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD, style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) - # Margin and indents - # A baseline margin is set to allow negative offsets for formatting headers, lists, etc - self.margins_indents = {} + self.tag_bold_italic = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC, + weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD, + style=Pango.Style.ITALIC) + + self.tag_strikethrough = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH, + strikethrough=True) + + self.tag_center = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_CENTER, + justification=Gtk.Justification.CENTER) + + self.tag_wrap_none = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE, + wrap_mode=Gtk.WrapMode.NONE, + pixels_above_lines=0, + pixels_below_lines=0) + + self.tag_plain_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_PLAIN_TEXT, + weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, + style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, + strikethrough=False, + justification=Gtk.Justification.LEFT) + + self.tag_gray_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT, + foreground='gray', + weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, + style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) + + self.tag_code_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT, + weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, + style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, + strikethrough=False) + + self.tag_code_block = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK, + weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, + style=Pango.Style.NORMAL, + strikethrough=False, + indent=self.get_margin_indent(0, 1)[1]) + + self.tags_markup = { + self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC: lambda args: self.tag_italic, + self.TAG_NAME_BOLD: lambda args: self.tag_bold, + self.TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC: lambda args: self.tag_bold_italic, + self.TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH: lambda args: self.tag_strikethrough, + self.TAG_NAME_CENTER: lambda args: self.tag_center, + self.TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE: lambda args: self.tag_wrap_none, + self.TAG_NAME_PLAIN_TEXT: lambda args: self.tag_plain_text, + self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT: lambda args: self.tag_gray_text, + self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT: lambda args: self.tag_code_text, + self.TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK: lambda args: self.tag_code_block, + self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT: lambda args: self.get_margin_indent_tag(*args) + } + + # Focus mode. + self.tag_unfocused_text = buffer.create_tag(self.TAG_NAME_UNFOCUSED_TEXT, + foreground='gray', + weight=Pango.Weight.NORMAL, + style=Pango.Style.NORMAL) + + # Margin and indents. + # A baseline margin is set to allow negative offsets for formatting headers, lists, etc. + self.tags_margins_indents = {} self.baseline_margin = 0 self.char_width = 0 self.update_margins_indents() - # Style + # Style. self.on_style_updated() - self.version = 0 + # Worker process to handle parsing. + self.parsing = False + self.apply_pending = False + self.parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() + Process(target=self.parse, args=(child_conn,), daemon=True).start() + GLib.io_add_watch( + self.parent_conn.fileno(), GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, GLib.IO_IN, self.on_parsed) def on_style_updated(self, *_): - (found, color) = self.text_view.get_style_context().lookup_color('math_text_color') + style_context = self.text_view.get_style_context() + (found, color) = style_context.lookup_color('code_bg_color') if not found: - (_, color) = self.text_view.get_style_context().lookup_color('foreground_color') - self.mathtext.set_property("foreground", color.to_string()) + (_, color) = style_context.lookup_color('background_color') + self.tag_code_text.set_property("background", color.to_string()) + self.tag_code_block.set_property("paragraph-background", color.to_string()) def apply(self): - self.version = self.version + 1 - if self.text_buffer.get_char_count() < self.max_char_sync: - self.do_apply() - else: - GLib.idle_add(self.do_apply, self.version) + """Applies markup, parsing it in a worker process if the text has changed. - def do_apply(self, version=None): - if version is not None and version != self.version: - return + In case parsing is already running, it will re-apply once it finishes. This ensure that + the pipe doesn't fill (and block) if multiple requests are made in quick succession.""" + + if not self.parsing: + self.parsing = True + self.apply_pending = False + + text = self.text_buffer.get_slice( + self.text_buffer.get_start_iter(), self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(), False) + if text != self.marked_up_text: + self.parent_conn.send(text) + else: + self.do_apply(text) + else: + self.apply_pending = True + + def parse(self, child_conn): + """Parses markup in a worker process.""" + + while True: + while True: + try: + text = child_conn.recv() + if not child_conn.poll(): + break + except EOFError: + child_conn.close() + return + + # List of tuples in the form (tag_name, tag_args, tag_start, tag_end). + result = [] + + # Find: + # - "_italic_" (italic) + # - "**bold**" (bold) + # - "***bolditalic***" (bold/italic) + # - "~~strikethrough~~" (strikethrough) + # - "`code`" (colorize) + # - "$math$" (colorize) + # - "---" table (wrap/pixels) + regexps = ( + (ITALIC, self.TAG_NAME_ITALIC), + (BOLD, self.TAG_NAME_BOLD), + (BOLD_ITALIC, self.TAG_NAME_BOLD_ITALIC), + (STRIKETHROUGH, self.TAG_NAME_STRIKETHROUGH), + (CODE, self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT), + (MATH, self.TAG_NAME_CODE_TEXT), + (TABLE, self.TAG_NAME_WRAP_NONE) + ) + for regexp, tag_name in regexps: + matches = re.finditer(regexp, text) + for match in matches: + result.append((tag_name, (), match.start(), match.end())) + + # Find: + # - "[description](url)" (gray out) + # - "![description](image_url)" (gray out) + regexps = ( + (LINK, self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT), + (IMAGE, self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT) + ) + for regexp, tag_name in regexps: + matches = re.finditer(regexp, text) + for match in matches: + result.append((tag_name, (), match.start(), match.start("text"))) + result.append((tag_name, (), match.end("text"), match.end())) + + # Find "<url>" links (gray out). + matches = re.finditer(LINK_ALT, text) + for match in matches: + result.append(( + self.TAG_NAME_GRAY_TEXT, (), match.start("text"), match.end("text"))) + + # Find "---" horizontal rule (center). + matches = re.finditer(HORIZONTAL_RULE, text) + for match in matches: + result.append(( + self.TAG_NAME_CENTER, (), match.start("symbols"), match.end("symbols"))) + + # Find "* list" (offset). + matches = re.finditer(LIST, text) + for match in matches: + # Lists use character+space (eg. "* "). + length = 2 + nest = len(match.group("indent").replace(" ", "\t")) + margin = -length - 2 * nest + indent = -length - 2 * length * nest + result.append(( + self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, + (margin, indent), + match.start("content"), + match.end("content") + )) + + # Find "1. ordered list" (offset). + matches = re.finditer(ORDERED_LIST, text) + for match in matches: + # Ordered lists use numbers/letters+dot/parens+space (eg. "123. "). + length = len(match.group("prefix")) + 1 + nest = len(match.group("indent").replace(" ", "\t")) + margin = -length - 2 * nest + indent = -length - 2 * length * nest + result.append(( + self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, + (margin, indent), + match.start("content"), + match.end("content") + )) + + # Find "> blockquote" (offset). + matches = re.finditer(BLOCK_QUOTE, text) + for match in matches: + result.append((self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, (2, -2), match.start(), match.end())) + + # Find "# Header" (offset+bold). + matches = re.finditer(HEADER, text) + for match in matches: + margin = -len(match.group("level")) - 1 + result.append(( + self.TAG_NAME_MARGIN_INDENT, (margin, 0), match.start(), match.end())) + result.append((self.TAG_NAME_BOLD, (), match.start(), match.end())) + + # Find "=======" header underline (bold). + matches = re.finditer(HEADER_UNDER, text) + for match in matches: + result.append((self.TAG_NAME_BOLD, (), match.start(), match.end())) + + # Find "```" code block tag (offset + colorize paragraph). + matches = re.finditer(markup_regex.CODE_BLOCK, text) + for match in matches: + result.append(( + self.TAG_NAME_CODE_BLOCK, (), match.start("block"), match.end("block"))) + + # Send parsed data back. + child_conn.send((text, result)) + + def on_parsed(self, _source, _condition): + """Reads the parsing result from the pipe and triggers any pending apply.""" + + self.parsing = False + if self.apply_pending: + self.apply() # self.apply clears the apply pending flag. + + try: + if self.parent_conn.poll(): + self.do_apply(*self.parent_conn.recv()) + return True + except EOFError: + return False + + def do_apply(self, original_text, result=[]): + """Applies the result of parsing if the current text matches the original text.""" buffer = self.text_buffer start = buffer.get_start_iter() end = buffer.get_end_iter() - offset = 0 + text = self.text_buffer.get_slice(start, end, False) - text = buffer.get_slice(start, end, False) + # Apply markup tags. + if text == original_text and text != self.marked_up_text: + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_italic, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_bold, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_bold_italic, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_strikethrough, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_center, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_plain_text, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_gray_text, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_code_text, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_code_block, start, end) + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_wrap_none, start, end) + for tag in self.tags_margins_indents.values(): + buffer.remove_tag(tag, start, end) - # Remove tags - buffer.remove_tag(self.italic, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.bold, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.bolditalic, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.strikethrough, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.horizontalrule, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.plaintext, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.table, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.mathtext, start, end) - for tag in self.margins_indents.values(): - buffer.remove_tag(tag, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.graytext, start, end) - buffer.remove_tag(self.graytext, start, end) + for tag_name, tag_args, tag_start, tag_end in result: + buffer.apply_tag( + self.tags_markup[tag_name](tag_args), + buffer.get_iter_at_offset(tag_start), + buffer.get_iter_at_offset(tag_end)) - # Apply "_italic_" tag (italic) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["ITALIC"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.italic, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "**bold**" tag (bold) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["BOLD"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.bold, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "***bolditalic***" tag (bold/italic) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["BOLDITALIC"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.bolditalic, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "~~strikethrough~~" tag (strikethrough) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["STRIKETHROUGH"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.strikethrough, start_iter, end_iter) - - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["LINK"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start(1)) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end(1)) - buffer.apply_tag(self.graytext, start_iter, end_iter) - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start(2)) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end(2)) - buffer.apply_tag(self.graytext, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "---" horizontal rule tag (center) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["HORIZONTALRULE"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start(1)) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end(1)) - buffer.apply_tag(self.horizontalrule, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "* list" tag (offset) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["LIST"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - # Lists use character+space (eg. "* ") - length = 2 - nest = len(match.group(1).replace(" ", "\t")) - margin = -length - 2 * nest - indent = -length - 2 * length * nest - buffer.apply_tag(self.get_margin_indent_tag(margin, indent), start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "1. numbered list" tag (offset) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["NUMBEREDLIST"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - # Numeric lists use numbers/letters+dot/parens+space (eg. "123. ") - length = len(match.group(2)) + 1 - nest = len(match.group(1).replace(" ", "\t")) - margin = -length - 2 * nest - indent = -length - 2 * length * nest - buffer.apply_tag(self.get_margin_indent_tag(margin, indent), start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "> blockquote" tag (offset) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["BLOCKQUOTE"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.get_margin_indent_tag(2, -2), start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "#" tag (offset + bold) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["HEADER"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - margin = -len(match.group(1)) - 1 - buffer.apply_tag(self.get_margin_indent_tag(margin, 0), start_iter, end_iter) - buffer.apply_tag(self.bold, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "======" header underline tag (bold) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["HEADER_UNDER"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.bold, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "```" code tag (offset) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["CODE"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start(1)) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end(1)) - buffer.apply_tag(self.get_margin_indent_tag(0, 2), start_iter, end_iter) - buffer.apply_tag(self.plaintext, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "---" table tag (wrap/pixels) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["TABLE"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.table, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply "$math$" tag (colorize) - matches = re.finditer(self.regex["MATH"], text) - for match in matches: - start_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.start()) - end_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + match.end()) - buffer.apply_tag(self.mathtext, start_iter, end_iter) - - # Apply focus mode tag (grey out before/after current sentence) + # Apply focus mode tag (grey out before/after current sentence). + buffer.remove_tag(self.tag_unfocused_text, start, end) if self.text_view.focus_mode: cursor_iter = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(buffer.get_insert()) start_sentence = cursor_iter.copy() start_sentence.backward_sentence_start() end_sentence = cursor_iter.copy() end_sentence.forward_sentence_end() - if start.compare(start_sentence) <= 0: - buffer.apply_tag(self.graytext, start, start_sentence) - if end.compare(end_sentence) >= 0: - buffer.apply_tag(self.graytext, end_sentence, end) + buffer.apply_tag(self.tag_unfocused_text, start, start_sentence) + buffer.apply_tag(self.tag_unfocused_text, end_sentence, end) # Margin and indent are cumulative. They differ in two ways: # * Margin is always in the beginning, which means it effectively only affects the first line @@ -273,15 +342,15 @@ class MarkupHandler: # Indent is always positive, or 0. def get_margin_indent_tag(self, margin_level, indent_level): level = (margin_level, indent_level) - if level not in self.margins_indents: + if level not in self.tags_margins_indents: margin, indent = self.get_margin_indent(margin_level, indent_level) tag = self.text_buffer.create_tag( "margin_indent_{}_{}".format(margin_level, indent_level), left_margin=margin, indent=indent) - self.margins_indents[level] = tag + self.tags_margins_indents[level] = tag return tag else: - return self.margins_indents[level] + return self.tags_margins_indents[level] def get_margin_indent(self, margin_level, indent_level, baseline_margin=None, char_width=None): if baseline_margin is None: @@ -308,6 +377,9 @@ class MarkupHandler: self.text_view.set_tabs(tab_array) # Adjust margins and indents - for level, tag in self.margins_indents.items(): + for level, tag in self.tags_margins_indents.items(): margin, indent = self.get_margin_indent(*level, baseline_margin, char_width) tag.set_properties(left_margin=margin, indent=indent) + + def stop(self, *_): + self.parent_conn.close() diff --git a/uberwriter/text_view_scroller.py b/uberwriter/text_view_scroller.py index b483359..1efa2f7 100644 --- a/uberwriter/text_view_scroller.py +++ b/uberwriter/text_view_scroller.py @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ class TextViewScroller: self.scrolled_window = scrolled_window self.smooth_scroller = None + def can_scroll(self): + vap = self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment().props + return vap.upper > vap.page_size + def get_scroll_scale(self): vap = self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment().props if vap.upper > vap.page_size: diff --git a/uberwriter/text_view_undo_redo_handler.py b/uberwriter/text_view_undo_redo_handler.py index f91903c..ac15bc2 100644 --- a/uberwriter/text_view_undo_redo_handler.py +++ b/uberwriter/text_view_undo_redo_handler.py @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ +import logging + +LOGGER = logging.getLogger('uberwriter') + + class UndoableInsert: """Something has been inserted into text_buffer""" @@ -7,6 +12,41 @@ class UndoableInsert: self.length = length self.mergeable = not bool(self.length > 1 or self.text in ("\r", "\n", " ")) + def undo(self, text_buffer): + offset = self.offset + start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset) + stop = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset + self.length) + text_buffer.place_cursor(start) + text_buffer.delete(start, stop) + + def redo(self, text_buffer): + start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.offset) + text_buffer.insert(start, self.text) + new_cursor_pos = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.offset + self.length) + text_buffer.place_cursor(new_cursor_pos) + + def merge(self, next_action): + """Merge a following action into this insert, if possible + + can't merge if prev is not another insert + can't merge if prev and cur are not mergeable in the first place + can't merge when user set the input bar somewhere else + can't merge across word boundaries""" + + if not isinstance(next_action, UndoableInsert): + return False + if not self.mergeable or not next_action.mergeable: + return False + if self.offset + self.length != next_action.offset: + return False + whitespace = (' ', '\t') + if self.text in whitespace != next_action.text in whitespace: + return False + + self.length += next_action.length + self.text += next_action.text + return True + class UndoableDelete: """Something has been deleted from text_buffer""" @@ -20,6 +60,67 @@ class UndoableDelete: self.delete_key_used = bool(insert_iter.get_offset() <= self.start) self.mergeable = not bool(self.end - self.start > 1 or self.text in ("\r", "\n", " ")) + def undo(self, text_buffer): + start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.start) + text_buffer.insert(start, self.text) + if self.delete_key_used: + text_buffer.place_cursor(start) + else: + stop = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.end) + text_buffer.place_cursor(stop) + + def redo(self, text_buffer): + start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.start) + stop = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.end) + text_buffer.delete(start, stop) + text_buffer.place_cursor(start) + + def merge(self, next_action): + """Check if this delete can be merged with a previous action + + can't merge if prev is not another delete + can't merge if prev and cur are not mergeable in the first place + can't merge if delete and backspace key were both used + can't merge across word boundaries""" + + if not isinstance(next_action, UndoableDelete): + return False + if not self.mergeable or not next_action.mergeable: + return False + if self.delete_key_used != next_action.delete_key_used: + return False + if self.start != next_action.start and self.start != next_action.end: + return False + whitespace = (' ', '\t') + if self.text in whitespace != next_action.text in whitespace: + return False + + if self.delete_key_used: + self.text += next_action.text + self.end += (next_action.end - next_action.start) + else: + self.text = "%s%s" % (next_action.text, next_action.text) + self.start = next_action.start + return True + + +class UndoableGroup(list): + """A list of undoable actions, usually corresponding to a single user action""" + + def undo(self, text_buffer): + for undoable in reversed(self): + undoable.undo(text_buffer) + + def redo(self, text_buffer): + for undoable in self: + undoable.redo(text_buffer) + + def merge(self, next_action): + if len(self) == 1: + return self[0].merge(next_action) + else: + return False + class UndoRedoHandler: """Manages undo/redo for a given text_buffer. @@ -29,7 +130,7 @@ class UndoRedoHandler: def __init__(self): self.undo_stack = [] self.redo_stack = [] - self.not_undoable_action = False + self.current_undo_group = None self.undo_in_progress = False def undo(self, text_view, _data=None): @@ -39,28 +140,10 @@ class UndoRedoHandler: if not self.undo_stack: return - self.__begin_not_undoable_action() self.undo_in_progress = True undo_action = self.undo_stack.pop() self.redo_stack.append(undo_action) - text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() - if isinstance(undo_action, UndoableInsert): - offset = undo_action.offset - start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset) - stop = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset( - offset + undo_action.length - ) - text_buffer.place_cursor(start) - text_buffer.delete(start, stop) - else: - start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(undo_action.start) - text_buffer.insert(start, undo_action.text) - if undo_action.delete_key_used: - text_buffer.place_cursor(start) - else: - stop = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(undo_action.end) - text_buffer.place_cursor(stop) - self.__end_not_undoable_action() + undo_action.undo(text_view.get_buffer()) self.undo_in_progress = False def redo(self, text_view, _data=None): @@ -70,135 +153,71 @@ class UndoRedoHandler: if not self.redo_stack: return - self.__begin_not_undoable_action() self.undo_in_progress = True redo_action = self.redo_stack.pop() self.undo_stack.append(redo_action) - text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer() - if isinstance(redo_action, UndoableInsert): - start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(redo_action.offset) - text_buffer.insert(start, redo_action.text) - new_cursor_pos = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset( - redo_action.offset + redo_action.length) - text_buffer.place_cursor(new_cursor_pos) - else: - start = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(redo_action.start) - stop = text_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(redo_action.end) - text_buffer.delete(start, stop) - text_buffer.place_cursor(start) - self.__end_not_undoable_action() + redo_action.redo(text_view.get_buffer()) self.undo_in_progress = False def clear(self): self.undo_stack = [] self.redo_stack = [] + def on_begin_user_action(self, _text_buffer): + """Start of a user action. Refer to TextBuffer's "begin-user-action" signal. + + This method must be registered to TextBuffer's "begin-user-action" signal, or called + manually followed by on_end_user_action.""" + + self.current_undo_group = UndoableGroup() + + def on_end_user_action(self, _text_buffer): + """End of a user action. Refer to TextBuffer's "end-user-action" signal. + + This method must be registered to TextBuffer's "end-user-action" signal, or called + manually preceded by on_start_user_action.""" + + if self.current_undo_group: + self.undo_stack.append(self.current_undo_group) + self.current_undo_group = None + def on_insert_text(self, _text_buffer, text_iter, text, _length): - """Registers a text insert. Refer to TextBuffer's "insert-text" signal. + """Records a text insert. Refer to TextBuffer's "insert-text" signal. - This method must be registered to TextBuffer's "insert-text" signal, or called manually.""" + This method must be registered to TextBuffer's "insert-text" signal, or called manually + in between on_begin_user_action and on_end_user_action.""" - def can_be_merged(prev, cur): - """Check if multiple insertions can be merged - - can't merge if prev and cur are not mergeable in the first place - can't merge when user set the input bar somewhere else - can't merge across word boundaries""" - - whitespace = (' ', '\t') - if not cur.mergeable or not prev.mergeable: - return False - if cur.offset != (prev.offset + prev.length): - return False - if cur.text in whitespace and prev.text not in whitespace: - return False - if prev.text in whitespace and cur.text not in whitespace: - return False - return True - - if not self.undo_in_progress: - self.redo_stack = [] - if self.not_undoable_action: - return - - undo_action = UndoableInsert(text_iter, text, len(text)) - try: - prev_insert = self.undo_stack.pop() - except IndexError: - self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) - return - if not isinstance(prev_insert, UndoableInsert): - self.undo_stack.append(prev_insert) - self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) - return - if can_be_merged(prev_insert, undo_action): - prev_insert.length += undo_action.length - prev_insert.text += undo_action.text - self.undo_stack.append(prev_insert) - else: - self.undo_stack.append(prev_insert) - self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) + self.__record_undoable(UndoableInsert(text_iter, text, len(text))) def on_delete_range(self, text_buffer, start_iter, end_iter): - """Registers a range deletion. Refer to TextBuffer's "delete-range" signal. + """Records a range deletion. Refer to TextBuffer's "delete-range" signal. - This method must be registered to TextBuffer's "delete-range" signal, or called manually.""" + This method must be registered to TextBuffer's "delete-range" signal, or called manually + in between on_begin_user_action and on_end_user_action.""" - def can_be_merged(prev, cur): - """Check if multiple deletions can be merged + self.__record_undoable(UndoableDelete(text_buffer, start_iter, end_iter)) - can't merge if prev and cur are not mergeable in the first place - can't merge if delete and backspace key were both used - can't merge across word boundaries""" - - whitespace = (' ', '\t') - if not cur.mergeable or not prev.mergeable: - return False - if prev.delete_key_used != cur.delete_key_used: - return False - if prev.start != cur.start and prev.start != cur.end: - return False - if cur.text not in whitespace and \ - prev.text in whitespace: - return False - if cur.text in whitespace and \ - prev.text not in whitespace: - return False - return True + def __record_undoable(self, undoable): + """Records a change, merging it to a previous one if possible.""" if not self.undo_in_progress: self.redo_stack = [] - if self.not_undoable_action: - return - undo_action = UndoableDelete(text_buffer, start_iter, end_iter) - try: - prev_delete = self.undo_stack.pop() - except IndexError: - self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) - return - if not isinstance(prev_delete, UndoableDelete): - self.undo_stack.append(prev_delete) - self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) - return - if can_be_merged(prev_delete, undo_action): - if prev_delete.start == undo_action.start: # delete key used - prev_delete.text += undo_action.text - prev_delete.end += (undo_action.end - undo_action.start) - else: # Backspace used - prev_delete.text = "%s%s" % (undo_action.text, - prev_delete.text) - prev_delete.start = undo_action.start - self.undo_stack.append(prev_delete) else: - self.undo_stack.append(prev_delete) - self.undo_stack.append(undo_action) + return - def __begin_not_undoable_action(self): - """Toggle to stop recording actions""" + prev_group_undoable = self.current_undo_group[-1] if self.current_undo_group else None + prev_stack_undoable = self.undo_stack[-1] if self.undo_stack else None - self.not_undoable_action = True + if prev_group_undoable: + merged = prev_group_undoable.merge(undoable) + elif prev_stack_undoable: + merged = prev_stack_undoable.merge(undoable) + else: + merged = False - def __end_not_undoable_action(self): - """Toggle to start recording actions""" - - self.not_undoable_action = False + if not merged: + if self.current_undo_group is None: + LOGGER.warning("Recording a change without a user action.") + self.undo_stack.append(undoable) + else: + self.current_undo_group.append(undoable) diff --git a/uberwriter/webkit2png/webkit2png.py b/uberwriter/webkit2png/webkit2png.py deleted file mode 100755 index ba9f22b..0000000 --- a/uberwriter/webkit2png/webkit2png.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,218 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# webkit2png - makes screenshots of webpages -# http://www.paulhammond.org/webkit2png - -# modified and updated version by @somas95 (Manuel Genovés) - -__version__='' - # Copyright (c) 2009 Paul Hammond - # - # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal - # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights - # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell - # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is - # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - # - # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in - # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - # - # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, - # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN - # THE SOFTWARE. - # - -import optparse -import sys -import os - -try: - import gi - gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0') - gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') - from gi.repository import GObject as gobject - from gi.repository import Gtk as gtk - from gi.repository import Pango as pango - from gi.repository import WebKit2 as webkit - mode = "pygtk" -except ImportError: - print("Cannot find python-webkit library files. Are you sure they're installed?") - sys.exit() - -class PyGTKBrowser: - - def _save_image(self, webview, res, data): - try: - original_surface = webview.get_snapshot_finish(res) - - import cairo - new_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 1024, 768) - ctx = cairo.Context(new_surface) - ctx.set_source_surface(original_surface, 0, 0) - ctx.paint() - - new_surface.write_to_png("test.png") - - self.thumbnail = os.path.abspath("test.png") - #return new_surface - except Exception as e: - print("Could not draw thumbnail for %s: %s" % (self.title, str(e))) - - def _view_load_finished_cb(self, view, event): - print(event) - if event == webkit.LoadEvent.FINISHED: - pixmap = view.get_snapshot(webkit.SnapshotRegion(1), - webkit.SnapshotOptions(0), - None, self._save_image, None) - #size = get_size() - - URL = view.get_main_frame().get_uri() - filename = makeFilename(URL, self.options) - - pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, size[0], size[1]) - pixbuf.get_from_drawable(pixmap, pixmap.get_colormap(),0,0,0,0,-1,-1) - if self.options.fullsize: - pixbuf.save(filename + "-full.png", "png") - - if self.options.thumb or self.options.clipped: - thumbWidth = int(size[0] * self.options.scale) - thumbHeight = int(size[1] * self.options.scale) - - thumbbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) - if self.options.thumb: - thumbbuf.save(filename + "-thumb.png", "png") - - if self.options.clipped: - clipbuf = thumbbuf.subpixbuf(0,thumbHeight-int(self.options.clipheight), - int(self.options.clipwidth), - int(self.options.clipheight)) - clipbuf.save(filename + "-clip.png", "png") - - gtk.main_quit() - - def __init__(self, options, args): - self.options = options - - if options.delay: - print("--delay is only supported on Mac OS X (for now). Sorry!") - - window = gtk.Window() - window.resize(int(options.initWidth),int(options.initHeight)) - self.view = webkit.WebView() - - settings = self.view.get_settings() - settings.set_property("auto-load-images", not options.noimages) - self.view.set_settings(settings) - - self.view.connect("load_changed", self._view_load_finished_cb) - - # window.add(self.view) - # window.show_all() - self.view.load_uri(args[0]) - # go go go - gtk.main() - - - -def main(): - - # parse the command line - usage = """%prog [options] [http://example.net/ ...] -examples: -%prog http://google.com/ # screengrab google -%prog -W 1000 -H 1000 http://google.com/ # bigger screengrab of google -%prog -T http://google.com/ # just the thumbnail screengrab -%prog -TF http://google.com/ # just thumbnail and fullsize grab -%prog -o foo http://google.com/ # save images as "foo-thumb.png" etc -%prog - # screengrab urls from stdin -%prog -h | less # full documentation""" - - cmdparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage,version=("webkit2png "+__version__)) - # TODO: add quiet/verbose options - cmdparser.add_option("-W", "--width",type="float",default=800.0, - help="initial (and minimum) width of browser (default: 800)") - cmdparser.add_option("-H", "--height",type="float",default=600.0, - help="initial (and minimum) height of browser (default: 600)") - cmdparser.add_option("--clipwidth",type="float",default=200.0, - help="width of clipped thumbnail (default: 200)", - metavar="WIDTH") - cmdparser.add_option("--clipheight",type="float",default=150.0, - help="height of clipped thumbnail (default: 150)", - metavar="HEIGHT") - cmdparser.add_option("-s", "--scale",type="float",default=0.25, - help="scale factor for thumbnails (default: 0.25)") - cmdparser.add_option("-m", "--md5", action="store_true", - help="use md5 hash for filename (like del.icio.us)") - cmdparser.add_option("-o", "--filename", type="string",default="", - metavar="NAME", help="save images as NAME-full.png,NAME-thumb.png etc") - cmdparser.add_option("-F", "--fullsize", action="store_true", - help="only create fullsize screenshot") - cmdparser.add_option("-T", "--thumb", action="store_true", - help="only create thumbnail sreenshot") - cmdparser.add_option("-C", "--clipped", action="store_true", - help="only create clipped thumbnail screenshot") - cmdparser.add_option("-d", "--datestamp", action="store_true", - help="include date in filename") - cmdparser.add_option("-D", "--dir",type="string",default="./", - help="directory to place images into") - cmdparser.add_option("--delay",type="float",default=0, - help="delay between page load finishing and screenshot") - cmdparser.add_option("--noimages", action="store_true", - help="don't load images") - cmdparser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", - help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) - (options, args) = cmdparser.parse_args() - if len(args) == 0: - cmdparser.print_usage() - return - if options.filename: - if len(args) != 1 or args[0] == "-": - print("--filename option requires exactly one url") - return - if options.scale == 0: - cmdparser.error("scale cannot be zero") - # make sure we're outputing something - if not (options.fullsize or options.thumb or options.clipped): - options.fullsize = True - options.thumb = True - options.clipped = True - # work out the initial size of the browser window - # (this might need to be larger so clipped image is right size) - options.initWidth = (options.clipwidth / options.scale) - options.initHeight = (options.clipheight / options.scale) - if options.width>options.initWidth: - options.initWidth = options.width - if options.height>options.initHeight: - options.initHeight = options.height - - PyGTKBrowser(options, args) - -def makeFilename(self, URL, options): - # make the filename - if options.filename: - filename = options.filename - elif options.md5: - try: - import md5 - except ImportError: - print("--md5 requires python md5 library") - filename = md5.new(URL).hexdigest() - else: - import re - filename = re.sub('\W','',URL) - filename = re.sub('^http','',filename) - if options.datestamp: - import time - now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") - filename = now + "-" + filename - import os - dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(options.dir)) - return os.path.join(dir,filename) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": main()