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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Poio Tools for Linguists
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Poio Project
# Author: Peter Bouda <pbouda@cidles.eu>
# URL: <http://media.cidles.eu/poio/>
# For license information, see LICENSE
Class for context tracker.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import copy
import io
from . import character
from . import observer
from . import tokenizer
class InvalidCallbackException(Exception): pass
class ContextChangeDetector(object):
def __init__(self, lowercase):
self.lowercase = lowercase
self.sliding_windows_size = DEFAULT_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE
self.sliding_window = ""
def update_sliding_window(self, string):
if len(string) <= self.sliding_windows_size:
self.sliding_window = string
self.sliding_window = string[:-self.sliding_windows_size]
def context_change(self, past_stream):
# rename for clarity
prev_context = self.sliding_window
curr_context = past_stream
if len(prev_context) == 0:
if len(curr_context) == 0:
return False
return True
ctx_idx = curr_context.rfind(prev_context)
if ctx_idx == -1:
return True
remainder = curr_context[ctx_idx + len(prev_context):]
idx = character.last_word_character(remainder)
if idx == -1:
if len(remainder) == 0:
return False
last_char = curr_context[ctx_idx + len(prev_context) - 1]
if character.is_word_character(last_char):
return False
return True
if idx == len(remainder) - 1:
return False
return True
def change(self, past_stream):
# rename for clarity
prev_context = self.sliding_window
curr_context = past_stream
if len(prev_context) == 0:
return past_stream
ctx_idx = curr_context.rfind(prev_context)
if ctx_idx == -1:
return past_stream
result = curr_context[ctx_idx + len(prev_context):]
if (self.context_change(past_stream)):
sliding_window_stream = self.sliding_window
r_tok = tokenizer.ReverseTokenizer(sliding_window_stream)
r_tok.lowercase = self.lowercase
first_token = r_tok.next_token()
if not len(first_token) == 0:
result = first_token + result
return result
class ContextTracker(object): #observer.Observer
Tracks the current context.
def __init__(self, config, predictor_registry, callback):
#self.dispatcher = observer.Dispatcher(self)
self.config = config
self.lowercase = self.config.getboolean("ContextTracker", "lowercase_mode")
self.registry = predictor_registry
if callback:
self.callback = callback
raise InvalidCallbackException
self.context_change_detector = ContextChangeDetector(self.lowercase)
self.registry.context_tracker = self
self.sliding_windows_size = DEFAULT_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE
def context_change(self):
return self.context_change_detector.context_change(self.past_stream())
def update_context(self):
change = self.context_change_detector.change(self.past_stream())
tok = tokenizer.ForwardTokenizer(change)
tok.lowercase = self.lowercase
change_tokens = []
token = tok.next_token()
if len(change_tokens) != 0:
# remove prefix (partially entered token or empty token)
for predictor in self.predictor_registry:
def prefix(self):
def token(self, index):
past_string_stream = self.past_stream()
string_io = io.StringIO(past_string_stream)
tok = tokenizer.ReverseTokenizer(string_io)
tok.lowercase = self.lowercase
i = 0
while tok.has_more_tokens() and i <= index:
token = tok.next_token()
i += 1
if i <= index:
token = ""
return token
def extra_token_to_learn(self, index, change):
return self.token(index + len(change))
def future_stream(self):
return self.callback.future_stream()
def past_stream(self):
return self.callback.past_stream()
def is_completion_valid(self, completion):
prefix = self.prefix().lower()
if prefix in completion:
return True
return False
def __repr__(self):
return self.callback.past_stream + "<|>" + self.callback.future_stream \
+ "\n"
# def update(self, observable):
# self.dispatcher.dispatch(observable)