Fix character count with horizontal rules

Pandoc's conversion to plain text converts horizontal rules to a
sequence of 72 dashes. This update ensures that subsequent dashes
are ignored when counting characters.
Gonçalo Silva 2019-05-01 18:55:24 +01:00
parent 9238a82d4d
commit 241ba567e4
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ from uberwriter import helpers
class StatsCounter:
"""Counts characters, words, sentences and read time using a background thread."""
# Regexp that matches any character, except for newlines and subsequent spaces.
CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[^\s]|(?:[^\S\n](?!\s))")
# Regexp that matches characters, with the following exceptions:
# * Newlines
# * Sequential spaces
# * Sequential dashes
CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[^\s-]|(?:[^\S\n](?!\s)|-(?![-\n]))")
# Regexp that matches Asian letters, general symbols and hieroglyphs,
# as well as sequences of word characters optionally containing non-word characters in-between.